Destiny of Dragons (7 page)

Read Destiny of Dragons Online

Authors: Amber Kell

Tags: #Adult, #GLBT, #Gay, #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Destiny of Dragons
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“I can’t protect everyone.” The hopelessness in Aden’s tone twisted Gallen up in side.

Gallen couldn’t let Aden’s statement stand. “You don’t need to protect everyone, just the dragons, your son and his friends.”

Truth to be told Carey could probably take care of himself, and the half of the world his father couldn’t handle. For a human, even one with dragon blood, Carey was intimidating.

Aden groaned. “But I don’t want to be in charge of every dragon on the planet. I can barely take care of the ones who keep showing up. I’ll have to buy another property if these dragons don’t get places of their own.”

Pleased his mate had shifted gears, Gallen played along. “Did you forget the fortune buried under the fountain?” He liked poking the dragon. His position as Aden’s mate allowed him to be one of the few who could get away with teasing the tough alpha male.

“That’s my treasure!” Aden growled his discontent like a child not wanting to give up his teddy bear.

Gallen chuckled. “I’m sure you can free up a couple of gold coins to buy more real estate.”

“Not if I can help it. Besides, don’t they have hordes of their own?” Aden’s pouty tone sent Gallen into peals of laughter.

“You really are a dragon.” Gallen kissed Aden’s forehead.

Aden grunted. “The scales and sharp teeth didn’t tip you off before?”

“They were rather subtle.” Gallen moved until he could snuggle in closer to his mate. He slid a leg over Aden’s thigh and settled his head on his lover’s breastbone in a spot reserved just for him. These moments of gentleness meant more to him than their hours of hot sweaty sex. Aden showed a hard, cold side to most of the world. Only those Aden trusted got a peek at the kind man who would give anything for the ones he loved.

Aden slid an arm around Gallen and pulled him closer. “I like you here with me.”

“Yeah,” Gallen sighed. “Me, too.”

Before Aden, no one had ever wanted to hold him close. His past few encounters had been rushed, hurried affairs. No one who knew his father had dared to chance a relationship with Gallen, not when they knew they’d be turned into a mindless slave. Aden didn’t fear him. Gallen doubted Aden feared anyone.

“I don’t want you fighting,” Aden said. “I want you here, safe. If the emperor comes after me I want you to run to the other sorcerers. I think they’ll protect you because you are one of their own.”

Gallen snorted. “If you think I’m going to abandon you then you’re crazier than a cat shifter on catnip.”

Aden’s body shook with laughter. “I’ll have to get a bunch and see if Broden is susceptible. Do you think jaguars like catnip?”

“I don’t know. It could be a fun test, though Carey might gut you for teasing his mate.”

Aden snorted. “Are you kidding? He’d probably buy me the catnip.”

Aden’s voice rumbled beneath Gallen’s ear. He rubbed his cheek against his mate’s firm, muscled body. They lay there for several minutes, wallowing in their closeness.

“How’s your head?” Gallen asked.

“It’s feeling better. I don’t feel as if a spike is trying to shove its way through my forehead any more.”

“That’s good. Do you think the vision triggered your migraine?”

“Yeah. I’m hoping it isn’t a sign of things to come.”

“Me, too.” Gallen rubbed a hand across Aden’s stomach, trying to soothe his mate through touch.

“Do you think Carey would go away for a bit if I asked?”

“No.” Gallen answered truthfully. “I think he’d pull out his big guns and chase after whoever threatened you. You taught him to take care of himself. Let him do it.”

“It’s hard. I prepared Carey to take on an army single-handed, but I never actually thought he’d need all the training.”

“I think deep down a part of you must’ve.”

Aden didn’t speak for a long while. “Maybe.”

Gallen toyed with Aden’s collar for a bit, slipping his fingers beneath the fabric and rubbing the skin underneath. “Liang’s nervous about being a new father, you should let him know you’ll be there if he needs any advice.”

Aden slid his fingers into Gallen’s hair and massaged his scalp gently. “I learned by trial and error. I’m not exactly a role model for sensible parenting or did you not notice my son is a killing machine.” Aden sounded more proud than concerned about his son’s prowess.

“True, but he loves you so you must’ve done something right,” Gallen insisted. He’d never felt even a fraction of the devotion Carey exhibited toward Aden for his own father. Of course his father had been a sociopath so maybe Gallen didn’t have a good basis for comparison.

“I got lucky.”

