Design for Love ((Women of Landry's Landing and The Fabrizio men) (8 page)

BOOK: Design for Love ((Women of Landry's Landing and The Fabrizio men)
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So Gabe, how did the meeting go?” Pierce asked.

It was fine, actually I didn't do much, London did a great job handling the meeting.” Gabe said glancing towards London with a smile.

Did Joan give you the report from the independent survey company?” Pierce asked.

Yes, and after London and I read the report, we decide that it would be a good idea to add intimate apparel to her line of designs.” Gabe said as he continued to watch London from across the room.

Really, did the report show that there’s a market for that?” Pierce asked as he followed his gaze.

Yeah, that’s the reason we added it.” Gabe replied.

So things are cool between you two?” Pierce asked Gabe.

Yep, and getting better all the time.” He replied with a smile as London and Gigi approached them.

Okay dinner should be here soon are you guys staying?” London asked Gigi and Pierce.

No, we already ate we were out for a walk when we noticed the smoke.” Gigi said politely.

Dante won’t go to bed until we get home, so we’d better get going. You two can give us an update at the strategy meeting tomorrow.” Pierce said as he and Gigi headed for the backdoor that was still standing open.

We will, you guys have a good night and kiss Dante for us.” London said closing the door behind them. “I think it’s going to be a while before we get that smell out of here.”

Probably, I don’t know what that idiot was thinking?” Gabe said as he pulled London into his arms and wrapped them around her waist.

He was trying to do something nice for his wife, the man just found out that he might be a father soon. His heart was in the right place.” She said as she put her arms around his neck.

Enough about my idiot brother, let's talk about something much more important, can I stay in your room tonight?” He asked nibbling at her neck.

I think that can be arranged.” She whispered giggling softly.

Thank you, dolcezza.” He said before lowering his head to kiss her on the lips.

Luc rounded the corner of the kitchen to find out how long before dinner would be there, and stopped in his tracks. He couldn’t believe what he’d walked in on, Gabe had finally made a move to claim the last standing Landry woman. He was beginning to have his doubts about his brother, what man in his right mind wouldn’t want one of the amazing Landry sisters.

Luc cleared his throat to see if Gabe felt awkward about being caught kissing London. To his surprise and joy, Gabe stood his ground as he continued to hold her in his arms.

Luc smiled. “Sorry guys don’t mean to interrupt, but London did they say how long it would be before the food arrived?”

It should be here any minute, how is Asia doing?” She asked.

She’s feeling better but she needs to eat something.” Luc said.

It should be delivered shortly, and since you’re here I’m going to take a shower. Gabe I’ll see you upstairs.” She said.

Okay dolcezza, I’ll be up in a bit.” Gabe said with a wink.

Good night Luc, tell Asia I’ll check in on her in the morning.” She said as she walked out of the kitchen.

I sure will, good night London.” Luc said with a smile.

Shut up!” Gabe said.

What, I didn’t say a word.” Luc replied with a smirk.

No, but you were about to.” Gabe said as he glanced at his brother.

The knock at the door stopped them from continuing the conversation. Luc opened the door and accepted the food. Gabe walked over to give him a hand.

She certainly ordered a lot of food.” Luc said as they unloaded the bags.

I think she wanted to make sure you didn’t attempt to cook anything else.” Gabe teased.

You’re probably right, can you believe that London thought that I was roasting a skunk. Where would I even get a skunk?” Luc asked curiously.

Boy we live in the Carolina’s now I’m sure finding a skunk wouldn’t be that hard. And you have to admit it did smell really, really bad, hell for all we knew it could have been a skunk.” Gabe said.

Fine no more cooking for me, now we had both better get upstairs before our women come looking for us.” Luc said as they separated the food and headed up to their rooms and their women.


Chapter Six


When London was finished with her shower, she entered her room to see that Gabe had set the small table for two in the corner with the food she’d ordered and candles. He looked up just as she was walking into the room and smiled when he saw the short silk robe she was wearing.

Gabe watched every step she took as her long shapely mocha legs carried her closer to him. The sexy fragrance that she was wearing reached him long before she did. The provocative sway of her curvaceous hips caused him to harden instantly.

Someone seems happy to see me.” London teased as she stopped in front of him and smiled.

Oh, you have no idea just how happy.” Gabe teased back, before kissing her softly.

This looks very romantic.” She said glancing at the set table and lit candles.

I want this to be a night that you won’t soon forget.” He said as he pulled her chair out for her to be seated. She smiled as she slid into the chair he held for her.

Well, in that case you’re definitely off to a good start.” She said.

That’s nice to know because it only gets better from here.” He replied as he took his seat in the empty chair across from her.

Wow, okay now you’ve piqued my interest. I can’t wait to see where this evening will lead.” She said in a soft seductive voice.

Oh it’s leading to me being all over you like rain and us being body to body on that bed, but give me time, we’ll get there shortly.” Gabe said smoothly as he eyed her like a hungry lion after a fresh piece of meat.

London laughed softly. “You know I don’t know if I should be worried or amused?”

Why would you be either of those things?” He asked in confusion.

Let’s see, worried because you’re staring at me like you plan to eat me alive. And amused because you don’t think that noticed that you used lines from two of my favorite artists.” She said looking at him as if daring him to deny it.

