Destiny (Absent Shadows Trilogy Book 1) (28 page)

BOOK: Destiny (Absent Shadows Trilogy Book 1)
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‘You’ll work this out,’ she said, her voice sounding wise and kind. ‘It may not seem possible right now, but all will be as it should be.’

I looked into her eyes, hoping to find a solution in them. I shook my head, and smiled, fighting back tears that were threatening to escape. ‘I wish I had your confidence, Crystal.’

She took one of my hands in hers, then took Sam’s in her other hand and spoke softly so that only we could hear her. ‘I know you have both been torturing yourselves over the obstacles you face—time, and our very different worlds. But for now, Lili, you must go home. You need to close off that part of your life that waits for you in California. It may take you a week, or a month, or even a year, but when you return, all will become clear. Stop worrying about it, and just enjoy yourselves for now. The love you have for each other will never die. It’s the same as what Michael and I have—everlasting. The love may change, and grow, and evolve over time, but it will always be there. I can see it. You shouldn’t doubt it.’

I felt like a giant weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Suddenly I could see the future clearly. Why had I been making it so much harder than it needed to be? I mean, what was I, some sort of drama queen? The solution was quite simple really. I would go home and talk to Mom. She’d understand. Then I’d come back. What could be easier? Why hadn’t I seen it that way? Just because I would leave for a time, didn’t mean I was leaving forever. And when I returned, we would just enjoy our time together. We’d have years and years before the age difference started to matter. We’d sort something out during that time. It didn’t need to be solved today.

I looked at Sam and I could see relief in his eyes as well. Crystal’s soothing voice and words must have worked the same wonders on him that they’d worked on me. The decision was made: I would go home—for a time. And when I returned, things would become clear.

We drank, we ate cake, and we danced. And each time we danced, I felt like I was dancing on clouds. My troubles had melted away. It was magical. Or at least it was until Tom came over and thumped Sam hard in the back.

‘Mate, it’s time to go. Enough of this lovey dovey stuff, eh,’ he laughed as he said it, but then hit Sam again. ‘You said you wouldn’t mind taking Claire back for me, and I’ve gotta start making the rounds if we’re gonna give Michael the night off. Erranase said he’d take the marquee and lights down and me … well, I’m off.’

Sam shook his head, but he was grinning. ‘Sure, you take off. What did you tell Claire? So I don’t stick my foot in my mouth in the car.’

‘Oh, I just told her I was feeling sick,’ Tom said, putting on a fake queasy look, ‘that it must have been something I’d eaten. You’re driving her home.’

‘No worries, that’s fine,’ replied Sam. ‘Lili, why don’t you go over and talk to Claire for a moment, I’ll just see if Erranase needs a hand cleaning up, and then we can go.’

As I made my way over to Claire I kept an eye on Sam. I could see him smiling at the old vampire. Perhaps he was thanking him for being so gracious all evening. Erranase really could be quite the gentleman. Funny, even after what he’d done to them, I don’t think either Sam or Tom held anything against him; instead they both seemed to have a great deal of respect for him.

It was an interesting world, this one; and one that was becoming more and more familiar to me each day. I felt a slight shiver run down my spine as I recalled Crystal’s words about the strength of the love she saw in Sam and me. I was so grateful for her encouragement—giving me courage to believe in what I was feeling.

‘She’s beautiful, isn’t she?’ asked Claire.

So deep in my own thoughts, I’d nearly forgotten she was standing next to me. ‘Crystal? Oh, yes, she certainly is.’

‘Eurasian, I suppose, with those exotic eyes and beautiful skin. But there’s something else … something sort of … I don’t know, almost magical about her … don’t you think?’

‘Yes, I know what you mean. I feel it too,’ I replied, with heartfelt sincerity. I had admired Crystal from the moment I met her, but never so much as I did tonight.

‘I wonder what it is about her …’

I was saved from answering when Sam walked up. He was ready to go.

~ C

My last few days in Australia were crazy. It was like I was on this massive emotional roller-coaster. One moment I would be calm, remembering Crystal’s soothing words, feeling confident with the path I’d chosen to follow. Then my heart would start to race, and I would wonder at my own sanity. Vampires? Ghosts? Was this really going to be my life? I would spend hours convincing myself that this was what I really did want, only to find myself beginning to question whether I was good enough. Was my love for Sam strong enough to hold him? Would I able be able to help the ghosts the way Elizabeth did? Did I really have what it was going to take?

