Destination Wedding ~ A Novel (22 page)

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Authors: Deanna Lynn Sletten

BOOK: Destination Wedding ~ A Novel
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Claire shook her head. "It will always be hanging over our heads. Like today. When the waitress at the bar was flirting with you, it felt like a knife being twisted in my heart. And then again at dinner, the waitress was looking at you in a way that suggested she was interested and I felt that pain again. You're a good looking man, and you're friendly and open. Women respond to that. And those are attributes that I love about you, too. But I don't want to live my life wondering if the next woman who smiles at you might be the woman you leave me for."

Jim's mouth dropped open in surprise. He'd barely even noticed the women Claire was talking about. "Is that why you were upset this afternoon? Because a waitress flirted with me? Claire, it's not my fault if a woman flirts with me. How can that upset you? Did I flirt back?"

Claire gave him a small, wan smile. "Yes, you kind of did, but I'm sure you're not even aware that you did it. You've always flirted a little, that's just part of who you are. It never bothered me before, because I felt safe in our marriage. But now, it hurts."

"Then I won't do it anymore. Hit me every time you see me flirt. Kick me under the table. Pull my hair, whatever it takes. I'll stop doing it then. But don't walk away from me because of it. Give me a chance."

Claire shook her head slowly. She stood, walked over to her open suitcase, and stared at it a moment. With her back turned to Jim, she spoke. "I'm going home tomorrow and I'm going to tell Steven that I will marry him. He's a good man. He'll always be dependable, and I'll feel secure with him. I'll never have to worry that he'll leave me. We'll have a good life."

Jim couldn't believe his ears. He stared at Claire's back, all the while wondering if he was hearing her correctly.

"Claire. No. Don't," was all he was able to say.

Claire turned to face him. "I'm sorry, Jim. But it's the right choice."

Jim stood and walked back toward his suitcase. His heart pounded in his chest. He loved Claire. He couldn't let her make the biggest mistake of her life. He turned and faced her. "Do you love Steven, Claire? Just tell me, do you love him? Will he make you feel loved? Will he bring out the passion in you that I do? Do you love him like you love me?"

Claire's shoulders sagged and tears spilled from her eyes. "No. I'll never love him like I do you. Does that make you happy?"

More than anything, Jim wanted to take Claire in his arms and hold her until she stopped crying. But he stood there, glued to the floor only a few feet away from her. His heart was shattering into a million little pieces. "No, it doesn't make me happy," he said quietly. "It makes me sad." Slowly, he began placing all his clothes into his suitcase. He walked into the bathroom, gathered up his things, and dropped them into the suitcase as well.

"It would probably be best if I took Sandra up on that offer of the other room," he said as he zipped up his suitcase. Behind him, he heard Claire take a sharp breath. He turned to see her wiping tears from her eyes. Picking up his suitcase, he walked to the door, then turned to face her one last time.

"I love you, Claire. Whatever you do, please reconsider marrying Steven. Even if you don't want me, please don't marry him. You deserve so much better than he can offer. Maybe even better than I can offer you. You deserve a man who loves you with all his heart. A man who is passionate about you. That man isn't Steven." With that, Jim turned and walked out the door into the starry night.

Claire dropped on the bed, sobbing.




The next morning, the wedding party quietly stepped onto the ferry that would take them back to the airport, and back to reality.


Chapter Eighteen

One Year Later



 Claire sat in front of the mirror in the cottage while Mandy fussed with her hair. She'd grown it longer so it could be put up in a wispy up-do, and since there was no one to do hair on the island, Mandy was in charge of it.

Claire smiled at her reflection. She loved the creamy, satin, knee-length dress she'd chosen to wear and the simple heels that went with it. Her outfit was understated, yet perfect for a second wedding. And the light tan she'd been able to get this week made her skin look radiant.

It was another beautiful Bahamian day. The sun was shining, the temperature was up in the eighties, and the sky was a rich, clear blue. It was a perfect day for a wedding.

"How are you doing, Mom?" Mandy asked as she continued twisting and pinning Claire's hair up at intervals.

