Deviant (15 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Deviant
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Wow, that was just too much to take in. It seemed instead of clinging to hate and revenge, he accepted his fate and used my mother as his idol. I didn’t blame him one little bit for that.

“That must have been a boost, knowing he must have fantasised about you, and secretly hoped that you could be together again one day.”

My mother nodded. “Of course, but Blake and I were two different people, wanting different ways of life. I respected that and so did he.”

The little devil in me had to know. “Yeah, but haven’t you ever thought about what things would have been like if you had waited for him? Haven’t you ever considered that if it wasn’t for Dad, you would have considered meeting up—even if it was just the one time?”

My mother sat back against her chair, deep in thought. “I guess a part of me always wondered what things would have been like if I had lived my life vicariously, stayed with the bad boy, and let him wickedly ruin me.” My mum raised her eyebrows, making me laugh.

“But, at the end of the day, I wouldn’t be where I am now. I wouldn’t have met your father. I wouldn’t have had two of the most beautiful and healthy daughters anyone could have asked for. I’m happy with my life now. Your father gives me everything I need…and more. Why would I pine for anything else?”

I nodded my head, but the wicked version of me wondered about this Blake guy. I wondered what he was doing now, and if he still thought about my mother. I bet he still did. The romantic in me wished that simply because it gave me hope that Dean still thought about me. Dean was my Blake—not that he was a bad boy. He just had this titillating way about him, a small glint of delectable wickedness…a part of which had me falling in love with him. And I thought that’s how he felt about me.

I had to sigh a little, wondering if he were married now with kids of his own. If he was married with kids, was there a day where the thought of
popped into his mind? Although I would never condone another man thinking of me while being with his wife, it didn’t stop the little seed of hope that sprouted within me.

After my mother’s finished telling her story, the waitress came over with our meals. Most of the conversation after that was just small talk. My mother and father were going to visit my sister next week and were disappointed I couldn’t come. I would one day, but I just had too many things going on right now.

We left the restaurant with a hug and a promise that in two weeks, when they’re back, we would all meet up again. I was stuffed from my meal, but also a little giddy from my mother’s story. I guess, in a sense, history does repeat itself. I just wondered if I would ever find my happily ever after like my mother did. My future was filled with possibilities and uncertainty. It was scary, but also a little exciting. Lord knows what tomorrow may bring.

A little later, I took a shower and looked through my wardrobe to pick out my fancy costume for tonight. It was a little risqué for me as the skirt was rather short. It did have a cape, though, so I could hide my modesty a little. I was going as a vampire tonight. A dark princess who liked to bite and suck her victims’ blood.

I laughed a little as I thought about how apt it was, considering my stranger liked to bite me. I was sure if he could draw blood, he would. I don’t know why, but the thought of that had my heart pumping and my pussy throbbing. I never thought I would want someone to bite me, but ever since my stranger did it, I just ended up wanting more. For some reason, my orgasms just seemed more intense when he bit me. It was like the pain meshed with the pleasure, causing an undiluted force that took my breath away.

Shaking my head in dismay, I took the costume and concentrated on getting ready. I wouldn’t allow myself to think of my stranger tonight. He was obviously having some kind of tantrum, throwing his teddy in the corner and making me pay for something I hadn’t even realised I’d done. If he wanted to behave like that, I was going to let him. I refused to think about him tonight, so I did the only thing I could to forget. I got dressed, put more make-up on than I truly intended, and made my hair a mass of sexy curls. My femininity and sex appeal was going to be my revenge tonight. I refused to let myself be affected by him. He had to know he couldn’t treat me like that and get away with it. Next time he came by, if he ever did, I would refuse his advances. He had to see that Tyler O’Shea didn’t take any shit from anybody.

I just wished he could see me now. He wouldn’t know what hit him.

Chapter 24




While seeking revenge, dig two graves—one for yourself.

Douglas Horton



I followed Tyler all the way to the club. I already knew she was going and had planned accordingly. It was a good thing it was a Halloween party, so being dressed in my normal hoodie with the Mike Myers mask on would look completely normal tonight.

I parked my Challenger in a safe spot nearby and walked towards the club. It was packed, with a long line going around the building. I had already made arrangements and I would sneak in through the back. I also made arrangements for Tyler and Louisa to be let in straight away. I gave my instructions, including a picture of what she looked like, and a description of what she would be wearing. I wasn’t the son of a crime lord for nothing.

I knocked on the back door. The bouncer, Tony, a.k.a Teddy, opened it. He was a big black bald guy, with the most impressive muscles I had ever seen. I knew I was tough, but even I wouldn’t be stupid enough to go up against a guy like him. Luckily for me, he was wary of me. Everyone who knew me was wary—and that’s just how I liked it. Having people wary of you commanded respect, and everyone respected me. They had no choice—unless, of course, they wanted a bullet to the head.

“Hey, Dean. How ya doing?”

I smiled at Tony. Although he was huge, his smile gave him away. He was a teddy bear at heart—hence the nickname Teddy.

“Evening, Teddy. What’s up?” He let me though the door and closed it behind me.

