Discovery (Hybrid Book 1) (6 page)

Read Discovery (Hybrid Book 1) Online

Authors: Emma Jaye

Tags: #scifi erotica, #Hybrid, #alien, #scifi romance, #menage

BOOK: Discovery (Hybrid Book 1)
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“Is there any way you can do this without knocking me out? Coming round always makes me feel so sick.”

“Sorry Kittycat, but it’ll only be for a minute or two, you know you’ll be right as rain in few minutes,” he reassured her as he got out the hypo spray. “I’ll do it when I get to three, ok?”

“Fine, but I’m not happy about this. Why can’t the sodding couple just come up to...” Which was as far as she got before he applied he hypo to the side of her neck and she went limp.

Connor reached out a hand and softly caressed the markings on Chesara’s cheek. The feelings he was experiencing were entirely inappropriate and they were getting more intense, day by day. His fears about what would happen when she became sexually mature were occupying more and more of his thoughts. To the Federation, she was a science project and a revenue-gathering asset. Once she’d been only a job to him, but the years they’d spent together had changed that. The only way he would keep his position at her side, was if his boss continued to believe that was how he thought of her.

He couldn’t help himself from caressing her with his eyes, but he resisted the urge to touch any more of her, even though she wouldn’t know what he did. The right thing to do, the responsible ‘Federation’ thing to do, would be to tell his superiors about his feelings for her. But the notion that his cold callous female superior designated ‘Operative Theta 16’ would be responsible for assigning her next handler was disturbing. That is, if she wasn’t returned to the science facility for a breeding attempt. The very idea of her being forced, or drugged and inseminated against her will made his skin crawl, but he had no idea how to avoid it.

Realising that time was passing and the sedative would wear off in a couple of minutes, he removed the implant control device from its case, and moved her hair away from behind her left ear. He held it against the implant site, and activated the unit.

Chesara’s body jerked in response for a few moments until the unit bleeped, showing the implant was in an inactive state.  He repeated the process with the GPS implant. While she was still unconscious, he checked the functioning of the alien implant just above her right kidney near the adrenal gland.

The technology had been obtained from the Garians last year. Information about the implanted person’s vital signs was relayed to a paired device. The twin to Chesara’s device, was implanted in the same position in his own back. When he concentrated, he could ‘see’ statistics such as her heart rate and blood pressure.

This was unique technology; only one set had been purchased, at what had been hinted was an astronomical cost. It only served to remind him that Chesara was also considered a unique asset, rather than a person with rights. Not that anybody who had been noticed by the ‘powers that be’ was considered an individual. They were all pawns in the Federation’s ever more complex political webs. Perhaps ‘pawns’ wasn’t quite the right word for them as Chesara as she was extremely valuable, but he was certainly expendable. Just like everyone else, he worked with what he had, because there wasn’t an alternative.

Although he wouldn’t be able to communicate with her, or locate her position while she was away from him, he could still assess her physical wellbeing.  If he’d gone with her to the Palace, he would also have had to deactivate his com and GPS implants. Contacting the Apollo, would have been impossible, although the assessed risk from this backwater planet was minimal. They had been waiting for this visit for years, they wouldn’t jeopardise the good favour of the Federation, or their credits.

Chesara shifted and groaned as she started to come around. He knew that it’d be pointless to talk to her until she was ready, but he could feel her fascinating eyes on him as she blinked slowly. Sometimes he could forget what she was, but at times like this, it was even more obvious that she wasn’t entirely human.

“I never got to three you git,” she said, carefully enunciating each word. The drug he used had an unusually short recovery period, and she was able to push herself to a sitting position within a minute.

“Sorry about that. I thought if I did it while you were distracted you’d be less nervous.” He smiled.

Chesara muttered ‘Kackbad,’ and got up.

He knew every one of her moods intimately, and had developed a strategy to deal with each of them. Sometimes firmness worked best, other times he needed to coddle, bribe or appeal to her incredible work ethic. Occasionally, he let her take her frustrations out on him. It was far safer for her to feel confident enough to punch him if she was annoyed than anyone else.

