Deviant (9 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Deviant
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Chapter 12





I don’t know what came over me just then, but the sight of Brad wrapping his arms around her and kissing her had rage rushing through my veins. She wasn’t his to claim. She was
. I owned her, and she should fucking realize that by now.

The thought had my fists clenching. I could feel my fingers digging into my skin. My heart was pumping, and my head was swimming with rapid visions of me sinking my cock and my teeth into her. I almost lost it. I almost ruined everything and ran out there to claim her as mine. It was a stupid, idiotic thought, and I knew that. But this woman brought out the worst in me every time. I wanted to take her, possess her, dominate her, ruin her. I wanted to ravish her, please her, consume her until I couldn’t take much more.

With the rage still pumping, I quickly noticed something…something I didn’t notice before because I was too busy filling myself with rage.

She didn’t want him. Her body language said it all. She even stiffened slightly when he leaned in to kiss her. It was unnoticeable to anyone else, but I distinctly saw it.

When he pulled away, she smiled awkwardly at him.

It was then that my rage calmed. It was then that my hands relaxed. It was then that my heart slowed and my jaw unclenched.

Then I realized something about her. I had been studying her far too long now not to know how she felt. I knew everything about her. From the shadows, I watched as she dressed, ate, brushed her teeth, even played with herself. I knew what made her tick. I knew exactly how she wanted and needed pleasing. And I was going to make damn sure I gave that to her.

I definitely could tell what she was thinking about. To put it in one simple word: me. I would stake my wealth, my life, you name it on that fact. She had that same glint in her eye when she thought about me as she was writing notes down about what I had done that day. It was the same glint I always used to see when we were younger. My plan had worked and I knew she would never turn me away.

She wanted me and I would not disappoint her. I would come to her a lot sooner than she thought. I needed to feel her anyway. I needed to enforce my will, degrade her, and ravish her with everything I had.

Tyler O’Shea would not know what hit her.
















Chapter 13






It was so strange. I wanted Brad before, but after last night, I couldn’t get whomever visited me out of my head. It was almost as if he knew me from the inside out already. He was a master in anything erotic. The thought of it just had the burn rising through me again.

“I’m going to head home now. I still don’t feel well.”

I smiled and nodded. “That may be a good idea.”

“Listen, you have my card, right?”

I frowned, trying to remember what I did with it. “Hold on a sec. Let me go check.”

I rushed up the stairs before Brad could reply and went through all my things. I couldn’t find his card anywhere. Biting my lip, I tried to remember where it was. I thought I placed it on the bedside table. Whatever I’d done with it, it was gone. Maybe I dropped it on the way up.

With a shake of my head, I went downstairs where Brad is waiting. He looked so ill, he probably couldn’t wait to get home. “I can’t seem to find it anywhere,” I told him.

Brad frowned, but then reached into his pocket and pulled out his card. “Here’s another one. As I said, it’s got my number and email address on it. Next time you want to see me, just give me a call. It would be nice to take you on a proper date.”

I saw a hint of shyness in Brad, and it was then that I definitely knew he wasn’t the one who came to me last night.

Taking the card from his hand, I smiled. “That would be nice.” With a swift hug and a kiss on the cheek, we said our goodbyes.

“He doesn’t seem the type,” Louisa said, making me jump.


She shrugged. “He doesn’t seem the type to do all those things in the bedroom.” She paused a minute, then smiled. “Mind you, it’s always the quiet ones that you have to watch out for, though.”

Something caught Louisa’s eye as she turned toward the stairs. “Speaking of which…”

Looking over, I saw Pete rushing down. “I’ve been looking for you,” he said, rather breathlessly. “I wondered where you could have gone in such a hurry.”

“Tyler had an emergency that we needed to take care of.”

Pete looked me over, his eyes quickly landing on my neck. He winced. “Did a vampire visit you last night or something?”

I smiled cheekily. “With the evidence on my neck, I think you already know the answer to that question.”

Thank goodness it was the end of autumn because I knew I would have to wear some high-neck tops if I were to ever get away with concealing what he had done to me. I should have been scared and hopping mad but, for some reason, all I could think about were those two orgasms he gave me. All I could think about was how much I wanted him again—whoever he was.

Pete smiled at me, but wanted his attention on someone more important. His gaze very quickly drifted to Louisa, looking her up and down a heated glint in his eyes. “I was hoping we could have gotten even better acquainted this morning,” Pete purred as he grabbed hold of Louisa’s waist.

Timidly, Louisa looked over at me, but all I did was smile and roll my eyes. “Maybe I should take a walk around and leave you two lovebirds alone for a bit.”