"I'm fine," Claire said. "How's the hair coming?"

"It will look perfect," Mandy said. "Just like how we practiced it at home." A final bobby pin was put in place and Mandy announced, "It's done."

Claire twisted this way and that. It looked lovely. She stood up and hugged her daughter. "I love it. Thanks, honey."

Mother and daughter stared in the mirror at each other and smiled. Claire turned to Mandy. "Are you sure you don't mind my getting married here on the same island as you did?"

Mandy rolled her eyes. "I've told you a million times that I don't mind. In fact, it seems fitting. Besides, how can I complain when Craig and I got to come to the Bahamas again for a whole week?" She grinned at Claire, looking so much like her father.

They'd come to the same little island as last year, and stayed at Harbour View Lodge again, except this time Claire had booked a cottage for herself instead of a room. The wedding party was smaller this time, but they'd all had just as much fun lazing around the beaches and enjoying the many restaurants as they had last year. They had enjoyed a wonderful week and now today would be the main event.

Ariana glided into the cottage in a flowing purple dress that made her deeply tanned skin glow. "What are you two doing just sitting around here when everyone is ready for you outside?" she asked, giving a wink. "Ah, the bride looks beautiful. I love your hair. Mandy, you did a wonderful job."

Mandy smiled her gratitude at Ariana as she slipped on a pair of heels. She wore a simple aqua-blue dress that highlighted her deep blue eyes. "Well, since I'm the matron of honor, I guess I'd better get out there if everyone is ready," she said. She ran over and gave her mother one last hug. "This is it," she said. Then she looked at Claire seriously. "Are you absolutely sure you want to do this? You? The woman who swore she'd never get married again."

Claire smiled at her daughter. "Yes," she said with certainty. "I'm absolutely sure."

Mandy nodded, then headed out the door to join her husband, Craig, who was acting as the best man in the wedding.

Ariana fussed with Claire's dress, tugging it here and there, then helped Claire clasp her necklace. "Perfect," Ariana proclaimed. "Now, all we need is that brother of yours to come and walk you down the aisle."

Claire reached out and hugged her best friend. "I'm so happy you're here to share this day with me," she said warmly.

"Me, too," Ariana said. "If you hadn't hired Alicia last year, I'd never been able to come along. We're lucky to have her at the boutique. She's a good worker."

Claire nodded. She'd made a lot of changes last year after coming home from Mandy's wedding, and one of them had been hiring another full-time employee so she and Ariana didn't have to work all the time. Claire had learned that working too much damaged relationships, and she didn't want to relive past mistakes. This marriage was going to work.

Just as Mandy had done, Ariana gave Claire a serious look. "Is this what you really want?" Ariana asked her. "Because you can back out at any time."

Claire laughed. "Yes. This is what I want. There'll be no backing out."

Ariana shook her head. "Okay, but don't ever say I didn't try to stop you."

Claire rolled her eyes. She knew her friend was just looking out for her.

"So, Baby Sis, you're really going through with this," Glen's voice rang out as he walked into the cottage. He looked wonderful in a tan suit with a burgundy tie. He'd even had his longish hair trimmed for the occasion.

"Yes, I'm going through with it," Claire told him. "So, if you have any reservations, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Glen laughed. "Naw. If you want to marry him, that's your problem."

"I'm going out there now," Ariana announced. "Give it a minute or two and then you two come out."

Claire watched her friend leave, then looked at her brother. "So, do you think I'm making a mistake?"

Glen grinned and shook his head. "He's a good guy. I think you'll be fine."

Claire picked up her bouquet of tropical flowers and walked over to Glen, linking arms with him. "Then let's get this show on the road," she said.

As Claire and Glen stepped outside the cottage, soft music filled the air. Mandy and Craig walked the short distance to the palm trees where the Officiant and the groom stood, then separated to stand on either side. Claire and Glen slowly walked up to where Claire's future husband waited.

Claire looked up into the eyes of her groom and smiled. This day had been a long time coming, and she was absolutely sure she was making the right decision to marry the man before her.