“Not much,” he said with a shrug. “I’ll be on duty outside for the rest of the evening. Which reminds me. Your girl, Tyler? I take it she is in line? Is she wearing the outfit you told me about?”

I almost closed my eyes, trying not to think about it. Knowing she was dressed up in that sexy vampire outfit with the short skirt at the front, and the cape trailing behind her made my cock come to life. No matter how hard I willed it to calm, just thinking about her was all it took.

“Yes,” I stated, flatly, handing him my phone. “Here’s a picture I took of her tonight.”

Tony took the phone from me and eyed it a little too long. “Damn!” he shouted. “No wonder you want to hit that.”

Without thinking, I snatched the phone from him. For some reason, hearing him talk about her like that made my blood boil. She was mine, nobody else’s. “Just do your fucking job, Tony.”

Tony reared back a little in shock. “I’m sorry, man, I didn’t mean to offend. I’ll go find her now. You have a good evening.”

Feeling myself calm a little, I slapped his back. I had to keep a lid on my temper. I shouldn’t care if another man letched after her. “You, too, Teddy.” He was gone in an instant, and I was left to roam the place as much as I wanted. It was great to have power. It was great to command courtesy from people. I was fair—as long as people didn’t cross me.

With my mask in hand, I walked along the hallway towards one of the staff entrances to the hall. It was quiet back here, but I put that down to the fact that most of the staff were outside doing their job. The only noise I could hear was the faint sounds of “Thriller” echoing through the walls.

Facing the door, I stood there, fastening my mask and smiling at the thought of surprising Tyler tonight. She wasn’t going to expect me, so seeing me here would definitely shock her. I was counting on her observation skills to spot me. I knew she didn’t know what I looked like, but she sure knew my hoodie by now. I think I could safely say that she knew my shape by now, too. Considering those were the only things she had to go on, I was confident I wouldn’t have trouble gaining her attention.

I placed my hand on the handle and turned, hearing the music more clearly. It was blaring, but I was used to that. I practically lived in clubs as a child. Tyler never knew that side of me. She was just an innocent—at least that was what I thought. She was virtuous, untouched, pure. I never wanted her tainted by that side of my life.

Walking through the door, I let my senses take everything in. The club was filling up, the music louder, the outfits even more so. The club was dark, but the strobe lights overhead flickered across the room, illuminating all the zombie dolls and mad faces.

I made my way to the bar and ordered a beer, then ventured over to the corner to take a seat. I knew the club like the back of my hand. I knew all the entry and exit points, all the best spots to sit and watch…just like I always did.

It was another five minutes of sitting and nursing my beer before I noticed Tyler. She walked in with Louisa, her hair a mass of tight, curly waves. She had black eyeliner and bright red lipstick to accentuate her sexy vampire look. Her legs went on for miles in that skirt, and all I could think about was grabbing her, marching her out of the club, and hiding those legs from the rest of the world. Nobody should ever see her legs. They belonged to me and only me.

The green-eyed monster that raged in me suddenly calmed when she walked in and jumped out of her skin at one of the dummies to the left of her. She threw a hand over her heart and giggled along with Louisa. A sound left my own chest where, in a moment of madness, I laughed along with them.

Shit, I had to focus. She was doing her voodoo magic on me again without even fucking realizing it. She wasn’t someone to admire, to laugh with, to do the hearts and flowers thing with. She was my nemesis, my focal point for destruction—nothing else. I had to get my shit together and concentrate on the plan.

The moment she calmed, she and Louisa walked to the bar and ordered their drinks. With sickening interest, I sat there. I was practically drooling at the sight of her, and the only thing I wanted was to take her like I always did. Possess her, own her, remind her to whom she belonged. To whom she will
belong. But I also had to remind myself of the reason I was there. I had this dire need to take as much as I could from her. She needed to know there was no escape, even after I was long gone.

So, I sat and waited, biding my time, watching her as she slowly got a little tipsy. They danced, they giggled, they looked like they were having a good time. There were a few moments that guys tried to cut in and dance with her, but I was glad to see she turned them all down. Maybe I was rubbing off on her.

It wasn’t until about an hour or so in that I made my move. I emerged from the shadows, leaving my beer on the table. I wasn’t here to drink. I was here to watch. I was here to take my prize.

Tyler was a little closer to me on the dance floor than she was before. If she looked my way, she would undoubtedly see me. I watched and waited for another ten minutes as she danced and swayed to the music. She seemed a little intoxicated by the rhythm.

It was about halfway through the song that I had made arrangements to send my message. I had no doubt that she would look up the minute she heard the song.

Just as I had planned, the song came to an end and my song came blaring through the speakers. She froze and I could see her eyes widening as
The Police
sang “Every Breath You Take”.

On instinct, she searched the room and, just as I had planned, her eyes fell on me. I could see the sparkle of recognition in those hazel eyes of hers. They captured mine, and even though she couldn’t see me, I knew I had captured her. She knew who I was. She knew I was here to claim her.

As she watched me, I made my move around the room. I was deliberately slow so she could take in every move I made. Louisa was dancing with that Pete guy, completely oblivious.

