Discovered (14 page)

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Authors: Kim Black

BOOK: Discovered
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By the time I got home that evening I was exhausted both physically and mentally. Julien hadn’t responded to my message earlier and
honestly I was relieved. I had too much going on today to deal with the sexy Frenchmen. I decided that I would call him tomorrow. Tonight my call would be to Diana. After freeing myself from the confines of my chefs’ uniform, I plopped onto my oversized couch. I grabbed the remote and switched the TV on but placed it on mute. I threw the remote to my side lightly and reached over to the wooden coffee table for the phone and started dialing.

I called several times and each time she
hadn’t picked up. It was so unlike Diana. Even in her deepest sleep, which really wasn’t deep at all, she always answered. She was the most reliable one of the group.
Adam is right, there is definitely more to all of this.

I thought back to Diana’s reaction to my speaking with Adam
the day before and the horror on her face when I informed her that I would be speaking to him again.
Something was going on and I needed to get to the bottom of it
. My brain was fried, so I called Suzie and asked her to come over.

Thirty minutes later, Suzie was
at my door with beer and take out. “Open up Roberts!” she yelled as she pounded on my door.

a smile I opened the door. “You’re lucky I love you and you brought food because I’d let you stand there all night for pounding on my door like that,” I jested as I pulled her in and half hugged her.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” she said as she entered.
I needed some advice and some cheering up and Suzie was good for both. She walked in and placed the beer and food on the counter. She pulled out two beers from the six-pack and opened them. She handed me a beer and we walked over to the couch.

“So… I hear you’re shagging the Frenchman again,” she smirked.

I wasn’t surprised that Diana had told Suzie about this morning. In fact, I was hoping that maybe Suzie knew what made Diana freak out earlier. This situation with Adam and Diana was confusing and I needed to get some answers and it seemed that the two of them weren’t talking.

Yeah… it’s something
that but that’s the least of my problems… I spoke to Adam,” I informed her, hoping that Diana had in fact told Suzie about my conversation with him. I was wrong.

“What? Adam? The same Adam you we
re just saying ruined your life!? How in the heck did that happen?” Suzie demanded before taking a swig from her bear; her eyes bulging out as she was waiting for me to explain. I told her everything and by the time I was finished, Suzie sat with her mouth hanging open.

“Do you believe him?”

It was a simple question but for the life of me I couldn’t bring myself to offer up an answer. My heart wanted to believe that Diana had told me the truth that night but something deep inside my gut told me different and that was unnerving. The thought of her betraying me was too much to bear.

“Look Em’ I know how much you loved Adam and maybe something inside of you wants a logical reason
to be behind everything that happened between the two of you, but for goodness sakes, the man is a freaking creep! He is obviously trying to screw with your mind and I’m not going to let that no good piece of crap hurt you again!”

“I’m not saying I believe him Suzie but something just isn’t right. You should have seen the look on Diana’s face when I told her I had spoken to him. She was freaking out!” I explained.

She turned and looked at me. Her eyes were determined and her brows frowned, “So what are you saying exactly Em? Your low life ex points the finger at Diana and all of a sudden every twitch she makes causes her to be a suspect in what? What do you think she did exactly?” she demanded, her voice echoing throughout the room

It was obvious that Suzie was upset but
it wasn’t like I wanted to believe that Diana was hiding something. I had made peace with my breakup with Adam and loved Diana like a sister. Surely Suzie could see that I was in a difficult position. I wasn’t going off of what Adam had said alone. I was following my own instincts. No matter how much I wanted to believe Diana, something wasn’t adding up!

“I don’t know what it is but… she’s not telling me something Sue, something just isn’t right. I know its Diana and I want nothing but to believe that Adam is lying but you weren’t there! You didn’t see the way she reacted and begged for me not to speak to Adam again. It was really bad and that can’t just be because he hurt me. There is more to this! Please understand…” I pleaded.

Suzie took a step towards me, which caused me take a step back. It wasn’t that I was afraid of her but…
Ok, so maybe I was… just a little afraid
. I had seen Suzie beat up quite a few people and I could never take her on. If only she would just hear me out and understand where I was coming from!

“Diana is our friend and if she says she told you everything, then that’s enough for me. Quite frankly, it should be enough f
or you too! Point blank, period!” she growled right before she took another swing of her beer, slammed it on the counter and bumped into my shoulder as she proceeded to the door.

“Where are you going?” I asked as I fought the urge to rub my shoulder. For a petite, size 4 girl, Suzie sure had a lot of strength.

“Who knows who Adam will point the finger at next…
? I don’t want to end up on your chopping block. Call me when you come to your senses!” she said angrily as she opened my front door.

“Suzie! Please don’t do this.
Can’t you just please hear me…” The sound of the door slamming caused me to jump slightly. I stood there staring at the wooden white door in complete disbelief that not only was I confused about one friend’s loyalty and trust, I had just pissed off the only friend I had left.
Just what I freaking need!



The event was in full swing. Reporters from every news station were lined up outside our biggest hotel in
Los Angeles waiting for the loyal celebs who faithfully attended our gala annually to help the charities that we supported. My father, who was praised by millions for his generosity never failed to make each gala better than the last. From the looks of it, he had somehow managed to outdo himself yet again. The man was truly grand in every way and for that; I had spent most of my life looking up to him.

The theme this year was based on Paris since the chari
ty we were supporting would be sending three hundred young, disadvantaged students to Paris on a full scholarship. The grand ballroom was adorned with imported flowers from all over the world. Ivory drapes hung from the ceiling to the ground with an endless supply of candles throughout the space, giving it a warm and inviting feel. Beautiful angels hung from the ceiling with harps in hand. The soft music made you feel as if you were in the city of Paris itself. Each table had its own crystal chandelier. The show stopping piece was of course a golden Eiffel Tower replica. I couldn’t help but chuckle a little when I saw it because if I knew my father, and I knew him well, he had probably tried to have the real tower shipped. The place was without a doubt spectacular.

