Devils on Horseback: Zeke, Book 3 (16 page)

Read Devils on Horseback: Zeke, Book 3 Online

Authors: Beth Williamson

Tags: #cowboy;devils on horseback;zeke;naomi

BOOK: Devils on Horseback: Zeke, Book 3
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She took his clothes and got the worst of the vomit off and hung the clothes up to dry. As she was putting the bucket of water outside the room, Zeke came to life behind her.

“Fucking bitch,” he growled from the bed. “Why did you do it? Why?”

There was fury in his tone, but more than that, there was agony. Deep, vicious pain dredged from down in his soul, which she recognized all too well. Naomi closed the door and walked over to the bed, determined to do what she could to help Zeke.

He grabbed her arm when she got close enough, twisting it until she almost screamed in agony. Being on her own for the last few years gave her some tricks though. She pinched the skin between his arm and his chest until he let her go. Rubbing the burning skin, she fell to her knees and looked at the man who was so hurt and angry he lashed out even when unconscious.

She blew out a breath and carefully reached out to brush the blond hair from his forehead. Matted with sweat, the normally vibrant locks were as pitiful as the man who owned them.

Naomi had a lot of time to think as she took care of Zeke, too much time really. It was disturbing to see him reduced to a crawling drunk. He seemed to be so strong and capable, albeit arrogant. Yet she knew the liquor was only a temporary balm to whatever was eating him up inside.

“I’ll watch over you.” She cupped his cheek. Tomorrow she would deal with Lucy and find out why she deliberately encouraged Zeke to get drunk.

Zeke tried to swallow but it seemed every drop of moisture was gone from his mouth. The taste of whiskey and vomit told him all he needed to know. He’d gone to the saloon and after that, everything was blurry. He tried to take a deep breath, but the pain in his chest stopped it cold. However, he smelled something much more familiar and welcome—Naomi.

As if he’d conjured her from a dream, her soft fingers touched his face, which was currently pressed into a pillow.
pillow. The idea she was taking care of him made his throat close and he started to choke. God knows he never wanted Naomi to see him like this.

After she rolled him on his side, she rubbed circles on his back until the coughing subsided. She wiped his face and helped him back up onto the pillows in a sitting position. Still, he didn’t open his eyes.

“It’s all right, Zeke.” She continued to dab the cool cloth on his forehead. “Everyone stumbles now and then.”

Zeke had vague memories of the night before, most of them bad. Yet through it all, Naomi’s presence had been constant. She pressed a tin cup to his lips and the sweetness of the water coated his mouth. He tried to slurp more but she pulled it away.

“Too much and you’ll get sick.” She squeezed his hand. “Are you even going to look at me?”

Reluctantly, Zeke opened his eyes to slits and knew he shouldn’t. Tears blurred his gaze but he saw the earnest love in the hazel depths of her eyes. He expected much less, even recrimination, censure and disgust. Yet what she gave him in return made him look away.

“Zeke, please look at me.”

“Why did you help me?” He kept his gaze averted.

“I help everyone who needs it. Many a time I needed some and didn’t get it. I’m going to get some warm water to wash you up.”

Blessedly, she walked out of the room, leaving Zeke to his own misery. Swimming in the hell of his own making, he curled up in a ball and wept.

He didn’t know how long she’d been gone, but he must have fallen asleep. Zeke woke to her pulling the sheets down and the cool air hitting his naked body. He wasn’t embarrassed to be nude, she’d been intimate with him too many times now for that, but he wasn’t ready for her gasp.

Zeke popped one eye open to find her staring at his body, her hand pressed to her mouth and an expression of pain on her face.

“What? What’s wrong?” He sounded as if he’d been gargling rocks.

“Sweet Jesus.” She perched on the edge of the bed and reached out a shaking hand. “You have so many scars.” Her fingers traced the outline of the pink scar on his left shoulder from a year ago.

“A man ain’t a man unless he’s got scars.” He didn’t want her to continue worrying over him. He sure as hell wasn’t worth it.

