Diamonds and Spurs [The Callens 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (20 page)

BOOK: Diamonds and Spurs [The Callens 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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It was an hour before the sheriff finished questioning Darby Atkins and hauling him off to jail. Will Sutton faced Vince. “We’ll bring in Ms. Lipman, too.”

Mandy doubted the woman would admit to anything. “Will their word be enough?”

“Hard to tell. It’ll be up to a jury, assuming you want to prosecute.”

She didn’t get to answer before Vince cut in. “Half my ranch says Sharon hired someone to bomb Mandy’s car.”

“We’ve got the lab in Cheyenne working on it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they can pull some prints off the device. I’ll call when I know something.” He faced her. “Let me know about the charges.”

Vince and Will shook hands. As soon as they left, Vince escorted her out. “Looks like you’ll be safe as soon as they bring in the bomber.”

. She’d gone through a lot to hear that word. “I’ll be ready to celebrate in style once the bomber’s locked up. I bet Sharon became desperate when I refused to leave Intrigue.” She slid into the passenger seat. “Did she really think Cam would take her back?”

He shrugged. “Some women are just plain crazy.”

That one was. Even though the final person responsible was still out there, once Sharon was in custody, Mandy could relax and get back to doing what she wanted to do—introduce women to the outdoors.


* * * *


Even though Mandy wanted to return to her routine, until they received that confirmation phone call, she was still under their house arrest. To be honest, it hadn’t been all bad. One of the men was always with her.

Vince and she were eating lunch when his cell rang. She stilled, praying it was the call they were waiting for.

“Vince Callen.” He gave her a thumbs-up. “How much less time? Well, thank you very much.” He disconnected and grinned.


“Sharon copped a plea. They told her that her sentence would be reduced if she turned over the man who actually set the bomb. She did, and the man is in custody.”

Her pulse soared. “Does this mean it’s over?”

He furrowed his brows then gave up and gave her a huge grin. “Yup!”

She jumped up and did a little dance. “I can’t wait to go for a ride all by myself. And as much as I’ve loved staying here, I don’t want to be a burden.”

Vince gathered her in his arms. “You never were, nor would you ever be, a burden to either one of us. We want you in our lives.”

They’d tossed around the
word but had never come out and actually told her they loved her. All of them had decided that any talk of the future should be put on hold until the criminal was caught.

A knock sounded on the front door. Vince rushed over to the cabinet and grabbed his gun. His action seemed a little over-the-top.

“It’s probably your sister, Camille, bringing over more food.”

Vince held up his hand for her to stay back. He was being ridiculous but she kept her distance. He pulled over the door, keeping his weapon behind his back.

“I’m Special Agent Jonathan Abrahams, white-collar division of the FBI.” He held up his badge.

FBI? Holy shit
. They must have arrested Craig. She strode toward the front door.

Vince leaned over and studied the man’s badge. “What’s this about?”

Vince set down his weapon on the side table and ushered the man in. Abrahams gaze his shot straight at her. “Mrs. Clairbourne?”

Instead of joy filling her that this man might be the one to take down her ex, dread coursed through her only because she wanted to enjoy her new freedom at least for a day. “Yes, but I go by Amanda Duncan now.”

He nodded. The man pulled out a piece of paper from his jacket pocket. “I have a subpoena for you.” He stepped toward her, but Vince intercepted the paper and opened it.

The special agent nodded toward what was in Vince’s hands. “We’ve arrested your ex-husband. He’s to stand trial tomorrow, and we need your testimony.”

She slapped a hand on her chest. “Tomorrow? That was fast.”

“It’s just a preliminary hearing. Bill Christopher came to our office and offered us information. Then when you, Mr. Callen, showed up, we put the pieces together.” He turned back to her. “A space on the docket opened up.”

She shot a glance at Vince, who finished reading the paper and handed it back to the agent. When he didn’t say anything, she figured all was good. “What do you need me to do? I don’t really know anything.”

A flash of indecision crossed his face. “You lived with Craig for years. I’m betting you know more than you think. I’m just a delivery boy and have been asked to drive you to Denver.”

Many questions assaulted her all at once. “How did you find me?”

“We’re the FBI, ma’am. We have access to every database. No one can hide.” He looked over at her. “Next time, don’t use your maiden name.”

. If she’d known someone who made fake birth certificates and fake driver’s licenses, she would have used his services.

“What do I need to do?”

“Pack a bag and come with me. We’ll drive to Denver. You’ll be home by tomorrow night.”

If it would end this nightmare, she’d go. She didn’t want to ever see the bastard again, but if she could help bring him down, she would. He’d hurt too many people. “I’ll be right back.”

The agent placed his hands behind his back and straightened his shoulders as if he was used to standing for hours. As she headed down the hallway, footsteps sounded behind her. Vince followed her into Cam’s room, where she kept her clothes.

He clasped her shoulders. “You want me to come with you?”

She kissed him. “That’s sweet, but I’ll be safe with the dark protector out there. You heard him. I’ll be home by tomorrow night. Now that Sharon is in jail, I’m good.”

Vince pulled out her suitcase, and she packed a few things. A court appearance required she wear something dressy. Unfortunately, she’d given away all of her suits. She had a nice pair of black slacks that would have to do. Once she had her overnight gear packed, Vince carried her suitcase out to the living room.

He tugged her into an embrace. “Call me when you get there.”

“I will. Give Cam a hug for me.”

He cocked a brow. “I’ll tell him you said good-bye.”

She smiled. “That’ll do.”

The special agent had parked right outside the front door. Vince leaned against the doorframe, looking glum. As the FBI agent drove off, her heart sank.