Round and round I went, first questioning my decision and then justifying my choices. In the end, I just wanted to get on with it … go home, do the things that had to be done, and come back. I wanted my new life to start so I could prove that I really could do it.

In a few minutes Sam was picking me up. We’d take one last trip to our beach, and spend a few hours together. He’d decided against coming to the airport with us tomorrow … we’d say goodbye today.

When the buzzer sounded, I jumped. I opened the door and there he stood, in jeans and a brown leather jacket. He looked more rugged than I’d ever seen him. His hair was tousled and his eyes were exceptionally bright. His face appeared more pale than normal. I had this sudden urge to throw myself at him and never let go. But instead, I took a deep breath and joined him in the corridor.

We drove to the beach in silence, then walked along the waterline, hand in hand. Neither of us spoke for ages.

‘You’ll ring me or text me every day,’ Sam finally said.

I nodded and swallowed hard before I spoke. ‘Sure, of course.’

‘And you know that if there’s anything you need, you just have to let me know, right?’


‘You’ll only be a flight away—it’s not that big a deal really. I mean, I could always come over … to help with things … if you need me too. You know that, right?’

‘Yeah … I mean, thanks Sam.’

He seemed nervous, and somehow that gave me strength. It was like I had to be strong for both of us. I squeezed his hand, and smiled.

‘I love you, Lili. And that won’t ever change. But …’

Why is there always a ‘but’? My heart sank as I waited. It seemed forever before he finished the sentence.

‘… then again … when you get there … if you feel that you can go back to your life the way it was … before … you know, without me … then I want you to do that. I mean, if you find someone, or something, that means enough to you that you forget to text me … or ring me … of course I’ll be happy for you.’

‘Oh, Sam, that isn’t going to happen. I’m going to miss you every morning when I wake up, every minute while I’m awake, and every night when I try to fall asleep. I love you. Don’t you go forgetting

The waves splashed up at our feet, and the wind whipped the salt spray across my face. It was icy cold and the sky was getting darker by the minute. As moments of silence ticked by, a lump started growing in my throat and it was more than just the wind bringing tears to my eyes.

Eventually we headed back toward the car, and when we got there Sam stopped and took me into his arms, holding me tightly.

‘I love you, Lili McIntyre. More than anything … But is that enough? I mean, I can’t ask you to give up your life to be with me … to live in my world.’ The look on his face nearly broke my heart—there was so much pain there.

‘But you aren’t asking me to give up anything. I’m telling you that I want to be with you and that you mean more to me than anything else ever could.’

‘But …’

I put my hand to his lips, and said ‘shush’, then got on my tiptoes and kissed him again before speaking.

‘Sam, two months ago, I was lost. I’d decided I could no longer study something just to make my mother happy. And I’d ditched the high school sweetheart who wanted to control my life. But I had no idea what I wanted. Now I do. I want you. But it’s not only you. I want to help the ghosts, the way Elizabeth does. And I want to be here, in Australia, where my father was born. This is where I want to be, Sam. It’s where I belong. I know that now. You aren’t asking me to give up anything. On the contrary, you’re giving me the opportunity to live my life the way I want to live it … with you.’

‘Well, when you put it that way …’ he said, reaching down to brush some hair away from my cheek.

Then he smiled, and the frown between his brows faded, and his eyes began to twinkle. I threw my arms around him and squeezed as hard as I could, wishing I never had to let go.

‘I’ll be back before you know it,’ I whispered.

‘And I’ll be waiting for you. It will be as if you’d never gone.’

We kissed again, and this time it was hard and passionate and tasted salty as a few tears ran down my face. He held me tight and for a moment time stopped and there was nothing in the world except for us.

I stepped back, wiped my face, and put on a brave smile. I stood there, perfectly still, wanting to capture this moment in my memory so I could recall it over and over—to last me until I returned. This man … this vampire … this gorgeous, charming, honourable, courageous, protective being … wanted me … Lili McIntyre … and there was nothing that would keep me from him. I could see my future so clearly in that instant and I knew that I deserved him, and that us being together was right—that it was my destiny, and nothing could keep us apart.

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