Destiny of Souls (8 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Afterlife & Reincarnation

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Nevertheless, I have found two sorts of negative emotions that exist within sous, both of which involve a form of sadness. One of them I would call karmic guilt for making very poor choices, especially when others were hurt by these actions. I will treat these aspects later under karma. The other form of sadness for souls is not melancholy, dejection, or a mournful unhappiness in the way life has gone on without them since their departure. Rather, sadness in souls comes

from a longing to 44 Destiny of Souls reunite with the Source of their existence. I believe all souls, regardless of their level of development, have this longing to seek perfection for the same reason. The motivating factor for those souls who come to Earth is growth. Thus, the trace of sadness I discern in souls is the absence of elements in their immorta character that they must find to make their energy complete. And so it is a soul’s destiny to search for truth in their experiences in order to gain wisdom. It is important for the survivor to know that longing does not compromise a soul’s feelings of empathy sympathy and compassion for those who grieve for them.

Since the immortal character of the soul is no longer encumbered by individual temperament and the chemistry of its last body, it is at peace. Souls have much better things to do than interfere with people on Earth. In rare cases certain souls are so disturbed by an act of injustice against them in life that they won’t leave Earth’s astral plane after death until they gain some sort of resolution. I will discuss more of this phenomenon under the subject of ghosts. The spiritual conflict with these souls does not include sadness over you finding happiness with someone else, unless, of course, you did something like murder your lover to be with another. The one great advantage the departed soul has over a survivor is knowing it is still alive and will be seeing everyone who is meaningful to them again. The integrity of souls involves an all-consuming desire that those they love have the free choice to finish their lives in any way they want. If you wish a soul to come to you they probably will, otherwise your privacy is respected. Besides, a part of your energy which you left behind in the spirit world is always there for them.

Since souls lose so many negative emotions upon reentering the spirit world, it follows that their positive affections also undergo alterations. For instance, souls feel great love but this love places no conditions upon others for reciprocity because it is given freely. Souls display a universal coherence with each other that is so absolute it is incomprehensible on Earth. This is one reason why souls appear to be both abstract and empathetic to us at the same time.

I have heard of some cultural traditions which advise that survivors must let the deceased go and not try to communicate with them because souls have more important work to do. Indeed, souls do not want you to

become dependent upon communication with them to Death, Grief and Comfort *. 45 the detriment of independent decision-making. Yet many survivors require not only solace but also some sort of approval in the forming of a new relationship. I hope my next case will help dispel the idea that the departed are uninterested in your future. Your privacy is respected by the spirit of your love when you are content. Still, if a prospective course of action, particularly bonding with someone else, leaves you unsettled, they might try to make their opinions known. Because of the nature of soul duality they are quite capable of performing many tasks at once. This includes a soul’s quiet time in solitude where they focus energy on people they have left behind. Souls do this to bring us greater peace even when we are not calling on them for help.

Case 12 George came to me in a state of some distress over feelings of guilt about a new love in his life. He had been a widower for two years after a long and happy marriage to Francis. George wondered if she was looking down on him with displeasure over his developing relationship with Dorothy. I was told Dorothy and her deceased husband, Frank, had been close friends of George and Francis. Nonetheless, George felt his increased attraction to Dorothy might be considered an act of betrayal. I begin this case at the point in our session when George sees Francis after a former life together.

Dr. *N: Now that you have entered the circle of your soulmates, who comes forward first?

S: (cries out) Oh God, it’s Francis it’s her. I’ve missed you so much, dear. She is so beautiful… we have been together
… from the beginning.

Dr. N: You see that you never really lost her in your current life, don’t you, and that she will be waiting for you when it is your time to go?

S: Yes … I always felt it… but now I know *… Note: George now breaks down and we are unable to continue for a while. During this time I want my sub ect to get used to hugging his wife gain and talking

to her through his super conscious mind. He strongly 46 Destiny of Souls believes that his guide and my own conspired to bring him to this juncture. I explain that the information he will gain should help him move on in his life with Dorothy. The catalyst for this awareness is evident when we start to identify other members of George’s soul group.

Dr. *N: I want you now to identify the figures standing near Francis.

S: (brightens) Oh, really… I can’t believe
… but, of course … it makes sense now.

Dr. N: What makes sense?

S: It’s Dorothy and
… (becomes very emotional)
… and Frank, they are standing together next to Francis, smiling at me *… don’t you see?

Dr. N: What should I see?

S: That they have brought us … closer together, Dorothy and me.

Dr. N: Explain why you think this is so?

S: (impatient with me) They are happy that we have found each other in … an intimate way. Dorothy has grieved a long time herself over Frank and the grief we both feel is being dispelled by having the company of each other.

Dr. N: And you see that all four of you are in the same soul group?

S: Yes *… but I had no idea this was true *… Dr. N: How are Francis and Dorothy different as souls?

S: Francis is a very strong teaching soul while Dorothy is more artistic and creative *… gentle. Dorothy is a peaceful spirit and able to adapt more easily to existing conditions than the rest of us.

Dr. N: Now that you have the approval of Francis and Frank, what will Dorothy gain from associating with you as your second wife in this life?

S: Comfort, understanding, love … I can provide her with more protection because I am goal oriented. I challenge things Dorothy takes for granted. She is very accepting. We have a good balance.


Death, Grief and Comfort
s 47 Dr.
N: Is Dorothy your primary soulmate?

*S: (emphatically) No, it’s Francis. Dorothy usually matches with Frank in their lives, but we are all very close.

Dr. N: Have you and Dorothy worked together before in other lives?