They pulled onto Millers Way and depression hit. She didn’t want to leave here, even for a day. “When did Craig get arrested?”

The man accelerated. “I’m just a courier, ma’am. I wasn’t in on the investigation. I couldn’t say for sure.”

She leaned her head back. She should be thrilled Craig was going to get his due, but only melancholy filled her. He’d been a nice man at first. She hadn’t wanted for anything, yet she had nothing. Life wasn’t about riches but rather good friends and fulfilled ambition.

She debated calling Candy to see what was happening with the spa, but she bet her friend would be running around in a panic, trying to tie up loose ends. Mandy would probably see Candy at the trial.

Unfortunately, once Craig was proven guilty, the spa would close, and so many good people would lose their jobs. Candy needed the income.

Maybe she could convince her friend to move to Intrigue. She could picture it now. Candy would open a spa for the rich and famous. Sam mentioned there was a local spa, but she yet to visit it.

The agent stopped once at a drive-through, but she wanted nothing. That might have been a mistake. Her stomach now grumbled.

As they approached Denver, bittersweet memories filled her. She loved to ski, loved to ride, and enjoyed the art community in the city. Maybe after all this was over, she could find a way to visit and maybe even bring Charger back to Intrigue. That thought alone brought joy.

She hadn’t given much thought where she’d stay. Most likely the FBI would put her up in a hotel near the courthouse. Then an idea surfaced. “Is there any way you can drop me off at one of my friend’s house? She can drive me to the courthouse tomorrow morning.”

“No, ma’am.”

No, ma’am
. The man couldn’t get any sourer. Enough was enough. She extracted her cheap burn phone from her purse to call Candy. The driver lifted it from her fingers and placed it on the other side of him.

Indignation ripped up her spine. “That’s my phone.” All of the recent events came tumbling down on her, and her patience left.

“No calls. Think of it like being in a jury.”

That made no sense. She folded her arms over her chest. Debating with this moron seemed to be useless. Once she made it to the hotel, there’d be a phone in the room. She’d contact Candy from here. Or maybe she should talk with Lisa. Her friend was a lawyer and could tell her what to expect in court tomorrow.

They were on the interstate and passed the exit for downtown. “Where am I staying?”

He pulled something out of his pocket, looked at it, and shoved it back in. “We’ll be there shortly.”

When he exited as if going to her old home, the hairs on the back of her neck prickled. Her stomach churned and her pulse raced. “What’s going on?”

“Just calm down.”

The man turned into her subdivision. “Stop the car. I want to get out. I’ve changed my mind. I’m not going to testify.” Every alarm in her brain was blaring. Something was terribly wrong.

She grabbed the handle. Jumping out of a moving car would probably kill her, but she’d feel better knowing she could escape.

The agent kept his gaze straight ahead. She tugged on the handle, but it didn’t budge. Panic invaded every muscle.

“There is no escape, Mrs. Clairbourne.”

Oh, shit
. Reality struck. “You’re not really with the FBI, are you?”

He pulled down her street. “No, ma’am.”

. Her mind refused to engage, and she reacted. Mandy jerked on the wheel, and the car swerved. Her goal was to run into another car or something hard to attract attention.

The man elbowed her. Pain sliced through her. He jerked the car back on course and she slid to the other side of the seat, hitting her head on the window. Tears brimmed.

The man jetted up her old drive and slammed on the brakes. He got out. She had to escape. This time when she tugged, the door opened. She jumped out and ran.

“Stop or I’ll shoot.”

Chapter Seventeen


“Well, well. My wife returns.” Craig leaned over her, his eyes almost glassy.

The fucking bodyguard was in the corner with the same gun pointed at her. “What do you want?”

His chin tucked under. “Is that any way to greet me? You’ve been gone so long. I’ve missed you, honey.”

He was delusional. “We’re divorced, or don’t you remember?”

The slap came out of nowhere. The blow caused her head to twist, and an ache the size of Colorado crippled her. Her eyes watered.

“Would you like a drink?”

He’d probably lace it with another sedative. At the moment, being out cold would be preferable to being in the same room with the insane man.

“Yes. Thank you.”

Her whispered response seemed to calm him. This time he didn’t use the best crystal. He opened a new bottle, poured her a glass, and handed it to her. She gulped down the contents.

“Easy there.”

“How did you find me?” The answer to that question might give her a lot of insight.

The fake FBI man claimed to have access to databases. Craig did not.

“Someone found a photo of you with a bunch of photographers on their Facebook page.”

Crap. Rana’s photo.

Craig removed the glass from her hand and refilled it. This time she wouldn’t be so quick to drink. Keeping her wits was a must.

“Have you actually been arrested for fraud?”

His eyes darkened, and his hands clutched his glass of scotch. “Yes. Did you have anything to do with some

Those were the ones Vince had turned over to the real FBI office. Did he know they came from her? “No. I’ve been in Wyoming the whole time.” Her heart pushed against her ribcage.

Surely, he could detect the lie. On the other hand, Craig never paid enough attention to notice anything other than her appearance.

He dragged over a dining room chair and placed it a foot in front of her. He straddled the seat backward. She hadn’t seen him sit like that in years. Perhaps he was trying to appear harmless.

“I want you to consider not testifying against me. After all, five years of marriage must be worth something.” Each word came out slow and even as if he was using all of his control not to hit her again.

Her cheek throbbed, but her stomach churned more. She weighed her answer. “I have nothing to tell the court. What do I know? You kept me in the dark.”

His smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Precisely.” He stood and nodded to the bodyguard.

BOOK: Diamonds and Spurs [The Callens 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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