Diamond in the Rough (Diamond J #2) (19 page)

BOOK: Diamond in the Rough (Diamond J #2)
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She washed her own hands, then helped Toby wash his. As he dried his hands on the towel Aidan offered, Gina noticed how droopy her son's eyes were. It had been a big day for him.

Aidan caught her eye and smiled. His eyes were so blue, startling in contrast to his dark hair. They were kind and intelligent, not hard like some men’s. His face was deeply tanned, his jaw square and strong, shadowed with stubble. When he smiled, a dimple formed in his right cheek, and she longed to reach out and touch it.

Toby yawned, drawing her back to reality. Her hand dropped to her side and she blinked rapidly. Good grief, she’d actually been about to touch his dimple! What was wrong with her? She was acting like a love sick teenager.

Aidan said, “Would you like to go for a walk down to the pond? It’s a beautiful night.”

Toby drooped against her leg. She looked up at Aidan. “Looks like Toby’s beat. Maybe another—”

Toby pushed away from her leg and looked up at her. His eyebrows pushed together like a couple of inchworms. “I am not,” he protested.

Aidan offered, “Maybe you’d like to watch TV while your mom and I go for a walk?”

Toby’s eyes narrowed as he regarded the man seriously. “Do you have Scooby Doo?”

Aidan grinned, his white teeth brilliant against his tanned skin. One slightly crooked tooth overlapped another, but other than that, his smile was perfect. “We do have Scooby Doo. Several movies, actually.” He turned his attention to Gina. “Would it be okay if Toby watched some TV while we go for a walk?”

Doubt niggled at her. Was he doing this to get rid of her son? Or was he being nice? Did he just want to get her alone? Her own body betrayed her, with a warm feeling spreading throughout her body, centered deep within her.

She might be a mother, but she was also a woman with needs, who longed to be held by a man, to feel his lips on hers, his hands on her hips, his weight on top of her.

Toby looked up at her, his hands clasped together. “Please?” he pleaded.

She threw up her hands in mock surrender. She trailed behind Aidan and Toby into the living room. Massive furniture and impressive Western art filled the cavernous space. Aidan opened a heavy armoire to expose a large television. Moments later, the Scooby Doo theme filled the air. Gina glanced around. Where was everyone? She knew Beau and Beth lived here, and the housekeeper, Charlotte?

Aidan pulled a large turquoise cushion from beside the couch and dropped it to the floor in front of the television. Toby promptly flopped on it, chest down, face cradled in his hands. Aidan swept his hand toward the kitchen. “Shall we go for a walk?”

She looked quickly at him. Shall we? This cowboy was a real gentleman, full of surprises. Gina looked at Aidan, eyes wide, eyebrows arched. She motioned toward the hallway. “Are you sure this is okay? He won’t wake anyone up?”

“No. Beau and Beth are out tonight. They went to a movie, so they won’t be home until late. Charlotte is in her room, but I already asked her if it was okay if I brought Toby inside to watch TV. She said it was fine.” Color crept up his face and the words rushed out of his mouth. “All we have in the bunk house is a little TV, and I didn’t think he’d be as comfortable out there. It’s not as nice as this. And Charlotte is here if he needs anything.”

Gina examined his face, his cheeks showing a hint of color. His apparent embarrassment was endearing.

Aidan reached down and touched her shoulder. She closed her mouth. He was right. She’d given Toby plenty of instructions, and he was already engrossed in his movie. With Scooby Doo on the screen, he’d be nearly catatonic for the next hour or so, at least.

She followed Aidan through the kitchen and out the back door. The crescent moon had risen above the trees and offered enough light for them to see as it peeked through the clouds.

As they stepped off the flagstone patio, Gina noticed the ribbon of white that curved ahead of them toward the pond. Aidan’s boots crunched on the graveled path.

The Diamond J was a working ranch, legend in the little town of Wilder and beyond. While here, she felt like she’d been plucked out of Missouri and dropped into the West. She glanced at the cowboy walking beside her. She’d dreamed of finding a cowboy as a young girl, and here she was.

