Discovery (Hybrid Book 1)

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Authors: Emma Jaye

Tags: #scifi erotica, #Hybrid, #alien, #scifi romance, #menage

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Hybrid, Volume 1

Emma Jaye

Published by Purindoors Publications, 2013.

This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


First edition. June 19, 2013.

Copyright © 2013 Emma Jaye.

Written by Emma Jaye.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page








































ommander Huang of the Federation transport ‘Corsair’ had always found the reptilian ‘smile’ of Garians somewhat unsettling, but he put both his companion’s unsettling appearance and the stink on the alien ship out of his mind.

This was the part of trading with the alien race Huang loved, it was always intriguing to find out what he’d been brought, before they engaged in a game of bluff and counter bluff until an agreement was established. It was his responsibility, on behalf of the Human Federation, to determine the value of the information or artefacts the Garians offered in exchange for his cargo of condemned prisoners.

They both knew the large, blue-scaled Garian Captain that called itself Ichannat, had the advantage in the trading, as Huang needed to get rid of the prisoners, but it was protocol to go through the motions of a ‘fair’ trade.

The Garian ship had larger corridors, higher ambient temperatures, and higher light levels than the human vessel. Huang filed the information for his report as he tried not to sweat quite so much, but his shirt was already sticking to his well-muscled body.

“Is it true that you humans don’t use scent to indicate status?”

“Erm no, we’re far more visually orientated than scent orientated,” he hedged, hoping that he wasn’t giving too much away.

After a few minutes of travelling from his own ship’s airlock via stark white corridors and a large transport chamber, his host stopped at a door that had a smaller, pale orange Garian guarding it. The individual immediately exposed its throat to its superior in submission.

“This is where we keep our live merchandise. We’ve had to move the few human females to another area, although none of the males seem to care.” Ichannat’s lower jaw fell open as she hissed loudly.

Huang knew to interpret this as amusement, but the display of so many sharp, pointed teeth was disconcerting. Ichannat nodded to the orange crewmember who stroked the release panel with a claw.

The compartment had much lower light levels than the rest of the vessel, even lower than the norm for a Federation ship. It took Huang’s eyesight a moment to adjust as he looked around. The holding area was about the same size as the shuttle bay on the Corsair, although not as high. Unlike the rest of the alien ship, the walls and flooring were grey, rather than brilliant white. The area where they stood was separated from the interior by visible energy lines running vertically between the ceiling and floor.

The open space contained seating and groups of exercise equipment. Food replicators and transparent washing/toileting cubicles were located against the walls on either side. Suspended about ten feet from the floor were four, square platforms, each about sixteen feet square. The platforms appeared to be padded and had small rails around them. Ladders allowed the prisoners could reach these sleeping areas.

The occupants of the chamber were around thirty-five to forty young human males, much like the prisoners he had on board the Corsair although he thought that unlike his own cargo, these were probably all genuine Teoran captives. Many of his were the worst scum from Federation prisons and other dissidents rather than the fit soldiers Huang had claimed them to be.

The Federation had given the Garians the right to claim prisoners from Teoran ships as punishment for the planet’s defiance. It had taken only two raids from the slavers to have the planetary authorities begging to be re-admitted to the fold. These slaves were probably from one of those to raids. Huang had to admit that Ichannat could certainly pick prime specimens.

The men appeared to be universally strong and healthy. A diverse collection of ethnicities was represented, from pale-skinned redheads, to dark skinned and black haired individuals. Most were either resting or sleeping although some were involved in an energetic wrestling match. Huang’s attention focused on a line of five men waiting to climb to one of the occupied sleeping platforms.

The fact that the prisoners who had observed his entrance were completely ignoring him, lent weight to the idea that they were Teorans. The only common denominator for the settlers of that colony had been a dislike of authority.

“Hey you,” he called to the nearest man, a tall red head who was dressed in the same grey shorts and vest as the others. The man looked down his nose at Huang but he didn’t approach, or speak.

“Are you Teorans?”

“Fuck off Federation.”

Huang reddened in anger.

“Don’t worry, they’ll get plenty of discipline where they’re going Commander,” growled the Garian beside him.

“What do you actually do with them Captain?”

Ichannat bared her teeth in a smile. “Do you actually want to know Commander?”

Huang hastily shook his head, not sure if the Garian would want to demonstrate what happened to the prisoners in front of him. The reptilian race were definitely carnivorous, and there had been many rumours that they preferred their food alive and kicking.

The original settlers of Teora had been given an option to conform or leave their original settlements. They had chosen to leave and had formed a new colony on the tropical planet of Teora. As long as they kept to their own planet, the Federation had left them alone. After their rebellion and attempt to bring their subversive ‘independent’ views to the rest of humanity the Federation had started shipping its non-conformists to the Garians instead of Teora.

The few Teorans in his cargo had been trying to pirate a trading vessel for medical supplies for their blockaded planet. Huang had little sympathy. All the colony had needed to do was agree to Federation rule, and the supplies would have been provided, as they had now been. Instead, the ‘freedom fighters’ were being shipped to an alien world where they might become lunch.


channat shifted beside him impatiently.

