Desert Rogues Part 2 (79 page)

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Authors: Susan Mallery

BOOK: Desert Rogues Part 2
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“Perhaps it is,” Rafiq said. “He realizes what he lost.”

“So what? I was an idiot for ever getting involved with him. What a weasel.”

Rafiq nodded slowly. “There is a strength about you I didn't recognize at first. I admire that.”

His compliment pleased her. “Thank you. I don't feel especially strong. Determined, maybe.”

“Was Eric the reason you've been distracted for the past couple of days?”

He'd noticed? And here she thought she'd been keeping her worries to herself. Was she really bad at concealing things or was he more observant than most?

“No. It wasn't Eric. It's actually a couple of things. I didn't want to bring them up at work because I'm trying to keep our personal life out of that.”

“Now I'm intrigued.”

She drew in a deep breath. “A woman called. Marcy Dumont. I guess I met her at the fund-raiser, although I don't remember her specifically. There were so many introductions. Anyway, she wanted me to talk to you about sponsoring some event. It's for children.”

She picked up her fork, then set it down. “It was so strange. I didn't know what to say to her and I felt really awkward. I mean, why come to me for money? She said I could influence you, which is crazy. I couldn't. But even if I could, I think it's wrong to impose on my personal life. She should have talked to you directly.”

He was quiet for a long time. She knew he was reasonable enough that he wouldn't blame any of this on her, but she felt awkward about the whole thing.

“None of this is your fault,” he said at last. “You're right. If the woman wanted me to sponsor an event, she should have contacted me. What did you tell her?”

“Nothing. She hung up before I could get my thoughts together. I've never had to deal with anything like this before. I didn't know how to handle the situation. Eric's right about that. We
from different worlds.”

“Next time tell me,” he said gently. “I will take care of things.”

“I'm not helpless.”

“I agree. But you're also not experienced in the nuances of my lifestyle. Your only responsibility is to me.”

She couldn't help smiling. “That sounded very sheik-like and demanding. That my only responsibility is to you. As if you're the center of my world.”

He raised his eyebrows. “I am Prince Rafiq of Lucia-Serrat. Of course I'm the center of your world.”

She laughed, and her worry faded away. “Not on this planet, but it's a nice fantasy.”

“You do not respect me.”

“I respect you plenty, but I'm not a doormat. I'm an independent woman who chose you to be her lover.”

As soon as she spoke the words, she clapped her hand over her mouth. “I did
say that aloud.”

“You did.” He picked up his wine. “I like this independent side of you. Tell me more.”

“There's not all that much to say.” Except for this one thing. She looked at him. “I have to go away this weekend.”

His gaze sharpened slightly. “To visit your family?”

She shouldn't be surprised that he'd figured it out, but she was. “I want to see Heather and the new baby. It will just be for a couple of days. I'll fly out tomorrow and be back Sunday.”

“You are welcome to be gone longer.”

Not exactly the “I'll miss you” speech she'd been hoping for. “The weekend is plenty.”

“Fine. I hope you enjoy yourself.”

There was something about the way he said the words. Something that unsettled her.

“You're not mad, are you?” she asked.

“That you wish to visit your family? No. This is a very special time. You will want to be there.”

Okay, that all
right, but it didn't feel right. She studied him, trying to figure out what was wrong. Did he seem to be sitting more stiffly? Was there a flicker of emotion in his eyes.

“I just…” She pressed her lips together. “What's wrong? Are you mad I'm leaving?”

“I assure you, I will survive without your company.”

Ouch. “I know you will. Of course you will. You don't need me at all.”

She stared at her plate and wondered where the conversation had gone wrong.

The waiter arrived and served their salads. Kiley picked up her fork, then put it down again. Suddenly she wasn't hungry.

“I'm sorry,” Rafiq said quietly.

She looked at him and did her best not to show her astonishment. It had never occurred to her a real, live prince would ever apologize. “For what?”

