Deviant (13 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Deviant
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Laying a hand on her arm, I smiled. “I’m glad you did, Kimberly. I promise I will keep what you said strictly between us. I’ll go now as I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, but I’m really glad you told me.”

Kimberly smiled. “That’s okay. You enjoy the rest of your evening.”

I smiled back. “You, too, Kimberly.”

I could have taken the bus but, once I walked out of the hospital, I decided to take a walk. I felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders, which seemed a little selfish when Jeremy was going through everything he was. In a sense, I wished there was something more I could do. So, on the way home, I bought another multi-pack of Twiglets, and the third book in the series he was reading. It would be something to look forward to giving him on my next visit. And I was determined to visit as often as I could.

When I got home, I placed my bag and coat by the door, and rushed into the kitchen to open a bottle of wine. I placed a Chicken Tikka Masala frozen meal in the microwave, pressed the button, and proceeded to get undressed to take a shower. I was exhausted, so a nice warm shower, a glass of wine, and an Indian meal seemed just the ticket for me.

Once I got in my bathroom, I nearly flipped. The little fucker had been in my flat again and had turned my toilet paper the wrong way around. “Arrgggh!” I shouted in frustration as I turned it the right way. “If I wanted a husband to piss me off, I’d fucking get married!” Seriously, what was wrong with me? I was now making a habit of shouting at no one? I wonder why the neighbours haven’t sent the men in white coats to come and get me.

I sighed in frustration again, but headed for the shower. I took my time getting washed, feeling good as new afterwards. I put on my pyjamas, put my meal onto a plate, and went to grab my glass of wine from the counter.

I stopped dead in my tracks. All the wine in my glass had miraculously disappeared.

I stood there for a moment, wondering what the hell to do. My heart was thumping, my loins were tingling, and the hairs on the back of my neck were standing up.

Once I composed myself, I put everything down and searched every corner of the apartment, but there was nothing. I even jumped out, growling like an idiot, a frying pan in my hand. If I would have found him, I would have hit him, serving him right after playing me last night. I would also get to have a glimpse of the man that had been a part of me for the last three years.

It would seem he had come and gone. He made sure I was in the shower, played his little game, then left. There was only one thing left for me to do. I put the frying pan away, refilled my wine glass, and sat in front of the TV with my meal. He could play games all he wanted. I certainly wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of thinking his actions bothered me.

I think I even knew what he was doing. He wanted me to think about him. He wanted me to know he was always there, always a part of my life whether I liked it or not. And I hated that I liked it. I hated that he brought out so many emotions in me. And I hated that no matter how many times he tried to remind me he was still here, I could never forget him. I never
to forget him. He was my stranger. The nameless, faceless man who visited me…not only in my waking life, but in my dreams. He was always there, always in the back of my mind. While I loved it, I also hated him for affecting me so much. He even sabotaged a possible relationship with Brad. Yet I sat there and acted as if I didn’t care. And the reason was because I couldn’t seem to get my stranger out of my damn head.

With my meal finished and half the wine gone, I set to work washing up and getting everything I needed for work packed in my bag for my day tomorrow. As I lay in bed later, I wondered if my stranger would come to me tonight. I wanted him to just so I could give him a piece of my mind—just so I could hear that sexy, husky voice of his.

It took a while to get to sleep, but my eyes were too heavy to care about whether my stranger would come. It wasn’t long after that I fell asleep.




“Tyler…,” his voice whispered in the darkness. “Tyler, I’m here for you now. I’m here to finish off what I started last night.”

I didn’t know whether I was dreaming or not, but the feel of his hands on me was making me think otherwise. I felt his hands all over me, caressing me, touching me in places he knew would make me moan under his touch. Then I noticed his musky smell. It was filling up my senses and making my loins light up with a rich intensity. His hot breath tickled the base of my neck. He was gentle when he wanted to be, but was a little rough sometimes. He never hurt me…well, not so much that it would cause me real pain, but he obviously liked to dominate.

Suddenly, I was fully awake because I realized I couldn’t move my hands. I tried in vain to reach out and touch him, but my hands wouldn’t move.

“What’s going on?”

He was there again, on top of me with his finger pressed against my lips. “Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you. I’ve come to say sorry for my punishment yesterday.”

“By tying me up?”

He laughed and I could feel the sound rumbling into my chest. It made me shudder. “I promise what you’re about to feel will only be pleasure. It is time for you to receive it all, Tyler. I’m here to give you all the pleasure. But, first of all, I have to check one thing.”

I felt him slide off me and watched as he walked away from me. He was wearing that hoodie again, the one that should have caused me nightmares but, instead, made my toes curl and my knees weak.

I suddenly realised he was going into my bathroom. “I swear to God, if you turn that toilet paper around the other way again, I will hunt you down and kick your ass.”

