Read Determinism (Cara & Abel's Story) Online

Authors: LK Collins

Tags: #Contemporary

Determinism (Cara & Abel's Story) (28 page)

BOOK: Determinism (Cara & Abel's Story)
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She points her finger at me and asks that I come to her. I oblige and sit next to her, trying to keep as much distance at I can. “You’re not going to hurt me. Remember what the doctor said? It’s completely safe for us to have sex. He said he saw no reason to wait and that was a few days ago. So, you either fuck me or I demand that you let me suck you off.”

“Cara, I don’t want to fuck you. I want to make love to you. I need to gently claim your pussy, and tell you that I love you while I’m doing it. I’ll never fuck you again. Even if we get rough, I’ll always be making love to you from this day forward.”

“Then please make love to me, Abel.”

There’s no possible way I could ever say no to her. I remove the covers, exposing her body; again she in my sweats and one of my t-shirts. My cock begins to throb in anticipation. I cannot wait to devour her. Cautiously, I grab her hips and pull her down to the middle of the bed, placing her right where I want her to be. Tucking my hands under the waistband, I remove her pants; immediately she intoxicates me. Her pussy is so wet I can smell it, and I press my lips against the inside of each of her thighs with relish, leaving small kisses.

Kissing my way up her stomach, I spend an extra moment there and whisper to the baby. I take more time than usual with my hands, exploring her perfect body, and for a moment I imagine what she will look like nine months pregnant. Radiant and happy, carrying our unborn child. Gingerly she sits up and I lift the shirt above her head.

She lies back down and all I can do is just stare. She is perfect — the blondest hair, greenest eyes, and most flawless skin. Her breasts are still perky even when she is on her back. I take a handful of each and straddle her, swirling my tongue over each sensitive bud, just how she likes. I grasp each one in between my lips and tug. This causes her body to bow off of the bed and a moan escapes those luscious pink lips.

I tangle my fingers in her hair and claim her mouth. When I do so, her jaw is lax and she lets me control her. I slide my tongue inside and tease hers. My body is surging with eagerness. I cannot wait to enter her tight pussy and love her body with mine.
It’s been so long.
She grabs my dick, taking me by surprise, and I groan loudly as we kiss.

Twisting her hand up and down, she works me till I’m about to burst. I have to pull away and rest my forehead against hers. She knows damn well what she’s doing to me, as she lies there naked with a smile on her face. I take my hand and separate her wet, swollen pussy lips and get to work, rubbing her clit in a circular motion and then dipping a finger inside of her.
Fuck, she’s wet for me.
I have to remind myself to keep things slow as I pull my finger in and out of her, touching her clit with my thumb every chance I get. Her body squirms beneath me and she quietly whimpers. “Do you want to come, baby?” I ask.

She nods her head.

“Tell me how much you love me then.”

She whips her head back and forth as I continue to torture her, trying to compose herself enough to speak. “I love you more than anything. I love you more than —” She stops speaking and lets go. Her eyes are shut tightly and I watch her body shudder under my control, making sure I keep a steady rhythm, pulling out every last drop of her orgasm.

I look down at my finger still inside of her tender core. As she looks at me, all I see is love. She is so sexy after she comes. I pull my finger out of her and bring it to my mouth, pampering myself with her sweet taste. Pulling my finger out of my mouth, she stares at me and says, “You’re so dirty.”

I brace my weight above her, hovering inches from her face. “I’m not dirty. I love your pussy and I’ve been deprived of her. I can’t help myself.”

She pulls me down to kiss her. I plunge my tongue into her mouth; I’m so turned on I can barely control myself. She moves her hands and guides my pants down my ass. I kick them off and rub my cock against her clit.

Running her hands up and down my back, she kisses me like the first night we had sex. Stroking myself against her, I can tell she wants me. But before I enter her, there’s something I need to do. Something I’ve been waiting to do.

I pull away and she looks at me confused. I take a deep breath and open my dresser drawer. Inside tucked under my clothes is her pebble, the perfect pebble for my perfect mate. I place it in my hand and lie back down on top of her.

“Before we make love. I have something for you.” Feeling nervous, I swallow hard and kiss her behind her ear. “I bought this for you while you were in the hospital, and I wanted to give it to you at the perfect time.” I place the small, glossy pebble on her chest. “That time is now. Before I enter your body, I want you to know that this will be forever for me. I’m giving you this as a sign of my eternal commitment to you and only you. Cara, I know I told you I love you, but those are just words. I want you to know what I truly feel for you. You’re my soul mate, my one true love, and the mother of my child. I promise to love you unconditionally for the rest of our lives. The future is uncertain — we both learned that a few weeks ago. I don’t want another day to pass us by where we don’t live it to the fullest. I promise I will do everything in my power to make you the happiest woman alive.”

As tears run over the sides of her eyes, she brings the pebble to her lips and kisses it. “I don’t know what to say to that, except I want all of that and more. I didn’t know I could love someone as much as I love you. You’re right — the future is uncertain, so all we can do is enjoy every day together. Soon enough it won’t just be the two of us, there will be three, and I’ve never been more excited about anything in all my life.”

Holding her face in the palms of my hands, I slide myself inside of her. Taking my time, as I watch her eyes and how they contract to me entering her body. It has to be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. She wraps her arms and legs around my body and I feel the pebble in her hand, as she presses it against my back.

Slowly I begin to move, pushing myself in and out, the walls of her pussy tighten as she clings to me. Small, sweet cries of pleasure escape her beautiful mouth as I work, and they push me close to coming as well — her noises, coupled with the fact I haven’t in weeks.

