Destination Wedding ~ A Novel (19 page)

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Authors: Deanna Lynn Sletten

BOOK: Destination Wedding ~ A Novel
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Jim leaned closer to her. "You are beautiful," he whispered.

Claire smiled and blushed. She didn't know if it was the champagne or Jim's compliment that made her feel warm all over, but she liked the feeling.

Jim drew closer and reached up to touch the diamond pendent lying on Claire's chest. "I'm happy to see you wearing this," he said softly.

Chills tingled up Claire's spine at the touch of his warm fingers on her skin. "It's a beautiful necklace, despite who gave it to me," she said lightly with a wink. She backed away a step, trying hard to squelch the feelings rising inside her.

"It was a beautiful ceremony," Jim said, again moving closer to Claire. "It reminded me of our wedding."

Claire nodded. "Me, too," she whispered.

Jim gently took Claire's champagne glass from her hand and placed it with his own on the stone wall beside them. He bent closer to Claire's ear. "I'm sorry I didn't keep my promises to you," he said softly. "I'd give anything to change everything that's happened over the past few years and be the man you truly deserve."

Claire's breath caught in her throat and her heart beat in her chest. She looked up at Jim as he bent his face to hers. His eyes were serious now, and she knew he'd meant what he'd said. Jim placed his hands on her waist and she felt him gently pull her to him as his cheek touched the side of hers ever so softly. Standing together, hidden in the palm trees and flowering shrubs, it felt as if they were separated from the world in a magical paradise of their own.

Jim pulled back only enough to look down into Claire's eyes. Claire raised her arms and encircled them around his neck. He leaned down and their lips touched.

"Claire? Jim? We're heading over to dinner now." Kaylie's voice came from the other side of the trees, startling Claire and making her release her hold on Jim and take a step back.

"Oh, there you two are," Kaylie said, walking around the corner and finding them in the copse of palm trees. "The photographer is finished and we're going to dinner."

Claire took a deep breath and turned to smile at Kaylie. "Thanks, dear. We're right behind you."

With a sigh, Jim picked up their champagne glasses and followed behind Claire and Kaylie to rejoin the group.




Jim watched Claire all through dinner wondering if she'd felt the same way he had in that few moments they'd shared hidden in the copse of palm trees. He'd meant every word he'd said. He was truly sorry for hurting her and he wished he could turn back the clock and change it all. Unfortunately, he couldn't change the past, but he could do all that was in his power to let her know how sorry he was and how much he wanted her back in his life.

Today was Mandy and Craig's day, but Jim felt it was also his and Claire's chance to find happiness again. Maybe it had been the vows his daughter and new son-in-law had exchanged, or maybe it was this romantic island that had helped to bring him back to Claire. He wasn't sure. But he knew for certain that leaving Claire had been the biggest mistake of his life. He loved her. He'd always loved her. But did she still love him?

The group was seated outside on the patio where the palm trees and plants around them made the space feel secluded and intimate. The twinkle lights above them and the candles on the tables made the setting even more romantic. The moon and the stars in the sky lit up the night sky and the candy cane striped lighthouse across the bay was aglow with lights. No setting could have been more perfect for a wedding celebration.

Champagne flowed freely and the steak and lobster meal was delicious. Toasts were made at intervals, then someone would tap their glass with their knife and everyone would join in until the happy couple kissed. At one point, Jim glanced over at Claire and she smiled back, her eyes twinkling like the stars. He reached for her hand under the table and held it. She didn't pull away, which made Jim happy.

The cake was served and everyone exclaimed delight over how beautiful it was. The group broke out in applause after Mandy and Craig cut the first slice and fed it to each other. Mandy invited the staff to have a slice of cake and join in on the celebration, which they did with happy smiles.

After everyone had eaten their fill, music began to play from a sound system that had been set up just for the wedding party. As everyone watched, Craig escorted his bride onto a cleared section of the patio and they began waltzing to a romantic old tune. After a while, other couples joined in and soon the area filled with dancers holding each other close and swaying to the music.

