Desert Rogues Part 2 (75 page)

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Authors: Susan Mallery

BOOK: Desert Rogues Part 2
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He smiled. “I sense your impatience.”

“Well, there
more talking than I'd thought there'd be.”

“Are you complaining?”

“A little.”

“Just this morning you were uncomfortable with my kiss. I don't want to rush you.”

“I'm okay with it now,” she said, staring at his mouth. “Completely fine with it. Look how totally fine I am right now.”

“Show me.”

Kiley hesitated only a second. Her natural shyness battled with the intellectual knowledge that this was a sure thing. Then need overcame reticence as she wrapped her arms around his neck, rose on tiptoe and pressed her mouth to his.

Unlike the kiss from that morning, he didn't wait to respond. He tilted his head and kissed her back, moving with her, teasing, brushing. His hands settled on her hips, holding her against him. The light pressure made her want to shift closer still, although that didn't seem possible. They were already touching from shoulder to knee.

This felt good, she thought as he touched his tongue to her bottom lip and she parted for him. Better than good.

He claimed her with a fiery passion that left her breathless. One moment there'd been gentle, arousing kisses, but the next moment overwhelming desire threatened to consume her.

He swept inside and stroked her tongue with his. Something about the way he touched her, the way he teased and retreated only to take her again and again had her wanting to surrender. Whatever he wanted he could have—as long as he didn't stop kissing her.

She melted against him, wishing she could crawl inside his body. His hands didn't move from her hips even though she silently pleaded with them to touch and discover and knead. Heat flared between her legs; her breasts swelled. She wanted to rub against him. She wanted to suggest they take this inside.

She'd felt wanting before, of course, but never so quickly, and never with someone she barely knew. Except she did know Rafiq—she had for over two years. But not in this way.

Confusion joined with passion to cloud her mind. Not sure what she felt or what she should do, she stepped back.

His dark eyes revealed nothing of his thoughts.

“Rafiq, I—”

“Shh.” He pressed his fingers to her mouth. “It's late. I'll have Arnold take you home.”


He shook his head and kissed her cheek. “I'll see you at the office. I have a business dinner tomorrow night, but I would like to take you out Wednesday evening.”

“I'd like that, too.”

She would. Not just because of how she felt when he kissed her but because she enjoyed spending time with him. But what had happened tonight?

He escorted her out to the limo before she could figure out how to ask. As she leaned back in the soft leather for the drive home, she closed her eyes and consoled herself with the thought that there would be more. Much more. Three months was a long time and anything could happen.


Kiley wore her favorite silk blouse to work the next day. It was cobalt blue and suited her coloring. She figured she needed all the confidence she could get after the previous night.

What had happened? How could she have reacted so strongly to Rafiq's kisses? She could accept that she'd enjoyed his company, but what about the rest of it? Less than a week ago she'd planned to marry Eric and live with him for the rest of her life.

Maybe it was a post-wedding reaction. She'd been so focused on the path her life was supposed to take. When it hadn't, she'd been set adrift, carried by a current she couldn't control. She was confused, and Rafiq was a familiar and trusted haven.

Okay, that might explain her emotional reaction to him, but what about the sexual one? She'd been so intent on wanting revenge that she hadn't thought past that. She hadn't considered the reality of actually sleeping with him. If she had, she never would have had the courage to talk to him about her being his mistress.

Yesterday she would have assumed she would simply grit her teeth and get through the sex part because it was expected. Now she thought she might be the one hurrying things along in that department.

Which was not like her at all. She'd been comfortable being a virgin for twenty-five years. Why wasn't she more apprehensive about making love with Rafiq?

When no answer popped into her head, she decided to forget the question and concentrate on work. After making coffee and taking a few calls, she settled down to edit a report one of the staff members had put together. She'd barely finished the first page when Rafiq walked in.

“Good morning,” he said as he walked by her desk.


It was the same greeting they always exchanged, only, this time she was hyperaware of him. She could sense the movement of his body, feel his gaze on her. She felt hot and bewildered and shy and not sure what to do with her hands.

“I left the messages on your desk,” she murmured as she rose. “I'll bring in coffee.”

