Devils on Horseback: Zeke, Book 3 (20 page)

Read Devils on Horseback: Zeke, Book 3 Online

Authors: Beth Williamson

Tags: #cowboy;devils on horseback;zeke;naomi

BOOK: Devils on Horseback: Zeke, Book 3
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Lee was right, of course, but didn’t know if he was ready to see Naomi.

* * * * *

They walked around behind Aphrodite’s, looking around at where Matthew was beaten. He didn’t know what they would find, but it was worth a look. Zeke’s stomach jumped around, hoping Naomi wouldn’t come outside, or perhaps he was hoping she would. He forced himself to concentrate on what he saw.

“What are you doing?”

Zeke whirled around to find Lucy behind him. She scowled at him, then at Lee. In contrast to her normal sexy dresses, she wore a plain navy blue dress with barely any cleavage showing, and for the first time since he’d known her, no face paint.

“Nothing.” He was shocked enough by Lucy’s change to sound like an idiot.

“Trying to find out who beat the shit out of Marchison.” Lee stood in the high grass at the edge of the clearing by the outhouse.

She gestured to his badge. “So you’re sheriff again, I hear.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Zeke cleared his throat and shuffled his feet. “I needed to get my head situated on my shoulders before I came back.”

To his surprise, she nodded and her expression softened. “I know exactly what you mean. Have you seen Matthew?” There was genuine concern in her voice.

“Yeah, we did. Damn shame what somebody did to him.” Zeke tried to forget who might be in the saloon and focused on interviewing his witness. “What do you remember about that night?”

Lucy looked up and tapped her chin with two fingers. “It was busy for a Sunday. The girls were running their tails off trying to keep up with the drink orders. Joe had to throw out one or two drunks, but those cowpunchers just kept getting rowdier by the minute.”

“Anybody in particular causing problems?” Zeke figured one little piece of information might be enough to help them move forward with the investigation.

“No, but that hotel man Ackerman was there playing cards again.” She wrinkled her nose. “He’s a bit of an ass.”

“A bit isn’t strong enough.” Zeke made no bones about disliking the Yankee. “Did he do anything unusual?”

“Not really. He’s been something of a regular since he came to town. Comes in and plays cards, never drinks and never gambles. The other cowboys use him to practice their card skills.” She snapped her fingers. “Aha! I remember now. When Matthew came in he had a long face so I asked him what was wrong. He said something about losing the lady he thought he could love.”

Love her

Zeke could taste the clue on his tongue. “Did he say who it was?”

Lucy frowned. “No, just that she’d chosen another man, one who didn’t have an ex-wife.”

That left only ninety percent of the single men in the county.

“Did he say anything else?”

“No, but I remember him shooting daggers at Ackerman. I ain’t never seen Matthew have an unkind word for anyone, so it surprised me to see him do it.” Lucy nodded. “After that I lost track of Matthew until Joe came running in to say he’d found the poor man beaten half to death out here.” She glanced down at the grass. “Damn shame, that’s what it is. He’s one of the good ones.”

In Lucy’s voice, Zeke heard what she did say. Matthew was a good man and she might have wanted him for her very own. Now it appeared he was going to die.

“I’ll find out who did this, Lucy. I promise.”

“You’d better stop making so many promises, Zeke.” Lee walked up gripping a three-foot-long branch with a dried brown substance on it. “Even if you have your brilliant brother to help you.”

Zeke could have done a jig. “Damn, you found it! Let’s take a look and see if we can find anything on it that might tell us who swung it.”

As he and Lee looked at the branch, the back door opened and closed with a bang. He heard Lucy murmur something then the door closed again.

Zeke nearly jumped out of his skin when Naomi spoke from behind him.

“Hello, Zeke.”

Lee glanced at her, then back at Zeke. He stepped back with the wood in his hand. “I’ll be over yonder by the cottonwoods.”

Zeke waited for the kick on his ass he deserved, but it didn’t come. He took a deep breath for courage before turning to face her. Naomi had circles under her haunted eyes and her face looked wan as if she hadn’t been sleeping. Even her normally vibrant blonde hair was a dull color.

She was so beautiful it took his breath away.

“Hey there, little one,” he managed to get out.

“You’re back as sheriff, I see.” She pointed at the badge with a trembling hand. “Good thing too. Tanger needs you.”

Her voice broke on the last word and he cursed himself six ways to Sunday for being the cause of her pain.