I heard a noise in the bathroom. He started walking back to me. “I doubt very much you could kick my ass, Tyler, but I would love to see you try.”

I was going to retort, but he was back on me again, filling up my senses and digging his hard cock into my stomach.

With a finger to my lips again, he trailed them gently down my chin. “Shh, Tyler. Try not to make a sound. Can you do that for me? Will you be able to hold your squeals of desire? Can you keep that pretty little mouth that sucked me hard last night quiet?”

Oh god, I couldn’t help it. I moaned. “Tyler, I’ve barely touched you, yet you can’t seem to help yourself. So disobedient.”

I was desperate for him and I knew it. But I was also desperate for something else: information. I needed to know more about my stranger. I needed anything he could give me. “What’s your name?”

I felt his hand trail down the side of my torso and all the way down my thigh, making the goosebumps stand at attention. “I love the fact you’re always naked when I visit you. You always need to be naked in bed. Always,” he whispered into my ear, making me moan again.

“What’s your name?” I asked again, determined not to let him get the better of me.

“Always with the questions, Tyler. The only thing you need to do is to feel. Only feel.” With a swipe of his hand, he pinched the end of my nipple, causing me to arch my back.

“You come to me at night. You fuck me, mark me, make me suck your cock, but you won’t give me your name. Tell me,” I demanded.

I felt him sigh a little, but his head lowered to my other nipple, tantalising it with his tongue. “Lotus,” he breathed, taking my whole nipple into his mouth.

I moaned again, my reaction telling me to move and touch him, but I couldn’t. Every instinct was telling me to rub my hands on him. Give him as much pleasure as he was giving me, but I was restricted. And it both frustrated and turned me on at the same time.

“What kind of name is Lotus? That can’t be your real name.”

With his mouth on my nipple, I felt his hand trail down from one breast, all the way to my entrance. He placed one finger inside, causing me to gasp. “Always so wet for me, aren’t you? Lotus
my name, Tyler, and if I could, I’d fucking carve it into you so everyone could see that you are mine.”

With a moan, I shuddered, unable to hold on to my desire for him. “You ripped the card up,” I answered breathlessly. Right now, I couldn’t give a flying fuck that he did, but I needed him to know what an arsehole he was. “You had no ri—”

“Shh,” he whispered again, his finger on my lips. “Brad could never give you what I give you, Tyler. You know it and I know it.”

I did know it. But my stranger hadn’t kissed me once. Not once had I felt his lips on mine. I needed, craved that connection with him. “Kiss me,” I demanded through his finger.

“There is one thing you need to know about me, Tyler. I don’t kiss. I fuck, and I’m going to fuck you until you see the stars falling out of the sky. Do you understand?” He pushed his finger back inside me, causing me to cry out. “Do you understand?” he growled.

“Yes!” I shouted. I fucking hated and loved that he could command this power over me. Right now, I was at his mercy. I should have been scared shitless, but all I cared about was his hands and that beautiful mouth of his, kissing and caressing every inch of me. I didn’t know what he was going to do to me, but I knew I was going to love every fucking minute of it.

“I’m going to make you come, Tyler, and when you do, you’re going to scream my name. I want to hear it on your tongue. I want to be able to almost taste my name when you scream it. Say my name, Tyler. Speak it now.”

“Lotus,” I uttered breathlessly as his lips were caressing my stomach.

“That’s a good girl,” he cooed, lowering his head towards my clit. At first, I thought he was going to lick me. In fact, my pussy was aching for it. But instead, he pulled up, unzipped his trousers, ripped a condom packet with his mouth, placed the condom on, and rammed himself into me. Hard.

I screamed in pleasure and in pain. It was almost as if the two were meshed together. I knew he wasn’t going to give me the ultimate connection of intimacy, but he sure knew how to fucking make me weak with need.

“Rise that fucking gorgeous ass of yours into the air, Tyler.” I did, seeming to act on autopilot. “That’s it.” He slammed back into me again, causing me to cry out.

“Fuck!” he growled as he started pounding into me. He wasn’t gentle, either. He had hold of my hips and was using them to dive into me harder. I wasn’t used to being used and abused like that. But, for some reason, having my hands tied in this way with him calling
the shots had an orgasm already on the way. “Lotus,” I cried, watching as his masculine frame took charge of my body. And all I could do was watch. All I could do was feel. And that was exactly what he wanted me to do.

The pressure from this angle was intense. It was a little awkward being tied up and having to keep my arse in the air like this, but it was definitely worth it. With each thrust, he was hitting that sweet spot, and I knew I was going to blow soon. No matter how much I wanted to relish this feeling of him inside me, I knew that if he kept on at this pace, it wouldn’t be long.

