Destiny of Souls (13 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Afterlife & Reincarnation

BOOK: Destiny of Souls
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Case 18 Dr. *N: You say that although things are not too clear, you are floating in bright light and someone is coming toward you?

*S: Yes, I am kind of disoriented. I haven’t gotten used to things around here yet.

Dr. N: That’s fine, just take your time and let the figure float toward you as you float toward it.

S: (long pause, and then with a loud horrified exclamation) OH GOD.


Dr. N: (startled by this outcry) Whats going on?

S: (subject’s body begins to shake uncontrollably) OH *… OH *… LORD



Dr. N: (grasping subject by the shoulders) Now, take a deep breath and try to relax as we go through this together (then, softly) You are not

in hell… *S: (cuts in with a shrill tone of voice) OH, YEA THEN WHY


Dr. *N: (my subject’s face is now covered in sweat and I use a tissue to wipe some of it away while continuing to reassure) Try to calm yourself, there is some misinterpretation here and we will find it soon.

S; (paying no attention to me, the subject now begins to moan while rocking back and forth) *Ohooo *… it’s over for me … I’m in hell… Dr. N: (I break in now more forcefully) Tell me exactly what you see.

S: (whispering at first and then loudly) A … being… demonic… reddish-green face *… horns
… wild-eyed
… fangs… the facial skin is like charred wood … 0 SWEET JESUS, WHY ME OF ALL PEOPLE WHO


Dr. N: What else do you see?



Dr. N: (quickly) I meant the rest of the body. Look below the head and tell me what you see.

S: (with a violent shudder) Nothing *… just a wispy ghostlike body.

Dr. N: Stay with me. Doesn’t this seem unusual to you that the devil would appear with no body? Move forward in time rapidly now and tell me what this figure does.

S: (my subject’s body jerks up violently and then with a great sigh of relief he sags back into the chair) Oh *… that bastard … I might have known *… it’s SCANLON. He is taking his mask off and smiing wickedly at me… Dr. N: (now I can relax) Who is Scanlon? S: My guide. This is his crude idea of a joke. Dr. N: What does Scanlon really look like now?


82 Destiny of Souls *S: Tall, aquiline features, gray hair *… full of mischief-making, as usual (laughs with bravado, but still not fully recovered) I should have known. He caught me unawares this time.

Dr. *N: Does Scanlon make a habit of this sort of thing? Why frighten you just as you were coming into the spirit world a little disoriented?

S: (defensively) Listen, he is a great teacher. That’s his way. He has got our whole group using masks but he knows I don’t like them much.

Dr. N: Tell me why Scanlon used a devil’s mask to scare you right after this life? Talk to him now.

Note: I am quiet for a few moments while my subject mentally connects with Scanlon.

S: (after a period of silence) I had it coming. Oh, I know it! I spent a lifetime preaching about the devil, scaring good people *… telling them they were going to hell if they didn’t pay attention to me. Scanlon gave me a dose of my own medicine.

Dr. N: And how do you feel now about his methods? S: (chagrined) He made his point.

Dr. N: I want to ask you a blunt question. Did you really believe what you told your parishioners about seeing demonic forces everywhere, or were you motivated by something else?

S: (intensely) No, no I believed what I was saying about evil being everywhere in every person. I was nota hypocrite.

Dr. N: Are you sure it wasn’t false piety? You did not pretend to feel and be what you were not?

S: No! I believed it. My undoing was my method of preaching and the love of the power over others that this ability gave me. Yes, I admit that failing … I made life miserable for some of my flock… not seeing the essential goodness in people. I was always suspicious because of my obsession with evil and this corrupted me.

Dr. N: Do you feel part of what you became was the result of the body you chose in this life?


Earthly Spirits *a 83 *S: (in a flat voice) Yes, I lacked restraint. I chose a body with a feisty mind and allowed myself to be swept away. I was too confrontational as a preacher.