I could see Louisa was about to protest, but Pete was faster. He had his lips locked on her so fast, she barely had time to breathe. With a shake of my head, I proceeded to look around the place. I didn’t know whether I would be able to get into any of the rooms, or even get past Mr. Butler if he showed up this morning. Whatever happened, I was determined to have a look around before we left. I needed to find out more about this mysterious Mr. Gatsby guy. I looked up the stairs and thought if there ever was a good way to start, it was from the top.

So I headed up the stairs.









































Chapter 14





It was hard not to laugh at Tyler trying to sneak her way around my house. She was determined, I’ll give her that, but she was never going to find anything. This was my house, but I didn’t live here. I just used it on occasion to host parties and fuck girls I selected. I did my homework before I slept with someone. I couldn’t just fuck anybody. I had needs like any other man, but I would never sleep with just anybody. I had selective taste when it came to women. Strangely enough, if it wasn’t for what Tyler did, I would never have entertained the idea of sleeping with her. She wasn’t very elegant. She didn’t hold herself very well. She was extremely clumsy at times, and had a potty mouth that would make any man cringe. I don’t do potty mouths.

The other thing about Tyler was she’s smaller than what I normally went for. She was a blonde, I normally went for brunettes. She was curved, I normally went for athletic women. She was everything in a woman that I didn’t desire, but I can’t fucking get the woman out of my head now that I had a taste of her. She didn’t help her cause by fucking with my head all those years ago. I made a point of never going anywhere near anyone that remotely resembled her. She truly was a witch in sexy high heels. A devil-woman who had haunted me since I was a young, naïve, stupid lovesick kid.

Yet I sat there watching her, without her knowledge, and I couldn’t help the way my dick twitched at the sight of her rounded ass as she bent over to take a look in one of my drawers. It was just there, fucking teasing me with its big, juicy cheeks ready for me to fucking take a bite out of. What I wouldn’t give to push her head into the wall and fuck her senseless. And she would love every fucking minute of it. I bet she was even waiting for me now. I bet even now, as she looked around the room to see if anyone was watching her, she was wondering if I’d appear and give her the fucking she truly desired.

I wanted to push my limits with her. I wanted to feel her pleasure. I wanted to feel her fear and her pain. I wanted to take as much as I could from her before destroying everything she held dear. She was a selfish, manipulative person who didn’t deserve happiness. She didn’t deserve to feel joy. She didn’t deserve to feel me but, just for a little while, she had me. Once I’d used her up and spat her out, I would go back to my life, but Tyler O’Shea? I would ruin her. I would take her apart piece by piece so that she’d never be able to mend herself.

I couldn’t help the smile that crept up on my face as Tyler’s shoulders dropped in defeat. She jumped a bit when she heard a noise, and I could tell her heart was racing against that perky chest of hers. In a sense, she was a marvel to watch. She had these certain idiosyncrasies which both annoyed and fascinated the hell out of me. She bit her fingernails when she was nervous—filthy, disgusting habit. She picked at her food a little too delicately. I know it was because she didn’t like to get her fingers dirty, but it drove me nuts. And the fucking killer was I couldn’t seem to help myself. I just sat there, glued to her every fucking move, like it was some kind of compulsion.

I shook my head, trying hard not to watch her. I didn’t need to watch her because I knew she would never find anything. I worked hard to cover all my tracks. What Tyler didn’t know about my family was we were wealthy. When my parents had me, they wanted as normal a life as possible. We moved and settled into a quiet life so they could give me as normal an upbringing as they could. But things changed one day and we had to move. My father was never one to dabble in the ordinary. Let’s just say that most of his earnings were never very legal. I kind of had my hunches, but never really knew until that day we had to move suddenly. All I was told was my father had a job up in Scotland and we had to move as quickly as possible. At first, I didn’t want to leave Tyler. It absolutely fucking killed me. But I went, as the dutiful son should, with the promise to come back to her. But it was once we had settled in a couple of months later and I wanted to come back for her that my parents told me about the letter sent to their enemy. I didn’t think Tyler knew, let alone betrayed me in that way. I simply had to go, I had to see it for myself. What she didn’t realise was I actually
go back, and it was then that I saw it. She fucked with my head so badly, I wouldn’t have cared whether I saw her again or not. But then my stupid, pathetic self pined for her. I pined so much, it caused arguments with my mum and dad. One night, it got so bad, I ran away. Then it happened. That was the night my parents were killed. It was that night that changed everything for me.

Shuddering, I looked away from Tyler in disgust. Every time I thought about it, I felt the anger rise like an unseen force. It just gripped me and took me by surprise, and there was only one thing I could do when I felt this way. It was time to hit the gym. I had to be focused tonight. I had a plan of action, and I had to make sure it went according to plan.

Time for the games to begin.


