“For hurting you.” He shrugged. “I know your assumption is that I would not enjoy meeting your family. Perhaps you are uncomfortable with our relationship and who I am. It is better you go yourself. For my part, it has been a long time since I was reminded I am not like other men.”

His words swirled around in her brain. Maybe she was crazy. Maybe she was delusional, but if she understood what he was saying then somehow
been hurt by her not wanting to take him with her.

“I'm not ashamed of our relationship,” she told him.

“It is unconventional.”

“I wouldn't exactly tell my mom about the terms of our agreement or that I was your mistress-in-training, but I would be comfortable introducing you. I thought you'd feel weird about going home with me. I thought you'd think it was dumb or boring. We're just regular people. No palaces, no fancy pedigrees. You're a prince.”

“I am aware of my title.”

She smiled. “I figured you were. Rafiq, you're used to who and what you are, but the rest of us aren't. My folks live in Sacramento in a tract home. We don't even have a second story.”

“Are you concerned I'll judge your family and find them wanting?”

Interesting question. “No, I'm not,” she said slowly, realizing it was true.

“Then what troubles you?”

When the truth came, it was both funny and sad. “I'm afraid you'll realize I'm not that special. That I'm just like everyone else.”

“You are uniquely yourself.”

“Does that mean you want to go with me this weekend?”

“I would like it very much.”

“Then you should come along.” Uh-oh. What exactly was she getting herself into?

Chapter Eight

hey left for Sacramento Saturday morning, shortly before nine. The flight would be a little less than an hour, which meant there would be a whole day of family time. Usually the thought would have excited Kiley, but this morning it made her nervous.

Still, if she was going to bring Rafiq to visit her parents and whoever else might be hanging out there, it was very nice to travel in style.

“I've never been in a private plane before,” she said as she rubbed her hand over the smooth, soft leather covering the seat. “It's very nice.”

Rafiq sat across from her in an equally impressive seat. “There is a larger plane for longer trips.”

“That's right. You have two planes.”

He shrugged. “It is more convenient.”

She had to agree with that. Instead of getting to the airport two hours early and dealing with long lines, they had driven onto a small airfield next to the Los Angeles International Airport. As soon as they had handed over their luggage and gone onboard, the pilot had prepared for takeoff. Who knew this type of travel even existed?

“You're going to make it hard to go back to discount flying,” she said as the plane banked, then turned north.

“That was not my intent. I thought you would enjoy this plane.”

She looked around at the luxuriously appointed cabin. “It's fabulous. Remind me to be rich in my next life.”

“I will.”

He unfastened his seat belt, leaned forward and un-hooked hers. Then he pulled her across the narrow aisle onto his lap. When she'd settled onto his thighs and had looped an arm around his shoulder, he smiled.

“Much better,” he said.

She snuggled closer. “What happened to taking things slowly?”

He put his hand on the back of her head and drew her down for his kiss. “I've been rethinking that plan.”

“Good,” she managed before he claimed her.

She pressed her hand to his cheek and let herself get lost in the sensual dance of lips and tongues. He explored her, then teased her by retreating. She followed, and he gently sucked on her tongue.

Need grew inside of her. She felt hot and hungry and her breasts ached.

He rested his hand on her thigh. She willed him to move higher, to touch her between her legs. Even through her jeans, the contact would bring her pleasure. But he didn't read her mind and she wasn't capable of asking. Not yet. But soon, she thought, wanting him with a passion that left her breathless.

She raised her head and sighed. “This is nice. I guess I should have seduced you this week, but I was really busy and time got away from me.”

“I'm not sure how I feel about coming in second to your work.”

“Specifically, it was a report my boss wanted.”

He unfastened the buttons at the front of her shirt, then pressed his mouth to the swell of breast just above her bra. “Perhaps next time you should tell him no.”

“I'd like to, but he's really demanding. You know the type.”

“Regal,” he said as he undid the front hook of her bra and pushed the cups aside.