Jim turned to Claire and held out his hand. He didn't have to say a word, she accepted it, and they joined everyone else dancing.

"No other wedding or reception could have been more beautiful than this," Jim said quietly to Claire as they moved slowly to the music.

Claire nodded. "Mandy knew what she was doing when she decided on this location. It's been amazing."

Jim grinned at her. "Even though you had to share a room with me?"

Claire laughed. "Yes, even with that. Being stuck together actually helped us. It gave us a chance to talk about what went wrong and air out our feelings. Even if we didn't want to hear what the other had to say," she said with a wink.

Jim looked down at Claire seriously. "Do you think you could ever forgive me for leaving you? Is it at all possible?"

"Oh, Jim." Claire closed her eyes and laid her head on his shoulder. "Let's not think about anything other than this very moment," she said softly.

Jim pulled her closer, enjoying the way her body molded into his. It felt so right. They fit so perfectly together. They always had. In his heart, he wished this night would go on forever.

When the song ended, Jim reluctantly pulled away from Claire. He danced a father-daughter dance with Mandy while Craig danced with his mother. Claire accepted Carl's invitation to dance and soon everyone was taking turns dancing with each other to the soft, slow music the bridal couple had chosen to play. No hip hop, no rock n' roll, only soothing, romantic music that allowed couples to cuddle up together and give the evening a magical touch.

Jim kept refilling Claire's champagne glass until she shook her head no. "I'll be falling down drunk if I keep drinking like this," she told him, giggling. He liked when she was silly. Claire was such a serious soul that it was nice to see her having fun and relaxing after the emotional week they'd had.

The evening grew late and soon everyone began to melt away into the night. Janice and Carl said goodnight and went off to their room and soon Mandy and Craig also said their goodnights. Mandy came over and hugged both Claire and Jim.

"Thank you for this beautiful day," she told them both. "You made my dream wedding come true."

Craig also thanked Claire and Jim for the entire vacation and wedding. Jim shook his hand and welcomed him into the family and Claire gave him a hug. He was a wonderful young man and they knew he and Mandy would have a good life together.

As everyone left the patio, Jim took Claire's hand. "Come on. Let's not let the night end just yet."

She followed him through the breezeway and down through the pool area to the wooden steps that would take them down to the beach. Claire slipped off her heels and left them at the top of the steps. They walked down to the sand, close to where the water lapped up on shore.

It was a beautiful night with a gentle breeze and the moon and stars lighting up the sky. Without a word, Jim and Claire walked along the water's edge for some time. They were both still feeling exhilarated from the delicious food, champagne, and dancing, so it was nice to unwind down here by the water. After they'd gone a short distance, Jim interrupted the silence.

"Kaylie told me that Mandy was having some sort of a meltdown before the wedding. What happened?" Jim asked.

"Cold feet," Claire answered. "I think the entire week just caught up with her and she panicked. She was afraid…" Claire hesitated.

Jim stopped walking and looked down at Claire. "Afraid of what?"

Claire sighed. "She was afraid that she and Craig might end up like you and me."

Jim's face fell. "But we had twenty good years."

"Yes, we did. Or at least it seemed that way. But then we were divorced. Mandy said that if it could happen to us, even though it had seemed like we were happy, it could happen to anyone."

"What did you tell her?" Jim asked.

"I told her I didn't regret my marriage to you, even though it ended. After all, we were happy for years. And we had Mandy. I wouldn't have changed any of it. I also told her to always communicate with each other and never take each other for granted." Claire looked up into Jim's eyes. "I think that's where we failed. We stopped communicating with each other. We stopped telling each other how we felt. And we took each other for granted."

Jim shook his head. "No, you didn't do anything wrong. It was me."

"No, Jim. That's not entirely true. I just assumed you'd always be there even if I didn't have time to spend with you. I put the shop first, when I should have put our marriage first. We were both to blame for our marriage falling apart. I see that now."

Jim smiled down at Claire. "Well, you must have said all the right things to Mandy, because she did get married after all."

"I only told her the truth. She's the one who decided she wanted to marry Craig."