“Look, Naomi,” he began, but then stopped to gather his thoughts. “I reckon I owe you an apology every day for the rest of your life for what I did. I was a lousy bastard and I know it. I heard you and the preacher are gonna get hitched.” Now it was his turn for his voice to break. “You deserve a man who’ll treat you as if you are his heart.”

With that, he had to turn away before he really embarrassed himself. As he walked towards Lee, he half expected her to throw rocks at his back, but she didn’t. Behind him lay a silence so thick, it was only rivaled by the tears clogging his throat as he left the woman he loved behind.

Naomi wanted to scream and shout at him, but she stopped herself. It would accomplish nothing and likely start more gossip about them. She’d made her decision and Gregory was it. Now if only her heart would stop running like a thoroughbred when she caught sight of Zeke.

Lord have mercy, she truly loved that man.

After a few minutes, she was able to go back into the saloon, but she left her hopes in the dirt behind her.

Chapter Thirteen

They looked the branch over until Zeke thought his eyes would pop out of his head, but he didn’t see anything extraordinary about it. Time was slipping away and they had to find something that would point them toward the man who’d nearly killed Matthew.

Lee threw up his hands and walked around the copse of trees. “I can’t find nothing, Zeke. Dammit.”

“Me either.” He reached out with one finger and traced the knot at the end. “It could be from any tree in any yard. Somebody sawed it off to kill Matthew.” Inspiration slapped him in the face. “The tree, Lee, the tree. We need to figure out where this branch was cut from.”

“You’re right. Damn, why didn’t I think of that?”

They walked around town for the next two hours looking at every cottonwood. Luck was on their side when they found what they were looking for behind the hotel.

Lee touched the light-colored spot, showing where the branch had been cut. He grinned at Zeke. “I think we found where our murder weapon came from.”

“What do you think you’re doing?” Byron Ackerman stood in the doorway behind the hotel. “This is private property and you are not welcome here, Mr. Blackwood.”

“That’s Sheriff Blackwood.” Zeke tapped the badge. “I have every right to investigate Matthew Marchison’s beating. This tree is where the branch came from used to beat him into a bloody pulp. Do you know anything about it?”

“Of course not. Anyone could have cut that branch off without my knowledge. It’s behind the building where I rarely go.” He straightened his bright red vest. “Now if you don’t mind, you can leave the premises immediately.”

Zeke started towards him, intent on kicking the man’s ass into next week, when Margaret appeared in the doorway. She rushed forward and threw herself between them.

“Let me speak to them, Byron.” She pleaded with her eyes to Zeke and he finally backed away, fists clenched.

“Fine, but then they are to vacate post-haste.” His nasally Yankee accent grated on Zeke’s ears.

Margaret watched Byron go back into the hotel before she spoke. “He’s a good man, Zeke. You might not like him, but he’s very good to me.”

“Yeah, well, we think he’s the one who beat Matthew.” Lee held up the branch. “This was the weapon and it came from that tree.”

Her mouth dropped open and tears filled her eyes. “No, I won’t believe it. It couldn’t have gone that far.”

Zeke took her arm and led her to the crates behind the building. “Sit and tell me what’s going on.”

She fidgeted on the crate for a few moments before she threw up her hands. “Matthew started courting me about the same time as Byron. I surely enjoyed the attentions of two men, I mean it was flattering, but Byron asked me to marry him. I talked to Edith about it and she convinced me it would be better to marry him instead of Matthew because he had more money and was more stable.”

Zeke looked at Lee who appeared surprised as well. “You mean you had two beaus? And we didn’t even realize you had one?”

Margaret scowled at them. “You boys can barely see past your own noses to what’s in front of you. Look what you did, throwing away a chance with Naomi, and you”—she pointed at Lee—“won’t let the world see past your arm that isn’t there anymore. You’ve no call to be judging me.”

“We’re not judging you, Margaret. I’m sorry we missed what was happening between you and Matthew. I think he’s a much better choice for a husband, but you made your decision and that’s that. However”—Zeke took a deep breath—“I think your fiancé tried to kill your other beau and I aim to prove it.”

“Zeke, you can’t be serious. We’re getting married in three days. Please, you mustn’t think Byron could do anything like that.” She sounded as if her heart was breaking, but Zeke was determined to see the investigation through.

“Then I’ve got three days to find enough evidence to arrest him.” He would move mountains to do it too. There was no chance Byron was marrying the woman who’d become a sister to the devils. No chance in hell.

