Detours (34 page)

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Authors: Jane Vollbrecht

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

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Ellis reflected on the chance encounter of a blocked roadway that had brought her and Mary together. She recalled all of the detours and backtracks they’d had to make over the past two years when life’s events—most notably their son arriving three months early—refused to conform to their plans.

Because of Mary, she’d found a way home to her brother and sister, and by the looks of things, now Ellis had a whole new family, too. Her eyes misted over as her gaze lingered on her precious Mary, who had one hand on Natalie’s shoulder and was tenderly tracing the outline of Joey’s fingertips with the other. Everyone—Anna, Gloria, Natalie and the girls, and Mary herself—was lost in rapt adoration of the newest member of the clan.

Mary looked up at Ellis. “Come over here, Other Mother. You need to be part of this happy family moment.”

Ellis touched Joey lightly on his cheek, then squeezed into the circle beside Anna. As she did so, Anna tucked her arm around Ellis’s waist. Ellis savored the sheer joy of the peace and unity surrounding her and Mary and their children. How ’bout that, she thought. It’s another MaryChris Moss miracle.


Jane and her good friend Joey, the inspiration for

About the Author

Jane seems to have misunderstood the definition of retirement. In late 2004, she left Federal civil service after more than 30 years with the same agency, but instead of spending her days sipping lemonade in the shade of the North Georgia pines, she’s writing her own books, editing books by other authors, and helping with the administrative tasks at Blue Feather Books, Ltd.

And then there are the cats—
of cats—and the four dogs that fill her free time. She’ll readily tell you, though, she’s never been happier. If you don’t find her at her desk or in the backyard, look for her at the local animal rescue shelter where she frequently volunteers (and from which she far too frequently brings home “the last one—I promise.”)

Jane was born and raised in a farming community in northwestern Minnesota, where she received her elementary education in a one-room country schoolhouse. She holds a Bachelors’ degree from St. Cloud (Minnesota) State University. Ask her politely and she’ll show you her diploma, chiseled on a stone tablet.


In addition to spending time at the computer writing and editing books and taking care of Blue Feather Books business, Jane enjoys tending her gardens, feeding the wildlife on her property, and playing the piano.

Coming soon from Blue Feather Books:

Lesser Prophets, by Kelly Sinclair

We were the despised, the unloved, the fitfully tolerated, the novelty acts, and in some fortunate places, the embraced and even cherished.

In those safe harbors, we celebrated each stage of our growing emancipation even though others of our tribe were faced with hangman’s gallows or less deadly alternatives and dared not show their true faces. We passed as “normal” when possible, and we were penalized when we could not pass. We only had freedom when they said we could be free. That was our world. We knew none other.

But then God, or Fate, or the Omniscient Divine—or merely happenstance—negated all the rules, and our status was forever changed.

This is how the new world began. We were the
Lesser Prophets
, and this is our story.

Coming Soon, only from


Make sure to check out these other exciting Blue Feather Books titles:

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In the Works
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Addison Black and the Eye of Bastet
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Merker’s Outpost
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Whispering Pines
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From Hell to Breakfast
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Anne Azel 978-0-9794120-9-7

Accidental Rebels
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Playing For First
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Praise for Jane’s Previous Novels

Second Verse

Jane Vollbrecht is renowned for creating genuine characters whose only super powers are the inner and outer strength of ordinary people as they cope with real life issues. In
Second Verse,
Vollbrecht asks her readers to examine relationships in life and death situations, questions the wisdom of commitments in sickness and in health, and demonstrates how the strength of love outweighs interference from outside forces… Vollbrecht captures readers with conviction, honesty, and humor in this character-driven plot... The ultimate message of
Second Verse
is that, in truth, we all might be well advised to hear the music of life that’s playing all around us and then to dance—dance like it’s what we were born to do and like there’s no one watching.

—Lambda Book Report

In Broad Daylight

In Broad Daylight
is a great story and so much deeper than the "run-of-the-mill" stuff that is out there. Older women lead vital lives with fascinating stories; I’m glad to see that sort of character in this book.

—Brenda Adcock, author of
Pipeline, Reiko’s Garden,

Redress of Grievances, The Seahawk,
Tunnel Vision.

Close Enough

If Jane Vollbrecht were a baseball player, her batting average would be close to 1000.
Close Enough
is another home run for readers. This book is as close to real life as it can get and still be fiction.


—K. C. West, co-author of the Shadows series.

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