And there wasn’t any stopping him. He was pounding harder, faster. He was even doing his best at holding me in place so I didn’t fall. I couldn’t understand from where he got his strength. He was like an unrelenting force of nature, and I knew there was no one out there that could even come close. Now that I’ve tasted my stranger, my lotus, there was no turning back.

And that’s what had the fire raging, the heat surfacing, my screams bellowing. “Lotus!” I screamed, unable to hold it in much longer.

With a grip on my hips, he just delved in harder. I knew he was forcing my orgasm to come. There was no telling me to stop this time. He wanted me to have this. He was
me to have it.

“Come for me, Tyler. Let me hear you fucking scream my name.”

That was it for me. I exploded around him, screaming and hollering his name, just like he wanted me to. I could feel myself tightening around him as my spasms seemed to rage on around his cock.

“Fuck, Tyler!” he screamed as his pounding intensified. I could feel him enlarging inside me. He was going to come any moment and I wanted to capture it and keep it for life.

“Fuck!” he screamed again and as he collapsed on top of me.









Chapter 20




Revenge is sweet and not fattening.

Alfred Hitchcock



Fuck, what was that? I fucking lost it again. What was with this woman and her fucking voodoo magic? Her pussy seemed to have me under some kind of hypnotic spell. It was almost like she was taunting me and I was quickly being sucked in.

I was on top of her now, breathing in her beautiful cocoa butter smell. I remembered that smell as a kid. It always made me want more of her—even then.

So I lay there, still inside her, our breathing heavy, savouring that smell like it was my last sense to go. And I was losing all my fucking senses around her. It was almost as if I was becoming pussy-whipped. And there was no way in hell that Dean Scozzari would ever become pussy-whipped. Not now, not ever.

With a frustrated grunt, I climbed off her, took the condom off, and walked towards the bathroom.

“Are you going to let me go?” I heard her call out.

Flushing the condom down the toilet, I zipped up my trousers. I was going to leave. I was going to just fuck her, untie her, and be gone. But, for some reason, I felt I needed to stake my claim on her again. I needed her at my will for longer. There was nothing more fucking erotic than to see a woman tied up with nowhere to go. It was just too tempting for words.

Every bone in my body wanted to bolt. Every thought was telling me to get the hell out of there. But why should I? Why should I feel the need to run from her? She was just a good fuck, plain and simple. Just a game to pass my time until I struck. She will soon know who I am, but I needed to fucking get a grip and see this through first.

With a shake of my head, I walked back inside her bedroom. Funnily enough, she was exactly as I left her.




Fucking sexy.

I watched as she watched me. I could make out her eyes trying to squint to see if she could see me. I always made sure I stayed hidden around her. I couldn’t risk her seeing me and, potentially, recognising me.

“Are you going to untie me now?” she asked, and I couldn’t help the smile that crept on my face. She wasn’t demanding. She was asking, and it made my dick spring back to life.

I then knew that I couldn’t possibly leave. I had to taste her. I had to feel her squirming underneath me, tantalising me with that fucking magic pussy of hers.

“I’ll let you go, but there is something I need to do first.” Reaching down towards her toe, I pinched it a little, causing her to yelp.

“What are you going to do?”

I could hear a slight anxiety in her voice and it only made me harder. I didn’t want to frighten her but, at the same time, I wanted her to feel something—any little feeling of how I felt all those years ago, the years that were robbed from me.

Crawling onto her bed, I slid my hand up her thigh as I began my journey towards that delectable pussy of hers. As always, she responded to my touch. She never could seem to get enough of it. And that was just what I wanted. I thought I would’ve had to work harder at gaining her total trust, but all those years of stalking her paid off. She was getting so used to me now, like a comfortable pair of shoes—but I wasn’t fucking comfortable.

“Tyler, do you have any idea just how fucking sexy you look tied up right now?” I heard her murmur and I knew she would be willing for me to take her again. I bet she was even expecting it.

Looking up at her, I saw her lust. I saw the desperation of her wanting to touch me. Her pulling at the red ribbon tied above her was telling me that much. But I couldn’t let her gain control.

Grabbing her exposed breasts, I took one of her nipples into my mouth and sucked a little harder this time. She cried out in pleasure and I knew I hadn’t hurt her. That thought alone had me spurning on even further. I so wanted to sink my dick into her again, but I had only planned on just the once. I couldn’t have too much of her. That’s why I disciplined myself by only bringing one condom. I knew exactly what was going to take place before I even got here. I planned it down to the last detail, and part of that plan involved doing something to her again tonight. I was just waiting for the right moment to strike. And I knew exactly when that moment would be.

“Why do you let me do the things I do to you?” I whispered into the darkness.