It was a shame, but completely necessary, that she didn’t know him half as well as she thought she did. The truth about their relationship would devastate her; it wasn’t something he wanted to dwell on.

“Are you ever going to tell me what a ‘Kackbad is?,’” he asked. He knew most of the swear words she used, but he’d always wondered about that one.

Chesara grinned, “wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Not sure I actually do, to be honest. It could scar me for life,” he replied with a smile, happy that they were back to the banter they’d always enjoyed. It was easier to ignore her exposed skin that way.

Connor opened the door when the servant woman knocked and informed them that Lord Tenset was waiting downstairs for Lady Chesara and that the Ambassador had arranged a meal for Connor downstairs. He asked her to relay the message that they’d be down shortly.

Chesara was just finishing lacing up the sandals. “You ready to rock and roll, Kittycat?”

Using his pet name for her, helped to re-establish their relationship dynamic, which was completely platonic he reminded himself, somewhat frantically. If he said it enough times to himself, he was sure it would stay that way, because if it changed at all, he’d be replaced faster than the Apollo could travel through space. His was a unique and very prized position.

“As I’ll ever be,” Chesara replied with determination. “If I’m lucky I’ll sort out the problem tonight if I can see the Lord and Lady alone, then we can be back on board tonight. I could do with about fifteen hours sleep and a decent meal after the day I’ve had. let’s do it Tonto.”

She took a deep breath, put on her ‘professional’ face, and walked out the door.

Connor smiled to himself as he shut the door behind them. No matter the isolated instances of pettiness, and the occasional sulk, Chesara always came up with the goods when it was ‘show time’. As he followed her to the stairs, he made a mental note to discover who or what ‘Tonto’ was, when he had a moment to himself.


ntensely aware that Lord Tenset was watching from the entrance hall, Chesara paused at the top of the staircase. He’d changed into a green patterned waistcoat over a crisp white shirt with ruffles at the neck and wrist, and tight black trousers, and knee high, shiny black boots. He resembled a sophisticated socialite from eighteenth century Terra Prime, which was probably the level of technology this culture preferred.

Her face heated slightly before she turned her attention to the stairs with trepidation. Negotiating the broad flight of stairs, would be a test in the unfamiliar footwear. Landing at the feet of her rather dashing escort in a heap, wasn’t part of the wealthy sophisticate tourist persona she was trying to portray. Taking a steadying breath, she started down, hoping he hadn’t noticed her hesitation.

“Safely down, Lady Chesara. You look stunning,” he said with a genuine smile as he offered his arm.

“Err, thank you Lord Tenset, you look quite dashing yourself,” she said politely, playing the role Connor had arranged. Inside, she thought this Tenset was rather a condescending idiot, even if he was pretty.

“Can I just have a word about security?” Connor’s deep voice interrupted the gentle flirting.

Shooting him an exasperated look, she moved to the main door. She had no desire to hear the ‘word’ Connor wanted to have with her self-assured escort for the evening. Just for once, it would be nice to be considered a desirable woman, rather than an asset or a child who needed protection.


onnor certainly looked menacing as he walked over to the Kalzirian Lord. Chesara thought he was probably a few years younger than Tenset, but he was a solid four inches taller. As much as she hated seeing conflict, she was curious about how this interaction would play out. She’d watched Connor work out for years, and he knew he could handle himself, but Tenset was definitely an unknown quantity. Tenset could certainly talk the talk with her, but would it work on Connor?

Her best friend was making the most of his height advantage as he leaned in close to Tenset. The Kalzirian lost his grin and took a half step back. Tenset wasn’t nearly as appealing as he backed down to her friend. Her mouth dropped open slightly as she heard Connor speak.

“If any harm comes to her, physically, mentally or emotionally, I’ll shove your head so far up your ass you’ll be tasting shit for the next couple of years, understand?” Then he favoured the dandy with a broad smile totally devoid of warmth.

Her mouth dropped open even further when Tenset laughed. Connor seemed equally shocked at his reaction; most people he threatened took it seriously.

“Mr. Temple is it? If any harm comes to Chesara under my care, I’d be glad put myself at your disposal.” Tenset replied, and then Kalzirian’s face lost all traces of humour.

