Destined for the Dom [Masters of Submission 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (11 page)

BOOK: Destined for the Dom [Masters of Submission 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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Master Cole continued his demonstration. “As you can see, both subs have become highly aroused by their spanking. If you’re feeling particularly benevolent, you can slide a hand under their belly and finger their clit.”

A gasp left Zoë’s lips as Hunter did exactly that. The fact that this powerful man completely controlled her, made her writhe and buck over his knees. When his finger teased her clit, she held her breath, waiting for the fifth and final slap. The physical and emotional intensity of the moment made everything feel magnified. Pleasure mixed with pain felt so incredibly forbidden and erotic. Its power was overwhelming and intoxicating. Just knowing that the large crowd was enjoying it as much as she only added to her pleasure. Inconceivable sexual well-being pulsed through her as Hunter’s final deterrent noisily made contact with her tender, stinging butt, sending her headlong into climax.

By biting firmly down on her lower lip, and squeezing her eyes tightly shut, she just managed to keep herself from moaning out loud. Oh, Lordy, Hunter must have realized what was happening, because she twisted and turned on his lap, her engorged clit pulsing against his fingertip.

Master Cole continued speaking in his gravelly New York accent. “Master Hunter, are there any further words of wisdom you would like to add?”

Hunter cleared his throat. “Yeah. For all you aspiring Doms out there, aftercare is particularly important. Although the ass is a robust part of the female anatomy, you need to attend to the redness by soothing the punished flesh with a light massage. Even applying a little oil if necessary. A happy, contented sub is one who will give you years of pleasure, and you must always attend to their needs.”

Hunter tenderly soothed Zoë’s burning butt by pressing his palm gently against her hot flesh. Light strokes of his fingers followed as he carefully restored her circulation. His other hand remained under her belly, the index finger still teasing her clit. If he continued to stimulate her like this, she’d have another orgasm in front of all these people. At this moment in time, she didn’t give a fuck about the audience, because she felt as though she and Hunter had entered a private space, with only the two of them invited.

She knew he was aroused, too, because she felt his erection pressed achingly taut against her belly. Just what was in store for her when they finally arrived home?

“That’s all, guys.” Master Cole finished, and a ripple of applause spread out from the gathered crowd.

When the club members slowly started to drift away, Hunter lovingly pulled Zoë into his big, strong arms. Stunned, she obediently curled onto his lap like a feline. She hadn’t even thought of using her safeword. So what did that tell her? Slowly he ran his hand through her hair and then caressed her cheek before angling her face to his. Her heart raced away at the look of pure, unadulterated sexual desire she saw darkening his blue eyes. Hunter wanted her.

“Let’s get these damned cuffs off. The playroom awaits.”

Chapter Thirteen


Zoë waited anxiously outside the playroom, as instructed. Her legs shook with sexual desire and anticipation of things to come. Tonight, Hunter would show her what it truly meant to be his sub, and although frightened, she wanted to experience his mastery more than anything else in the world. She was well aware he’d been lenient with her the last time she was in here. He’d toyed with her, giving her a taste of what a D/s relationship could be like. What would he do to her now, and how would she react to his total domination?

As soon as they’d arrived back from Club Submission, he’d given her a half hour to freshen up. Now here she stood, completely naked save for a silk robe, her hand hovering over the door handle. With all her heart she wanted Hunter. She guessed she loved him. As a child, and then a young woman at St. Mark’s, she’d relied on him to keep her safe, and then he’d left, and her life had spiraled out of control. Now, fourteen years later, he was back, bringing some semblance of purpose and hope to her otherwise chaotic lifestyle. He was the heart to her soul. The blood in her veins.