My movements are strong, yet gentle. Our legs become entangled as I hang on by a thread. Every thrust I swear will be the last before I explode, but it’s not. I continue to move, until she comes again and whispers those words. The ones I was once so afraid of. Now I can’t get enough of them. My balls constrict and I explode inside of her body. God, I love this woman. It takes everything I have to keep my composure and not scream like an animal. The havoc she wreaks on my body is ultimately my greatest pleasure.

Lying down on top of her, I wrap her tightly in my hold. My lips touch hers and I can’t stop myself from kissing her over and over. I’m not using my tongue, just my lips and it’s remarkable how good something so small feels. Once I pull out of her, I stretch my body along hers and tuck one arm underneath the pillow and the other across her belly. Holding her close, we both lie there in silence, neither of us moving, just the sound of our breathing, while our minds unravel. This is truly the happiest I’ve




Cara had to go into the hospital for a meeting this morning and I can’t wait to see her and show her what I found today. Since it’s my only day off from the station for the next few, I’m parked out front of her work waiting. I dropped her off earlier and had too much time on my hands to meander. I really didn’t plan on doing this today, but I know Cara won’t mind. She’s always more than understanding, which is why I know she’ll love it. Even though she’s only been gone a few hours, I’m anxious to see her. Just then my phone chimes with a text from her.

I’m on my way, baby. Do you need anything?

Just you.

God, I love you.

Placing my phone in the cup holder, I wait for her to come out. Once she does, I smile at the sight of her. I’m in her sleek, white Tesla and as she approaches, she leans down into the passenger window and says, “Hi, baby.”

“Hey, kitten. How was your meeting?”

“It was good,” she says opening the door and sliding into the soft, black leather. She leans over meeting me in the middle, placing her hand on the back of my neck, kissing me.

“I have something I want to show you,” I say.

“Baby, I’m all yours. Lead the way.”

She places her seat belt below her tiny belly and we drive away from the hospital. On the drive, I wonder if she is curious as to where we are headed, but I let the anticipation build.

“Where are we going?” she asks.

“Patience, kitten, it’s not too much longer.

Turning on her iPod, I listen to the words of a song I’ve never heard. Tears fill my eyes as the song ends and she looks at me. “That’s my new favorite,” she says.

“Who is it?” I ask.

“It’s called ‘Small Bump’ by Ed Sheeran.”

“It’s just crazy to think that there is a tiny baby growing inside of you. It’s half of each of us. I mean, we created it.”

crazy. I can’t wait ‘til we can feel the baby move.”

“I know, me too.”

I take a turn onto the wrong road. But being a man, I don’t admit it. I just keep driving. We keep weaving more and more through the different neighborhoods. “Do you know where we are?” she asks.

“Of course.”

“These houses are cute. Maybe we should look in this neighborhood,” she says.

“Yeah, I agree. It seems like there are a lot of kids and young couples.”

“Look, that one’s for sale,” she says.

Bingo. She nailed it.

I park in front of it and she looks at me. “What are you doing?”

“This is what I wanted to show you. It’s an open house. Let’s go inside and look.”

I don’t give her a second to answer. I hop out and walk around, opening her door and holding my hand out to her. “Come on, baby.” She takes my hand and steps out. We both stand and stare at the two-story, grey and navy home. I love how dark it is. The exterior is modern yet colonial. We walk up the center stone pathway that is surrounded by plush, green grass.

The porch is long with a swing and I imagine many years out here with her. Before we can knock or open the door, the realtor does. “Hi, welcome,” she says. “Please come in.”

We enter and I’m blown away by the interior. The home looks brand new. “I’m Sharon. Please make yourselves at home.”

“Thanks, Sharon. I’m Abel. This is my girlfriend, Cara.”

We both shake her hand. “Please feel free to look around and let me know if you need anything.”

I rest my hand on Cara’s back and lead her through the house. The main level is open; it’s one big great room, all with dark wood floors and neutral colors on the walls. The kitchen cabinets are dark, with a lighter granite countertop, and black appliances. We both step out back onto the expansive deck that tops more plush, green grass. “Abel, this is beautiful. But I’m sure this neighborhood is far above our price range.”

“Babe, we don’t even have a price range. Do you have any idea how much my loft is?” She shakes her head. “It’s a lot, and when I work summer shifts fighting wildfires, I make enough to pay for a whole year’s worth of payments. You don’t pay any rent right now and you don’t have a car payment, so I think we can afford to live here.”

“Could you imagine? It’s beautiful.”

“I could definitely imagine. Let’s keep looking around,” I say.

We head inside to look at the rest of the house. There are four bedrooms, four bathrooms, a media room, and a loft. Sharon meets us at the bottom of the stairs as we come down. “So what do you think?”

“We love it,” Cara says.

“Wonderful! Have you been looking for a new home for long?”

We both look at each other, and I say, “Actually, this is our first.”

“Should we make this your last?” Sharon asks.

“Maybe you could enlighten us, we were discussing our budget and what we can afford.”

“That’s the beauty of what I do. My agency handles everything. I take it that you don’t have a realtor?”

“No, we don’t.”

“Let’s get a contract in so you’re first in line. Then you can go home and I’ll e-mail you the link for the loan. You can apply there and we’ll see about getting you pre-approved.”

I look at Cara and she is gnawing on her bottom lip. “What do you think, baby?”

She nods her head and we take the next thirty minutes going over all of the details and as we leave, we walk out with Sharon and she switches the sign on the house from ‘open’ to ‘under contract.’

She waves and heads back inside. We sit and watch all of the lights being turned off. “Abel, did that really just happen?”

Leaning over the armrest, I grab her cheek. “Yes, baby, it did. I promised to take care of you and the baby forever. I want to give you both a forever home. It felt right, so I went with it. All I want to do is make you happy.”

“You do make me happy. You have no idea. I mean, you just bought me a fucking house!”

just bought a house.”

BOOK: Determinism (Cara & Abel's Story)
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