* * * * *

Friday morning dawned overcast and gloomy, with a pressing mugginess in the air. Zeke waited in the shadows in the alley next to the hotel. He only had at most fifteen minutes to search the building while the wedding commenced down the street at the church. Gabby had called in some favors to try to get him a search warrant from the judge she knew in Houston, but he couldn’t wait. Zeke needed to find the evidence he’d been lacking. By the time he was done, she’d have the warrant anyway.

Byron walked out of the hotel with a glowing Margaret on his arm. Zeke didn’t bother to wait more than ten seconds before he climbed in the window. Time was too precious to wait. He landed in the kitchen and made his way through the empty hotel to the office Byron worked in. Thank God everyone was at the church or surely someone would see him.

The weak sunlight coming through the windows gave him just enough light to search the man’s desk. At that point, he knew Ackerman would realize someone had been there so Zeke just upended the drawers and shook everything out. The last drawer seemed shallow for the depth and when he knocked on the side, he realized why. It had a second chamber below.

He grinned in triumph as he looked for the switch to access the secret compartment. Ackerman was guilty as hell. Now he had the evidence to prove it. All he needed was to get the warrant from Gabby and arrest the son of a bitch.

* * * * *

Naomi stood as witness to the wedding at the front of the church. Gregory was all smiles in his minister clothes and he kept winking at her, much to her chagrin. How was it she found herself engaged to such a boy? He still thought life was so rosy and simple. After Margaret’s wedding, she was going to have to tell him she couldn’t marry him.

The decision to tell him the truth finally gave her room to breathe. She pressed a hand to her chest and felt the lightness that had been lacking since she agreed to marry him. She would apologize to him, but Naomi knew she’d made the right choice.

Edith sat at the piano and plunked out music as Byron and Margaret walked down the aisle together. Margaret had insisted on it, seeing as how this was her second wedding. It didn’t feel right to walk down alone since her daddy was gone. As a thirty-year-old woman, she had been down the path before and this time, it was one she wanted to walk with her future husband.

They had just arrived at the front of the church and Gregory opened his mouth to speak when a commotion erupted from the back. Naomi peeked around Margaret to see Zeke stalking down the aisle with what appeared to be something black in one hand and a pair of shoes in the other.

She glanced up at Byron’s face and he lost all color. Perhaps Zeke had been right about Byron’s involvement with Matthew’s beating. Judging by the panic on his face, he was guilty as hell.

“Byron, what’s happening?” Margaret clutched the daisies to her chest and swung her gaze between Ackerman and Zeke.

“I don’t know, dearest.” The hotel man buttoned his jacket and crossed his hands in front of him. Naomi wasn’t surprised to see them shaking.

“I’ve got you, Ackerman.” Zeke’s voice was so cold, it seemed that icicles should have been shooting from his mouth. He held up the black object. “Riding gloves with dried blood from the beating.” Then he held up the shoes. “And your fancy high-heeled shoes covered with mud and spatters of blood from Matthew’s body as you beat him nearly to death behind the saloon.”

“Where did you get those things? They’re not even mine.” Perspiration dotted Ackerman’s forehead.

Lee appeared behind Zeke with Gideon, Gabby and Jake in tow. They were looking as serious as they possibly could and Naomi realized it was completely true. Byron had beaten Matthew to within an inch of his life. No one had suspected him or even thought to find out who’d done it, until Zeke came back and picked up his badge.

“Oh yes they are. I had a search warrant signed proper-like by Judge Hiram Oaks in Houston and witnessed by our own Mayor Gabrielle Sheridan.” His wolfish grin flashed as he patted a paper in his shirt pocket. “You are hereby under arrest for the attempted murder and assault of Matthew Marchison.”

Margaret let out a sob and Naomi took hold of her shoulders. “Be strong,” she whispered.

“I refuse to cooperate. That evidence was planted. You all know Zeke Blackwood hates me and has done his best to run me out of town since I arrived.” Ackerman’s accusations were met with a few murmurs of agreement.

“That’s a bunch of horse shit and you know it.” Lee would obviously never change his ways, even in a church. “He’s the one who arrested his best friend and cousin when you got the shit kicked out of you.”

Ackerman turned his back on the Blackwoods. “Reverend, please continue with the ceremony. Ignore the hooligans back there.”

Naomi had heard enough. She might still be considered new in town but she wasn’t about to let the farce continue. She stepped in front of Ackerman and resisted the urge to slap him.