Dr. *N: And do you know why your soul mind chose to enter into this partnership in the body of a preacher who constantly intimidated people?

S: Oh, I… shit… I let it happen because it felt good to be in control … I was afraid of… not being taken seriously enough.

Dr. N: You were worried about the loss of control?

S: (long pause) Yes, that… I would be … inadequate.

Dr. N; By his use of a devil’s mask, do you think Scanlon demeans what you stood for in the church?

S: No, that’s my teacher’s way. I chose the body of a minister and he helped me with all this. I took a wrong turn it was not the wrong path. My faith was nota bad thing but I became misguided and I misguided others. Scanlon wants me to see what it feels like to scare people rather than reason with them. He wanted me to feel the same fear that I gave to others.

Note: I now move my subject into a group setting to learn more about how Scanlon teaches his students through the use of masks.

Dr. N: Who is the first person who comes to you?

S: (hesitates and is wary) It’s … an angel… soft glowing white
… wings
… (then, with recognition) OKAY, I’M ON TO ALL OF YOU.


Dr. N: Who is this angel?

S: My dear friend, Diane. She has removed her angel’s mask and is laughing and hugging me.

Dr. N: I’m a little confused. Souls can assume any shape or create any features they want. Why bother with masks?

S: The mask is similar to a figure of speech, a symbo one can hold in the hand to put on and pull off for effect. Diane is offsetting Scanlon’s huge joke by being a loving angel for me while the others are laughing at what happened to me.


84 Destiny of Souls Dr. *N: What kind of individual is Diane?

*S: Very loving and full of humor. She likes practical jokes, as does most of my group. They all know I take things too seriously. I don’t like the masks very much so they tease me.

Dr. N: During your lessons, are masks used as a means of teaching about right and wrong behavior?

S: Yes, they are a means of acknowledgment of good or poor thinking, misconceptions *… they identify aspects of our character which are positive and those which are undesirable and we can role play with each other.

Dr. N: Did Scanlon originate the use of this sort of prop for your group lessons?

S: (laughs) Yes, and what he does makes an impression.

This was a strange case and I’ll admit Scanlon had me going for a few minutes when I thought this client was taking me to a place no other had before. The treatment this subject received at the gateway by the use of a devil mask is an anomaly. Moreover, I have never encountered a guide whose behavior had such extravagance and provocation.

In the chapters ahead we will see how drama plays an important part in soul group activity. The use of masks by Scanlon’s group as a symbolic gesture to embody a belief system is rather unique in my experience. Masks do have a long tradition in our cultural life, where personification of divine and demonic power has been used to mock spirits which are feared and honor those spirits that are venerated. The devil mask has a history of tribal exorcism toward a harmful spirit. Case 18 is one where mythic spiritual practices were taken from Earth by a soul group director to serve as a wake-up call for his students.


Spiritual Energy Restoration Soul Energy We cannot define the soul in a physical way because to do so would establish limits on something that seems to have none. I see the soul as intelligent light energy. This energy appears to function as vibrational waves similar to electromagnetic force but without the limitations of charged particles of matter. Soul energy does not appear to be uniform. Like a fingerprint, each soul has a unique identity in its formation, composition and vibrational distribution. I am able to discern soul properties of development by color tones, yet none of this defines what the soul is as an entity.

From years of study on how the soul interacts within a variety of human minds over many incarnations, and what it subsequently does in the spirit world, I have come to know something of its yearnings for perfection. This does not tell me what the soul is either. To fully understand soul energy, we would need to know all the aspects of its creation and, indeed, the consciousness of its source. This is a perfection that I cannot know, despite all my efforts investigating the mysteries of life after death.


86 *= Destiny of Souls I am left then with examining the actions of this profound energy substance and how it reacts to people and events and what it is striving to do in both physical and mental environments. If the souls existence begins and is molded by pure thought, it is sustained by that thought as an immortal being. The soul’s individual character enables it to influence its physical environment to give greater harmony and balance to life. Souls are an expression of beauty, imagination and creativity. The ancient Egyptians said that to begin to understand the soul, one must listen to the heart. I think they were right.