He moved his hands to her hips and helped her straddle him. When she'd braced her hands on the back of the seat, he leaned in and took her nipple in his mouth. At the same time, he slipped his hand between her legs and began to rub her center. Perhaps he could read minds after all.

The combination of sensations was too much, she thought as she gave herself up to the gentle sucking at her breasts and the rhythmic teasing between her legs.

“Tell me the pilot isn't going to walk in on us,” she said, her voice thick.

“Don't worry,” Rafiq told her. “He won't. Relax.”

As he spoke he moved his hands to the waistband of her jeans and unfastened the button there. She swayed back.

“You can't take my pants off,” she said, shocked by the suggestion.

He smiled. “Why not? We have plenty of time.”

“But we're in an airplane.”

“I want to touch you. I want to feel your wetness and bury my fingers inside of you.” The smile returned. “You don't have to enjoy it.”

She was tempted by what he offered, but nervous about where they were.

“Just for a second,” she said.

He chuckled, helped her to stand.

“I can't believe I'm doing this,” she said as she slipped off her shoes, then tugged down her jeans. Her panties quickly followed.

Naked from the waist down, she straddled him again and braced herself on the seatback. He immediately went to work on her breasts, even as he made good on his word and slipped his finger inside of her.

She felt herself react instantly. Her muscles clenched around him as he moved in and out of her. At the same time, he used his thumb to rub against her swollen center. His mouth caressed her right breast and with his free hand, he went to work on the other one.

The man was talented, she thought hazily as she tensed in anticipation of her climax. Her eyes popped open. She couldn't! Not here. Not like that.

But everything felt too good. She didn't want him to stop.

“Just another minute,” she whispered, her eyes drifting closed. “I'll count to sixty and then you'll have to—”

Her orgasm caught her unaware. One second she'd been determined to stay detached enough to stop, then next she lost herself in shuddering pleasure. She held in a cry of delight and rubbed herself against his hand.

When she was finished, she looked at him. “That was incredible.”

“I would agree,” he said, then kissed her.

She dropped her gaze to his crotch where she could clearly see his erection. “What about you? Don't you want to…you know?”

“Under other circumstances, I would say yes. But not here. Not your first time.”

Soon, she thought as she stood and reached for her clothes.


“Just so you're clear, my family is completely normal,” Kiley said as she pointed the way out of the airport.

Rafiq steered the rental car and wondered if she was nervous about him meeting her family or embarrassed about what had just happened on the plane.

He enjoyed giving her pleasure. In time he would take his own, but for now it was enough to please her.

“You have two sisters,” he said. “Heather and…?”

“Ann. They're both married. And they'll be there, of course. Along with their husbands, in-laws, Ann's kids, some neighbors and Heather's new baby. A big crowd.”

She sounded doubtful.

“It will be fun,” he said firmly.

“I hope so. And I told you about the hotels, right? There's no really fancy one. At least, not that I could think of.”

“I made us a reservation nearby.”

She winced. “Okay, but if you hate it, you can go back to L.A. and I'll fly home on a commercial flight.”

“Do you think me incapable of living without royal luxury for two days?”

“Not exactly.” She bit her lower lips. “Okay, yes. I do.” She hunched in her seat. “Don't hate me.”

He laughed. “You're being far too dramatic. I will fit in perfectly, your family will adore me and I will adore them. Relax.”

“I'm relaxed.”

She looked tense enough to snap. “Yes, I can see that. What have you told them about me?”

“That you're my boss and we're friends. Not that we're dating or anything because this close to the wedding, that would be too weird to explain.”

He doubted her family would think of him as just her friend, but he didn't say that to Kiley. She was already worried enough.

“I told you it was just a plain, one-story house, right?” she asked. “Nothing fancy.”

He chuckled. “Relax. Everything will be fine.”


Rafiq followed her directions and pulled up in front of a ranch-style home on a large lot. There were several cars parked in front. Kiley directly him to pull into the driveway, then sucked in a breath.

“Brace yourself,” she said as she unfastened her seat belt.

