Disinformation Book of Lists (43 page)

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36 Corporations That Ripped off the US Government

Corporate Crime Reporter.
“The Top 100 False Claims Act Settlements.” Report issued 30 Dec 2003. § Taxpayers Against Fraud, Education Fund.
False Claims Act and Qui Tam Quarterly Review
, various issues 1995-2004.


39 Famous People Who Used Drugs

(selected sources)

Booth, Martin.
Opium: A History.
St. Martin's, 1996. § Palmer, Cynthia, and Michael Horowitz.
Shaman Woman, Mainline Lady: Women's Writings on the Drug Experience.
Quill (William Morrow), 1982. § Plant, Sadie.
Writing on Drugs.
Picador, 2001. § Rudgley, Richard.
The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Substances.
St. Martin's, 1998. § “Opium Throughout History.” Part of the Website for the Frontline program “The Opium Kings.” PBS, May 1997.


Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. H.J. Jackson (ed.).
Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Major Works.
Oxford Press, 2000, pp 519-21. § Hill, John Spencer.
A Coleridge Companion.
Macmillan Press, 1983. Chapter 3: “Kubla Khan.”
Cover, Arthur Byron. “Vertex Interviews Philip K. Dick.”
, Feb 1974. § Margot, Joel. “PKD FAQ.” 1993.
Kaplan, Fred.
Dickens: A Biography.
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998.
Hall, Donald, and Dock Ellis.
Dock Ellis: In the Country of Baseball.
Fireside, 1989. § Mikkelson, Barbara and David P. “Dock Ellis.” Urban Legends Reference Pages [
Grinspoon, Lester.
Marihuana: The Forbidden Medicine.
Yale University Press, 1993.
Donaldson, Maureen and William Royce.
An Affair to

Remember: My Life with Cary Grant.
Putnam, 1989. § Harris, W.G.
CG, A Touch of Elegance.
Doubleday, 1987. § Grant, Cary “Archie Leach.” Currently available at [
James, William. Bruce Kuklick. (Ed.).
William James: Writings 1902-1910.
Library of America, 1988. § Tymoczko, Dmitri. “The Nitrous Oxide Philosopher.”
Atlantic Monthly
, May 1996.
“Traveling Down the Information Highway With Mitchell Kapor.”
, summer 1994.
Mullis, Kary.
Dancing Naked in the Mind Field.
Pantheon Books, 1998.
Paz, Octavio. Translated by Helen R. Lane. Introduction to
Miserable Miracle
by Henri Michaux. New York Review of Books, 2002.
The Walter Scott Digital Archive, Edinburgh University Library [
Interview with Susan Sontag. The Staff of High Times.
High Times Greatest Hits.
St. Martin's, 1994.
Lemmo, Robert. “Pot, Pesants and Pancho Villa.” The Staff of High Times.
High Times Greatest Hits.
St. Martin's, 1994.
Dalby, J. Thomas, Ph.D. “Sherlock Holmes's Cocaine Habit.”
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine
1991; 8: 73-74. Reprinted on the Website of The Singular Society of the Baker Street Dozen [
]. § Doyle, Arthur Conan.
Sign of the Four.
1890. Reprinted at


42 Famous Drinkers of Vin Marini

(selected sources)

Pendergrast, Mark.
For God, Country, and Coca-Cola.
Basic Books, 2000. § Plant, Sadie.
Writing on Drugs.
Picador, 2001. § Zacks, Richard.
An Underground Education.
Anchor, 1999.