“See anything unusual Captain?” Ichannat performed the ‘human’ smile again, and indicated the line of men patiently waiting at the access ladder to the sleeping platform. Unlike the rest of the room, activity on the platform seemed to be less than relaxed.

Huang’s eyes widened. The 'activity’ consisted of a kneeling pale, naked male backside thrusting back and forth against a golden skinned and similarly exposed, distinctly feminine shaped ass. It was abundantly clear that the female was enjoying the attentions of the man due to the way she was pushing back into him.  In contrast to his pale skin, hers was a deep golden hue and partially covered with a dark, mottled pattern on the sides of her body, buttocks, and legs.

“What is she?” Huang whispered, before coughing to hide his embarrassment as he realized he’d lowered his voice, so he didn't disturb the couple, despite their existing audience.

“That, my dear Commander, is a female Dakaran.” Huang looked at his host questioningly. He’d never heard of another humanoid species. 

“A pregnant female Dakaran,” Ichannat added with emphasis on the word ‘pregnant’.

Huang’s attention was inexorability drawn back to the scene playing out before him as the man’s increasingly frantic motions reached a peak. As he gripped his partner’s hips firmly, he threw his head back and a loud groan echoed round the silent chamber before he withdrew from her, and collapsed panting on his side. The female hung her head for a few moments before standing up. Ignoring her recent partner, she closely regarded the man waiting patiently at the top of the ladder. Then her gaze focused on the two visitors by the entrance.

The large reptilian creature beside him was immediately forgotten. Huang gazed at the nude figure as she by-passed the ladder and dropped gracefully from the platform. Unfazed by the ten-foot drop, she walked; make that stalked, towards him.

Her hips swayed, and she held his gaze with incredible dark yellow eyes with vertical slits, much like the feline species of Terra. She stood nearly six foot tall, and moved with a liquid grace that stole his breath away. Her body was as near to perfection as he could ever imagine, with large pert breasts, a slim waist and wide flaring hips. Her limbs were long and lithe, the distinct roundness of her belly only made her more appealing. More than anything in the world, he wanted to touch her, to be the next man in line to take her.

The colouring and markings on her skin were extraordinary, and he itched to trace them with his hands and tongue. It had a rich golden base colour, with dark, brown spotting on the sides of her body and face that emphasized her figure. Her hair was relatively short, spiky and almost translucent white, leaving her pointed, lobe less ears visible. The large, slightly slanted yellow eyes that dominated her face watched him intently as she drew near to the force bars. Her full lips parted, showing slightly elongated canine teeth. A pink tongue poked out and followed the curve of her upper lip.

“Ichannat you’ve brought me a gift. How delightful,” she said softly. Even her voice was heaven to his ears. “Although it’s not up to the quality of your previous gifts.” She indicated the group of men who’d followed her and were now clustering behind her. “But a male with a little experience could prove...distracting.” She almost purred the words.

Huang wanted to be ‘distracting’ more than he wanted his next breath.

“Panaya, meet Commander Huang.”

The tip of her pink tongue swept across her lips again, and Huang’s only concern was to reach her as soon as possible. As his hand lifted almost involuntarily towards her, he was surprised to find himself restrained by a large, scaled arm.

“It seems she has the same effect on all human males.”

Ichannat hissed with amusement and indicated the fact that Huang had been about to touch the energy lines. It would’ve resulted in an exceedingly unpleasant shock, and possible unconsciousness.

“Maybe I should keep her as my secret weapon against the Federation,” the Garian teased.

Huang ignored the huge reptile; his only thought was how he was going to get through the force field. The urge to sink into her, to mate until he couldn’t breathe, swallowed his consciousness. He fought against the huge reptile as he was bodily removed from the chamber.

After a few moments of struggling against the Garian to return to the object of his desire, Huang took a deep breath and managed to focus.

“What was that?” he asked flustered and embarrassed that the legendary ‘Old Rock’ had indeed turned into a ‘rock’ and lost all sense of decorum.

“Come, let’s have some refreshment, and I’ll tell you what I know about Dakarans,” said Ichannat, placing her enormous blue-scaled hand on Huang’s shoulder and guiding him away.

“I should warn you that parting with her is something I’ve debated for a while. She is the first female of her species we’ve captured. The males are particularly fierce, and to be honest, we’ve only had success when we’ve capture young specimens. From what we have observed, they are a particularly social species, as you can tell.”

Huang swore his face was a red as a beetroot, ‘social’ was one way to describe the female’s behaviour.

“So why have you decided to trade her, if she’d so valuable?”

Ichannat lumbered on in silence for a few moments before speaking. “The effect she has on humans is proving problematic. Due to our airflow system, we do not have the ability to filter out the pheromones she produces, and it seems they have a cumulative effect on human males. My male stock does little but sleep and service her, and to get the highest price for them, I need them fit. They are even reluctant to eat in case they lose their place in line.”

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