The chrome handle felt cool to her touch, as she twisted it and pushed open the playroom door. Tentatively, and with her heart rate accelerating, she moved further into the forbidden space. The breath caught in her lungs, and she jolted in surprise, as the door suddenly slammed shut with a heavy, sickening thud. She placed a hand to her chest, trying to calm her breathing.
Dear God.
Awestruck, and in total silence, she watched Hunter turn the key in the lock. His glorious chest was bare and powerful. Tribal tattoos decorated his lean flesh, perfectly complementing the man and Dom. Realizing she’d been holding her breath for the last minute or so, she finally released the air stored in her lungs, before taking another anxious breath.

He walked slowly toward her, his eyes holding hers enthralled, until he towered over her. She felt the sizzling heat in his gaze, consuming her, fanning the flames of her desire.

“You belong to me.” His words were said so confidently, they were not an opinion, but a statement of fact. “You remember your safeword?”

“It’s red,” she whispered.

Hunter was in total control, and she liked it. “Excellent.” He clasped her chin in his hand, and roughly angled her face to his. “In the playroom you will call me Master.” She felt Hunter’s breath on her face. His piercing eyes were so close, she could even make out flecks of yellow and brown, speckling his penetrating blue irises.

“Yes, Master.”

He pulled a blindfold from the pocket of his leather jeans, and proceeded to cover her eyes. As the world slowly disappeared from view, she desperately tried to visualize the layout of the playroom. Hunter ran his fingers under the edge of the black velvet material, checking that no light was seeping through.
Breathe, Zoë, breathe.

A cold shiver ran up her spine as he slipped the robe from around her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. She felt the silk material lying pooled around her ankles. Her nipples pebbled and hardened in response—a combination of the cool air, and his all-knowing eyes, watching her.

“You are achingly beautiful, my pet. Your body could never disappoint me. You are simply exquisite.”

His softly spoken words made her knees go weak and her pussy wetter still. “Come.” He took hold of her hand. “I wish to explore that glorious body of yours.” As if able to read her thoughts, he said, “I have something special to show you. I had it custom made, especially for you, Zoë. See if you can guess what it is. Just hold out your hands in front of you and start walking. That’s it.” He touched a hand to the small of her back, as she tentatively moved across the playroom. “Just one more step. Excellent, my sub, just a little further and you’re there.” She stopped abruptly when felt a soft object against her belly. He pressed a hand firmly between her shoulder blades. “Lean forward.” She did as he demanded, slowly tilting her upper body, until it lay at a ninety-degree angle to her legs.

With the blindfold still covering her eyes, she desperately tried to make sense of her surroundings. A soft upholstered pad seemed to support her neck, and Hunter aligned her hands either side of her head, before placing her wrists into two deep indentations. When she felt a padded yoke tighten around her neck and wrists, she realized she’d been put into a set of stocks. Panic rose when the stocks locked into position, with a sickening click. She was trapped. Should she use her safeword?

“Hunter, please.”

“You will address me as Master. Failure to do so is not an option.”

“I’m sorry, Master. I was a little—”

“Silence. Do not speak, unless you wish to use your safeword. Do you wish to use your safeword?”

Zoë swallowed hard and shook her head. So far nothing bad had happened. “No, Master. I’m sorry, Master.”

“Good, then I will continue preparing the scene.” She heard him walk behind her. His hand trailed down the crevice of her bare butt, making her tremble inside. “Relax your legs, my sub. You’re holding them too stiff.”

Although difficult to comply, she did as he required. Immediately, he buckled what felt like a thick leather strap around her waist, securing her lower body, hard against the soft upholstery, making any movement almost impossible. To add to his domination of her, he attached restraints to each ankle, roughly spreading her legs wide apart, displaying her pussy and anus for his personal gratification. She couldn’t move a single muscle now, even if she wanted to. She was completely at his mercy. Zoë was frightened, but her pussy was soaking wet.

Hunter slid a hand between her legs and attached something familiar against her clitoris. Her pussy lips spread open and folded around the object.

“Because you disobeyed me by removing the butterfly at Club Submission, I’ve decided to use it now.”