First of all, of all eating you alive as you put it sounds quite tasty if you ask me, as far as the second part, I’m not sure I know what you’re referring to, dolcezza?” He said teasingly.

Really, so you’re telling me the fact that I was playing both those songs,
all over you like rain by Miguel and body 2 body by Ace Hood
earlier when we were in the office had nothing to do with your choice of words?” She asked skeptically.

Gabe grinned deviously. “Let’s just say that I found those words pretty accurate for what I’m planning to do to you and with you that is after we eat, and I take a shower. Do you have a problem with that, if so, you might want to let me know right now?” He said gazing at her across the table.

Hey lover, I definitely do not have a problem with any of that, so I am yours to do with as you please. And do you know why?” London asked as she leaned over the table towards him.

No, so why don’t you tell me.” He said as he too leaned forward.

It’s because I trust you totally and completely, and I know you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. Oh and because if you did hurt me, you’ll come up missing so fast everyone will wonder if you ever existed in the first place.” She said with a smile.

Believe me dolcezza, pissing you or the rest of your sisters off, is a death wish I do not need or want. So that being said, you should know that my only goal is to make you happy.” He replied sweetly with that sexy accent of his.

Well like I said earlier, you are definitely off to a really good start.” She said with a smile that made her dark-brown eyes light up.


After enjoying a wonderful dinner together along with a bit of light conversation, London insisted that Gabe go take his shower while she handled the clean-up. The moment she returned to her room from taking the dishes to the kitchen her cell phone rang. Walking over to the night stand she picked up her phone and checked the caller ID and noticed that it was Toni.

Toni, do you know what time it is? Why are you calling me this time of night, is something wrong?” London asked the minute she answered the phone.

Well hello to you too.” Toni said.

Sorry about that, hi Toni, now what’s going on. Why are you calling? Did something happen?” London asked as she sat down on the side of the bed.

Why else would I be calling at this hour? Look you know that thing that you were so worried about happening? Yeah well, it’s happening.” Toni said in a slight panic.

It can’t be happening this soon, are you alright?” London asked with concern.

I’m fine but I’d be a lot better if you’d let me come there with you.” Toni said.

I told you that’s not a good idea, besides trouble will follow you here, and I’m not putting my family in danger, and I mean that.” London said pointedly.

Fine, what do you suggest that I do?” Toni asked sounding worried.

Well, I suggest that you keep your ass out of sight, and you stay off the street. I don’t need to tell what will happen if you don’t.” London warned.

Hell no, you don’t need to tell me, I know exactly what will happen that’s why I’d rather be there with you then here alone.” Toni said desperately.

I know, but you know what to do if push comes to shove and if that doesn’t work call me so that we can come up with a plan B.” London said hoping to calm Toni down a bit.

I sure hope the hell that plan B is for me to bring my ass there because I kind of like breathing, and the alternative is not so appealing.” Toni replied.

I’ll think about it now I really have to go. I'll talk to you soon.” London said.

Let’s hope so, because if things go bad the next time you see me. It may be on a cold slab in the city morgue.” Toni said dramatically.

Good-bye Toni.” London said before hanging up, just seconds before Gabe emerged from the bathroom.

Did I hear you talking to someone?” He asked as he moved closer to the bed with one towel wrapped at his waist and another in his hand as he used it to towel dry his hair.

Yeah, it was nothing just a small problem with the things I’m having shipped from my old apartment.” London lied and instantly felt guilty for it.

Really, are you sure that’s all it is you look worried.” Gabe said as he gazed at her through narrowed eyes.

Haven’t we done enough talking for one night, I mean it’s there better things that we could be doing.” She said as she rose from the bed and began to slowly walk towards him.

Yes, there are definitely better things we can be doing.” He said slipping his arms around her waist to pull her closer.

London tilted her head back to offer her lips for his kiss, and he didn’t hesitate to cover her mouth with his. Gabe pushed his tongue past her open lips to taste the sweet flavor of her tongue. She slid her hands up into his thick dark hair as she caressed his head while massaging his scalp.

Gabe moved his hands lower to her plump behind as he rubbed and squeezed the full round globes of her ass. He kept one hand on her butt and moved the other around to cup one of her full breasts. Working his hands simultaneously he squeezed and kneaded both her ass and her breast while deepening the passion filled kiss.

As moan after moan escaped her throat, he caught each and everyone and swallowed them gladly.

London had her body pressed so close to his that she could feel his heartbeat through her thin silk robe. She could also feel his engorged member through his towel as it pressed against her lower stomach.

The things this man did to her, his kisses had her feeling love drunk and his hands had her on fire. She had been wanting him for so long that her desire for him was at an explosive level. She’d dreamt of making love to him so many times that she wasn’t sure if this was really about to happen.

That was until Gabe slipped both hands under her bottom again and lifted her off the floor. He readjusted his hands to the backs of her thighs and carried her to the bed, placing one knee on the mattress he leaned over with her in his arms to lay her down.

He slowly brought an end to their steamy kiss as he leaned back to pull the sash on her robe loose. Once her robe was undone, he used both his hands to push it open, before moving to the side as he gazed down at her mocha flesh.

You my dolcezza are beautiful, I could sit here and look at you all day.” Gabe said in a soft sexy heavily Italian accented voice.

That’s nice but if you just sit there and stare you won’t get to what I’ve been wanting, for months now. So if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stop staring and start giving me what we both want lover.” London said sweetly.

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