As I circled the room like a lion ready to pounce, another animal, bordering on domestic fucking cat, stepped behind Tyler and grabbed her by the waist for a dance. I thought she was going to tell him no, like the others, but she looked at me, challengingly, and accepted the man’s advances.

My blood boiled. Every instinct in my body was telling me to rip that man’s throat apart, to cut off his fucking hands because he dared to touch what was mine.

As I gripped my fists tightly, I watched as she bore daggers into me. She closed her eyes and started swaying against him, running her fingers through his hair. I knew why she was doing this. I knew why the sudden change in heart. She was trying to punish me. I didn’t know who she thought she was, but I was certainly going to show her soon enough.

Trying to calm myself, I walked again, slowly, deliberately, edging closer and closer to my target. Tyler opened her eyes, trying to find me. When she did, she smiled coyly and carried on wiggling that gorgeous ass of hers into this jerk-offs crotch. Every part of me wanted to punch this guy’s lights out, but I think Tyler secretly hoped for a scene. She was hoping I would lose my cool. What she didn’t realise was how dangerous I really could be. I could snap this man’s neck before she could even blink. I could crush his windpipe within a fraction of a second. My hand would move so fast, she wouldn’t even register that he was dead until she gazed down and found his eyes bore no semblance of a soul.

So I moved slowly, trying to keep my pace despite the fact I was ready to blow every time this man placed a hand on her hip or trailed his fingers down her arm. I walked, just as controlled as before, until I reached my target. I tapped his back, motioning for him to beat it. He did what I thought he would and shrugged me off like I was some kind of nuisance. So, I grabbed his fingers, crushed them until I could feel the snap, and watched as his face turned bright red from the pain. I could have admired the sight for a little longer, but I had much bigger fish to fry.

Tyler turned, saw that I had my hand on his, and watched as Teddy came and took him away. To say her face looked shocked was an understatement. She knew my power now and it made my dick throb harder than ever.

Yanking her to me, I trailed my fingers up and down her arms. At first she stiffened, unable to comprehend what on earth was happening, but my touch was too powerful. It would always be too powerful for Tyler to resist.

Within an instant, she relaxed into the curve of my body, swaying to the voice of Sting telling her I’d be watching her. I’d always be watching her. And she now knew she belonged to me. Every breath she took, every step she made, every smile she faked, I’d always be there, watching her, waiting for her.

As she moved her ass into my crotch, I hissed, trying to gain back my control. With her outfit, she was acting every bit the seductive, dark princess that she truly was inside. I knew Tyler had a dark side just itching, just waiting to break through the surface. Why else would she let me into her home and let me do all the things I have done to her? She secretly loved every fucking second of it.

With a tug of her hip, I ground my cock into her ass, fisting a little of her hair. With a yank, I pulled her head back so I could see her eyes. She had them closed, but now looked up at me with a heated desire. She wanted me. She craved me. She desired me.

Trailing my hand down from her hair, I moved along the curve of her back, pushing her long cape out of the way a little. Hitching it up from the back, I reached in to find the lining of her panties and grabbed a hold of them. I looked around to make sure no one was watching, and with one quick yank, I ripped them from her body. Tyler shuddered under my touch. At last I had her. She was under my spell now.

Placing the panties into my trouser pocket, I spun her around to face me. Her face was filled with lust, her breathing was harsh, and her eyes were glazed over with want. I bet if I were to feel her now, she would be wetter than she has ever been. I had to know. I had to find out for myself.

Holding her in place, I discreetly placed my hand in between us and reached down to the crevice of her pussy. I was glad she wore such a long cloak. It made doing this without being caught that much easier.

Tyler’s eyes widened, but she never stopped me. She was way too turned on to stop me. I had the power now and she knew it. Instead, she stared up at my mask like she was boring her eyes into it, desperately trying to see the face behind it. She wouldn’t see it, though. Not tonight.

With a move of my finger, I reached in to find her clit. Tyler gasped, closing her eyes as she let me delve my fingers into her. She was wet…oh, so fucking wet. It almost made me explode myself, knowing just how fucking much she wanted this.

As carefully and as discreetly as I could, I held her tight to me as I finger fucked her pussy, trailing my thumb up and down her clit. I carried on leading her, helping her sway to the music as her resolve quickly began to crumble. I had to take charge in every way. I possessed and controlled every part of her now, and there was no way she could stop me, even if she wanted to.

I watched Tyler’s expression as an erotic frown crossed her beautiful face. She was in sweet agony under my touch. As I quickened my pace a little, Tyler bit her lip, knowing that she would come soon. I knew she was close. I wanted to feel her come on my fingers. I wanted to feel her lose control. I wanted her to trust that I could take her control and keep her safe. Here. With me. No one else.

And there
nobody else. The room was packed, filled with dancers swaying and moving to the beat of the music. Nobody cared about anybody else, and that was just how I wanted it. It was just me and Tyler. Tyler and me.

I gripped Tyler’s waist even tighter now as I could feel her moans reverberating through her chest and into mine. She was close to that breaking point.

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