The steady pulse began beating against her clit, growing, growing in intensity. Although Zoë recognized the lovely feeling, she also wanted to squirm and move away from the wicked indulgence. All she could do was move her head a little from side to side, and flex her fingers. A moan tore from her, and she bit down on her lower lip.
Oh, God.
The overwhelming pleasure the butterfly gave her was both excruciating and exquisite. She moaned out loud again, as she teetered on the edge of sexual oblivion.

Hunter pulled the blindfold from around her eyes. He cupped her chin forcing her to look at him. His gaze was blistering. “Slave, do not come without my permission.”

“But, Master, pl—”

Zoë’s mouth trembled as her helpless pussy throbbed and pulsed around the butterfly. What Hunter demanded of her was impossible, absolutely impossible. A mighty orgasm broke her resolve, and she shuddered her release against the constrictive bindings, whimpering in ecstasy as she disobeyed her Master.

Hunter moved in close, and whispered in her ear, “You disappoint me, my sub. I expressly forbade you such enjoyment.”

Her breathing was heavy and hard, but she finally managed to blurt out, “I’m so sorry, Master. I just couldn’t help myself.”

“Then you must face the consequences.”

“But it wasn’t my fault. It was your—”

“Silence. How dare you? Do not speak, unless you wish to use your safeword.”

Hunter moved out of her line of vision for a few seconds, before returning. He was spreading lube onto a formidable-looking metal object. It was about five inches in length, and looked like a set of graduated ball bearings, one on top of another. Their sizes ranged from that of a pea to a golf ball.

He looked demonic and in total control as he whispered menacingly, “Your ass belongs to me tonight. I’ve already punished your disobedience at Club Submission, but you have once again gone against my wishes.” He held up the metal object. “This probe will restore a little order. As you can see each bead is larger than the next. Make sure you follow my instructions to the letter, or feel it in full, slave.”

Zoë’s heart beat faster as he moved behind her.
God what have I let myself in for? Should I use my safeword?
As much as the stocks allowed, she jolted when he touched the cold metallic object against her rectum.

“My, my, you’re jumpy today, my sub.” Slowly she felt him insert the first bead inside her ass. She figured he then let go of the object, because the weight of the probe pulled on her sphincter, stimulating her sensitive anus. When Hunter pressed his palms to her butt, pushing her hard against the oscillating butterfly, the pulsing against her clit became even more intense. She couldn’t help but let out another submissive whimper of sexual pleasure.

“Master, I can’t stop myself…”

“Do not come. You do not have my permission.”

“But, Master.” The vibrations against her clit and anus intensified. She cursed that damned control unit. Zoë flexed her fingers, driving long fingernails into her palms, anything to stop herself from coming again. It was no use, the combination of the clitoral butterfly turned up to max, and the beaded anal probe inside her ass, meant another orgasm was inevitable. She’d climaxed before, but never like this. It ripped through her body and mind, pulsing and undulating uncontrollably in her clit and ass. The fact that her naked body was completely restrained by the stocks, and incapable of any movement whatsoever, only added to her sexual release.

Hunter’s deep voice reverberated behind her. “This is the third time this evening that you have disobeyed me.”

The contractions from her recent climax still throbbed as Hunter twisted the anal probe and pushed the second bead inside her ass. Aware that another orgasm was inevitable, Zoë closed her eyes as she struggled to accommodate the larger bead. She tried her best, but her pussy surrendered once more, and her orgasm rolled in, just like the breaking of waves on a tropical shore—relentless and unstoppable. Her breath came in short, sharp pants, as she made yet another feeble apology.

“Master…I just…can’t stop…it…coming.” She licked her lips and took a deep breath between each word. Perspiration formed on her brow.

“Slave, you leave me no choice.”

The breath caught in her throat, as he pushed a third bead into her rectum. Her body throbbed at the delicious invasion, as the metallic probe stretched her ass wider still.

Hunter began massaging her butt, forcing her down onto the butterfly stimulator still pulsing beneath her clit. He molded her ass cheeks together so she would experience the anal probe more intensely.

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