Destiny of Souls (6 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Afterlife & Reincarnation

BOOK: Destiny of Souls
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Case 6 Dr. *N: How do you plan to alleviate your brother’s grief after returning to the spirit world?

*S: Axinar has been working with me on an effective strategy. It’s very delicate because we are with Walt’s duplicate.

Dr. N: You mean that dual part of Walt’s energy mass that remained behind during his incarnation to Earth?

S: Yes, Walt and I are in the same soul group. I begin by connecting myself to his divided nature here to more closely communicate with Walt’s light on Earth.

Dr. N: Please explain this procedure.

S: I float next to the cache where his remaining energy is anchored and

meld with it briefly. This allows for a perfect recording of Death, Grief and Comfort *s 29 Walt’s energy imprint. There is already a telepathic bonding between us but I want to have a tighter vibrational alliance when I reach his bedside.

Dr. *N: Why do you wish to carry an absolutely accurate print of Walt’s energy pattern with you on your return to Earth?

*S; For a stronger connection to the dreams I will create.

Dr. N: But why can’t Walt’s other half communicate with himself on Earth instead of you?

S: (sharply) This does not work well. It is nothing more than talking to oneself. There is no impact, especially during sleep. It’s a washout.

Dr. N: All right, since Walt’s exact energy print is with you, what happens when you go to his sleeping body?

S: He is tossing and turning at night and really suffering a lot over my being killed. *Axinar trained me to work between dreams because he does these energy transfers so well himself.

Dr. N: You work between dreams?

S: Yes, so I can leave messages on either side of two different dreams and then link them for greater receptivity. Because I have Walt’s exact energy imprint, I slip into his mind quite easily to deploy my energy. After my visit, a third dream about the first two unfolds as a delayed reaction and Walt sees us together again in an out-of body setting, which he won’t recognize as the spirit world but the activation of these inviting memories will sustain him.

Note: Some cultures, such as the Tibetan mystics, believe they do recognize the spirit world as an almost physical paradise to be a natural part of dreaming.

Dr. N: What were the dreams you created?

S: Walt was three years older, yet we played a lot together as boys. This changed when he was thirteen, not because we weren’t still close as brothers, he just became attached to guys his own age and I was

excluded. One day Walt and his friends were swinging 30 Destiny of Souls on a rope tied over the branch of a big tree high above a pond near our farm. I was nearby, watching. The other boys went first and were engaged in a water fight when Walt swung too high and hit his head hard on another branch and was almost knocked out as he fell into the water. They did not see him fall. I dove into the pond and held up his head screaming for help. Later, on the bank, Walt looked up at me with a dazed expression and said, “Thanks for saving me, Buddy.” I thought this act would admit me to their club but a few weeks afterwards Walt and his friends would not let me play a game of softball with them. I felt betrayed that Walt would not stand up for us. During the game the ball was hit into some bushes and they couldn’t locate it. That evening I found their ball and hid it inside our barn. We were poor kids and this ruined their game for a while until one of the boys got another ball on his birthday.

Dr. *N: Tell me the message you wanted to convey to Walt?

*S: To show two things. I wanted my brother to see me crying and holding his bleeding head in my lap on the bank of the pond and remember what we said to each other after he stopped choking. The second dream about the softball game ended when I added a trailer to the dream and took him to the barn where the softball was still hidden. I told Walt I forgave him for every slight in our lives together. I want him to know I am always with him and the devotion we have for each other can’t die. He will know this when he returns to the old barn to look for the ball.

Dr. N: Does Walt need to dream again about all this after your visit?

S: (laughs) It’s not necessary as long as he recalled the location of the ball after he woke. Walt did remember what I had implanted. Going back to our old barn and finding the ball made the message come together. This gave Walt some serenity about my death.

Dream symbolism moves on many levels in the mind, some of which are abstract while others are emotional. The dreams of this case, involving experiential imagery, reinforced poignant memories of two

Death, Grief and Comfort 31 brothers in a slice of recorded time. Future unification was pictured for Walt in a third, rather wispy dream of both souls happily together once again in the spirit world.