“But you’ve been hurt so much.” She skimmed over the ragged scar from a knife wound.

“I can handle it.” He stopped her hand. “Don’t worry.”

She nodded but he could see her biting that plump lower lip as she dipped a rag in a basin of steaming water. “Let’s get you cleaned up properly then.”

Even in the surgical tent during the war, he’d never had a nurse or a corpsman give him a good washing. The last time anyone had done it for him, he’d been in short pants and in his mama’s care.

Zeke closed his eyes and held back the tears. He was so lost in what could be, should be, but wasn’t. With every stroke of the warm cloth, he finally heard what she was trying to tell him, what he refused to listen to.

Without words, she told him she loved him, that she worried for him, that she wanted to take away his pain. Zeke’s head pounded right along with his heart as he paid attention to what was in front of him. Naomi had come to mean more to him than anything and he’d ignored everything but her body. He couldn’t allow her to throw her heart away on a man like him.

After he fell asleep, Naomi left the saloon and headed to the restaurant. She knocked on the door with a trembling hand. When Gideon opened it, he looked behind her in the predawn light.

“Where is he?”

“In my room at the saloon. He’s drunk about two bottles of whiskey near as I can tell and he’s suffering for it.” She swallowed the lump in her throat before it stole her voice.

“He’s a man in so much pain he can’t remember a time without it.” Gideon’s blue gaze locked with hers. “Zeke might seem like a cold man but that’s only to keep a lid on what he can’t control.”

She nodded, recognizing his words as the absolute truth. Naomi had believed the sheriff to be a pushy, bossy hard-ass, but he was so much more than that.

“I want to help him.”

Gideon stared at her hard. “You have feelings for him.”

Although she hadn’t told Zeke yet, she told his best friend. “Yes, I love him and I won’t turn away now.”

“Good, he’ll need as much love as we can give him.” He put his hand on her shoulder. “We’ll be there in a few minutes. Keep him safe for us until then.”

Chapter Ten

Naomi cleaned up the room, then brought the bucket of dirty water downstairs. Her mind kept returning to Zeke and why God had seen fit to match the two of them together. She often wondered if there was a purpose to the way things happened. Perhaps since they’d both had enough misery to last a dozen lifetimes, they were meant to find each together.

When she arrived in Tanger, she wouldn’t have predicted falling in love with Zeke or finding a man she could spend her life with. Yet she had, and he was a bigger mess than she. God must have a sense of humor.

It was probably nearly seven already. Her stomach rumbled with hunger but she ignored it. Time enough later for vittles after Zeke was taken care of. Perhaps he might feel up to dinner at Elmer’s later—or maybe not. He was still in very rough shape. She wanted to help him, but knew keeping him in her bed wasn’t the wisest choice. She was glad she’d gone to tell his friends, but knowing they would come and get him soon made her wish she hadn’t.

“Good morning, angel.”

Startled, Naomi dropped the bucket on her foot as she whirled to face the speaker. A young man stood there with wavy brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. He was a stranger to her, but she’d seen him in town before. No doubt the minister’s collar meant he was the town’s new reverend.

“Good morning.” She reached down to massage the bump on her foot.

“My apologies if you hurt yourself. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He held out his hand. “Reverend Gregory Conley.”

Embarrassed by her appearance, she briefly shook his hand, looking like death with snarls in her hair and a stained dress. Not to mention she’d been avoiding ministers, church and God since He’d seen fit to take her father and her life away from her.

“Pleased to meet you. I’m Miss Naomi Tucker. I’ve got to get back inside, Reverend.” She grabbed the bucket handle and turned to go back up the steps when his hand on her arm stopped her.

“Please call me Gregory, if you would. I’m new in town and wanted to be sure to meet everyone.” His wide smile was so open and innocent, it made her lips twitch. However, she needed to get back to Zeke.

“I’m sorry but I don’t have time to talk more today. I appreciate you introducing yourself to me, but I really must go.” She started up the stairs. “If you’ll excuse me. Good day, Reverend.”

