Demon Vampire (The Redgold Series) (18 page)

BOOK: Demon Vampire (The Redgold Series)
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“Yeah, dad, it hurt at first, but she’s been very caring to me so far.” Zack stared at Kyli sarcastically.

“Ms.Waterfield, do you often pick up young boys you just met?” Diane was pushing things in Zack's opinion.

“That's okay honey. I'm sure Zack has things under control there.” John called Diane off.

Zack felt relieved.

“You aren’t severely hurt are you?” John’s fatherly instincts were kicking in.

“Yes dad, I’m healing pretty quickly you could say.” Zack checked his leg. It was strong.

Kyli poked Zack in the side to remind him what he was supposed to say.

“I’ll be here for a few days to make sure though.” Zack said hesitantly.

“I want to be sure Zack’s safe Mr. Giver. I’ll return Zack to you after I make it up to him. He’ll be a new man when you see him next.” Kyli winked at Zack.

Zack's face appeared to crunch over Kyli's comment. He didn't like the continued innuendo. It was planting more ideas in Diane's head and therefore adding to the eventual lecture that would result from John.

“Then I guess that’s good enough for us. As long as we know where he is. We’ll see him in a few days.” Zack had dodged the bullet. His dad never needed proof of exactly what Zack was doing, that was one of his greater qualities.

“But there is one more thing.” Diane had the phone and was encroaching on a dangerous subject. “Zack can you have Kyli’s dad call us when he gets in so we can talk to him?”

Busted. Or that’s at least what Zack thought.

“Sure thing ma’am. Is eight o’clock too late?” Kyli said without missing a beat. It was poetry from a silver tongue whenever she wanted. Lies on tap. Zack was greatly impressed by how she handled the situation.

Zack mouthed ‘good save’ to Kyli.

“O-okay. I mean, eight is fine. Have him call us then. Zack knows the number.” Diane knew she had been out thought and slung out to rot as Kyli would put it.

“After Zack’s better, we should all get together to meet each other. I'm sure you'll want to meet his new girlfriend.” Kyli was Stepford in her tactics.

Zack threw his head down on the counter.

“What was that?” Diane asked.

“Oh nothing. Go on.” Kyli covered for Zack's loud emotional tantrum.

“Well that would be great.” Diane told Kyli.

“Good. We should set something up for next week.” Kyli’s words were liquid silver flowing over her tongue. It was almost artistic to listen to.

Surprised by the level of maturity Kyli was displaying, Diane backed down. “Then have a good night, and we’ll talk to you soon.”

“Okay, bye ma’am.” Kyli hung up and smiled.

“You are spectacular.” Zack was praising Kyli.

“Yes, I am a golden goddess.” Kyli walked over into the bedroom and left Zack sitting at the breakfast bar.

Zack heard a rustling and then an article of clothing was thrown out into the living room. It landed on the couch. It was Kyli’s black tank top. Then she threw her black shorts as well. A second later Kyli peeked her head out from beyond the door frame.

“You coming?” Kyli said with only her head and left bare shoulder exposed.

Zack wasn’t sure if this was another trick, or that Kyli was seriously asking him to join her naked in her bedroom. Zack wanted to at least call her bluff if she was kidding. At the most, if she was inviting him in, he would be showing her some confidence. “Be right there.”

Zack entered the bedroom to find Kyli had already changed into a red flowing dress with a halter top. Kyli spun around to display it to Zack. It exposed her long smooth back when her black hair wasn't covering it. Kyli put on another pink heart buckle choker of the same type as the one she wore at the Goth club. She was wearing black low rise heels that were more like flats than dress ware. Zack guessed that Kyli didn’t want to over shadow his height too much. Since Kyli was a full inch taller than Zack, she didn't want to draw any more attention to it if possible. The red dress reached just before Kyli's knees. Letting her shapely calves advertise the appeal to her long legs. Zack was eyeing every part of Kyli’s body, again. Kyli's hair settled down her back as she turned to see Zack's face.

“Done ogling?” Kyli’s arms crossed in disapproval.

