Demon's Kiss (11 page)

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Authors: Laura Hawks

BOOK: Demon's Kiss
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Chapter Nine


After a long, fitful night, Mel opened his eyes to a cold room. The fire in the hearth had died and the chill was evident. He willed the fire to start again and within minutes the room was warm and comfortable once more. As he turned his head, he spotted her curled up in a chair fast asleep. The executioner laid there for a very long time just watching her. Shame, guilt, remorse and many other unmentionable emotions ran through him.

She aided him even after what she beheld, who she observed he could become. It was humbling yet frightening. No one other than Shara had ever seen the monster and he knew the fear in her gaze every time he got irate. Mel manifested a blanket and covered her. The movement caused her eyelids to flutter open. Time suspended as they both just stared at each other. Azamel finally managed to speak despite his parched throat, “How did you find me?”

She heard the dry crackle of his voice and generated a glass of water as she moved over to him. “At first I followed the screams. When I could no long distinguish from which way they came, I shifted to wolf and used my nose to follow your scent.” She tapped the side of her facial protrusion. “Wolves have really, really good sniffers. I feel stronger again today. I can help you heal a bit more.”

‘Fuck! I never thought that room would ever be found.’
He laid back and closed his eyes for a moment, his mind whirling with what she must have seen and heard. He shook his head slowly. “I just need to rest more. I need to get to my chambers.” Mel tried to rise from the mattress.

“Let me try and improve your health a bit more. Let me help.” She blocked his way and gently pushed him back to the bed. “Sheesh, you make a worse patient than a doctor.” She held her hands out over his bruised and torn body once again, able to improve the majority of bruises and ease the bulk of his pain before she had to pull away. Turning her back to him, she knew he wanted to escape her presence, so she started to busy herself with folding the blanket up that he had covered her with and brought the chair back to its original location.

Feeling much restored, he slowly got up and moved to stand behind her. His hand hovered over her shoulder, almost touching but not quite. After a long pause, he dropped his hand and turned towards the exit. He had never felt this vulnerable or exposed to anyone in his entire existence and he was lost as how to proceed. “I- I’m sorry,” his words were barely audible as he moved to the door.

Her head popped up and she looked at his retreating posterior. “Sorry, for what?” Clarissa stepped closer to him, unsure how near to get. Not because she was scared of him but because she was uncertain how far she could push him. Skeptical of what he felt towards her if anything. She was hesitant of everything that consisted of him. He did not scare her. She may not have seen his true visage but she heard it for days on end. She took another hesitant step towards him. “Sorry cause I got a taste of what you really are inside? Okay, I cannot truly say I have seen worse but, so what? I still stood or laid or sat by your side and guess what? I did not care other than you were suffering and I could not help. Or are you sorry because I cannot fully heal you all at once, even though I am using what power I have to do what I can?” She shrugged. “I am sorry I am so young and cannot heal you completely at one sitting. I do what I can and hope it’s enough. Sorry that I have seen you weak for a change? Well guess what? It’s nice to see you are vulnerable and not just an aggressive cocky omnipotent being. So do not be sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for.”

She watched his back, his shoulders almost appeared to slump slightly at her words and she wondered if she bruised his already macho ego further but she was at a loss here and could only speak her heart. Even knowing it might not be enough. She stared and realized she was afraid, not of him but of her feelings towards him, of how vulnerable it made her feel and most of all of him walking out that door as if she mattered nothing to him what-so-ever. That somehow she had not touched his heart in some small way like he touched hers.

Mel turned on her as fast as his bruised body could manage and grabbed her shoulders, slightly shaking her.
He added in a softer, almost defeated tone. “Enough.”

The demon took more out of him than he could deal with and he was not sure if the events of the past few days, the responsibility of keeping this woman safe or the reluctant softness she stirred within him caused him to act in this insane manner. He pulled her hard against his chest and growled near her lips. “I never meant to hurt you.” With a defeated sigh, he slammed his lips on hers. His hands moved into her hair, moved her head to fit his seeking mouth. He kissed her with an uninhibited need, breathless gasps escaped him and his tongue begged for entrance so it could duel with hers. Her hands instead of pushing him away moved over his shoulders to fist in his hair, pulling his head closer to her. Liquid fire coursed through his veins as he tightened his hold on her.