Naomi closed the door behind her, ignoring the minister’s stutters. She didn’t need a sermon, and definitely didn’t need a young man meddling in her life no matter how sweet or innocent he was.

Zeke watched the door, at peace for the first time in a long time, as he waited for Naomi to return. She’d been gone only a few minutes, but he already wished she was back. He’d never thought to be a man mooning over a woman, but he was doing it anyway.

When the door opened, he almost smiled, until he caught sight of the paleness of her face and the dark circles under her eyes. After she shut the door behind her and leaned on it, she met his gaze with a tremulous smile. The night caring for him was nearly as hard on her. God only knew why she did it—he didn’t deserve it.

“You’re awake.”

A knock at the door made her jump a country mile. She pressed her finger to her lips to shush him and he understood she didn’t want anyone to find him there. Zeke would definitely be fired if they did, considering Hettie would know he’d lied to her.

“Zeke, you in there?” Gideon’s voice came through the closed door.

He let out a huge sigh, relieved to know his cousin was on the other side of the door.

Naomi opened the door, blocking the opening with her slim form. “He’s still not doing very well.”

“That’s why we’re here.” Gideon sounded calm.

Lee, on the other hand, wasn’t even remotely calm. “You got him drunk, you goddamn whore, now let me in there before I tear your fucking arms off.”

Zeke vaulted off the bed, ignoring the lurch in his stomach. “I told you more than once, she is
a whore. You’d best never say that again, Lee.”

Gideon, Lee and Jake came in, giving Zeke time to absorb the shock of the Devils coming for him. After the tumultuous few weeks and the falling out they’d had, it warmed Zeke’s heart to see them protecting him.

“Lee, you owe Naomi an apology. She didn’t give me any booze, you idiot.”

His brother frowned as he unclenched his fists. “That’s not what Lucy told us.”

Zeke’s stomach dropped to his knees. Lucy had told them Naomi got him drunk? His head pounded with liquor and confusion.

“Lucy lied. Naomi was the one who took care of me and cleaned up my vomit and shit.” He glanced at her, at the hurt plainly written on her face.

“So you’re cozy with her now, then?” Lee gazed around the room, always ready to believe the worst in people.

Zeke swayed on his feet and Naomi caught him. “Sit down before you fall down.” She was bossy when backed into a corner, but in this case he allowed her to walk him to the bed to sit.

Gideon smacked Lee in the arm. “He’s still drunk, you idiot. Stop being such an ass.”

“Yeah, don’t be an ass,” Jake chimed in. His blue gaze found Zeke’s and he asked without speaking if everything was all right. They’d always shared the responsibility of watching each other’s backs and it would likely never change.

“Look, I’m fine. Still a bit drunk, feel like shit on a horse’s ass, but thanks to Naomi, I’m alive.” He rubbed his hands over his eyes. “I don’t know why the hell Lucy lied to you.”

Naomi snorted. “I do. She’s in love with you, you dolt.” She tucked her hair behind her ear. “You can’t tell me you didn’t notice.”

Zeke shifted on the bed, uncomfortable with the topic and unwilling to feel guilty. “I told her I wasn’t interested in marrying her.”

“What did she say to that?” Gideon looked at him much too intently.

“She said something about she had always hoped something would happen.” He shrugged. “I ain’t never even kissed her, Gid. I don’t know how she got it in her head to snag me for her man.”

“Must be your charm.” Lee paced the small room like a caged panther.

“Shut up, Lee.” Zeke pressed his palms to his temples. “I told you to apologize to Naomi and I meant it.”

Lee stopped pacing and stared at his brother. “What for? She’s a whore.”

All thought flew out of his head as he jumped on his brother and started pounding the piss out of him. Gideon and Jake pulled him away, but not before he’d split Lee’s lip and given him a shiner to last at least a week.

Naomi stood in the corner, her hand over her mouth, watching them as if they were the crazy freaks at the circus. He wanted to reassure her the fighting was normal for them, but that might make her think they really were crazy.

