Desert Bound (Cambio Springs) (4 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Hunter

BOOK: Desert Bound (Cambio Springs)
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“No, you’re right.” And this was why he’d hired Marcus. The man was bright enough to see the big picture. “Go for it. Can you tweak it before Monday?”

“Yeah, it’s minor. And doing that is going to cut back on time, too. Because we’ll be working with the natural slope.”

“Plus, it’ll just look better.”

“If you’re going for a natural landscape, yeah.”

“We are.”

Marcus rolled up the plans and slid them into a cardboard tube before he tossed them in the cab of his pickup. “It’s going to be something, man.”

“You think?” Some days, Alex had his doubts.

Marcus slapped his shoulder. “It’s gonna be great. This place needs it. Plus, having a resort here is making it a lot easier to convince Josie to leave Vegas.”

Alex smiled. “Glad I could help.”

“Hey, she needs to work, too.”

“Does she still have blue hair? Not sure how many of the girls here are into blue hair.”

Marcus grinned. “My woman
the blue.”

Alex had to admit the man was right. He’s only met the woman once, but she’d made an impression, and it hadn’t been a bad one.

“Plus,” Marcus continued, “she’s managing that entire salon now. Doing the hair and all the admin.”

“Be good to have you guys in town,” he said.

“This place is gonna change a lot.” Marcus walked around to the side of his pickup. “For the good, Alex. It’s gonna be amazing. Big picture, remember?”

“Yeah. I’ll see you Monday.”

“See you.”

A cloud of dust followed the pickup while Alex sat on his tail gate at the edge of Springs Park, looking over the staked and leveled ground he’d bought from Old Joe Quinn and his own father. Resting at the base of the sandstone cliffs, the seven springs that gave the town its name bubbled steadily, as they had for centuries. 

It had been his own ancestor, Robert McCann the first, who began the trek that started East of the Mississippi, in the Great Smoky Mountains, and had led West, gathering others who were looking for a fresh start. Led by Thomas Crowe’s vision, they came to the desert, and it was Andrew McCann, the first water witch of Cambio Springs, who found the bubbling mineral waters and the hidden oasis, a fresh spring that provided the travelers drinking water. 

The same spring that kept them alive also gave those first settlers the magic that let them shift into the animals that surrounded them. No one knew why. Alex had stopped asking when he figured out none of the grownups had a clue, either. It just was.

He walked the perimeter of the property, the wolf in him happy to be checking the boundaries of his new territory. The reception building and office areas would border the existing city park. Placing the buildings there would allow for an attractive entrance to the resort and draw attention to the shops on Main Street, which the city was already cleaning, updating, and landscaping. Walls carefully concealed with palms and bougainvillea would give the resort guests and the town residents the privacy both craved.

It had been a condition of the town council that the residents still be able to use the two largest mineral pools as they always had. Alex, who had grown up playing in Springs Park, agreed. Marcus’s plans gave the resort access to draw from the hot mineral water and use the mud pools that were on the edge of the park. Those would be enclosed in the resort property and used for cosmetic treatments and mud baths. 

The hot mineral water from the two largest pools would be fed into a man-made grotto, continually renewed by pipes carefully concealed beneath the ground. The runoff from the grotto would feed down into a cooler lake shaded by acacias and palms. Clusters of white bungalows would dot the property, following the traditional clean lines of Southwestern architecture that allowed the landscape and vistas to take center stage. The rock left over from clearing the land would be used to build winding paths interspersed with locally sourced tile. There would be hiking paths and yoga classes. Spa treatments in a beautiful building with views of the mesa. A restaurant that Alex and Jena both hoped would draw raves.

It would be beautiful. It would provide jobs and opportunities for the town to grow. 

It might even make Alex some money, if they could stay on schedule. 

He wondered what Ted would think of it. 

Then he decided not to torture himself. He walked up the hill back to his truck and headed back to his parents’ house, deciding to go into the diner to speak to Jena about renting tomorrow.

Chapter Three





, looks like you’re all clear.”

Little Allie, sitting on the edge of Ted’s examining table, let out a sigh of relief. It hadn’t been the easiest conversation she’d ever had, broaching the subject of getting tested for STIs, but as Allie’s doctor, Ted couldn’t ignore the chance that Joe had been cheating on her and might have had unprotected sex that could infect his wife. 