Zack snapped out of it. “Yes, but why the lovely dress?” Zack did another once-over on Kyli. “You look beautiful in it by the way.” Zack was beginning to understand how to complement Kyli in a way that wouldn't incline her to cause him pain.

Kyli uncrossed her arms. “That’s more like it.” Kyli took Zack’s hand and led him to the foot of her bed. “Now get dressed, we’re going out tonight.”

“Into what?” Zack was still in the same bloodied clothes from when he was kidnapped.

“They're at the bed.” Kyli gestured for Zack to see.

“Where're we going to?” Zack looked at the clothes Kyli had set out for him.

Zack wondered when Kyli had the time to lay down the clothes. She was able to change so quickly that it was possible she did it when she walked in the room. Still, Zack was intrigued about where they might be going. He wanted to know more. Zack honestly wanted to be wherever Kyli was. He didn't want to be away from her anymore than he had to.

“There are three things you need to remember about me, Zack. I love Johnny Depp, any movie by Tim Burton, and any song done by Demetrius Del Marin.” Kyli stated as she gestured to an extensive collection of all the people mentioned that lay neatly placed on her shelves.

“So we're seeing a Johnny Depp movie?” Zack took a guess.

“We're going to a concert. To hear the musical stylings of Demetrius Del Marin.” Kyli was excited. “Now undress or we're going to be late.”

“Isn’t he that goblet player?” Zack had heard of him coming to town from the radio.

Demetrius Del Marin was a world famous musical goblet player. His concerts were renowned for their unique Gothic flare. Exactly what was done inside the actual event was a secret to all by the loyal going fans. For the last month all of the local radio stations had been announcing his tour dates in the area. Zack normally didn't pay any notice to things of a classical nature, but it was so heavily broad-casted, it was impossible to miss.

“At least you remembered that he played actual goblets instead of glasses. But yes, that’s where we’re going tonight. Now get dressed. We’ll head out in a few hours.” Kyli flipped her hands up, gesturing for Zack to take his shirt off.

“Okay, if it’s with you, I’ll go.” Zack pulled his shirt up.

Kyli acted giddy. She helped Zack get the shirt over his head. There were thick blood stains on Zack's left arm. Kyli could see Zack's pale skin. For a moment, she blushed while looking at his chest. By the time Zack began to remove his shoes, Kyli stopped ogling. She felt it was fair enough to get him back.

Zack unbuckled his pants.

“Nope, not here.” Kyli pointed to her bathroom. “You can finish in there. I may be helping you out with all of this, but that doesn't mean I want you to get naked on me.”

Zack took the laid out clothing and made his way to the bathroom. He closed the door with a scorned expression on his face. Zack was a lost puppy to Kyli and he knew it.

Kyli stared blankly at the door. “Yet.”

Zack proceeded to dress himself in the bathroom. Zack washed the dried blood off his arm in the sink. He put on the white dress shirt.

As Zack was buttoning, Kyli leaned on the door. “This concert is for your own good, Zack.”

“What do you mean?” Zack slid his pants down and off his legs.

“I mean that I know some people that are going to be at the concert that might be able to help you.” Kyli sighed.

“You mean vampires?” Zack stepped into the slick black pants Kyli had picked out.

“Yes, vampires.” Kyli walked over to the bedroom closet. “It may not seem like it now, but there are quite a few of them that don't want to kill you for some obscure unknown reason.”

Zack looped the black and silver leather belt through the dress pants. “By the way, how did you know what size I was?”

“Are you kidding? I sized you up the moment I got you up here.” Kyli reached for her jewelry box in the center of the far shelf in the walk in closet. “Besides, I know someone your size.”

Zack buckled the silver fastener to the belt. “Who?”

Kyli opened the box. There was a large assortment of silver, red, black, and pink trinkets. Rings, necklaces, anklets, chokers, chains, and even piercings were in every possible style. “You don't need to know.”

Zack peeled off his socks. “You're really not going to tell me?”

Kyli took out a single silver chain from the box. “It's a surprise.”