Gallen smiled, warmed by Aden’s defense of his child. “You never give yourself enough credit. That’s why you need me to point out how awesome you are.” Gallen kissed Aden’s neck, the only spot he could reach from his current position.

“I’m glad you think so. I started training Carey when he was really young. First hand to hand combat, then knives, then guns. I’m not sure my lessons would be appropriate for sea dragon shifters. They seem like pretty gentle creatures.”

“Maybe, but Proteus helped Liang get out of there. Don’t discount him because he’s small.”

“I won’t. Some of the deadliest assassins are successful because they look innocent. Did Zhou leave?”

Gallen nodded. “He took Liang with him instead. Liang sees the emperor as a possible threat to his children and wants him eliminated. I gave Zhou one of the disposable phones. He’s supposed to call if he runs into trouble.” They kept a basket of disposables because the hawk shifters often lost them in flight. Carey had set up tracking on each one so that they could be retrieved later.

“How did Proteus take that?”

“He was supportive. Besides I think Liang is going so he can scope out the area in case you do decide to send his mate.”

“Thanks. You always take care of everything,” Aden said.

“That’s part of my job as your mate to make sure you have whatever you need.”

Aden kissed Gallen’s forehead. “I can think of something else I need right now.”

Lying next to his mate and inhaling his luscious scent had Gallen harder than the stone fountain outside.

“Always thinking with your other head,” Gallen teased.

“I’m a simple man with simple needs. Having you lie beside me in bed doesn’t make me want to play checkers.”

Gallen laughed against Aden’s neck. Damn, he adored this man. “I love being your mate I’m glad you finally gave in.”

“I had to. Your puppy dog eyes were breaking my heart,” Aden teased.

“Couldn’t have that,” Gallen agreed. “Your heart belongs to me, bandaged up and all.”

Aden smiled up at him. “It’s yours.”

He rolled them until Gallen lay beneath him. Aden’s eyes glowed, his dragon staring down at him like he was the best part of his treasure.

“I’ll prove I’m the perfect mate for you.”

“You don’t have anything to prove.” Aden smoothed his hands across Gallen’s cheeks. “I already know you’re perfect.”

Gallen smiled. Happiness flowed through their mate bond.

“I’m glad you kissed me. If you hadn’t I would’ve stayed in that coffin in the garden.” He shuddered as he remembered being under that spell. Maybe that’s why he sympathized with the dragons. He’d only been frozen for a few months, centuries would’ve been unbearable.

“I think Harris still misses you in his garden. Well at least the coffin, you were the icing on the cake.”

The bear shifter had liked the glass art piece he’d put Gallen inside after the sorcerer had succumbed to a spell and he’d been sad to see it go.

Gallen shuddered. “I prefer being out of it.”

“Did you bring lube?”

Reaching into his pocket Gallen did a little shimmy so he could get to the tube he’d shoved in his pocket. He’d learned not to travel anywhere without it. Now that Gallen knew he was a dragon, so many of Aden’s personality traits made more sense.

Gallen stood up to strip off his clothing. Once naked he climbed up on the bed and helped Aden remove the rest of his clothing. Hard muscles and soft skin were uncovered with each swathe of fabric removed.

“You are a damn fine man, Aden Gale,” Gallen said, a low growl rumbling through his voice.

“You’re starting to sound like a dragon, babe,” Aden said, grinning.

“Maybe you’re rubbing off on me.”

“Speaking of rubbing off.” Aden wrapped his large hand in a fist around Gallen’s erection. “I can think of all kinds of things to rub.”

“Hmm, keep that up and I’ll even let you make a wish.”

“Will I get a genie from this bottle?” Aden asked squeezing and sliding his hand in a pattern designed to drive Gallen out of his mind.

“You’ll get something.”

Aden’s laughter echoed in the room. “I think that’s as much dirty talk as I can handle. Come here, babe.” He scooted over to let Gallen lie on his back.

Gallen quickly obeyed. He knew only good things would happen to him. He adored it when he had Aden’s complete focus.

“You are the most beautiful sorcerer I’ve ever met,” Aden said.

“That’s because the others you’ve seen are old and evil, possibly mad.”

“True.” Aden lay on his side and spent time kissing Gallen’s mouth, his cheek, his chin. In a slow mind-altering track down Gallen’s body Aden stopped to bite at Gallen’s right nipple. The damn thing beaded, begging for Aden’s attention. Gallen’s entire body was Aden’s playground. His skin tingled, his body heat increased and his cock hardened and pointed up toward Aden like a divining rod seeking the source of all pleasure.