It had set Allie off on yet another rant about her husband. She kept strict control around the kids, but when she had a moment alone with either Jena or Ted, the truth came out.

“Well,” she said, dark humor coating her voice, “score one for me. One for me and ninety-nine for the asshole.”

To say Joe had been emotionally abusive would be an understatement. The bright confident woman that had charmed the world was a very thin facade over a woman wracked with insecurities planted by a thousand cutting comments and cruel words. Ted berated herself for not looking closer.  For not seeing the depression that was lurking beneath Allie’s happy smile.

“You’re going to be okay. All this shit? It’s just going to make you stronger.”

“I don’t have a choice, do I? The kids need at least one parent who doesn’t check out.”

“You need to take care of yourself, too. Not just the kids. How are you sleeping?” Ted has slept like shit for a full year after she and Alex had broken up.

Allie shrugged. “Okay, I guess.”

“Don’t miss him?”

“Not… not really. That’s sad isn’t it?”

“I don’t know. Is it?”

Allie blinked back tears. “Part of me is angry he left us, and the other part of me is glad he’s not making me miserable anymore. Then I feel guilty for being glad, because the kids are so torn up.”

“He wasn’t an asshole to them. That seems pretty normal to me. Don’t feel guilty.”

She sighed and closed her eyes, leaning back on the paper-covered exam table.

“Know what I really want?”

“What?” Ted smiled and began cleaning up her exam room. Allie was her last appointment before lunch.

“I want to have really amazing sex, then shift to my fox and hide in a cozy den for about a month.”

Ted blinked. “Um…”

“He stopped touching me months ago,” she whispered.

Ted said nothing. It was a special kind of torture to deny their animal natures that way. Foxes, especially, had voracious sexual appetites and were some of the most affectionate shifters in the Springs. So for Joe to deny his wife physical touch was cruel, and he would have known it.

“That’s stupid, right?”

Ted shook her head. “No, not stupid.”

“I didn’t even like him, but I still missed being with him.”

“If it was the only thing he gave you, then it’s not weird to miss it, Allie.”

“I guess so.”

“Don’t beat yourself up for being a normal woman. And a normal fox.” Ted nudged Allie off the table so she could clean up. “But maybe don’t go out and sleep with a random at the Cave, either, okay?” 

Or Ollie’s head will explode.

Allie snorted. Then she broke into a full out belly laugh. Ted laughed too. Eventually, both women had tears running down their cheeks, and Ted’s belly was aching.

“Can you even picture it?” Allie choked out. “I don’t think I know
to flirt with a man anymore.”

“You’ll figure it out. If I recall, it came naturally when you were younger.”

“Yeah, before four kids and all the stretch marks.”

Ted frowned. “You have stretch marks?” It was unusual for shifters to scar at all, but Allie was very fair skinned. She’d gotten her light blond curls and blue eyes from her mom and had to slather on sunscreen in the desert sun.

“Not many. I can’t complain. Human girls have it way worse.” Allie looked at her out of the corner of her eye. “You’re lucky. You have that gorgeous dark skin.  Probably won’t get any when you and Alex finally figure things out.”

“Shut up, Allie.”

“Do you think you’ll have puppies or kittens?” Mischief lit her pixie face. “Or do you call ‘em cubs?”

“Seriously.” Ted was getting annoyed. “I’m not talking about Alex.”

“Why not? I’m tired of talking about me. I’d much rather talk about you and Alex avoiding the inevitable.”

Ted slammed a drawer. “Why does everyone seem to think that we’re inevitable except me? You and Jena. Ollie. Alex, especially. Does it even occur to anyone that I…”

Allie waited, a patient expression on her face. “What?” she finally asked. “You what? Still love him? And he loves you? You guys have always been like that, fighting what everyone around you could see. It’s kind of ridiculous.”

“It’s not ridiculous!”

“No… you’re right.” Allie’s eyes narrowed. “It’s not ridiculous. You know what it is? It’s

Ted’s mouth snapped shut.