“How dare you?” She pushed at his chest. “These good people deserve better than a man like you. Tanger is a town of good folks and you come here and push your way in, trying to convince us you’re going to help the town. How does that work when you almost kill the man who’s owned the store for twenty years?”

Zeke watched her with his intense brown gaze and it gave her courage to continue.

“Don’t touch me again, whore.” Ackerman’s heated breath gusted on her cheeks.

“You, Byron Ackerman, deserve to rot in jail with the rest of the rats.” She pulled Margaret aside and started for the back door of the church.

A roar of rage preceded footsteps, punches, shouts and screams. Naomi turned around to see Zeke jumping on Ackerman as he reached for her. She fell back into the wall with Margaret as the men grappled at their feet. Chairs and pews flew right along with the punches. Lee and Gideon assisted and soon Ackerman was overcome by the three of them. Jake stood at the ready to assist, with Gabby hovering behind him.

As they carried Ackerman out of the church, Naomi stood with Margaret and held her hand.

“Are you all right?” Gregory walked over to them, visibly shaken and pale as milk.

“We’re fine. I knew Zeke would take care of it.” Pain flashed across his face, and she wanted to snatch her words back. She took Gregory aside as folks chatted about the drama of Ackerman’s apprehension. “You are a good man, Reverend Conley, but I can’t marry you. I’m sorry for all this.”

He let out a shaky breath and touched her cheek. “I understand what love is, Naomi Tucker, and I saw it on your face when you looked at Zeke, and when he looked at you.”

She hoped he was right but she dared not say it out loud. Trapping Gregory in a loveless marriage would have been a cruel thing to do and Naomi was glad she’d stopped herself from committing such a grievous mistake.

“I’m going to bring Margaret back to her house and get her settled. Thank you for understanding.” She didn’t, couldn’t, look back at him to see the pain she’d caused. Instead she took Margaret by the arm and left the church.

Townspeople had gathered outside to talk, goggle and gossip about what had just happened. Maybe someday Zeke might not cause so many tongues to wag, but apparently it wasn’t that day. He was larger than life to her, coming in to stop the wedding and save his friend. It was almost the stuff of fairy tales.

And it made her heart thump hard against her ribs.

It was time to confront Zeke and make him see what a mistake he’d made in letting her go.

The last person he expected to see when Zeke walked out of the jail after locking up Ackerman was Naomi. His heart contracted at the sight of her in that yellow dress, like a big spoonful of sunshine just for him. It was a near thing, but he stopped himself before he groveled at her feet.

“Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, Miss Tucker,” he managed to get out before tipping his hat and walking away. He had a message to give to Matthew so he walked towards the doc’s house.

A she-devil jumped on his back and knocked him off-balance. She hung on like a cockle-burr as he wobbled back and forth, trying to catch hold of her.

“Naomi, what the hell are you doing? Get off me.”

She shouted in his ear. “No, not until you stop being such an ass and listen to me, you dumb cracker.”

He’d never heard her so angry before. Zeke had come to respect Naomi for her strength, her intelligence and her beauty, but this went beyond all that. He reached around and flipped her so fast, she didn’t have a chance to fight him. Soon he had her under him while he straddled her.

“Get off me.”

“Not until you stop shouting at me.”

“You two need to get married so you can fight in private.” Gideon stood over them, his hat pushed back and a grin on his face. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen two people more perfect for each other.”

Her beautiful face was flushed and her hazel eyes flashed fire. Anger mixed with what he thought was arousal until he felt more alive than he had in years. How could he ever have thought he could survive without this woman?

“Let me up.”

He stood and scooped her up. “I’m done fighting with you for a while.” Folks stopped to stare as he walked down the street, this time with Naomi in his arms instead of flung over his shoulder.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Back to your room, little one, so just hush up for five minutes.”

Naomi opened her mouth but closed it without speaking. She loped her arms around his neck and hung on. They got to the saloon in record time. When Lucy smiled at him, he knew his friendship with her was still strong.

“Have fun, y’all.” Lucy winked at him.

He heard Carmen and Louisa giggling from the back and he ran up the stairs so fast, he could barely remember his feet hitting the wood. They arrived at her door and he set her on her feet. She opened the door and led him into her room as his heart pounded so hard his bones rattled. This was the moment that would determine the rest of his life.

After she closed the door she smiled, and Zeke swallowed with difficulty. “It’s about time you came to your senses. I’m yours for good, Ezekiel Blackwood, and I’m afraid there’s nothing you can do about it.”

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