“And if you ever threaten me again, you’d better be prepared to follow up. I don’t take kindly to threats.”

Tenset pushed past Connor, physically rocking him and walked towards her. She looked to Connor to make a decision, security was his call, and if he didn’t think she would be safe with this man, there was no way she was going anywhere.

A slight nod from him had her swallowing the lump in her throat at the thought that Lord Tenset wasn’t the dandy he appeared to be.

“Just a moment,” Chesara told Tenset as he came towards her. Moving quickly over to Connor, she stood on her tiptoes, and pulled him down so she could peck him on the cheek.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” she whispered in his ear.”

“Positive. He won’t let any harm come to you. He knows local etiquette and he’s bold enough not to let anyone intimidate him.”

“I’m not too bad at taking care of myself either. I’ll see you later, don’t wait up.” She gave him a brief hug and walked back to her escort.

Taking his proffered arm, they walked out of the building, leaving Connor staring after them.

“I don’t think your friend trusts me,” Tenset murmured.

She leaned over and whispered in his ear. “He doesn’t, and he eats people that piss him off for breakfast, so behave yourself.”

Ignoring his slight chuckle, she made her way out into the humid evening. The insects provided a natural orchestral accompaniment that she preferred to the sterile sounds on board ship.

An ornate green and silver carriage pulled by a pair of jet-black horses in jingling silver harness waited for them on the gravelled driveway.

“Oh they’re so beautiful” she exclaimed and moved towards the animals, oblivious to the fact that her long steps revealed most of her legs.

“Lady Chesara,” he teased her gently. “I would have thought you’d have seen many more engaging forms of transport on your travels than horses.”

“Erm... oh yes. Of course I have, but these are some of the most magnificent I’ve seen. Kalzir can certainly consider itself galaxy class in terms of its horses.” Chesara hastily bluffed.

Hopefully, the sickly sweet flattery of his planet would conceal the gawping naive tourist she’d just shown him, rather than the sophisticated traveller she was supposed to be.

His slightly raised eyebrows showed he hadn’t fallen for the act, plus she could feel that annoying blush warming her face again. This would have been a great deal easier if it had been his stuffy Uncle escorting her, but it wouldn’t have been half as much fun.

A driver dressed in green and silver livery opened the door, and Tenset offered his hand to help her into the carriage. Chesara hoped her climb into the carriage had been adequately graceful. As she settled herself, she tried to cover at least some of her thighs with strips of cloth Connor had laughing referred to as a skirt.

“You seem particularly close to your security officer,” Tenset said as he climbed in beside her. He was definitely fishing about her private life. She wasn’t familiar with this flirting game, but was quite sure that if she professed undying love for Connor at this point, it’d stop Tenset in his tracks. So she told him the truth.

“We’ve known each other for years. He’s my shadow. A rather serious, occasionally cranky, supersized shadow, and he’s also my best friend.”

Her escort smiled at the admission, and she felt a shiver travel up her body. Had she just given him the green light to try something? She’d never been this alone and this close to someone who might want to have a less than professional relationship with her. And at that moment, she didn’t know whether she was pleased that Connor wasn’t here, or that she wished he was.

Following his eyes, she noticed that her thighs were entirely exposed, including the patterns on the outside of her leg. Nervously, she moved the strips of fabric to hide what he had already seen.

“You look fine. Try not to fiddle with it. You shouldn’t be hiding such intriguing body art anyway. It’s very attractive. We don’t see that sort of thing here on our little backwater world very often.”

She shrugged, trying for nonchalance as she went into the cover story she’d used before. “It seemed like a good idea at the time. It’s all the rage on Dephos Four, but I’m not so sure it was designed to go with a dress like this.”

The carriage jerked slightly as the driver encouraged the horses into a trot.

“If I didn’t know better I’d bet that dress was designed specifically for you. I’ll have trouble keeping the other men away from you tonight.” He smiled and shifted a little closer to her. “Your scent is very attractive, what is it?”

Her personal space was definitely being invaded, but she didn’t know whether she should be offended, or flattered, but it actually felt rather nice.

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