Destined for the Dom [Masters of Submission 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (8 page)

BOOK: Destined for the Dom [Masters of Submission 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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“Let me assure you, your feminine presence is a welcome distraction.”

“Then I’ll distract you some more.” She manipulated her hands. “May I?”

“Go right ahead.”

She began massaging his shoulders, flexing her fingers into the tight muscles. “Just relax. You’re very knotted.”

“Tell me about it.” There was irony in his voice.

“Champissage will clear the pathways, allowing your internal energy to flow freely once again. You’ll feel so much better after I’ve finished.”

He groaned, and she could tell he was starting to relax. “I already do.” He took a deep breath. “I’ve never told anyone this before, but I lost five good friends.” He slowly emptied his lungs with a deep sigh, and she knew he found it difficult to speak. “Two of them died right before my very eyes.”

“I’m sorry, Hunter. I’m so very sorry.” She made small circles with her thumbs into the back of his neck, working her way up to his hairline. He twisted his head back and forth as she applied more pressure.

“Oh, that’s good, real good. It kinda does something to a man, seeing his best buddy die right in front of him. Sometimes when I’m dreaming, I think I’m still fighting the Taliban. Sometimes I wake up with a start, and the sheets are soaked through with sweat.”

Zoë placed her forearms at the side of his neck, rolling them outward. “Keep going, Hunter. Let it out, baby.”

“It always takes me a while to settle again. Sometimes I just can’t go back to sleep at all. It’s real hard to erase such images from my mind.”

“Did they give you any help? The Marines I mean?”

He laughed bitterly. “Yeah, they gave us some coping techniques, and we had our periodic debriefings. But that ain’t worth Jack shit, when it’s the middle of the night, and unwanted thoughts are fucking with your head.”

Zoë massaged his weary temples with smooth circular movements. “Sometimes I think the world would be a far better place if it were run by women.”

“Over my dead body, Peaches. Why?”

Zoë spread her fingers onto his scalp, enjoying the feeling as his thick locks caressed the back of her hands. She applied a little more pressure. “Women aren’t naturally aggressive, are they? So there wouldn’t be so many wars. That means there wouldn’t be as much emotional trauma for guys like you to deal with.”

He grunted indignantly. “I’m not so sure. There were some real ball-breaker women back at the base, I can tell you.” He chuckled, lightening the mood. “They’d frighten the life out of you, if you saw them up close.”

“That bad, huh?”

“Us guys used to wonder if they were packing something extra down their pants.”

Zoë giggled. “You mean something extra like a penis?”

Hunter laughed out loud, and then pulled her onto his lap. “Thanks, that massage has really helped lighten my mood. It was nice just having some fun memories for a change.”

Zoë kissed his cheek. “Anytime, Hunter. I’m glad I could help.”

He stroked his hand over her arm, lightly caressing the material of the robe. “Is this mine?” he asked, grasping the neckline and peeling it back to reveal her full breasts.

“I hope you don’t mind?”

“No, but you must always ask in future.” He placed a finger under her chin and angled her face to his. In the darkness, she could just make out his eyes glinting mischievously in the silvery moonlight. “Did you enjoy your first experience in the playroom?”

“Yes,” she answered truthfully, lowering her gaze in case she gave too much away.

“Now look at me and tell me what you liked most.”

Zoë raised her eyes back to his. “The feeling of being helpless.” Hunter palmed her breasts, squeezing her nipples tightly between his fingers.

“And what else?” He caressed her belly and back, smoothing his hand lower, enjoying the curve of her butt as she wriggled on his lap.

“I like watching you, Hunter. I like the way you move. You move like a man.”

Her answer caused him to still the movements of his hand. He stared into her eyes, and then asked, “And just exactly what do you see when you watch me?”

“A strong, powerful man in his element. You came alive, Hunter. It was breathtaking being controlled by you.”

Hunter took her hand in his and brought it to his mouth. He brushed his lips tenderly over her skin. “I have much to teach you, Peaches.”