His head filled with the scent of her, her very essence permeated his senses and he could no longer resist the allure she presented. He had to have this woman, no matter the cost. Tonight, Mel was too weak to resist her. His body shaking, he pulled back from her lips. His Adams’s apple moved as he swallowed hard and looked deep into her eyes. He spoke in a soft, almost pleading way, terrified she would say yes and more afraid if she said no. “I want you.”

His shaking anger touched her heart and she hated herself for letting it get that far but then he softened and touched her and her whole being soared. His kisses were like melted butter, slipping warmly throughout her body and she could not help but bring him closer to her. She heard his words and her body responded immediately to his request. She stepped back from him. She could almost see the hurt and disappointment in his eyes, virtually crippling him until she pulled her shirt off and slipped out of her skirt, leaving only the skimpiest red lace underwear imaginable on. Moving up to him again, she tore his shirt open, sending buttons flying in all directions. Then pulled him back towards the bed, wordlessly giving herself to him, needing him desperately.

Mindless with need, Mel allowed her to pull him toward the mattress, her eyes warm and inviting. When she paused at the edge of the frame, he shrugged out of his torn shirt and let it drop soundlessly to the floor. His hands trembled slightly as he moved them up to cup her lace covered breasts. His eyes followed the trail of his hands but gazed back at her face when a gasp escaped her lips as his hands folded over her soft mounds. He maintained his gaze as his thumbs caressed her nipples in slow circles, bringing them to rock hard peaks.

He moved his hands around her back to release the clasp of her bra, letting her breasts spring free from their lacy confinement. His fingers immediately moved back to cup her again, the peaks scraped against his palms.

With an agonized growl, Mel captured her lips again, desperate, seeking. His need scared him but his whole being was focused on possessing this woman. Mel’s tongue delved into the deepest recesses of her warm mouth while his fingers fondled her. He pulled his mouth apart from hers so he could push her back gently to land on the mattress behind her. Her breasts jutted, her hair fanned over the bed and she stole his breath away. He pushed his knees between hers, opening her up to his hot gaze. After a slow desirous look over her beautiful body, he covered her with his form and kissed her almost brutally. He moaned deep in his chest as he kissed her hard and deep, his hips ground against hers to let her feel the full extent of his arousal.

Her hands daintily glided over his skin. A part of her mind worried he was still too sore, hurt too much but it was a fleeting thought as his lips claimed her again, his hands touched her body. She slipped her own down his back and along his waistline to the front of his black pants. Undoing them, she pushed them over his butt, her hands skimming over his ass cheeks and down the back of his thighs as she released him.

Clarissa thought about when they were near this point once before and she had not trusted him the first time, pushed him away. It seemed so long ago, another life time almost, yet so much changed since then. He had proven himself over and over and she knew, whether right or wrong, she wanted him. Her body ached for him, needed him and this time she would not deny either of them. Her hands continued to rub his back and slide up to fist in his hair holding his mouth against hers. She explored every crevice, tasted his warmth, breathed in his intoxicating scent.

Her body quivered under his touch, her nipples stiff and aching sent chills throughout her body. She even felt the deepest recesses of her womb tingle with anticipation. She felt the juices of her desire pool between her legs caught by the merest whisper of red lace, the only barrier left between them. Lifting her knee onto the bed, she opened herself up to him, giving his body a chance to cover and press against her, skin to warm skin. She could not get enough of him, did not want to have this moment end. She nipped at his lower lip. She lifted her hips and let the lace rub against his hardness. She moved her bent leg over his hips to draw him in closer and moaned softly as his hands roamed her body, sending flames of heat to every spot he touched.