Chapter 15





I felt deflated. There was nothing here. I could feel myself pouting as I stepped to the door. I wasn’t sure what room I was in, but it looked like an office. Everything in this house screamed old-fashioned, especially with its mahogany walls and high, decorative ceilings. All you could see for miles were very old, very expensive furnishings. The desk alone looked like it cost as much as I made in a year, maybe two.

As I stared briefly at the David head statue on the far side of the room, I pondered who on earth could live here. For some reason, I couldn’t see this infamous Mr. Gatsby guy as being as old as all these relics made him seem. Although everything around me screamed maturity, I had this feeling that he was quite young. It may have been the fact that all the people at the party seemed to be around my age. It may have had something to do with the fact I couldn’t imagine a very wealthy fifty-something having parties and lurking in the shadows, instead of being the host he should be.

Shaking my head, I put one foot in front of the other, only to hear a noise that stopped me dead in my tracks. Whatever it was, I had this sudden urge to either flee or jump, like an action film, towards the back of the desk. However, all I could do was stand there like an idiot, ready to face whatever could be behind that door.

No one came in, though, so I shrugged and made my way out the door and down the stairs so I could find Louisa. Hopefully Pete would have let her go by now. As I got to the bottom of the steps, a sound alerted me. It was muffled, like grunting. It sounded like it was coming from the basement, but I couldn’t tell. Like always, my intrigue got the best of me and I made my way down the stairs. When I reached the bottom, there was a closed door, but I knew there was someone behind it. The sounds were almost animalistic. It was frightening, but erotic at the same time.

In that brief moment, I wondered whether I would be brave enough to take a peak. I couldn’t be certain, but it sounded distinctly like someone was boxing. With my heart beating rapidly and my throat dry, I grabbed the door handle.

It was then that my heart shot into my mouth at the feel of someone’s hand on my shoulder. “Miss, you can’t go in there.”

Jumping, I swung around to find the butler staring at me with an unimpressed glare. It was also then that there was silence coming from the other side of the door. Whoever was in there must have heard us.

“I’m so sorry. I was just trying to find a toilet.”

I inwardly cringed.
Way to go, Tyler. That wasn’t an obvious lie at all.

Looking in the direction of the stairs, he turned back to me. “If you go up these stairs, there is a door to your immediate right. That is where the toilet is.”

I took that as my cue to leave and did so as graciously as possible, my tail between my legs. As I got to the top, I briefly turned and saw that the butler had disappeared. He must have gone into the “grunting” room.

“There you are, Tyler. I’ve been looking for you.”

Louisa’s voice made me jump as I spun around. Everything was making me jump this morning. It may have had something to do with the fact I knew I was snooping.

“Hey, Louisa. Has Pete finally let you go?”

She laughed as her cheeks reddened a little. “Yes. We’ve said our goodbyes. Seen anything good?”

I knew Louisa would have been eager to come with me earlier, but sometimes your loins win out. They certainly did for me last night.

“Nah,” I stated with a shake of my head. “Not a damn thing. I looked in every drawer I could and couldn’t even find a single piece of paper. It’s almost as if this place is a museum, rather than a home.”

Louisa sighed a little. “Oh well. Maybe I’ll get the dirt on this elusive guy one day, but it doesn’t look like today is going to be my day. Are you ready to get going?”

I nodded. “Yep. Let’s go before the butler comes in.”

Within ten minutes, we were packed and placing our bags into Louisa’s boot. It was raining and I hated the rain but, for some reason, I was ready to curl up in my jim-jams, eat lots of chocolate, and watch the reruns of
. I loved
, especially Harvey. He could be my lawyer any day. Harvey could be anything he wanted to me any day. He was just so damn delicious.

“Are you daydreaming about him?”

My gaze drifted to Louisa. “Actually, I was just thinking that today would be the perfect day to curl up on the sofa, pig-out, and watch TV.”

Louisa stared ahead, but smiled. “Hmmm, okay…,” she giggled.

“Are you seeing him again?”

Louisa frowned a little. “Who? Pete?”

“Nah, the butler guy. He was kinda hot.”

We both giggled a little as Louisa continued to stare ahead. “I’ve given him my number. It’s up to him to call now. I have a feeling I’ll be hearing from him soon, though.”

Louisa smiled, then we both fell silent again. I started to wonder whether I would hear from my elusive caller from last night. I felt kind of disgusted with myself for letting a complete stranger into my room to do all those lovely, erotic things to me. But, then again, whoever it was tricked me. He didn’t say who he was in the beginning, so I assumed it was Brad. But having said that, did this stranger realise that himself? I could never know for certain. All I knew was that whoever it was gave me the best sex I’ve ever had. And I was just itching for more.





















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