“I know, and it scares me…” She paused briefly, searching for the right words. “But it draws me in, too. The playroom is like a powerful magnet that I simply can’t resist. I know I should run in the opposite direction. I mean, any sane woman would, but I can’t seem to get it out of my head. I want more of what happens in there. I want to experience it again.”

“Listen, Zoë, the playroom is my fantasy. It’s where I can let go completely and be true to myself. Being dominant comes naturally to me.”

She leaned forward and kissed his lips. “I feel like I could be your natural submissive, Hunter, but only in the playroom. Outside, I’m my own woman, and don’t you ever forget it.”

Chapter Nine


Ten days later


Zoë held up a short black skirt and low-cut red top for Hunter’s approval. “Is this okay to wear to Club Submission?” She’d just had a shower and stood in front of him, wearing panties and a black lace bra.

“Yeah, it’ll match the color of your hair, if nothing else.” Hunter rested on the bed, his head supported by pillows as he waited for Zoë to get ready. He glanced at his watch, wondering just how long it would take.

Zoë self-consciously smoothed a hand over her short black locks. “Don’t you like my hair, Hunter?”

“Peaches, I love your hair. It really suits you.” He smiled to show he meant what he said.

“Then why the sarcasm?”

“For a woman who strutted her stuff at Les Belles for twelve years, you’ve chosen some mighty conservative clothes to wear to a BDSM club.” He could never figure out what made a woman tick. They were a law unto themselves.

Zoë shrugged. “It’s just this time. I want to see what all the other women are wearing, and get to know people first.”

Hunter smiled, and patted the bed. “Come over here. Whatever you wear, you’ll look sensational. I’m just a little surprised that’s all. I didn’t see you as the shy, retiring type.”

“Now you
being sarcastic.”

Her lips pouted petulantly as she walked across and then lay on the bed beside him. He put his arms protectively around her, keeping her safe. Zoë’s warm, feminine skin, and alluring perfume, heightened his senses
. God, she’s beautiful. What have I done to deserve a woman like this?
Hunter had been on Air Marshal duty for the past week and a half, constantly flying between New York and LA. He’d been drafted in at short notice, in response to a perceived terrorist threat. He’d arrived back less than six hours ago, and although he was bushed, he was getting ready to take her to Club Submission for the first time. “I’ve really missed you, Peaches.”

She cuddled up to him, and in her best baby-girl voice said, “I’ve really missed you, too.”

He smoothed a hand down her cheek. “So what have you been up to while I was away?”

Zoë idly traced her fingertips over his chest, enjoying the smattering of dark masculine hair. She paid particular attention to his pierced nipples, tugging them slightly before licking and sucking them. She knew his nipples were super sensitive and enhanced his sexual arousal. “I’ve been so horny without you, Hunter. I’ve had to touch myself every hour, on the hour. My pussy has been constantly wet.” She loved to tease him, making his prick go hard.

Her small hand skimmed across his stomach. She undid the button on his leather pants, and slid her hand lower. He felt his balls tighten as her fingers squeezed his prick.

He stilled her progress, by covering her hand with his. “Careful, or I might not take you to Club Submission after all.”

“Sounds like a good idea to me,” she purred. “Do we really need to go?”

Hunter chuckled. “You’re one horny little girl tonight.”

“You know I am. I’ve been on my own for nine nights, Hunter. I was hoping you’d take me straight to bed.”

He cupped her chin and looked into her beautiful elfin face. Zoë’s short black hair, complemented by the two red streaks, enthused her spirit with vivacity. Bright-green eyes framed by the longest, darkest lashes he’d ever seen stared back, tempting him to fuck her ass and cunt right there and then. Creamy smooth breasts, held tightly in the lacy black bra, heaved excitedly. Later, he would enjoy unfettering those gorgeous tits, and allow them to bounce free, but for now he had a plan. “I’d love to fuck you here and now, Peaches, but seeing as I’m in charge, I’m gonna make you wait.”

“Hunter! You’re so mean.” She playfully thumped him on the shoulder.