But was she wasting her time? Could she really have a future with a man who made his living on horseback, who lived in a bunkhouse with other hired hands? She glanced over her shoulder at the dark hulk of the log home - cabin didn’t begin to cover it. But that home wasn’t his. It belonged to his boss.

Did that even matter? With the new offer from Signet, she felt more secure. It wasn't like she needed a man to take care of her financially.

Images flashed through her mind. He’d been so patient with Toby even though Toby kept touching his hot dog to the coals. And he’d saved that poor little calf. Aidan was a good man.

Aidan gently threaded his fingers through hers, and a spark of electricity jolted through her body. She’d never been so attracted to a man so quickly. If she had a reaction like this, she could only imagine how explosive sex would be with him.

It had been far too long since she’d been with a man. Was this the first step? Was he going to make his move, now that her son was safely distracted?

Aidan glanced down at her. “Is this okay?” He wiggled his fingers against hers.

She nodded, sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. She needed to slow down, quit overthinking things. He was holding her hand, not groping her. His hand was rough and calloused, and hers was nearly lost in his gentle grip.

The path curved slightly to the right, following the edge of the lake. Cattails swayed gently in the breeze, and a startled frog jumped into the water with a splash.

Aidan pulled her forward slightly and dropped her hand. He touched her back lightly with one hand and grasped her elbow with the other as he guided her to a wooden bench that she could just barely make out it the darkness. She sat, and he sat next to her, their thighs touching lightly. The thin cotton sun dress pulled up slightly, so the rough denim of his jeans brushed against her bare skin.

She gazed out at the inky darkness of the water. The moonlight created a shimmering path across the surface. They sat in comfortable silence, listening to the bullfrogs croaking and insects chirping. An owl hooted in the distance. Cows mooed, and a horse whinnied.

Suddenly, a high-pitched yipping sounded nearby. Gina jumped at the sound and pressed closer against Aidan. He curled his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, the hair on his arm tickling the sensitive skin on her neck. He turned his head and murmured against her hair, “Just a coyote. Nothing to worry about.”

She shivered. “But don’t they go after calves?”

“Sounds different when they’re hunting. That one is just singing to the moon.”

She nodded once, quickly, glad he was with her. He seemed to be content out here in the darkness, with nothing but the crescent moon lighting the landscape. She leaned into him, enjoying the safe feeling. She hadn’t felt that in a long time. Most of the time, she was the one in charge, she was the one comforting Toby. She glanced at her watch.

He said, “Do you need to be somewhere?”

She shook her head. “No, just wanted to make sure I don’t leave Toby for too long.”

He smiled, his white teeth gleaming in the pale moonlight. “He seems to be a big Scooby Doo fan. I don’t think you have to worry about him going anywhere for a while.”

She swallowed hard. She hadn’t been alone with a man in a long time. Hell, she hadn’t been on a date in over a year. Midge had reminded her of that just hours before while they were picking out her outfit for the date. What was she supposed to do? What did Aidan expect? Desire stirred deep within her.

Her brain might not remember how things worked, but her body knew.

As if he’d read her mind, Aidan shifted to face her. He brushed a stray strand of hair from her face, then ran his index finger over the curve of her cheek. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered.

Her face warmed, and she was glad it was dark. She gazed up at him and wished she could see his eyes. He lowered his face to hers and kissed her gently on the lips, then pulled back. “I can't stop thinking about you.” His voice was low. Husky.

She pressed her lips together then opened her mouth slightly and leaned forward, running her hand up his muscled chest as she pressed her lips to his. He pulled her close, his arm curled around her back. She ran her fingers through his hair, then cupped the back of his neck and let herself enjoy the feeling. Warmth spread through her body and she shifted closer, pressing against him. They explored, his tongue gently touching her lips then probing deeper. She flicked her tongue against his, playing, teasing. Her heart thudded so hard in her chest, she was sure he could feel it.