The familiar routine should have comforted her, but it didn't. Suddenly everything was awkward. Just twelve hours before, she'd been in Rafiq's arms as they kissed. She'd wanted him with a passion that had surprised her. How on earth was she supposed to forget all that and discuss business?

She poured his coffee and carried it into his office, along with her notepad and a pen. She set the cup on the table and took her usual seat across from his desk.

He'd already removed his suit jacket and settled behind his desk. He studied the messages, then returned two to her.

“Schedule meetings for next week,” he said. “An hour each. They'll want more. Tell them no.”

She made notes. “You have a lunch meeting today.”

He glanced at his schedule and nodded. “The reserve report is due this morning.”

“I've already told the mail room to send it up to me.”

“Very well.”

They discussed business for a few more minutes, then Rafiq leaned back in his chair and looked at her. “I would like to take you shopping tomorrow night,” he said.

She clutched her notepad. “I don't understand.”

“You will need new clothes. There is the fund-raiser Friday night and several other social events coming up.”

She'd never shopped with a man before. She didn't think men ever
to shop with women. Or anyone, for that matter.

“I can shop on my own,” she said. “You don't have to—”

“I want to,” he said, cutting her off. “Plus, I can explain what will be required for the various events.” He smiled. “Believe me, I will enjoy the experience.”

“Okay. If you say so.”

“I do. Also, I thought we would want to go away for a long weekend in a month or so. Where would you like to go?”

A trip? Just the two of them? Pleasure filled her at the thought. “I'd like that. But I haven't been many places so anywhere would be exciting for me.”

“Paris?” he asked.

She blinked. “Wow. Sure. I'd been thinking more on the lines of somewhere within driving distance, but Paris is good.”

“Or London.”

She grinned. “Hey, maybe you should surprise me.”

“I will. You have a passport?”

“Uh-huh. In my sock drawer.” It was nearly three years old and every single page was untouched.


There was a moment of silence and Kiley realized she should leave. She gathered her pad and pen, stood and walked to the door. When she reached it, she turned back.

“I had a good time last night.”

“As did I.”

She bit her lower lip, then smiled. “I thought it would be weird, you know? But it was fun. We had a lot to talk about. I didn't expect that. You're great to work for, but honestly, I never really thought of how you'd be outside of the office. You're nice.”

“How thrilling.”

She held in a laugh. “You don't want me to think of you as nice?”

“Not really.”

“Because you're macho and a prince?”

“Something like that.”

“Then I won't mention the nice thing to anyone else.”

“I would appreciate that.”

Chapter Four

fter work on Wednesday, Rafiq escorted Kiley to the limo. She hesitated a second before sliding onto the seat.

“What's wrong?” he asked as she shifted several times instead of reaching for her seat belt.

“Nothing serious,” she said with a sigh, then grabbed the seat belt. “I'm nervous. It's not a big deal. Right? I mean it's shopping. I've shopped before. Not with you, though.”

He smiled. “I assure you the experience will not be that unfamiliar.”

“I wish I could believe you,” she murmured as she glanced around at the limo. “You have a regular car, don't you? I've seen you in it.”

“Yes. I usually drive myself to and from work. However, the trunk is small and there isn't a back seat, so I thought this would be better.”

“It certainly made an impression on my neighbors this morning.”

He supposed being picked up in a vehicle like this wasn't the normal morning routine for those who lived in her apartment building.

“I thought it would be easier for us to drive together today so we would have one car for this evening,” he said.

She nodded. “I agree. It's a great plan.” She angled toward him. “It's just that sometimes the difference between your world and my world is pretty startling. You're a prince.”

“We have already discussed that.”

“I know. It was fine when you were just my boss, but now, it's totally strange. I'm used to seeing princes in movies, mostly as cartoons. Now you're here, in real life.” She glanced toward the privacy partition that was in place and lowered her voice. “It's hard to get my mind around. In theory, I could see you naked.”

“I hope it is more than in theory.”

“You know what I mean.”

He did and her concerns amused him. Unlike other women who only wanted him on their arm to show off what they had managed to catch, Kiley wasn't sure she wanted him at all. He was going to have to change her mind about that.

To that end, he reached for her hand and lifted it to his mouth. As she watched, he gently bit the fleshy pad below her thumb, then licked the center of her palm.

“You worry too much,” he said as he laced their fingers together. “Think about shopping.”

