Desperate and Dateless (5 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lapthorne

BOOK: Desperate and Dateless
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Her mind held far more interesting secrets.

“Have you always had thoughts of being bound?” he asked, low and huskily. He wanted to turn her on, wanted her flowing like a river and screaming his name before he let her come, before he thrust himself as deeply inside her as her passage would allow.

He knew he loved her for her uniqueness. Vicci wasn’t like other women who had cast themselves at his feet. Other women he had slept with wanted him for his power, his prestige, his prowess. Vicci wanted him because she was curious about him, because he intrigued her.

And she surprised him. He couldn’t help the heat and need that rose within him when he looked at her, he couldn’t help the strength of his attraction to her. Yet deeper emotions stirred within him as he realized she understood him as few others could or even tried to.

“Do you always need to take control? You might enjoy having a woman as strong as you are help you lead.” She turned a question back at him.

A lump formed in Vlad’s throat. No one had
offered to share his load. If he hadn’t been in love with her before now, he tumbled headfirst at her offer. She was genuinely interested in him and his work for the Vampire community at large.

“We might be able to trade places every now and then. But I’m sure you can feel my need for you at the moment and that need is far too urgent and demanding to let you take the reins tonight, my dear. What do you say we head out to that huge bedroom and test a few of its offerings?”

His cock twitched at her throaty laugh. He’d been wearing his hard-on since he had first caught sight of her, and it had only been growing in intensity the more he got to know her. He had nearly come in his pants when they first kissed, sharing each other’s minds. Now, hearing her throaty, teasing laughter, his restraint was pushed to its limits again. He needed her in his bedroom, strapped to his bed, or he mightn’t last anywhere near as long as his plans needed.

Stepping close to her, wrapping an arm possessively around her waist, he led her into their bedroom.

A small part of his mind noticed room service had come and gone with his earlier order, but he easily ignored it. The two bottles and two small, still-steaming towels sat discreetly away on a shelf. Such was the service at The Castle Royale—quick, efficient and utterly discreet.

Ignoring the alcohol neither of them now needed to relax, Vlad negotiated them around the ornate furnishings and concentrated on what he would do to his other half and how far he could push his faltering control before he would disgrace himself and come anywhere other than deep, deep inside her.

He paused for a moment beside the enormous bed and let Vicci look her fill. He could feel her wonder and rapture at the gilded room. Finally, he knew he had to start the ball rolling.

“Ready to follow me into the forest, little one?” he asked softly. His heart caught and then stammered a tattoo as she turned to smile beautifully at him.

“Sure, I’m always a sucker for a walk in the woods,” she said cheekily, smiling saucily at him.

A feral grin crossed Vlad’s face. He had never been so hungry for a woman in his entire life.

“Brilliant,” he purred.

Chapter Five


Vicci’s face split into a hungry grin as Vlad gently pressed her down so she sat on the soft bed.

“Hang on a moment,” he said huskily.

Vicci just nodded slightly.
As if I’d be going anywhere now!

As Vlad turned and headed over to an old style, ornate wooden chest, Vicci thought back to the sensational emotions and feelings she had shared with this man. On some levels, the extra-special communication between them felt magnificent. She knew how hungry he was for her. She had felt the rising heat inside him, his desperate need to possess her and “make her his”.

Although outwardly she scoffed at the thought of
man owning or possessing her, she wondered if the sharing of emotions and sensations was merely part of his vampiric make-up. She knew he was entering heat and this intrigued her more than anything else. She had heard rumors…

Stories of vampires and their origins abounded. Many of the mercs she had worked with for the majority of her life believed vampires were a different species, born on a far-distant and extremely secretive, security-conscious planet called Owanus. Although it was a fact many, many of the vampires resided there, no one
knew where they had originally come from.

An even more closely guarded secret was their method of procreation. From their earlier discussion, Vicci remembered Vlad told her he was in heat for the first time in a thousand moons. Quickly, she did some mental calculation and discovered that meant a vampire entered heat roughly every seventy-seven years on this planet.

She licked her lips. Obviously a vampire could have sex whenever he pleased, but there certainly seemed something wild, untamed and almost feral about going into heat.

Vicci watched as Vlad pulled a set of voice-activated manacles from the chest and turned back toward her. Eying the manacles with part eagerness, part wariness, she decided to ask a few pertinent questions.

“I suppose it’s silly to ask about your suppression shots and the risk of anything contagious,” Vicci winced as her voice came out slightly sweaky. She had wanted to sound nonchalant, world-weary. Instead, she sounded slightly too nervous and eager for her own liking.

Vlad stopped in front of her, spread her legs slightly and stood between them. He toyed with the manacles in his hands and she felt her mouth dry up with desire. She had never let herself be bound in cuffs before. It could prove…most interesting.

“Suppression shots don’t work on vamps,” he started. “We’re only fertile once every thousand moons, and even then, only for the space of anything from a week to two moon cycles. As to anything contagious, vampire make-up is highly different from any other species you’ve come across. We don’t get sick, or not sick in a contagious manner. We might get hungry…” With this, Vlad smiled widely and Vicci felt a deep, burning hunger unfold within her. Suddenly, she didn’t want to be talking any more.

Cutting him off, not needing any further explanations, Vicci looked at the extremely thick, long cock right in front of her. Wanting to get her message across, she dipped her head and swallowed as much of his length as she could fit inside her mouth.