“It’s in my nature. That’s why I’m the Master, and you’re the slave. But just to show you I have a benevolent side, too, I’ve brought you back a gift from my travels.”

Zoë squealed with delight, clapping her hands enthusiastically together. “You have?”

“You bet.” He rummaged through his luggage that he hadn’t yet unpacked. “Ah, this is it.” When he found what he was looking for, he turned and handed it to her. “I want you to wear this at Club Submission tonight.”

“Why, what is it?” She excitedly squeezed the small package, wondering what lay inside. Enthusiasm finally got the better of her, and she ripped the pretty wrapping paper apart. Zoë looked puzzled as she studied the strange device, holding it up to the light and twisting it in her hand. “What the hell is it, Hunter?”

He roared with laughter at her naïveté. “It’s a clitoral stimulator in the shape of a butterfly. You wear it inside your panties, that’s if you’ve got any on.” He joked.

“You’ve gotta be kidding me, Mister.”

“No, I’m deadly serious.” He stared at her, his uncompromising demeanor letting her know he wouldn’t back down. “I mean it, Zoë. It’s part of your development as my sub.”

“But I was only going to be your sub in the playroom.”

“This is all part of your training. I enjoy plenty of foreplay before taking a sub to the playroom.”

“So we’re going there later?” Her breath became short, and her eyes widened at the mere thought of his domination.

“Count on it.”

She held up the device. “How long do I—”

“As long as I say.”

“But I’ll be going out of my mind.”

“That’s the general idea.”

She tried a different tack. “Everyone will know I’m wearing it. It will be obvious.”

“No they won’t. Not if you keep control of your responses.”

“You sure have a wicked streak in you, Hunter Black.”

He grinned at her. “Ain’t that the truth, Peaches.” He motioned to the bathroom. “Now go put it on. I need to make sure it’s working, before we head out.” When she didn’t respond immediately, he clapped his hands together. “Like now.”

He watched her run to the bathroom, her long slim legs and creamy butt a delight to behold. Finding Zoë again after fourteen years apart was the best thing to ever happen to him. As he’d driven the last few miles from Logan International Airport, he’d had a big smile on his face. Just knowing that this beautiful, intelligent woman was waiting for him when he returned home lifted his spirits immensely. For the past few years his life had been empty and meaningless. But since he and Zoë had started living together, that was all in the past. He felt happy for the first time in a long time. Zoë gave him purpose—a reason to live.

When she returned from the bathroom, he noticed she wore the low-cut top and skimpy skirt, too. Flexing an index finger, he authoritatively beckoned her over to him. “Now lift up your skirt. I need to check you’ve got it on right.”

Zoë did as he demanded. He tightened the sexual stimulator by pulling the elasticized straps, higher over her thighs and hips. His actions caused the pink butterfly to press sexily against her clit. Hunter noticed with some satisfaction that her legs trembled as he secured the device properly. “Naughty, naughty, I can see you were trying to wear it too loose. Don’t ever underestimate me, Zoë.” He lightly touched her temple with a finger to make his point. “I know everything that goes on in that pretty little head of yours.”

“I’m beginning to think you do.”

“Remember, we’re going to be in the playroom for a long time when we return from Club Submission, and any disobedience from you will not be tolerated. Have I made myself clear?”

“Yes, Hunter.” He noticed her becoming more sexually aroused as he gradually increased his control over her body and mind.

“Excellent. Now let’s try it out. Start walking around the bedroom and I’ll see if it’s working correctly. This baby comes with a remote control.”

“Remote!” She looked shocked. “You mean you’re gonna be switching this damned thing on and off while we’re at the club?”

“Yeah, that’s my evil streak coming through.”

“I can see you’re loving this.”

“Of course, and you will, too. Just pace up and down while I test it out.”

Hunter switched it on, and Zoë immediately jolted in surprise. Her normal elegant gait took on a theatrical wobble, and she reached out to steady herself. He laughed at the look on her face. “Sorry, that’s the highest setting.”

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