He couldn't be sure, but he thought her breathing might have increased slightly. She shook her head as if to clear it, then faced front.

“Okay,” she said. “Shopping. How exactly does that work?”

“I wouldn't have thought this was your first time in a store.”

She rolled her eyes. “That's not what I mean. This is my first time shopping with you. I know what you've done with your other women. I've seen the bills.”

“Then what questions do you have?”

“Just that I don't really wear a lot of expensive clothes. I'm not sure that I need them.”

“The events we will attend require you to dress a certain way. It is my decision to go and therefore the clothes are my responsibility. I know how much I pay you and while the salary is more than generous, it does not cover expenses like these.”

She looked at him and narrowed her gaze. “Excuse me? A
than generous salary? I earn every penny of that. I work really hard and I'm good at my job and…” She stopped and pressed her lips together.

“Yes?” he promoted.

“You were teasing me.”

“That was my original plan.”

“Sorry. Okay, so you buy me really expensive clothes. Can we return them in three months so you get your money back?”

“No. You will keep the clothes. Another mistress perk.”

She leaned back against the seat. “Except for my father, no man has ever bought me clothes. I'm not in this for the money, Rafiq.”

“I'm aware your motives are far more noble.”

She considered that. “Is revenge noble?”

“I come from a long line of cruel warriors. It is to me.”

“An interesting way of looking at things, but okay. I just want to be sure you understand why I'm doing this.”

He leaned toward her and touched her cheek. “I understand completely.”

“I don't care about keeping the clothes.”

“Perhaps you will change your mind when you see them.”

“Unlikely. But I appreciate you doing all this for me.”

“A perk,” he reminded her

“What are your perks?” she asked.


“I don't actually consider myself a perk. I'm a sure thing, which may or may not be a plus. I'm not experienced. For all you know, I'll be crappy in bed.”


“I wish I could be as positive.”

“Are you nervous?”

She dropped her gaze. “Of course. When I think about us, you know, doing it.”

He smiled. “It will be more than just ‘doing it.'”

“Oh.” She swallowed and returned her gaze to his. “You have a lot of experience, don't you? I know how many women there have been just since I've been working for you. Doesn't that get old? Don't you ever want more than an endless parade of beautiful, willing women?” She shook her head. “Never mind. I answered my own question.”

“The variety is nice.”

“Okay. I get that, but what about really knowing someone? What about feeling connection and a place to belong?”

“That does not come from a relationship. That comes from within.” He rubbed his thumb across her mouth. “I say how long. I say when it's over. Then they walk away and I am free.”

“So no one gets hurt?”

“I hope they don't,” he said. “I make the rules as clear as I can. Sometimes they get too involved and I feel bad about that.”

“What about you? Do you ever get hurt?”

“Not so far. I am fairly impervious to most female charms.”


He smiled. “Do you take that as a challenge?”

“I can't tell you how much I want to say yes, but I don't think I can. I get nervous just being in your car. But someone, somewhere is going to get to you.”

“Do you think so?”

“The law of averages are in my favor.”

“Do you want to be there to see it happen?” he asked.

“No. I don't want to see you hurt. Is that what you think of me?”

He studied her blue eyes and the intense honesty he saw there. “No. You worry too much about other people's feelings.”

“Not Eric's,” she reminded him. “I hope he's feeling horrible, but I doubt it.”

He watched the play of emotions as they drifted across her face.

“Are you still sad?” he asked.

“Sometimes. But I thought it would hurt more. I thought I'd be devastated and I worry that I'm not. I keep telling myself the pain hasn't hit yet.”

“Perhaps you were not as in love with him as you thought.”

She shook her head. “If that's true, it's not good news. I was going to marry him.”

“Love is not required.”

“It is in my world. It's bad enough that he treated me like an idiot. If I went through all that and didn't love him, then I'm going to need some serious therapy to get my life on track.”

He chuckled, then leaned forward and lightly kissed her. “I always enjoy your perspective on things.”

“My sister says I'm twisted.”

“Only in a good way.”

“I'm not sure that's possible.”

She smiled as she spoke. Rafiq realized that he liked Kiley. He'd always thought of her as efficient and attractive, but the more he got to know her as a person, the more he found himself enjoying her company. He could not always say that about the women in his life.