Gallen groaned.

“I love how responsive you are.” Aden traced the vein in Gallen’s cock with his tongue. Gallen bucked his hips, eager to have more of Aden’s touch. Never had he responded to anyone like he did to Aden. The difference between a lover and a mate couldn’t be compared since one only brought pleasure and the other touched his soul.

“I love you,” Gallen said. The words tripped off his lips, a verbal bond between them.

Aden grinned. “I was going to say I know, but I figured you throw me across the room.”

Gallen laughed. “Yeah, I would’ve.”

“And that’s why I love you.”

Aden’s serious expression had Gallen swallowing back tears. “I know.”

“Brat.” Aden wrapped a firm hand around Gallen’s shaft. “I should leave you to take care of this on your own.”

“You won’t.” His inner slut whimpered a silent plea.

A hard kiss planted against Gallen’s lips eased his worries.

“You know I wouldn’t, but your expression made the threat worthwhile.”

“And you say I’m the brat,” Gallen complained.

“One of the drawbacks to having a mate is I end up acting like you.”

“Is that what you’re going with?” Gallen held his frown with difficulty. Aden’s callused touch, rubbing up and down his erection had him seconds from exploding.

“Yep.” Aden kissed Gallen’s nose. “I get to blame you. It’s part of the mate advantage.”

“Ah, well if you insist.” Truly, in that moment, he would’ve given Aden anything if his lover just finished him off.

“I do insist.” Aden slid further down the bed and replaced his hand with his mouth.

“Oh fuck,” Gallen cursed. He clenched his fists hoping the smarting pain of his fingernails into his palms would hold back his release. He didn’t want to shoot too fast, but Aden’s hot suction and Gallen excitement were a bad combination.

When Aden lubed up a finger and pressed it inside, Gallen lost control. “Yes, right fucking there!” His shouts were probably a source of amusement on the other side of the mansion, but right then he couldn’t hold back his scream even if the emperor himself were standing at the end of the bed and holding a scorecard.

It took several minutes before he could gather his thoughts and settle down. Aden released Gallen’s soft cock, but lapped at Gallen’s balls for a few minutes before kissing his way back up Gallen’s limp body. “I think you dissolved my bones,” he whispered through his dry throat.

Aden’s masculine chuckle had his erection valiantly trying to rise again.

“Can I fuck you?”

Gallen mustered a soft smile. “Babe, you can do whatever you want.”

Aden’s hard kiss had Gallen scooting to get closer for more touches.

“Do you want to roll over?” Aden always cared about Gallen’s comfort. Not once had he done anything to cause pain, at least not unpleasant pain. Gallen occasionally had teeth marks that took a few days to heal.

“No. I like watching you.” Like was a mild word for the joy he received at looking into his mate’s eyes when they made love. Gallen’s heart sped up its already frantic rhythm. No one excited him like Aden.

Aden didn’t argue. He squeezed out more lube and set to loosening Gallen up in quick economical motions. Gallen could determine Aden’s level of need by how fast he prepped Gallen for sex. On the edge of desire he could drag it out for half an hour, but hard and needy, Aden barely had Gallen open before he pushed inside.

A sigh escaped Gallen. Their souls merged, twisting together until he didn’t know where they separated. Gasps transformed to groans and pants. The rub of Aden’s cock against Gallen’s bundle of nerves seared passion through him. His erection hardened and planted wet kisses against Aden’s stomach as he bent Gallen in half to fuck him into the mattress.

“Yes.” He didn’t understand guys who could talk in full, dirty sentences while having sex, maybe their lovers weren’t as good as Aden. If Gallen could string together more than two syllables through the fog of passion, lust and love he considered it a miracle.

Squeezing his ass he tightened around Aden, eager for his lover’s seed. A jolt of magic poured through him whenever his soul mate came inside him, binding them tighter and tighter together. One day they would be almost a single entity, their minds so in synch they’d begin to think alike. He’d never told Aden about the binding with a sorcerer or why so many believed they needed to suppress their mate’s will. Once Aden truly bonded with Gallen he would be able to pull on Gallen’s magic, a power only a truly matched mate could do.

Aden hit the perfect spot again before spurting inside of Gallen. Aden braced himself on his hands before pulling out in a smooth glide, always the careful lover.

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