She heard Vlad’s hastily indrawn breath, could discern his pulse pounding dangerously fast throughout his body. The connection between them seemed so strong.! While she couldn’t read his mind like she could when they were linked, even just the physical contact between them now was enough for her to be able to share in his emotions.

He was hot, hard and heavy and more than ready to party.

Vicci ran the tip of her tongue around the head of his cock. She laved every sensitive spot she found, loving the way she could feel him shiver and react under her tongue. It helped her immensely in her teasing foray around his ultra-sensitive cock.

Before she could really get herself going, Vlad’s fingers lifted her head up.

“There won’t be much of a party if we go down that route. What do you say we leave that for another time, a harder, faster ride than what I have planned for now?”

Vicci just smiled impishly.

“I’ll hold you to that,” she promised. She scooted back on the bed as Vlad crawled up beside her. The manacles still rested easily in his large hands.

“I’ve never played with those during sex,” she started, eyeing them.

“It will be a lot of fun for both of us. I’m sure you understand the terms of a safe word?”

Vicci nodded, “A word I can cry out to stop whatever we’re doing. We’ll make that the lock word?”

“Certainly. I was thinking of using ‘unlock’. It’s an easy word to remember, and one we shouldn’t be using unnecessarily.”

Vicci nodded her approval and watched as he changed the lock word. When Vlad indicated for her to scoot up to the headboard, she complied, and felt her pussy moisten slightly as he closed her wrists delicately in the cold manacles. They made a solid
sound as she became chained to the headboard.

She bit her lip as Vlad left the bed and crossed back to the wooden chest. He started muttering to himself and she strained to see what he was doing. A moment later, she heard the
of two small pieces of metal grating together.

“Do I even want to know?” she asked, proud to hear the confidence in her voice. She marveled at the sinewy strength in Vlad’s body as he strolled back to her. His cock bobbed ahead of him, proving his eagerness, yet his will was so strong he didn’t seem to be desperate at all.

Vicci smiled. Picking up a woman at a Vampiric Desperate and Dateless Ball had to be a new one for him. The man in front of her looked neither desperate nor a likely candidate to ever be dateless. Maybe it was some private, “in” joke among the vamps?

“I think we will be able to have some fun playing with these,” he purred as he opened one large palm. Vicci saw two medium-sized, black balls. They were connected with a thin piece of cord, and attached to one ball was another cord ending in a clip.

The clip looked like a nipple clamp. Yet the cord wasn’t long enough to stretch up to her nipple.

“It’s a clit clamp,” he said softly, either reading her mind or knowing a woman’s thoughts enough to guess. Vicci watched as he rubbed his fingers caressingly over the two solid balls.

She could easily guess where these went. Vicci shuffled herself until she lay comfortably. The bed was heavenly soft, pillows heaped on either side of her. If nothing else, she could now boast she had lain—and been laid—on a Castle Royale bed. Definitely something to be proud of.

Vicci spread her legs. She glanced at Vlad and felt her heart accelerate at the look on his face. He seemed entranced by her. She would bet a hefty amount of credits his mouth watered.

“Oh yeah, baby,” he breathed softly, crouching down onto all fours. “You are completely magnificent.”

Vicci let her head fall back against the soft pillows as he pressed his mouth against her labia. He licked the moisture from the lips and then speared his tongue inside her, groaning at the pleasure. His groan reverberated through her, sending zinging shots through her system.

Vicci spread her legs even further apart, wanting him to delve deeper inside her. The rough sensation of his tongue against her most delicate flesh felt divine. She found herself canting her hips, angling herself so he could thrust his tongue deeply inside her. When he pulled back slightly, she moaned at the loss.

“No,” she panted, until she felt his slick fingers toying around the edges of her lips once more. “Oh,” she gasped as she felt a heavy ball-shaped object pass inside her. Vlad pressed it as deeply inside her as he could and then withdrew his fingers.

Vicci gasped for a moment, letting her body adjust to the invasion. The ball felt cool but solid, heavy and just so indescribably
. It in no way compensated for a good, thick and hard cock, but it did make her feel stretched and full. Vicci shifted her weight slightly, moved her hips from side to side, testing the weight and heaviness of the ball lodged deeply inside her. It tingled slightly with the movement and Vicci knew she had found a new favorite toy.

“Have you ever had a man up your ass, Vicci?”

Vicci’s attention snapped back to the room and regarded the delectable man who resided in it with her. She let her gaze rest on the hungry, possessive gleam in his eye. Vicci worried her lower lip, wondering if this was one of those situations where there was a “correct” answer.

After a moment’s contemplation, she decided on honesty. It wasn’t as if he thought she was a virgin, and she certainly didn’t expect him to be untried at anything.

“Once,” she admitted, “after drinking the best part of a bottle of Blue Vodka. It wasn’t…I didn’t like it much.”

The huge, feral grin he flashed her made her glad she had been honest.

“Don’t worry. I think you’ll like this. These balls aren’t like a cock, but they will stretch you,” Vicci shivered as he rubbed some of her own juices around her tiny puckered anus.

“But first,” he said softly, “some lube.” The bed dipped as he crawled across it. The movement caused the ball inside her to tingle again, sending erotic pulses through her sensitive body.

Vicci closed her eyes and lifted her hips away from the soft bed. She shook her hips and the ball resonated inside her. She swore she could hear a tiny chime sound and it felt as though something
the balls jangled. The movements teased her and vibrated against her G-spot.

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