It took me quite a long while before I found an advanced subject apprenticed to a Dream master a title I feel is appropriate for *Axinar in case 6. As with any spiritual technique, some souls show more inclination than others toward acquiring advanced skills. In case 6, Bud not only originated a sequence of dreams in Walt’s mind but then engaged in the more complex technique of linking them into a central theme of love and support for his brother. Finally, Bud provided physical evidence that he was there through the use of a hidden baseball. I take nothing away from Sylvia in case 5, because she was very effective entering her mother’s dream to give her peace without disruption to the dreamer. It’s just that case 6 demonstrated more spiritual artistry.

Transference Through Children When souls have difficulty reaching the mind of a troubled adult they might resort to using children as conduits for their messages. Children are more receptive to spirits because they have not been conditioned to doubt or resist the supernatural. Frequently the young person chosen as a conduit is a family member of the departed. This situation is helpful to the spirit who is trying to reach a surviving relative, especially in the same household. The next case is that of a man who died of a heart attack in his back yard at age forty-two.

Case 7 Dr. *N: What do you do to comfort your wife at the moment of death?

*S: At first I try to hug Irene with my energy but I don’t have the hang of it yet. (subject is a level II) I can relate to her sorrow but nothing I’m doing is working. I’m worried because I don’t want to leave without saying goodbye.

Dr. N: Just relax now and move slowly forward. I want you to explain to me how you work through this dilemma.


32 Destiny of Souls *S: I soon realize that I ought to be able to console Irene a little by reaching her through Sarah, our ten-year-old.

Dr. *N: Why do you think Sarah might be receptive to you?

S: My daughter and I have a special bond. She also has great sorrow over my passing but much of this is mixed with fear over what happened to me so suddenly. Sarah doesn’t comprehend it all yet. There are too many neighbors crowding around trying to sustain my wife. No one is paying much attention to Sarah, sitting alone in our bedroom.

Dr. N: Do you look upon this as an opportunity?

S: Yes, I do, in fact Sarah senses I am still alive and so she is more open to accepting my vibrations as I move into the bedroom.

Dr. N: Good what happens next between you and your daughter?

S: (takes a deep breath) I’ve got it! Sarah is holding a set of her mother’s knitting needles. I send warmth through them into her hands and she feels this right away. Then I use the needles as a springboard to reach her spine at the base of the neck and work around to her chin. (subject stops and begins laughing) Dr. N: What is making you happy?

S: Sarah is giggling because I’m tickling her chin like I did before she went to sleep every night.

Dr. N: Now what do you do?

S: The crowd is breaking up and leaving because I have been taken out to the street and placed into an ambulance. Irene comes alone into the bedroom to get ready for a neighbor who will drive her to the hospital. She also wants to check on our daughter. Sarah looks up at my wife and says, “Mommy, you don’t have to leave, Daddy is here with me I know cause I can feel him tickling my chin!”

Dr. N: And then what does your wife do?

S: Irene is tearful but not crying as hard as before because she doesn’t want to scare Sarah. So she hugs our daughter.


Death, Grief and Comfort
< 33 Dr.
N: Irene does not want to indulge in what she believes to be Sarah’s fantasy about your being with her?

*S: Not yet but I’m ready for Irene now. As soon as my wife holds our daughter I jump the gap between them, sending energy flowing over both. Irene feels me too, although not as much as Sarah. They sit down on the bed and hold on to each other with their eyes closed. For a while all three of us are alone together.

Dr. N: Do you feel you have accomplished what you set out to do on this day?

S: Yes, it’s enough. It is time for me to leave and I pull back away from them and float out of the house. Then I am high over the countryside and sucked up into the sky. Soon I move into bright light, where my guide comes to meet me.

Contact in Familiar Settings It may seem from the last case that once the departing soul has reached out and touched those who care about them, they go off to the spirit world without bothering to be near us again. There are people who don’t feel a soul’s presence right after death but will in the future. Survivors who have reached the acceptance stage in their grief process would find solace in knowing those they have loved are still watching over them. Yet there are those who never pick up anything.