“Kyli, whose clothes are these?” Zack put his right foot into one of the socks. “I don't like the idea of wearing a stranger's clothes. Especially if I think they may be from an ex-boyfriend of yours.” Zack rolled the other sock up.

Kyli attached the chain to the back of the pink heart choker she was already wearing. It hung midway down her back. “Then if I must tell you.” Kyli went silent. She wanted to listen for Zack's outrage.

“You must.” Zack picked up the black suede blazer Kyli had given him.

Kyli removed a set of cuff links from the box and closed it. “Then put these on first.”

Zack put on the black blazer and opened the door. “What now?”

Kyli walked out of the closet and back to the main bedroom to face Zack. “These.” Kyli held her left hand out to display a set of silver cuff links. “Put them on and I'll tell you.”

Zack took the silver jewelry and started fixing them onto his sleeves.

“Here, it'll go quicker if I help.” Kyli handled the other cuff link.

Zack looked down to his socks. “What about the shoes?”

“Sorry, here you go.” Kyli reached under her bed for a pair of black leather shoes. They were shined and polished.

Zack wondered if the shoes would fit as well. “And you'll tell me who these are from?”

“Yeah, sure.” Kyli grabbed Zack by his left shoulder and sat him down on the side of her bed. “Let's tie these up first.”

Zack presented his right foot for Kyli. “So?”

“You'll meet him later.” Kyli slipped one shoe on and laced it up.

“How later?” Zack raised his left foot.

Kyli slipped the other shoe on and tied it. “Tonight.”

“At the concert?” Zack stood back up.

“No, before we leave.” Kyli went back to the closet.

Zack checked the fit of the shoes. As he thought, they were his size. “How recent was this boyfriend of yours?”

Kyli ruffled through a large cache of silk neck ties in her closet. “I told you, they're not from my ex.”

“Brother maybe?” Zack was hoping.

“Nope. I don't have any siblings.” Kyli came out with a single Christmas red silk tie. “Here, this will complete the look.”

“A red tie with a white shirt?” Zack wasn't a fashion guru in the least, but he knew that combination wasn't the most stylish in the world.

“Pull down your jacket.” Kyli instructed.

Zack obeyed. “You're going to tie it for me?”

“I'm here to help you aren't I?” Kyli flipped up Zack's collar and threw the silk tie around his neck.

“Kyli, am I really going to find the answers at this concert?” Zack sighed.

Kyli finished. “Not at the concert. At the after party.”

“There's a party too?” Zack pulled the jacket up.

“You look great. Now all I have to do is get ready.” Kyli walked off.

“You didn't answer my question.” Zack pursued Kyli.

Kyli walked into the spare bathroom. “I know.” She slammed the door in Zack's face.

Zack sat down on the couch. He had been tricked by Kyli again. He surveyed the clothes she had given him. All of the clothes fit very well. Zack didn’t know if Kyli had bought them in his size or that she secretly was a cross-dresser for fun. Zack was sure Kyli had it in her to let him think the clothes were someone else's. He wasn't sure whether or not she was going to tell him the truth. Knowing Kyli as much as he did, either were good possibilities.

Zack straightened his tie and patiently sat. Kyli spent the time in the hallway bathroom doing her makeup and generally getting ready. The hours had flown by. It was almost eight o’clock.

“What about the call your dad’s supposed to make? If we leave now your dad won’t make the call.” Zack was straightening his collar again.

Kyli opened the hallway door. “Follow me.”

Kyli’s hair was fluffed and angelic. Her eyes had a light red liner with black eye shadow. Kyli's face was perfect, a hint of color accented her pale lips. She glided across the floor as her dress flipped with the sway of her hips. Zack followed Kyli into the main hall. She knocked twice on the only other door on that level.

“We’re taking care of that.” Kyli impatiently waited.

“What about the phone call?” Zack thought about it. “Kyli, is this where you got these clothes come from?”

“That's the other thing we're solving. Just remember to be respectful of him and to mind yourself.” Kyli straightened her posture.

BOOK: Demon Vampire (The Redgold Series)
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