His lips tore themselves from hers and moved over her cheek on their way to nibble her lobe. His breath tickled the inside of her ear as he licked and sucked on her succulent flesh. His knee pressed against her core, the dampness from the scrap of lace covering wet his flesh. He impelled harder against her heat as his mouth moved down her neck, nipped her skin as he went. He pulled her arms over her head. The position lifted her breasts high, her back slightly arched. Mel’s hands slid down her arms to cup her breasts and lifted them towards his waiting mouth as his tongue flicked over her tips, wet them, made them even harder.

Moving to her left, his teeth scraped over the engorged nipple before taking the pebble fully into his mouth. He sucked upon her breast slow and hard at first, his tongue swirled around. Her body writhed against him, skin against skin, flesh against flesh. Small shivers ran up his spine causing him to suck on her hard, dragging the nipple almost painfully into his mouth. His groans vibrated against her flesh, his eyes shut as his relished the taste of her. As he pulled back he watched her flesh bounce as he released her. He licked his way over to her other mound to pay it the same attention. The fingers of one hand move down over her stomach, pausing to swirl around her navel and then travel further to push into the waistband of the now damp lace covering her core. His middle finger pressed strongly along her swollen nub, ground against it in a slow circular motion. Her soft moans set fire to his blood. His cock expanded and throbbed in its intensity. His breath came in small pants as he feasted on her tender skin. As Mel’s finger continued his toying with her clit, his tongue followed the path his phalanges took earlier. When he reached her lacy shield, he ripped the scrap off in one smooth motion and replaced the fabric with his open mouth over her secret treasure.

She arched and squirmed under him. As she opened her legs wider to give him full access to her body, she lifted her hips to meet his mouth. “Oh Gods, that feels so amazing,” Clarissa gasped out, breathless from his attention to her body. Her whole being felt like it had lava flowing through her veins, he made her that hot, that needy. Her hands slipped along his back as he moved further down her body, to rest lightly on his head as he tongued her heated womanhood. Her juices flowed freely and she realized how much she had wanted this, desired him. Her whole body was alive with sensations that were almost foreign to her, sparking fireworks through her nerves. She writhed beneath him, pinned by the torment of the wickedest tongue she ever encountered. He moved his hands to lift her ass up, which gave him better access to her throbbing heat. His tongue moved in long strokes up and down her folds, rolling her lips around his tongue. He lapped at her sweet juices before he nibbled her nub with his teeth, scraping her sweet flesh with his whiskers. Her body could not resist the torture he gave her. He brought her need to a rising climax, a desperate release and gave his tongue what it elicited from the deepest recesses of her body.

Azamel drank every drop from her. He was so hard, the tip leaked a droplet or two of lubricant and he was not sure how long he could keep denying his own need. Her body called to him like a siren, irresistible. He raised himself up as her thrashing body almost undid his iron restraint. He moved up her body with a speed almost inhuman, grabbed her hair forcing her to look at him. His tip hovered at her entrance as he kissed her harshly, allowed her taste herself on his tongue. Mel lifted his head, while pressing very slightly into her. “Are you sure?”

Her eyes roamed his face as he peered into her eyes. His normally pale ice blue orbs were dark with a passion and lust she knew hers reflected. She had to pause for the question to register. His movements were so fast, so quick in shifting positions. It took a moment to realize he had moved much less asked a question.
‘Am I sure? Gods what a time to ask!’

Any walls she tried to put in place to prevent this from happening were torn down the instant his lips were on hers. There was no way she wanted out, or wanted to stop. Her body ached with desperate desire for him, dreamed to feel him inside, to be a part of her. It was like she was awakened, her body, her nervous system, her core, tingled, throbbed and craved his touch, his tongue, his arms about her, his manhood in her. She desired to surround him, be a part of him, just this once. There was a deep recessed part of her that knew she would become addicted to him if it came down to it but she did not care. For once, she would give into these primal urges that called to her very depth of being. She wrapped her legs around him, stared him in the eye and spoke distinctly so there would be no question, no second guessing, no doubt. “I could not be more positive of anything. I want you.”

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