42+ Things That Have Been Made Out of Hemp

(selected sources)

Herer, Jack.
The Emperor Wears No Clothes
(revised and expanded 1995 edition). HEMP/Queen of Clubs Publishing, 1995. § Robinson, Rowan J.
The Hemp Manifesto.
Park Street Press, 1997. § US Department of Agriculture.
Hemp For Victory
(film). 1942. § USA Hemp Museum [


44 Substances That Soup up Your Brain

Dean, Ward, M.D. and John Morgenthaler.
Smart Drugs and Nutrients.
Smart Publications, 1991. § Dean, Ward, M.D., John Morgenthaler, and Steven Wm. Fowkes.
Smart Drugs II.
Smart Publications, 1993. § Potter, Beverly, and Sebastian Orfali.
Brain Boosters: Food and Drugs That Make You Smarter.
Ronin Publishing, 1993. § Erowid website [


47 Nuclear Tests by the US

Nevada Operations Office, US Department of Energy.
United States Nuclear Tests, July 1945 through September 1992.
DOE/NV—209-REV 15. Dec 2000.


52 Items from the Delta Collection of the Library of Congress

Various Library of Congress documents pertaining to the Delta Collection, as archived by the Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. (Uncovered by Michael Ravnitzky. In possession of the author.) This includes the article “The World's Lewdest Library” by John Gardener Race from an unknown, undated magazine.


55 Companies Reportedly Doing Business With Enemy Nations

“Civil Penalties Information,” related by the Office of Foreign Assets Control, Department of the Treasury, 2003 through Feb 2004. § Conflict Securities Advisory Group website [
] § Iraq's statement regarding weapons programs, given to UN Security Council in December 2002.


56 Pulp Novels

Bianco, David. “The Heyday of Lesbian Pulp Novels.” PlanetOut website, 19 July 1999. § Book Em Books website [
]. § BookScans website [
]. § Vintage Paperbacks & Digests website [


63 Gay Animals

Bagemihl, Bruce, Ph.D.
Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity.
St. Martin's Press, 2000.


82 Brands of Heroin

Booth, Martin.
Opium: A History.
St. Martin's, 1996. § National Drug Intelligence Center, US Department of Justice. “Heroin Distribution in Three Cities.” November 2000 § Office of National Drug Control Policy, Executive Office of the President.
Pulse Check: Trends in Drug Abuse.
Various issues. § Unsigned. “Smashing Pumpkins' Keyboardist Dies of Heroin Overdose in New York Amid Music Industry's Anti-Drug Drive.” National Drug Strategy Network, Summer 1996.


87+ People Mormons Have Baptized by Proxy

Associated Press. “Mormons Meet With Jews Over Baptizing Holocaust Victims.” 11 Dec 2002. § Donovan, Gill. “Mormons Renew Pledge to End Proxy Baptism of Jews.”
National Catholic Reporter
, 27 Dec 2002. § Ostling, Richard N., and Joan K. Ostling.
Mormon America: The Power and the Promise.
Harper SanFrancisco, 1999. § “Prominent People Mormons Have Baptized by Proxy.” Website of Mormonism Research Ministry [
]. § Moore, Carrie A. “Proxy Names Stir up Lively Debate.”
Deseret Morning News
, 6 Dec 2003.


Top 100 Corporations Laying off US Workers Due to NAFTA

Congressional Research Service. Memorandum: “Re: Top 100 Companies Reporting and Certified as Suffering NAFTA-Related Job ‘Losses' (based on the Department of Labor Database).” 1 Dec 2003. Published on the website of US Senator Byron L. Dorgan [dorgan.senate.gov].


111 People Who Are the Subject of FBI Files

(selected sources)

FBI FOIA website [foia.fbi.gov]. § O'Reilly, Kenneth.
Black Americans: The FBI Files.
Carroll and Graft, 1994. § Robins, Natalie.
Alien Ink: The FBI's War on Freedom of Expression.
Rutgers University Press, 1992. § Various articles from the defunct website
by Janon Fisher, Joe Beaird, Tami She-heri, and Michael Ravnitzky.