Gideon pushed him onto the bed. “We came here to rescue you from yourself, but it seems we were too late.” He nodded at Naomi. “I thank you for your help, Miss Tucker, but we’ll take him home now.”

Jake pointed to the corner of Zeke’s lip. “Looks like Lee got a punch in after all.”

A twinge of pain radiated from the spot. “Dammit, I’ll likely have to explain that to the damn town council too.”

“You might want to wait until you’re sober,” Gideon suggested dryly.

Zeke knew his cousin was right. He was still swimming with whiskey in his veins, and the liquor wasn’t about to let go for a while. Naomi stood next to the bed, concern and love evident in her expression.

“Thank you, little one, for everything.”

“Take care of yourself, Sheriff.” She stepped towards the window without saying goodbye. Perhaps she was feeling the same tightness in his chest that he was. That would be something.

Jake, Gideon and Lee waited for him by the door. The sight of them standing in Naomi’s room told him they were still family, no matter what had happened between them. He wanted to say thank you but couldn’t. It wasn’t easy for him to say on the best of days, much less when he had been drinking.

Instead he nodded at them, a bad idea because his stomach rolled with the movement. Lee was beside him in seconds, his arm around Zeke’s waist followed by Jake on the other side. Gideon walked ahead, scouting for anyone who might see the sheriff in such a state.

“Hang on there, big brother. We’ll get you home.”

Zeke wanted to walk on his own, but he was obviously in no shape to do that just yet. His family was there to help and that’s all that mattered. For the first time in days, the pain inside him abated.

It took a bit longer than usual to walk to the restaurant, and by the time they arrived, Zeke was a bit lightheaded. Early Sunday morning and he was half-drunk in the street. Although they wanted to remain unseen, luck was not in their favor.

Gregory Conley strolled down the street, bible in hand and a frown on his normally chipper expression.

“Sheriff, are you hurt?” He headed towards them and Zeke couldn’t stop him before he got too close. The young minister wrinkled his nose and stopped dead in his tracks. “What is that smell?”

“Medicine,” Lee snapped. “We’re bringing him to his bed to get better.”

“Better from what? If I didn’t know better, I’d think it was whiskey I smelled.” Gregory took another loud whiff. “I did see him entering Aphrodite’s last evening.”

Zeke wanted to find a hole and drop himself in it. As if it wasn’t bad enough to be drunk and incoherent in front of Naomi, now the new preacher in town was witness to his stupidity. Just lovely.

“I told you it’s medicine. The sheriff needs to get to bed so get out of the way, Conley.” Lee didn’t cotton to treating men of the cloth like they were better than anyone else.

“Reverend Conley, we appreciate your concern, but we’ve got it under control.” Gideon was always the peacekeeper.

“I’m concerned about the well-being of every citizen of Tanger and that includes the sheriff.” Reverend Conley looked older than his probably twenty years. “I must insist on helping. He obviously needs spiritual guidance.”

Zeke wanted to dropkick the kid back to Kansas or wherever the hell he’d come from, but he could barely stand up straight.

“I don’t want any help. Just find someone else to save.”

They made it to the restaurant with Conley dogging their tail. He continued his diatribe about the sins of liquor until Lee practically slammed the door in his face. Gideon shook his head at his cousin.

“What? The idiot wouldn’t shut up.”

“I realize that, but it wouldn’t kill you to be polite to the town’s new minister,” Gideon admonished.

Lee snorted. “As if I ever wanted to be polite.”

“That’s the gospel truth.” Jake chuckled.

“You are a serious redheaded pain in the ass. Why don’t you go home to your Italian wife?” Lee glowered at Jake.

“Make me.”

They started up the stairs and Zeke’s stomach flipped upside down. He closed his mouth and swallowed back the bile that threatened.

“Hurry,” he managed to get out.

“Shut up, both of you, Zeke needs our help,” Gideon snapped. “Let’s get him upstairs.”

Zeke wanted to protest, really he did, but he couldn’t. Everything from the previous day and night hit him with the force of a sledgehammer. As soon as Jake and Lee took his arms, blackness threw a cloak over him and then he knew no more.

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