S: Yes, but in different situations. She often takes the role of my sister, a niece, or close friend.

Dr. N: Why are you usually matched with Francis as a mate?

S: Francis and I have been with each other from the beginning. We are so close because we have struggled together, helping each other… she was always able to make me laugh at my serious nature at my foolishness.

When I closed this segment of our session I felt that George had gained much insight. He was overjoyed at learning that it was no accident he and Dorothy were drawn together. All four souls knew their current time lines in advance.

I have had similar information come to me from clients who were not in the same soul group as their new love interest, but were connected as affiliated souls from nearby groups. I find most people know if the person they live with is nota significant soulmate. This does not mean they can’t have good relationships with souls out of their group. I will quote the statement from a client who died before his wife in their previous life together:

When I reach out to comfort my wife after my death, I do so as a friend and partner. We were not really in love. She was no tan intimate soulmate for me, nor was I to her. I have a great deal of respect for her. We needed this relationship to work on those things which played to our individual strengths and weaknesses. So, I don’t say, “I love you” into her mind because she would know it isn’t true. She might then confuse my spirit with her soulmate. Our life contract is done and if she wishes, I want her to take another person into her heart.


48 Destiny of Souls Reuniting with Those We Love It is fitting that I close this chapter on death with a case illustrating what it is like for soulmates who reunite on the other side. The case involves a widow who meets her husband at the gateway following a long separation.

Case 13 Dr. *N: Who meets you right after death?

S: IT’S HIM! Eric … oh … at last… at last… my love
… Dr. N: (after calming my client) This man is your husband?

S: Yes, we are coming together right after I cross over before I see our guide.

Dr. N: Tell me how everything unfolds, including the way feelings of endearment are transmitted between you and Eric.

S: We start with the eyes
… from a little distance away… looking deep into each other
… the knowing of everything flowing between our minds … of all that we have meant to each other *… our energy gets sucked up into a magnetic pool of indescribable joy blending the two of us together.

Dr. N: At this moment have you both assumed the physical form you had in the last life?

S: (laughing) Yes, very rapidly we start with the first time we met how we looked to each other and move through the phases of body changes during our long marriage. It’s not definitive because we don’t settle on just one year of our life together. It’s more *… swirling energy patterns right now. We even pick up on other bodies we had together in previous lives, too.

Dr. N: Were you usually female in those lives?

S: Mostly, yes. Later, we will revert to a mixed gender pattern because there were good times in our past lives when he was female and I was male. (pause) But it is just fun right now to be the people we were in our last life.


Death, Grief and Comfort 49 Note: My client asks me to please no task her any more questions for a few minutes. She and Eric embrace and when she speaks to me again it is to describe how their energy flowed together.

S: It is an ecstasy of coalescing. Dr.
N: This spiritual passion sounds almost erotic to me.

S: Of course, but it is so much more. I can’t really describe it, but the rapture we feel for each other comes from all our contact together in hundreds of lives combined with memories of the blissful state we spend reunited between lives.

Dr. N: And how does the blending of your energy with your husband make you feel afterward?

S: (bursts out laughing) Like really wonderful sex, only better (then more seriously) You must understand that I died as an eighty three-year-old, sick woman. I was tired. It was a long life and I was a cold stove that needed warming up.

Dr. N: Cold stove?

S: Yes, I need energy rejuvenation. There is always a transfer of positive energy when we are met by our guides or by someone we love. Eric sparks up my tired energy. He lights a fire inside me to make me whole again.

Dr. N: When this meeting is over, what do the two of you do?

S: Our teacher comes to welcome me back and I am escorted through the mist to our center.

When a subject tells me that reentering the spirit world has the effect of being made whole again, this requires qualification. We receive an infusion of new energy from soulmates and guides who may also transfer part of the energy we left behind back into us as well. However, as I said when discussing spiritual longing, complete wholeness will not take place until our work is done. Despite this, being restored to what we were before the life began is like feeling whole once again. A subject put it this way: “Death is like waking up after a long sleep where you had just a muddled awareness. The release you feel is one that comes after crying, only here you are not crying.”


50 Destiny of Souls I have tried to show death from the perspective of the soul in order to ease the pain of those left behind. As Plato said, “Once free of the body, the soul is able to see truth clearly because it is more pure than before and recalls the pure ideas which it knew before.” Survivors must learn to function again without the physical presence of the person they loved by trusting the departed soul is still with them. Acceptance of loss comes one day at a time. Healing is a progression of mental steps that begins with having faith you are not truly alone.

In order to complete the life contract you made in advance with the departed, it is necessary to rejoin the rest of humanity as an active participant. You will see your love again soon enough. I am hopeful my years of research into the life we lead as souls may assist survivors in recognizing that death only exchanges one reality for another in the long continuum of existence.


*s Earthly Spirits Astral Planes When my hypnosis subects describe their ascent into the spirit world as “rising through misty layers of translucent light,” I am reminded of the astral planes we read about in Eastern texts. I must confess that I am no tat all attracted to the rigid stair-step quality of exactly seven planes of existence, from low to high, which come from Eastern spiritual philosophy. This is due to the fact that my clients see no evidence of all these planes. It is a human failing to label concepts as a means of codification. In my descriptions about the spirit world I am as guilty of this practice as everyone else. Perhaps it is best that we simply take those precepts which make spiritual sense to us and reject the rest, regardless of the age of certain ideas or who tells us they are true.

The reason for my objections to a rigid formula of specific planes of existence from Earth to a Godhead is that these states are unnecessary inhibitors. All my research with subjects in a higher state of consciousness indicates to me that upon death we go directly from one

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