When this was over, he was going to have to do something for her. Perhaps he would buy her a house and pay off the rest of her wedding. Something that would help her future.

But first there was the present—this night and their shopping expedition. He usually found shopping sessions boring, but not this time. Not with her. He had very specific plans to further her seduction.

Kiley had nearly relaxed when the car pulled up in front of a very elegant-looking boutique in the heart of Beverly Hills. Instantly tension exploded in her stomach, making her midsection ache and her mouth go dry.

She took in the custom awnings, the expensive window displays and the sign for valet parking and knew she was in over her head. Then she saw the Closed sign on the glass front door and nearly giggled with delight.

“Gee, they're not open,” she said, trying not to sound delighted.

“To the general public,” Rafiq said as Arnold walked around to open the rear door. “I have made special arrangements with the owner.”

Bummer. “Do you always come here?” she asked.

“It is one of my favorite stores, but no, there are others I frequent. However, I thought the selection here would suit you best.”

“Have you slept with the owner?”

Rafiq looked at her and raised his eyebrows. “Why do you ask?”

She shrugged. “I thought a place like this would be owned by some elegant woman from France or Italy. You know the type—impossibly beautiful with a fabulous accent.”

“While Gerald is a delightful gay man, he is not my type, so no. We are merely friends.”

Kiley felt the heat on her cheeks and knew she was blushing. Hopefully Rafiq wouldn't notice.

She vowed she would keep her mouth shut at all times and only speak when spoken to. That was the only possible way to get through this. Being Rafiq's mistress had seemed like an easy solution to her problem of how to hurt Eric back, but in reality, it wasn't that simple at all.

He led her into the boutique. The sign might say the store was closed, but the door wasn't locked, and as soon as they stepped inside, they were greeted by a tall, thin, well-dressed man who kissed both her hands and declared her to be completely “precious.”

“So much potential,” Gerald told Rafiq as he looked Kiley over. “I have the list you sent me and several things already picked out.”

Kiley reclaimed her hands and shifted closer to Rafiq. “You sent him a list?”

“Yes. Of events. Via e-mail.”

Of course. Otherwise, how would they know what to buy?

“What can I get you?” Gerald asked. “Champagne? Wine?”

Kiley had a feeling that liquor was a bad idea. “I'll have a glass of sparkling water, if you have it.”

“Of course.”

Rafiq ordered scotch, then leaned close to her. “Sparkling water. You're so wild.”

“Hey, I got it with lime.”

He smiled at her and in that moment, time stood still. Kiley didn't know what to make of it. Why did one smile matter? But she couldn't help feeling happy and a little floaty as he and Gerald discussed her clothing needs.

She took the glass of sparkling water that one of the sales clerks offered her and nearly choked when she heard the word

Gerald excused himself to prepare the dressing room. Kiley turned to Rafiq. “Lingerie?”

“Of course.”

“But why?” She shook her head. “Never mind. It's probably a good idea. I buy my stuff on sale. I doubt you'd be impressed.”

“It is more about the present than the wrapping, but sometimes the wrapping is nice, too.”

She'd never thought of lingerie as wrapping, but she supposed it was. Several minutes later she found herself trying on slacks and blouses, sweaters and boots. There was an entire collection of casual clothes. She put on each outfit and walked out for Rafiq's nod of approval. He often asked her opinion, agreeing when she liked something, telling her not to get it if she didn't.

After a half hour or so of casual wear, she moved into cocktail dresses. There were flirty designs with asymmetrical hems and black silk with beading. These were followed by actual formal gowns.

Kiley found herself zipped into one that was strapless, velvet and flowing. The garment swayed with her movements. The strapless style showed off more than she was used to but she didn't feel exposed. Instead she ran her hands down the velvet clinging to her body and knew this was the one.

“I love it,” she said as she burst out of the dressing room and twirled in front of Rafiq. “Isn't it the best? Don't you love the skirt?” She held it out for him, then spun again. “Even the shoes are fabulous.” She held out one foot to show the strappy silver sandals Gerald had brought her. “They hurt, but beauty is pain.”

Rafiq stood and moved next to her. “So you like it?”

“I love it. But seriously, where exactly am I going to wear something like this?”

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