815 People Killed by Religious Rituals and Objects

1. Wallechinsky, David.
The People's Almanac Presents the 20th Century.
Overlook Press, 1999.
Reuters. “Girl Crushed by Cross at Brother's Grave.” 21 Nov 2001.
Associated Press. “Elderly Priest Crushed by Heavy Iron Gate.” 21 Dec 2001.
Celona, Larry, and Angelina Cappiello. “Priest Is Fatally Stricken at Pulpit.”
New York Post
, 11 Feb 2002.
Associated Press. “Couple Charged in Possible Exorcism Death.” 20 Jan 2004. § Associated Press and CBS News. “Minister Charged in Exorcism Death.” 27 Aug 2003.
Rageh, Rawya. “Stampede Kills 244 at Hajj Pilgrimage.” Associated Press, 1 Feb 2004.
Kennedy, Les, and Vanessa Wilson. “Lightning Hits Catholic College Girls After Mass.”
Sydney Morning Herald
, 26 Sept 2001.


Bush Family Values

(selected sources)

Grove, Lloyd. “Lowdown.”
New York Daily News
, 1 Jan 2004.


Classified Quotes 1 & 2

McCutcheon, Chuck. “Lawmakers Take Aim at Excessive Government Secrecy.” Newhouse News Service, May 2003.


Corporate Quote #1

Newsweek International
, February 1, 1999

Corporate Quote #2

Unsigned. “Flak for Imperial Tobacco at AGM.”
Evening Post
(Bristol, UK), 4 Feb 2004.


Drug Quotes

1. Weil, Andrew, M.D.
The Marriage of the Sun and the Moon: A Quest for Unity Consciousness.
Houghton Mifflin, 1998.
King, Stephen.
On Writing.
Scribner, 2000.
Plant, Sadie.
Writing on Drugs.
Picador, 2001.
Staff of High Times.
High Times Greatest Hits.
St. Martin's 1994.
Op cit
, Weil.
Stolaroff, Myron.
Thanatos to Eros: 35 Years of Psychedelic Exploration.
Berlin: Verlag fur Wis-senschaft und Bildung, 1994.
Op cit.
, High Times.
Fisher, Carrie.
Postcards from the Edge.
Simon & Schuster, 1987.
Op cit.
, Weil.


Federal Investigative Priorities 1 & 2

Associated Press. “9/11 Panel Faces Time, Money Pressure.” 21 Jan 2003.


Judge Lambastes Police Abuse of Protestors

Driscoll, Amy. “Judge: I Saw Police Commit Felonies.”
Miami Herald
, 20 Dec 2003.


Law Quotes

1. Thoreau, Henry David. “Civil Disobedience.” 1849.
France, Anatole.
Le Lys rouge.
Publius Cornelius Tacitus.


Number of Civilians Killed by Bombing During World War II

Knell, Hermann.
To Destroy a City: Strategic Bombing and Its Human Consequences in World War II.
Da Capo Press, 2003.


The Powerdeath Girls

US Food and Drug Administration. “FDA Enforcement Report,” 8 Oct 2003.


Scorecard for the Domestic “War on Terror”

Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, Syracuse University. “Criminal Terrorism Enforcement Since the 9/11/1 Attacks.” 28 Dec 2003.


Stupid Government Trick

MacKenzie, Debora. “US Develops Lethal New Viruses.”
New Scientist
, 29 Oct 2003.


Unusual Band #1

Agence France-Presse. “‘Burqa Band': The Afghan Girl Band Made in a Day.” 3 Aug 2003.


Unusual Band #2

Transplant Band's Website [
] § Website of Michael Coleman [


Unusual Band #3

website [


The Wonders of “Herbal” Medicine

MedWatch, US Food and Drug Administration. “Medical Product Safety Information.” [


The Wonders of Modern Medicine, parts 1 & 2

MedWatch, US Food and Drug Administration. “Medical Product Safety Information.” [


Worker Safety Priorities, parts 1 & 2

Barstow, David. “US Rarely Seeks Charges for Deaths in Workplace.”
New York Times
, 22 Dec 2003.

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