Demon Seed (26 page)

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Authors: Jianne Carlo

Tags: #David_James

BOOK: Demon Seed
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“I do. And I want nothing more right now than to make love to you. But I need a shower first.”

She leaned into the hand tracing the whorls of one ear. “And lovers only shower separately. I have this on excellent authority. I will order the room service breakfast. Not something hot, because I know it will be cold before we eat.”

“Minx. You learn way too fast. I like that sexy glint in your eyes. Hold that thought. I won’t be long.” He kissed her forehead and stepped away.

She followed his stride until the bathroom door closed. Sister Helen had advised her to go to New York with him. Jacinta had decided not to. She loved him too much for that. But she would have this one day with Demon. A day to treasure for the rest of her life.

After ordering an assortment of fruits and pastries, including several chocolate croissants, Jacinta set the scene. She closed the drapes, lit the scented candles she’d found in a drawer, and changed into the halter top and skirt.

A waft of warm air warned her that he had opened the shower door. She turned around and smoothed the skirt, not quite certain of his reaction. Demon, freshly shaved and wearing nothing but a towel slung low on his lean hips, stood framed by a cloud of steam, his jaw dropped, his gaze scanning her from head to toe.

“Understand this, kitten. That little number is for me and me alone.” He jabbed a finger at his chest.

Right then the doorbell rang.

“That’s the room service. You do not need to give me the money for the tip. The front desk manager told me I could add it to the bill.” She pivoted.

“Stop right there. What did I just say?” He had her in a crushing embrace before she could take a step. His still-damp chest hairs tickled her spine.

Tilting her head back and back, she met his stare and grinned at the color of his eyes. Molten molasses, just how she liked them. “It’s only room service, and you aren’t dressed.”

“Dressed enough. Not like you. There’s not enough of you in that top. That room service waiter’d get an eyeful and then some. And then I’d have to beat the crap out of him.” Demon gave her a little shake. “Go sit in the chair and face the curtains.”

Jealousy? Could it be? Jacinta’s grin widened. Then she frowned; there were room service waitresses. Glancing over her shoulder, she spied Demon holding the door open a tad and pulling the cart through the narrow space.

“Can I get you to sign the bill?” A male voice asked the question, and her shoulders relaxed.

While waiting for Demon to complete the transaction, she fingered the pills still hidden in the pocket of the skirt and realized that she should move them to a better hiding place. Spotting the menu on the desk, she quickly slipped the pills under the leather-bound bill of fare.

“You can turn around now.”

She pivoted.

He flicked the towel off, let it fall to the floor, and stalked in her direction.

His dick, cock, boner, woodsy, whatever had her mesmerized. The second he was in touching distance, she gripped the thick rod and sank to her knees.

“Oh no, you don’t.” He hauled her up. “I want in you, Jacinta. Second, third round maybe, but not now. As it is, I’m riding a wire.”

“I want you inside me too, Demon mina. No rubber.”

He scooped her high against his chest and shook his head. “No. I will not take that choice away from you.”

She twined her fingers behind his neck and cleared her throat. “There aren’t any.”

“What?” He bumped into the bed, and they fell onto the mattress, her on top of him. “You told me you’d bought them.”

“I did. Every single one in the gift shop. Then I flushed them down the toilet.” She firmed her chin and read the fury in his piercing stare.


“How can you tell?”

“Uh-uh, little Miss Cloister. Not giving up that kind of info. Why’s this so important to you?”

Jacinta couldn’t tell him the truth, not all of it. She drew a figure eight on his chest. “I do not remember so clearly that one time. There were so many sensations all at once.”

He touched the tip of her nose. “You win. No rubber. There’s another way.”

She grinned. “Show me.”

“You show me yours, and I’ll show you mine.” He waggled his eyebrows, and her insides went all soft and gooey. “Breasts first. One at a time.”

“What do you want?”

Rolling them over, he blew out a long sigh and then scooted off her. He shook his head, and his wet hair sent little drops all over her cleavage. “Let’s get you out of these clothes.”

Jacinta sat up and twisted. “You have to unlace me.”

“This is like unwrapping a Christmas present. We may have to get you a few of these tops. For my eyes only.”

His fingers tickled her spine, and she giggled. The fabric went slack, and his hot palms circled her breasts. She leaned on him.