Just then the front door burst open and several people spilled onto the front lawn.

There was an older couple he took to be her parents, a few small children, a woman in her twenties who looked a lot like Kiley and two men who were probably the husbands. He pushed open his door and got out.

Kiley climbed out of the rental car and hurried to her parents. They both hugged her, then her mother held her at arm's length.

“Are you all right?” the other woman asked. Rafiq assumed she was concerned about Kiley's reaction to the aborted wedding.

“I'm fine,” Kiley said and hugged her again. “Great. Really.” She squeezed her mother's arm. “Mom, Dad, this is my boss. Rafiq.” She grinned. “Actually the official title is Prince Rafiq of Lucia-Serrat.”

Her parents stared at him. Long experience had taught him that they weren't sure what was expected of them. He stepped forward and held out his hand to Kiley's father.

“A pleasure to meet you both,” he said as they shook hands. He turned to her mother. “Mrs. Hendrick.”

“Oh, dear. Just call me Jan. This is Jim. We're pretty informal around here.” Jan smiled. “Are you really a prince?”

“I'm afraid so. It's true what they say—you can't pick your relatives. Please call me Rafiq.”

They led him into the house where he was introduced to the rest of the family. In a matter of minutes he was in the den with the men, watching college football.

“We're Cal fans up here,” Jim said from his place in the black leather recliner, next to the chintz-covered sofa. “Except for Bart there, who likes USC. You have a favorite team?”

“Oklahoma,” Rafiq said easily. “This year they're going all the way. Last year's game against Florida showed everyone what they were capable of.”

He glanced at Jim, who sat with his mouth open.

“I like football,” Rafiq said with a grin.

“I guess you do. Huh. Never would have thought it.” He glanced at the clock. “Jan won't let us have beers before noon on game day. Can't say that I blame her. But it's only during the season and it's nearly noon. Bart, you go on and get us some beers. Rafiq? Gonna join us?”



By late afternoon Rafiq had learned much more about the Hendrick family in general and Kiley in particular. He'd spent time with each of her sisters and her father. He'd heard about her disastrous appearance in a high school musical where she discovered she really couldn't sing, and had seen pictures of her in her cheerleading uniform. He'd watched her laugh with her sisters, play with the toddlers and melt over the newborn.

She was very much a part of her world and he could see she'd come by her desire to be a wife and mother honestly. Jan Hendrick clucked over everyone. She'd spent lunch filling plates, passing out sodas and mop-ping up after the little ones, and she'd done it with an easy grace that had impressed him.

He liked that they'd accepted him and even occasionally forgotten who he was. As he stood on the rear patio and admired the fading colors in the roses, he wondered what he would have been like if he'd been raised in a family like this instead of on Lucia-Serrat.

The back door opened. He turned and saw Jan step out.

“May I join you?” she asked.

“I would be delighted.”

She sighed. “You have the nicest manners. I guess you get that, growing up as a prince and all.”

“I had nannies and tutors who took etiquette very seriously.”

“I can't even imagine.” She leaned against the patio railing and looked at him. “I want to thank you for being there for Kiley. These past few weeks have been hard on her.”

He studied the older woman's blond hair. There were only a few streaks of gray and, oddly enough, they added to her attractiveness. She had big blue eyes her daughter had inherited and a ready smile. She glowed with life and contentment, as if she'd gotten everything she'd ever wanted.

“Kiley has handled herself well,” he said. “You should be proud of her.”

“I am, as always. She's a good girl. Or should I say woman. She's all grown-up. And now she's had a big disappointment. I never took to Eric the way I took to the other girls' husbands, but I thought we'd learn to love him. Now, looking back, I can see there were signs, but none of us wanted to pay attention.”

“Better she find out now rather than after the wedding.”

“I agree.” She studied him. “I can't tell you how much I want to ask you your intentions, but I won't. Kiley can handle herself. Still, I can't help worrying about her.”

“She's a remarkable woman and I have great respect for her. I don't want to hurt her.”

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