Standard Treatment at the Gateway When we cross over and are met by our guides I find the techniques they use at initial contact fall into two general categories:

1. Envelopment. Here returning souls are completely cloaked by a large circular mass of their guide’s powerful energy. As the soul and guide come together, the soul feels as though they both are encased in a bubble. This is the more common method, which my subjects describe as pure ecstasy.

2. The Focus Effect. This alternate procedure of initial contact is administered a little differently. As the guide approaches, energy is applied to certain points at the edges of the soul’s *etheric body from any direction of the guide’s choosing. We might be taken by the hand or held by the tops of our shoulders from a side position. Healing begins from a specific point of he etheric body in the form of a brushing caress followed by deep penetration.

The choice of procedures depends on the preference of the guide and the condition of our soul energy at the time. In both instances there is an immediate infusion of potent, inviorating energy whie we are projected forward. This is the introductory phase of the journey to our even tua spiritual destination. The more advanced souls, especially if they are undamaged, usually do not require assistance from a loving energy force.


Spiritual Energy Restoration 87 A review of the techniques employed by case 1 on his wife, Alice, demonstrates cements of both the focus effect and envelopment on a living person by someone who is not yet a guide. Other cases in the last chapter indicate this is one way we begin our training in the use of healing energy before acquiring the status of a guide. During the exhilarating moments after initial contact, our guides might also expertly apply what I call energy permeation. This follow-up effect of energy transference has been described as being similar to the percolating of coffee. In case 8 a soul used an energy filtration process involving smell on her husband, Charles.

Healing emotional and physical injury, both in and out of the spirit world, emanates from a source of goodness. Positive energy flows to every part of the soul’s being from the sender, whose own essence and wisdom is transmitted as well. My subjects are unable to explain the beauty and subtlety of this assimilation except to say it resembles the flowing of rejuvenating electricity.

Emergency Treatment at the Gateway When souls arrive at the gateway to the spirit world with energy that is in a deteriorated state, some of our guides engage in emergency healing. This is both a physical and mental healing exercise that takes place before the soul moves any further into the spirit world. One of my clients died in an auto accident in his last life where his leg was severed. He told me what occurred at the gateway as a result of this experience:

When I reached the gateway, my guide saw the gaps in my energy aura and proceeded at once to push the damaged energy back into place. He molded it as clay to fill, reshape and smooth out the rough edges and broken intervals to make me whole again.

The *etheric, or sou body is an outline of our od physical body which souls take into the spirit world. Essentially, it is an imprint of a human form we have not shed yet, like the skin of a reptile. This is not
a permanent condition, although we might naturally create it later as a
lorful, luminescent shape of energy. We know damaged body

prints from a past life can influence the current physical form of 88 Destiny of Souls some people unless properly deprogrammed, so why not the reverse? There are souls who shed their body form completely at the moment of death However, many souls with physical and emotional scars from life carry the imprint of this damaged energy back home.

In terms of afflictions and soul healing, I learn a lot from the students as well as the teachers in the spirit world. My next case was a rather unusual one for me where a student guide was unable to handle damaged energy properly at the gate My sub ect in this case had just come off a difficut life after being blown up in an artillery bombardment during a battle in Word War I. Case 19 Dr. *N: As you pass into the bright light following your death in the mud and rain of this battlefield, what do you see?

*S: A figure coming toward me dressed in a white robe.

Dr. N: Who is this figure?

S: I see Kate. She is a new teacher, recently assigned to our group.

Dr. N: Describe her appearance and what she is communicating to you as she comes coser.

S: She has a young, rather plain face with a large forehead. Kate radiates peace I can feel it but there is a concern too and *… (laughs) she won’t come close to me.

Dr. N: Why not?

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