Souls don’t give up easily on us. Another way spirits touch people is through environmental settings associated with their memory. These contacts are effective to minds which may be closed to all other forms of spiritual communication. The following case illustrates this method. My subject, a woman called Nancy in her last life, died of a sudden stroke after thirty-eight years of marriage to Charles. Her husband was stuck between the denial and anger stages of grief and his emotions were so pent up that he could not accept help from their friends or seek outside professional counseling. As an engineer, his predominately analytical mind rejected any spiritual approach to his loss as being unscientific.

Nancy’s soul had tried reaching her husband in several ways for months

after the funeral. His stoic nature created such a wall around 34 *s Destiny of Souls himself that Charles had not really cried since his wife’s death. To overcome this obstacle, Nancy decided she could reach his inner mind through his sense of smell by connecting with an environmental setting familiar to both of them. The use of sense organs by souls complements communication with the subconscious mind. Nancy decided to use her garden, specifically a rose bush, to reach Charles.

Case 8 Dr. *N: Why do you think Charles is going to react to your presence through a garden?

*S: Because he knows I loved my garden. For him my plants were a take it or leave it situation. He knew it gave me pleasure but to Charles gardening was just a lot of hard work. Frankly, he helped very little in our yard. He was too busy with his mechanical projects.

Dr. N: He paid no attention, then, to your yard work?

S: Not unless I drew his attention to something. I had a favorite white rose bush by our front door and whenever I cut these flowers I would wave them in front of his nose and tell Charles that if this sweet scent did not affect him, then he had no romance in his soul. We used to laugh about this a lot because Charles was actually a tender lover but outwardly you would never know it. To avoid the issue, he would tease me by saying gruffly, “These are white roses, I like red.”

Dr. N: So, how did you implement a plan with roses to let Charles know you are still alive and with him?

S: My rose bush died from lack of attention after my death. In fact, my whole yard was in bad shape because Charles was not functioning well at all. One weekend he was walking around the garden in a daze and came near some roses belonging to our next-door neighbor. He caught the smell. This is what I was waiting for and I moved quickly into his mind. He thought of me and looked at my dead rose bush.


Death, Grief and Comfort
35 Dr.
N: You created an image of your rose bush in his mind?

*S: (sighs) No, he would have missed that in the beginning. Charles understands tools. I started out by getting him to picture a shovel in his mind and digging. Then we made the transition to my rose bush and the garden center in town where it could be purchased. Charles pulled out his car keys.

Dr. N: You got him to walk to the car and then drive over to this nursery?

S: (grinning) It took persistence, but yes, I did. Dr. N: Then what did you do?

S: At the nursery Charles wandered around for a bit until I was able to draw him to the roses. They were only red varieties, and that suited him. I was projecting a white color in his mind so he asked a clerk why there were no white roses. He was told red was all they had left in stock. Charles overrode my thoughts and bought a big pot of red roses, telling the clerk to deliver them to our house because he didn’t want to get his car dirty.

Dr. N: What do “overriding thoughts” mean to you?

S: People under stress get impatient and fall back on established thought patterns. To Charles, the standard rose is red. That’s his mindset. Since the store didn’t have white roses at the moment, my husband would not deal with it further.

Dr. N: So, in a sense, Charles was blocking the conflicting images between his conscious thoughts and what you were projecting in his unconscious mind?

S: Yes, and also my husband is very mentally tired from my death. Dr. N: Wouldn’t red roses suit your purpose just as well?

S: (flaty) No. It was then I switched my energy to Sabine, the woman I knew who ran the store. She was at my funeral and was aware I loved white roses.

Dr. N: I don’t think I know where this is going, Nancy. There were no white roses. Charles bought the red roses and then left for home. Wasn’t this enough for you?


36 Destiny of Souls *S; (laughing at me) You men! The white rose is me. The next morning Sabine personally drove to my house and delivered a big pot of white roses. She told my husband that she got them from another nursery and this is what I would have wanted. Then she left Charles standing bewildered in our driveway. He carried them over to the hole he had dug where my old rose bush had been and stopped. The roses were in his face. He smelled their fragrance but what was more important the wash of white was combined with the scent (my subject pauses tearfully as she recreates this moment) Dr. *N: (in a low voice) You are making all this very clear please go on.

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