“You’re so absolutely beautiful. So perfect. I love your breasts.” He nuzzled that spot on her neck that got her all wet and creamy. “Are you wearing the panties?”

She moaned and attempted a nod.

“Sit up a bit. Lift the skirt to your waist. Yeah. Like that.”

Jacinta bunched the material tighter when he bit the curve of her shoulder and tweaked her pulsing nipple. Her walls clenched, and the sweet sensation she’d begun to know so well, the one that portended utter bliss, rippled up from her toes to her tingling scalp.

He slipped one hand under her panties, traced the middle of her bottom, and pressed hard on a place right before her center. She shuddered when he increased the pressure, and arched into him. His rigid cock ground against her rump.

“Please. I need you.”

“Give me your mouth.”

Jacinta twisted to him, and he captured her mouth, plunged a finger deep inside her, and rolled the nipple he’d been torturing. He kissed her, fucked her, and plucked her, short drives, then long ones, pinched her budded peak hard, then barely grazed the aching tip. Teasing her, building the excitement until she grew frantic for release.

His tongue worked magic, sliding in and out, tickling, thrusting. The now familiar clenching started. Short, sharp squeezes of her inner walls, her labia so swollen and sensitized from the friction of his palms that when he bit her tongue, the contractions exploded. Her nails scraped his thighs. He held her firmly, his fingers plunging deeper and faster, her hips canting to his touch, until she collapsed, limp and boneless. He kissed her everywhere—hot, moist, openmouthed kisses.

“You’re so damned passionate. I need inside now, kitten. On your knees.”

In a frenzy to have his thick, pulsing cock inside, she obeyed in a flash. Instincts drove her, and she rested on her elbows. He flipped the skirt up. The fabric covered her back, and the hem hung down over her face like a personal curtain shutting out the world. He dragged the panties down to her knees.

“Fuck me.” The low growl slithered up her spine.

His hot palm covered her mound. “Jesus.”

He flipped her over.

The skirt fell to her shoulders.

Demon stared at her exposed pussy, her exposed

He licked his lips. Traced a slippery fold with one finger. Grabbed the head of his cock and squeezed. Their gazes met; his predatory eyes almost black. “For me?”

Heat flamed her flesh, but she refused to spoil his obvious pleasure. One white lie. “Sim, Demon mina.”

He grabbed the hem of her skirt, tore the fabric apart, and tossed the tatters aside. Teeth bared, nostrils thinning and flaring, his chest rising and falling, all primitive, primordial male, and all hers.

A smile as wide and as powerful as the mighty Orinoco captured her lips. That she released his inner beast the way he did hers spiked the desire fevering her veins to new heights. She surged to her elbows, scrambled the halter off one arm and then the other.

“Tie me.”

Jacinta blinked and looked up to find him holding two strips of cloth in one hand. She shook her head. “Demon?”

“Five. You have to come five times first.” The strips fell onto her stomach. Hands outstretched, wrists together. “Tie me now, kitten.”

“I suck your cock. One orgasm.”

“No. Not negotiable. You had your chance.” He slanted her a look she couldn’t fathom. “Remember that. I gave you the option of being in charge.”

Before she could blink again, he had her hands tied to the slats in the bed and his nose buried in her folds. His gaze met hers, the stubborn forelock slashed one brow, his hot breath singed her slick flesh, and her pussy contracted. His mouth curved, and the devil twinkled from his intense stare. “Now you don’t come until I do.”

His tongue became an instrument of torture, flicking here, there. Pressed flat against her nub, unmoving, hot, coarse. She arched, tugged at the restraints. “Por favor.”

He didn’t budge, didn’t move, weighted her thighs with his massive shoulders and arms, pinning her in place. Did a slow, torturous exploration of every inch of her sex. She writhed, pleaded, commanded, threatened him with reciprocation. But he refused to hurry, seeming to luxuriate in her torment, his wicked grin coming and going as he studied her response to each different angle. When he filled her, his mouth covering her center, gliding inside—barely—and then retreating, she said through gritted teeth, “I
pay you back. Thrice fold.”

“Come to New York with me, and I’ll let you come.” His teeth grazed her throbbing nub.

“This is not fair,” she wailed, the agony of being right there, poised on the brink of release unbearable.