Once they made it to the grove of trees, Glen handed Claire to her future husband. They smiled at each other, then turned to face the Officiant, the same older gentleman who'd married Mandy and Craig.

The Officiant started with a short speech about the sanctity of marriage, then went directly into the vows. He asked the couple to face each other and repeat after him.

"Do you, Claire Marie Martin, take this man, James Jerome Martin, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the Officiant began.

Claire smiled up at Jim. A year ago, she would never have thought this was possible. But now, she was the happiest woman alive. She was marrying the man she'd loved over half of her life. Her college sweetheart. The father of her child.

Last year, after she'd returned home from Mandy's wedding, she'd met with Steven and given him back his ring, explaining that she couldn't marry him. Steven had been shocked, but didn't fight it. She'd guessed that deep inside, he'd known they weren't meant to be together, and she'd wished him well with his life. After the time she'd spent with Jim on the island, she knew she could never truly love Steven. She loved Jim, but she accepted the fact that she could never be with him, either.

Two months after that, Jim had come into the boutique carrying a bouquet of yellow roses and a small gift box. Claire was dumbfounded when she saw him enter.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

Jim handed her the flowers. "A little birdie told me that you decided not to marry Steven after all," he said. "So, I come bearing gifts."

Claire frowned. "That little birdie wouldn't happen to be a brown-haired girl named Mandy, would it?"

Jim laughed. "I will not reveal my sources," he said, winking over at Ariana who pretended being busy at the other end of the counter.

Claire's mouth had dropped opened in surprise at what her best friend had done. "You little sneak," she said.

Ariana raised her arms in self-defense. "I know what I see, and I saw you needed a little help." Then she bustled away to give them privacy.

"The flowers are beautiful, Jim," Claire told him. "Thank you."

"Here," he said with that rakish grin on his face. "There's more." Jim handed her the small box he'd had in his hand.

Claire looked up at him suspiciously. "What's this?"

"Open it and see for yourself."

Claire set the flowers on the counter and unwrapped the little box. She pulled out the black, velvet jewelry box inside it. Gingerly, she opened the lid. Sitting on the black velvet, two perfect diamond stud earrings sparkled back at her. Claire gasped as she reached for the solitaire diamond pendent she wore around her neck. The necklace Jim had given her for their fifteenth wedding anniversary, which she had worn every day since coming home from the island. The earrings were a perfect match to it.

"They're beautiful," she said.

"I told you I'd buy you diamond earrings if you gave me the chance," Jim said, grinning.

Claire laughed, remembering what he'd said that day on the island. "So, do you really believe you can buy back my love with diamonds?"

Jim walked up to Claire and put his arms around her. "Only if it works," he said, smiling.

"This is crazy," Claire said, looking up into his deep blue eyes.

"Then let's be crazy," Jim said. "I'll do whatever it takes to find a way back into your heart. I'll take you anywhere, I'll buy you anything. I'll take you to the moon and back if it will make you love me again."

"Really?" Claire asked.

Jim nodded. "Really. And you know what I want more than anything?"

Tears began to pool in Claire's eyes. "What?"

"To find a way to make you believe in me again so I can remarry you on what would have been our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary."

Tears dropped down Claire's cheeks. "Oh, Jim. I don't know if we can get back to the way we were."

"Give me a chance, Claire," Jim whispered. "Just give me a chance."

And she had. It wasn't always easy, but over time Jim had proven to her that he was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. And today, she stood in front of him in the summer that they would have celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary and again promised to love, cherish, and honor him for the rest of her life.

"I do," Claire answered, smiling up at Jim.

"And do you, James Jerome Martin, take this woman, Claire Marie Martin, to be your lawfully wedded wife. To love, cherish, and honor from this day forward, until death do you part?"

"With all my heart, I do," Jim said.

After the exchange of rings, the Officiant smiled broadly. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. Jim, you may kiss your bride."

Claire raised her arms around Jim's neck and he wrapped his arms around her waist. He lowered his lips to hers.

"I love you, Mrs. Martin. Now and forever," Jim whispered.

"I love you, too, Mr. Martin. Forever."

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