Charlette was running late as usual. And I had the unpleasant fortune of waiting for the ball and chain outside
of the gala amongst the photographers who stood on either side of the red carpet. As I stood there, my thoughts drifted to Emily and her ex. I wasn’t jealous of course but the hurt I saw in her eyes as he walked away stirred something within me - Something that I definitely did not like. Does Emily want to be with him again? I wasn’t sure, but one thing was certain, I would do everything in my power to ensure that never happened.

Forty five minutes later and Charlette had finally decided to grace us with her
presence. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes when she tapped the window for me to open the door for her. Since the photographers were now at full attention, I leaned in and tugged the door open. As she gracefully got out of the car, she smiled for the cameras. I couldn’t help but get annoyed as she swayed her hips purposefully, practically making love to the camera.

“Mrs. Belmont, when can we expect a little one?” one photographer asked as she took hold of my arm, without my offering it to her.

I cringed at the thought of having children with the woman. Not that I was one to even want to children to begin with, but my father’s sole purpose in insisting that I marry has been centered around the idea of having an heir to our empire. Little did he know; I have no plans for children in my future! Children required more than I could ever offer. And it wasn’t like I could ever picture Charlette with children either. She loved herself too much to really ever be able to give a child the kind of love and attention it required.

Emily on the other hand, I could definitely see mothering a child.
The thought of her cooing with her children brought a smile to my face but I instantly pushed the thought out of my mind. I didn’t want children!
Hopefully Emily didn’t either.

As we made our way inside the ballroom,
Charlette clung to me like a cat in heat. Each time I managed to get some distance, she would only wiggle her way closer. She pushed her breasts against my arm which wasn’t too difficult since the skin tight red gown she wore could barely contain them. It wasn’t unusual for us to put on a show for the world, but tonight she was even more flirtatious, which made me groan in disgust.

“Well if it isn’t the lovely couple. How are you Charlette?” I heard my father
’s strong voice behind me say. He leaned in and gave Charlette a kiss on both cheeks before extending his hand to me.

I’m much better now that you’re here. I’ve missed you terribly Jack, we must have lunch sometime and catch up,” Charlette babbled. She was the fakest person I had ever had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting.

What she failed to realize was that my father saw right through he
r. My father knew just how to handle women like Charlette. He had many mistresses who were just as manipulative and calculating as Charlette. This was all of course before he married my mother. The stories she used to tell me of my father put my affairs to shame. Her love was what changed him. Even after she passed, he never loved another like he loved her.

“It seems you’ve managed to outdo yourself yet again Father. We have a wonderful turn out this year,” I muttered as I grabbed a glass of
champagne from the passing waitress, downing its contents completely and then grabbing another.

Charlette pouted when I didn’t extend the glass towards her. I couldn’t help but smile. When I saw the look of disapproval on my father
’s face, my smile quickly died.

“Charlette dear, I need to speak to my son. Would you mind terribly if I steal him for a moment?” My father
said while he signaled another waitress to come over. When the young woman made her way over, he handed Charlette a glass and then grabbed one for himself.

“Why thank you Jack… It seems some Belmont men do have
manners after all. Steal away!” she pouted as she took a pull of champagne and began making her way through the crowd. She added an extra sway to her hips as she walked away. I had no doubt it was for my benefit but it only caused me to roll my eyes. The woman was delusional to say the least.

“I take it that you have called off this
?” he demanded.

My father wasn’t a patient man. Lying t
o him would only further tick him off but I couldn’t exactly tell him the truth either. Instead I avoided the question all together. “I’m a married man, I get it. You don’t have to worry father. My happiness is the furthest thing from my mind.”

His eyes immediately darkened and his jaw clenched. “You
to forget who you are talking to Julien! I have worked really hard to build a life for us that is respectable and upstanding. You
will not
take that lightly. You have a wife to cater to whatever
you have! Do I make myself clear?”

He didn’t bother waiting
for my response. Instead he walked away and went on with greeting his guests. I released a breath that I hadn’t realized that I had been holding in. As I lifted my glass to my lips, Charlette strode over with her award winning smile.

Mon Cher,
what does a woman have to do to get a dance?” she asked as she pressed her ample bosom against my chest while running her soft hands through my hair.

She knew my father would be watching us the entire night and that I couldn’t refuse her without him scolding me for it. With reluctance, I took her hand and led to her to the dance floor, practically dragging her. When we reached the middle of the floor, she placed her hands around my neck and we began our dance. Hopefully it would be the only dance of the night.

“You could at least pretend to enjoy yourself dear,” she whispered while looking up at me, a minute after we started.

“Charlette my dear, dancing with you is a
s enjoyable as having the prostate exam, so forgive me if I am not oozing with excitement,” I retorted, enjoying the horrified look on her face. For a split second I thought I saw a bit of sadness, but she quickly gave me her usual fake smile.

“Is this about that Emily girl?”

I couldn’t help but stiffen at the sound of Emily’s name on Charlette’s lips. Anger surged through me at the thought that she would dare to speak of Emily carelessly; as if she was an afterthought. Emily was twice the woman that Charlette was. “You are never to speak of her again. Do you understand me? You may think that have a right to speak to her or of her but you do not! She is not your concern!”

my darling Jules, what has she done to you? Certainly you can’t be falling for her. After speaking to her, it was quite clear that a woman like her isn’t suited for this life. Surely you can see that?” she asked in mid turn.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I released her hand and allowed her to fall in front of the entire room.
Bien fait pour vous
, serves you right!

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