“It’s wasteful, Ted. To have someone who loves you like that and hold them at arm’s length. All because you’re holding a grudge.”

“I’m not holding a grudge!” She was totally holding a grudge.

“I’ve never had anyone love me the way Alex loves you.”

Yes, you do. 

It was on the tip of Ted’s tongue, but she bit it back. It was too soon for that.

“If I did, I’d grab onto it so fast.” Allie was still talking. “And you just throw it away.”

“He’s never even apologized.” Ted tugged off the sweater she kept to combat the air conditioning. “Did you know that? He left me. Strung me along for years, interfered with every relationship I tried to have, and he never even apologized for it.”

“Maybe he isn’t sorry. He did what he had to do.” Allie’s eyes narrowed. “At least he takes care of the people who depend on him, unlike some people.”

“Fine, he doesn’t have to be sorry for leaving me to work in LA. But hurting me the way he did? Never giving me a straight answer?” Ted bit the inside of her lip to keep from crying. “He broke my heart, Allie. More than once. And I know he’s got you all convinced that he’s back to stay, but he hasn’t convinced me. I’ll believe it when the resort is finished and he still here in six months. As far as I’m concerned, this is just another project to him.”

Allie’s face softened. “You’ll figure it out eventually.”

“Figure what out?”

“Why he’s done all this.”

“I know why he’s done it.” She did. “I know he loves this place. I know it’s always been home to him.”

“No.” Allie’s smile was wistful. “You’ve always been home to him.
. Not the town. Not his pack. You.”


“Enough.” Allie’s quiet sigh stopped her. “I’m tired of fighting. Come on, doc. Let’s go to lunch. Jena expected us a half hour ago, and this fox is hungry.”


Allie was sitting with Jena’s mom, Kathy, and her two youngest kids when Alex walked in. Ted heard the door, but didn’t turn. Jena looked up, then glanced at Ted. She said, “Hot wolf at seven o’clock,

Caleb was sitting next to Ted. “Hey,” he said with a frown. “Who’s hot?”

Jena leaned over the counter as far as her expanding belly would allow. “You are.”

“That’s right. Don’t forget it.” He kissed her. “Hottest man in the world, sitting right here.”

Jena’s eyes lit up. “You mean you’re going to shift into George Clooney later?”


Ted said, “He doesn’t actually do that when you—”

“Of course I don’t!” Caleb scowled. “What have you been telling your friends?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Ted listened to their banter and tried to ignore the heat at her back.

“Saving this for anyone?”

Why did his voice have to sound sexy when he was tired?

“Nope.” She sipped her iced tea and glanced at the clock over the counter, studiously avoiding looking at him. She needed to get back to her office, but she couldn’t leave right away. If she did, Alex would think it was because of him. And no one was chasing Ted out of her friend’s diner.

“What’s good today?” He didn’t grab a menu, just leaned toward her and asked. Like a friend. Like they ate lunch together all the time. She half expected him to throw an arm around her back and lean in to kiss her temple like he’d always done when they were together.

It was so easy to imagine, it hurt. She had to fix this. They had to at least be friends again. As Jena and Caleb teased each other and the hum of activity grew louder, she turned to him.

“Listen, Alex—”

“Just so you know, I’m done.” He lifted his eyes to hers. He was beyond exhausted. Looked like he hadn’t slept in a month. “I heard what you said the other night. I’m tired of trying to fix something you obviously don’t want anymore.”


“What we had was… whatever. You know what we had. But now? I—we need to move on, right?”


“Are you asking or agreeing?”

Was he joking? Or just really tired? Ted frowned. He’d been trying to win her back for months, trying to charm her and seduce her. Now he was just… done? Maybe the end was in sight with the resort planning and he was headed back to LA. She should be relieved, right? She was relieved. Alex out of sight was better. Then, they could gradually work on being friends again.

He lifted an amused eyebrow. “Asking or agreeing, Ted?”

“Asking you what?”

“If we need to move on. You didn’t sound sure.”

“No! Of course. I was just surprised. I mean, you’ve been… you know. And I was just thinking… I mean—”

“What were you thinking?” His voice was hoarse again. “Because that look on your face is making me reconsider the giving up thing.”

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