She froze for a moment, then lightly chuckled. “I don’t have any other choice.” She pulled at her restraints to emphasise her point.

“But you had no restraints last time.”

I heard her breathe a sigh. It was almost like a sigh of resolution. “Like I said, I have no other choice.”

I kissed her nipple and nuzzled it with my teeth a little, but her comment seemed to play around in my head. “Why?” I asked, trying to search for the answer in her face.

She gave a sigh. “Because it feels like you’re all I’ve ever known.”

I stopped. Squeezing my eyes shut, I tried hard to force the words from seeping into my head. Little did she know, I
all she ever knew. I was all she ever said she wanted. But what she had done was irreplaceable of all that. She needed to be punished. She needed to be branded. And that’s exactly what I was about to do.

“I need you to open your legs for me, Tyler, and tilt up those beautiful fucking hips of yours.”

She sighed. “Do you ever not swear?”

I sighed right back at her. “Do you ever not ask questions?”

I heard her annoyance. “Ask questions? I hardly know anything about you. All I know is you’re my stranger, you smell nice, you fuck like an animal, and you say your name’s Lotus. What is your
name? Who are you?”

I didn’t want her asking me those things. I was prepared for that and I knew it would come. I actually thought it would have been sooner than this but, for some reason, she always let me take control.

“I am the man of your dreams, Tyler. And, right now, I’m going to make your dreams come true.”

I plunged my finger into her again, feeling how wet she still was. I knew then that I had her. I knew she would relent and give into my commands.

Rising off her some more, I looked down at my sweet, beautiful devil woman as she wriggled underneath me. “Now, Tyler,” I said, caressing her bottom with my other hand. “I need you to lift up a little bit more. I’ll support you, but you need to raise your hips a bit further.” She did as she was told and my dick throbbed against my trousers.

Taking my finger from her pussy, I wandered down a little bit further until I was at another interesting part of her body. I immediately felt her tense, which I was expecting. I doubted anybody had ever been near her there before.

“Shh, it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you, Tyler. I promise. Just feel.”

With my finger, wet from her pussy, I moistened her down there. I teased her for a while with my finger and, to my surprise, she responded. With my other hand, I started messaging her clit a little. Not too rough, but just enough to relax her and get her nice and ready for me. It wasn’t long before her moans were radiating around the room.

Knowing she was willing, I gently placed my finger into her ass. I wasn’t rough, as I knew that was not how she would want it. She was untouched down there, so I had to be careful not to push her too hard.

To my surprise, I felt her push herself down a little to meet me. She was enjoying this, which made it that much harder not to yank my trousers down and fuck her hard again.

“Lotus…,” she whispered, causing me to grip my eyes shut. I had to focus on what I was doing. I had to make sure she felt all the pleasure. This wasn’t about me now. Now was my build-up. I had to make her see there was just no living without me.

With one finger thrusting inside her, I bent my head and pushed my tongue into her pussy. She wriggled and moaned, and I could feel her wanting more. I could tell she just couldn’t get enough.

“Oh god!” I heard her shout as I started licking her clit relentlessly. I loved the taste of her. She was like the sweetest honey on earth. I couldn’t seem to get enough of it.

I mercilessly licked and thrust my way inside of her, fucking her beautiful ass with my finger. I knew the moment she was going to come. I could feel her tensing up. I could hear her breathing become more and more shallow. I could feel her clenching against my finger as her orgasm was about to rip her apart. And just before she was about to come, I pulled my finger out, took my face away from her pussy, and hovered over her. I placed my hand on her pussy and, with one finger inside her and another on her clit, I finished her off. She came, screaming my name, then I struck. I dived my head to her neck and sucked her with all my might. All this did was cause her to scream louder. She was still coming and I was still sucking. All I wanted was to fuck her senseless again.

As soon as I felt her calm, I eased my hand and my mouth away, watching as she closed her eyes. She looked beautiful with the tiny bit of moonlight resting on her face.

But then she moved slightly. Her head fell to the side, and it was then that I caught it. I don’t know why I hadn’t seen it on her before now. The locket. The fucking locket I gave to her when we were young. What the fuck would she want with it now? Why the fuck was she still wearing it?

With that thought in my head, I shot up off the bed. How dare she think she could play me like this. How dare she think there was any connection with us after what she had done.

“Lotus, what’s wrong?”

I had to get out of there, fast. The rage was flowing through my veins. All I could see through my closed eyes were my parents. I needed out and I needed out fast.

With a quick tug, I loosened the ribbon that was holding her hands together on the bed. It wasn’t enough to free her, but enough for her to set herself free.

“Lotus?” she questioned, obviously wondering about my sudden change in temperament. But I wasn’t going to stick around to answer her. The moment I freed her enough, I was gone.







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