Claire looked up and their eyes met. The balmy breeze blew softly against their faces and the ocean waves caressed the sand. Jim reached for her. She didn't resist. He pulled her to him and when their lips touched, Claire sighed.

When they finally parted, Claire's eyes twinkled and she grinned. "Race you," she said and took off running down the strip of beach back toward the hotel.

Jim laughed and took off after her. He caught up to her at the bottom of the stairs, both of them out of breath.

"No fair. You had a head start," he said, laughing and trying to catch his breath.

Claire giggled and they climbed the stairs. She retrieved her shoes and walked barefoot across the compound and up the stairs to their room. Once Jim opened the door, Claire stepped in and fell down on the bed, completely out of breath, laughing.

Jim sat down beside her, laughing, too. The room was dark except for moonlight coming through the patio doors. He slipped off his jacket and loosened his tie, all the while looking down at Claire lying beside him. Tenderly, he reached down and brushed a stray strand of her hair away from her face. She smiled, her eyes warm and inviting. Jim lowered himself to her, his face only inches from hers.

"I want to kiss you," he whispered. "I love kissing you."

Claire reached up and gently touched the side of his face. "I love kissing you, too," she said.

Their lips met, gently at first until their kiss became more fervent. Claire ran her hand through his thick, silky hair at the back of his neck. Their tongues danced with delight. Jim pulled away and sprinkled light kisses down Claire's jaw line, searching for the sweet spot on her neck that had always driven her crazy. Claire's sharp intake of breath told him he'd found it, and he kissed her there, gently pulling with his soft lips.

Claire responded by drawing him closer so he was now on top of her. She nipped at his neck and kissed the base of his throat. Jim moaned with pleasure. Claire reached up and pulled Jim's tie loose and slipped it from his collar, then she began unbuttoning his shirt.

Jim pushed himself off the bed and stood, pulling Claire up to stand in front of him. She continued unbuttoning his shirt, opening it wider with each loose button and leaving kisses on the exposed skin. When she got down to where his shirt was tucked into his pants, she pulled it free. Hungrily, she reached inside his shirt and ran her hands over his taut muscles, moving them around his sides and up his back as she pressed herself against him.

Jim reached around Claire and slowly unzipped the back of her dress. Pulling back, he let the strapless dress fall to the floor. Underneath, Claire wore only a black, strapless bra and lace panties. Jim smiled down at her as his hands explored the smooth skin of her waist.

"You're so beautiful," he said huskily. Reaching up, he unclasped her bra and let if fall to the floor to join the dress. He pulled her to him, savoring the feel of bare skin on skin, her beautiful breasts pushed up against his chest.

Eagerly, Claire ran her hands up and slipped Jim's shirt off. Her hands then found the button on his pants and she undid it, then pulled down the zipper. The pants slid to the floor and Jim stepped out of them. Claire reached down and touched the spot that would drive him crazy. He groaned.

They fell back on the bed, Jim on top of Claire, and kissed with a passion neither had felt in a very long time. Jim dipped his head and pulled one of Claire's nipples with his lips, sucking gently, and was rewarded with a gasp of delight. He then found her other nipple and brought it between his lips. Claire's back arched and her head fell back as she sighed. She reached for him greedily, massaging him where he desired it the most. Soon, they were a tangle of arms and legs, kissing, touching, and bringing each other to the height of pleasure until neither of them could hold back any longer.

"I love you, Claire. I've always loved only you," Jim said softly as he lay above her. Claire's eyes met his and she reached up and pulled him to her so they could finally bring their passion to a sweet release.


Chapter Sixteen



Claire awoke the next morning to the sun streaming through the patio window. She lay on her side, facing the window, and Jim lay behind her, his arm curled protectively around her waist.

Claire sighed and snuggled deeper into his embrace. She fit beside him perfectly, as if they'd been made for each other. A smile played on her lips as she remembered their passion from the night before. It had felt so right. So natural. No other man had ever brought her to such heights. Jim knew her so well after years together, and there was a comfort in that, despite the past few years apart.

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