Destined to Love (Starting Over Trilogy Book 3) (18 page)

BOOK: Destined to Love (Starting Over Trilogy Book 3)
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“Are you sure this looks all right?” Angel asks, walking into the kitchen.

I look up at her; she is adjusting the sleeves on her shirt. She is wearing jeans, a white blouse, and heels. Her hair is long and straight; red lipstick and gold hoop earrings complete her outfit.

“What?” she asks.

I blink a few times; I didn’t realize I was staring.

“I’m changing.”

“Wait, why?”

“Because you are just looking at me, that’s why.”

I down the rest of my Scotch and walk over to her.

“Beauty,” I say, cupping her face in my hands. “I was staring at you because you are unbelievably beautiful.” I kiss the tip of her nose. “I didn’t say anything because how do you tell someone they are the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?”

She smiles and wraps her arms around my neck. She stands on her tiptoes and kisses me. “You always know exactly what to say. Thank you.”

I lift her off the ground and kiss her back. “I only speak the truth. You are beautiful.”

We are the first to arrive at the restaurant, and we decide to sit at a highball table in the bar. The music is low as we order our drinks. Angel decides on a mint mohito and I have a Corona with lime. We sip our drinks and Angel fills me in on Emma. She tells me that Emma is a single mom of a four-year-old son and that she lives in a small house in Sarasota. Angel says that Emma is a single mom who doesn’t date or get out much. Other than work, she is completely devoted to her son. I find it difficult to speak and just nod.

I have never asked about the new girl in Sara and Brea’s office before. When I finally find my voice, I ask about Emma’s family. I learn that her mother and father live in the area; that was the only information Angel had.

Angel stands and waves at a small petite blond entering the front door. She is wearing jeans, a tee shirt, and sandals. When the woman sees Angel, she smiles and waves back. I stand and wait for the two to say their hellos. Angel walks Emma to the table and introduces us. We all sit and Emma orders a glass of white wine. I sit back and listen while Angel and Emma talk. Angel tries to include me in the conversation every now and then.

I look at the front door and see a colleague of mine walk in: Alec Collins. Alec was Angel’s doctor when she was in the hospital. He sees me and smiles before walking over in our direction. I stand and we shake hands. I introduce him to Angel and Emma as if he and Angel have never met. He remembers Angel but Angel, of course, doesn’t remember him. It’s a story for another time. He doesn’t say anything and I know he understands.

I wave to the bartender to get Alec a drink and for another round of drinks for us.

I notice Alec look over at the girls a few times. I’m not sure if he’s looking at Emma, or at Angel. The last time he saw Angel she was battered and beaten.

“Alec, why don’t you join us for dinner?’ Angel asks.

I think she may be playing matchmaker, but it’s too soon to tell. I see Emma look at her watch, but she doesn’t say anything. I also look at my phone for the time. Sara and Donovan are already late.

He looks at Angel and then stares at Emma. “I only came in for a drink, but dinner sounds great. Are you sure?” he asks, looking at Emma.

Angel smiles and says, “We would love for you to stay.”

I sit across from Angel and Alec sits across from Emma. Sara and Donovan walk in all giddy. Alec and I stand until they reach our table.

“Sorry we’re late. Sara started drinking early and didn’t want to leave the house.”

Sara hugs Emma, then Angel. Donovan pulls a chair out for Sara and she sits down. Donovan winks at her before sitting beside her at the round highball table. After they order their drinks, we look over the menu and decide on dinner. I made sure the bartender knew to put everything on one check. I have no idea what Emma’s financial status is, but if I can lighten her load, I will.

We order dinner and Emma orders a side salad and soup. Because she is a single mother, I’m sure her finances are tight. I look at the appetizers and order several different ones. Angel looks at me.

“I’m hungry.”

We all talk about Brea and Vincent’s baby, the insurance business, and the hospital. Alec tells us they have been extremely busy. Angel looks over at Alec and I think it has registered, she knows him.
He tips his beer bottle towards her, nods, and continues talking. Emma talks about working with Sara and Brea but doesn’t mention a husband or her son.

We eat and have a great time together. We say our goodbyes and head home.

While driving home, Angel asks, “I know Alec, don’t I?”

“He was your doctor when you were in Intensive Care.”

“He’s a friend of yours?”

“He was my colleague at the hospital. I like him, but I have never associated with him outside of work before now. I’m not sure ‘friend’ is a word I would use.”

“I like him. We should invite him to our wedding.”

“We can do that.” I look over at her and smile.

“You’re planning something. Does it have to do with Emma?”



“Mason, come on, they’re here,” I yell, rushing to the front door. I open the door and wait on the porch for Vincent and Brea to get the baby from the back of the truck. I am so excited. This is the first night for us to babysit. Vincent wants a date night with Brea and Mason, and I get to babysit. Mason stands behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

“Do you think they brought enough diapers?” Mason whispers in my ear. We watch as Vincent grabs a very large diaper bag from the back seat. “Arturo seems to be a poop machine.”

I whisper back, “All babies are.”

I open the door wide for Brea and wider for Vincent to walk through. He is carrying Arturo in a baby carrier and has the diaper bag slung over his left shoulder.

Vincent sets the baby down near the couch, and I sit in the rocking chair. Brea hands me the baby, and I automatically smell him. He smells so good.

“There are diapers, wipes, burp cloths, a couple changes of clothes, and some bottles in the insulated pouches. Make sure you change his diaper every hour and feed him every two hours. The bottles are filled with breast milk, so make sure Mason doesn’t taste it.”

“Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. And why would you think I would taste your breast milk?”

“Sometimes people taste it to check the temperature of the milk. Just put some on your wrist to check the temperature.”

“Don’t worry,” Mason says while walking over to stand near Vincent.

I cuddle the baby and inhale him again.

“Vincent, I’m not sure I can leave him yet,” Brea says, sitting on the couch near the rocking chair.

Vincent walks over and kneels down in front of her. “Cupcake, it’s just for a couple hours. I just want some alone time with my girl. Just you and me, alone; just the two of us.” He lifts her head gently with his fingers so she can see him. “Just you and me.”

“Ok, two hours?”

“No more, I promise. They are our friends and they will care for him as we would. I just want some alone time with you, with no interruptions.” He leans in and kisses her sweetly.

She nods and stands up. They both kiss the baby before leaving. Mason closes the door after them and has a sour look on his face.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“I’m still thinking about what Brea said about me tasting her breast milk.
I actually prefer beer.
May I hold him?” Mason says, holding his hands out for Arturo. 

I rearrange the baby and hand him to Mason. Mason sits on the couch, removes the blanket from the baby, and holds him out so he can see him better. Mason smiles and kisses Arturo on his forehead before turning him over. Mason looks at him, feels his spine, and turns him back around.

“Mason, are you assessing him or holding him?”

“I’m just holding him.” Mason touches his head and feels his intelligence bump.

I stand up and remove a diaper, a burp cloth, wipes, and a bottle from the diaper bag.

“It looks like you are assessing him to me. Here, let me have him, he’s fine.”

Mason wraps him back up in the soft blue blanket and hands him back to me. “He sure is.” Mason kisses the baby on the forehead before handing him to me.

I change him then feed him. Mason sits on the couch and watches. He usually has a beer or a Scotch by now but tonight he is drinking water. Mason’s phone dings that he has an incoming text. He pulls his phone from his back pocket and laughs. “It’s Vincent, Brea went to the restroom and he’s checking on Junior,” Mason says as he replies.

I also have a text. “It’s Brea, she snuck to the restroom to check on Junior — I mean Arturo.”

We both laugh and take turns holding the baby. Mason is so relaxed holding him. He always kisses the baby on the forehead and never on the lips. I know it’s because he is afraid of spreading germs to the baby. I always hold Arturo
 close so I can smell him. I’m beginning to wonder if I have a problem smelling people. First Mason, now Arturo.

Brea and Vincent walk in and almost fight over who will hold the baby first. Mason and I laugh at the way they cuddle him.

“How was your date?” I ask.

“It was good, but we missed our little man,” Brea says in her baby voice I have never heard before.

“It was great; we were able to talk about the wedding, just the two of us. So many people are involved and everyone has an opinion,” Vincent states.

“I can see how that would be a problem. What did you two come up with?” I ask, walking over to sit near Mason.

“My wedding dress for one. Since I chose it while I was pregnant, Mom thinks I should go with a different style. I loved it when I got it and I still love it. I go in for the final fitting Wednesday. Can you believe the wedding is in two weeks?”

“I can’t, time is flying by. Look at how much different things are now. You have a baby.” I smile.

“Not just a baby, I have the most cutest lil man in the whole world,” Brea says, using her baby voice again. “What about your wedding dress? Have you thought much about it?” Brea asks in a normal tone.

“I am hoping to wear my mother’s wedding dress. Uncle Raùl is bringing it down with him when he comes. It’ll need cleaned and altered. My mother was very slim, so I’m not sure I can wear it at all.”

Mason nods, but doesn’t say anything.

Vincent and Brea also talk about their honeymoon. They didn’t plan one since Brea would have just delivered. But since Arturo decided to come early and will be six weeks old at the wedding, Vincent would like to take them someplace beautiful and relaxing.

Once they are gone, Mason and I talk about our own honeymoon. I have never traveled and I am really a pretty simple girl. I don’t have any dream places I want to see. Just some intimate alone time with Mason is all I want.

“We never talked about your wedding dress before. I think it will be nice for you to wear your mother’s wedding dress.”

“You do? Aren’t you afraid it’ll be too old fashioned?”

“No, not at all. I think it will be perfect. You know, we have never talked about wedding rings either.”

“No, I guess we haven’t. I assumed you would buy mine and I would buy yours.”

“I was thinking, I would like to take care of the rings and plan the honeymoon. You can plan the wedding.”

“I was going to plan the wedding anyway,” I joke. “What do you have in mind for the rings and honeymoon?”

“Nothing planned yet, but I do have some ideas.”

“Mason, you have to promise me, nothing extravagant. No big flashy rings and no over-the-top honeymoon.”

“I can do that. Nothing flashy and nothing over the top.”

It’s Thursday and I kiss Mason goodbye. My client, Marilyn, is out of town, but I need to put the last finishing touches in the lanai. The luau is scheduled for next weekend, and I am ahead of schedule, thanks to an early delivery of the furniture. I drive my loaded-down SUV and let myself in using the key she left for me.

The waterfall has been installed and looks beautiful dead center on the focal point wall straight ahead. It can be seen anywhere from the lanai. The gas fireplace has been built out of stone and is elegant on the opposite wall of the waterfall. The delivery for the live indoor plants arrived right on schedule. I arrange the tall indoor trees and plants, add the lighting to the base of them, and fluff the pale yellow and green pillows on the outdoor furniture.

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