“You taste so fine, kitten. Come with me. One month.” He slipped a finger inside and dragged a circle around the pulsing nub.

“Por favor, Demon mina. Mercy.”

“One month.” He blew on the wet, aching spot, and she shuddered.

“One day.” She would go mad. She would beat him senseless for this.

“Three weeks.” He suckled a swollen fold.

She dug her heels into the covers, her inner muscles contracted, she jerked off the mattress, and his mouth rubbed her nub. She squeezed her thighs together, and he laughed. The beast laughed!

What mattered another lie now? “Sim. Yes. Three weeks. Fuck me now.”

He trapped her gaze. “You gave your word.”

His warrior mask vanished, and the berserker she had seen on the boat surfaced like a rocket shot out of water. His movements blurred. He freed her hands and flipped her over.

“On your knees. Spread wide. Don’t test me, kitten.”

Never had she obeyed an order with such eagerness and abandon. She stuck her bottom in the air in a silent, fervent plea and rested her elbows on the bed, so ready for his invasion, so ready to explode, her walls drenching and clamping in anticipation.

The hard crown of his penis probed her sex. He gripped her sides and drove in. The force of his thrust sent her down farther, and she rested one cheek on the covers. He took her like a siege army. Driving in long, hard strokes. One hand reached around and cupped her breast; his thumb and forefinger firmed on the nipple. Every thrust went deeper, and she sank lower and lifted her ass higher, and he finally hit a clump of nerves that made her gasp and crush the covers.

“Come for me. Now.” He pinched her throbbing nipple to a point beyond pain, and she shattered. Her vaginal walls contracted in fierce, tight jerks around his pounding cock. His testicles slapped the spot his palms had teased.

He wrenched out of her, and she wailed, “No. No.
Pelo amor de Deus

Confused, distraught, angry, she spun over and rose to her elbows.

His head was bowed. His wet, erect cock glistened, and white spurts erupted from the purpled head.

The phone rang.

All those potential babies spilled onto the covers. Shame filled her. She had tried to trick him, tried to have him give her a baby. A tear dripped down one cheek. Jacinta turned her face into the pillow. This was not the memory she wanted.

The phone rang again. Unable to look him in the eye, she scooted off the bed and stumbled to the bathroom. She leaned against the closed door and prayed for forgiveness for long minutes.

She jumped when he pounded on the door. “Jacinta. Open up.”

Answer, say something
. She cleared her throat. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

Jacinta wanted nothing more than to disappear. Couldn’t face her reflection in the mirror. Turned on the tap and splashed water on her hot cheeks. Wet a washcloth and cleaned her private parts.

“Kitten. What’s wrong? Open up.”

She inhaled. Exhaled. Stared at the white painted wood and gathered her scattered wits. Widened her lips into a smile and opened the door.

He snagged her to him, and his fist nudged her chin. “What just happened?”

Resting her palms on his chest, Jacinta stared at sweet flesh that she’d never see again after tonight. “I hadn’t realized what you meant to do.”

“Look at me.”

Glancing up, she bit her lip at the intensity of his stare.

“It was the only way to give you what you wanted and prevent a pregnancy.”

She couldn’t read anything in his eyes and didn’t want him to guess how her heart ached to hear him say those three words again, so she dropped her gaze and said, “I understand now. Who was on the phone?”

“Satan. Sister Helen and Mother Superior want to leave for the cloister this afternoon. They want us—you—to have breakfast with them. Satan wants to debrief everyone before they go.”

“I knew she wanted to leave today. Mother Superior doesn’t function well in the outside world. I’ll get dressed.”

“Not so fast.” He tipped her chin. “Are we good? Do I need to apologize?”

“No. A thousand times no.” She should be the one begging his forgiveness.

“What aren’t you telling me?”

“Nothing important. I must hurry. Sister Helen is a tyrant about punctuality.”

The expression on his face told her that he didn’t believe a single word, so she sought to distract him from his suspicions. “Did Satan find Lucia and Fredo?”

Jacinta tapped his shoulder. “I cannot dress if you don’t let go.”

His arms fell away, and he stood aside. “He found them. They’re both okay and should be back at home by now.”

“I’m happy to hear that. I worried about them. What of the maid, Paola? And her children? She was very kind to me.”

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