What was she doing, making out in the dark like a teenager stealing kisses?

She pushed the nagging voice away.

The sexy stubble on his chin rubbed lightly against her skin. His hand moved slowly over her back, fingers splayed, pulling her to him. The rough edge of the bench dug into the back of her leg. The sensation was good, grounding, reminded her this was real. Not a fantasy.

She shifted, putting her leg over his, acutely aware of the generous bulge in his jeans as her leg brushed against him. She let her hand roam over his muscled chest, dipping her fingertips between the buttons of his shirt to brush across his thickly curled hair.

Their kiss deepened, both desperate with need. Her hand moved lower. She traced the chiseled abs and felt them tense as she dropped her hand to his waist, then down even further. He groaned, then sucked in a breath as she rubbed against him, feeling him grow.

How she longed to feel him inside of her.

His fingers traced lightly over her shoulders, along her breastbone, then down her side. Her own breathing grew ragged when he touched the curve of her breast. He cupped one breast in his hand. His thumb gently teased her nipple and she moaned as it tightened, responding to his urging.

The sensation of his touch through the thin cotton of her dress nearly drove her out of her mind. All the pent up desire she'd felt over the past week washed over her, drowning her doubt and hesitation. She shifted to press closer to him.

He dropped his hand and she gasped at the sudden loss, but quickly forgot when she felt the pressure of his hand against her the sensitive skin on the inside of her thigh. His calloused hand was gentle on her bare skin as he massaged her, working his way up. She swallowed hard and felt a chill ran down her spine as his fingertips brushed her skin.

Their kiss grew more frantic as they explored each other. His hand moved to her mound, teasing through the thin satin that separated them until she threw her head back and moaned, giving in to the sensation. One finger slipped under the satin, then two fingers. He found her sensitive spot and her pulse quickened as he began moving in a circular motion.

Her breath came in ragged gasps and her whole world became centered on that one tiny spot, that little bud that he found and explored and . . . Oh, God, it was almost more than she could take! She trembled under his touch and his arm behind her was all that kept her from collapsing. He leaned forward, kissed her neck and flicked his tongue along her shoulder. She moved against him as his fingers circled faster and faster, their rhythm in perfect harmony.

She pressed her eyes closed and shuddered as the waves crashed over her, over and over, until finally she collapsed into his embrace. Her breath came in gasps and she shivered, aftershocks still rocking her body.

His hand rested on the curve of her hip as her trembling subsided, then his fingers slid along her skin, tugging her panties down.

She swallowed hard, struggling to regain her balance. She pressed one hand to his chest and pushed slightly. He pulled back and looked at her, his eyes dark with passion. He shifted the satin fabric lower, but she pushed harder.

“No,” she murmured. “We can’t. I can’t.” She sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

He gazed into her eyes, opened his mouth and sucked in a deep breath. They were so close she could feel his heartbeat, felt his chest rise and fall.

Finally, he leaned back against the bench and let out a low groan. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have—”

“No.” She put one finger up to his mouth and gently touched his lips. A breeze floated over the lake, cooling her sweat-slicked skin after the fire he’d stoked within her.

“You’re killin’ me.” He stared up at the sky, his chest rising and falling as his breathing returned to normal, then put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. “You know I want you.”

She nodded, then swallowed hard. “I know. But Toby—”

“I know. I know.” He smiled down at her, still holding her tight against him. She nestled her head against his shoulder and basked in the attention. He caressed her shoulder and kissed the top of her head. “I’m sorry.”

She tilted her head back and gazed into his eyes. “You have nothing to apologize for.”

“Oh, but I do.” He lowered his head and kissed the tip of her nose. “I just pleasured you on a bench. You deserve to be wined and dined, to be courted.”

A giggle bubbled up. “Courted? You are an amazing man, Aidan Brackston.” As the blush of pleasure faded, the realization that she had forgotten about her son for the briefest of moments was a sobering thought. Her head jerked around and her eyes settled on the yellow light shining from the kitchen of the big house.

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