Divided Loyalties (15 page)

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Authors: Patricia Scanlan

BOOK: Divided Loyalties
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‘Della was hoping to drive back down!’ Shauna couldn’t believe her ears. She, Carrie and Noel were in the kitchen making coffee while Dan and Greg were
watching horse racing on TV. Bobby was playing football with Davey out the back and Olivia and Chloe were playing with their dolls.

‘Hmm. She said something like that. Give her a ring, and she can tell you what she wants to do,’ Noel suggested.

‘Can you believe her nerve?’ Shauna muttered to Carrie, then returned her attention to her father. ‘Did she know that Carrie and Dan and the kids stayed the night?’ she
asked with pretended offhandedness.

‘Yes. She was worried about the children sleeping on the floor but I told her you’d got the loan of a pump bed.’ Noel looked quite pleased with himself.

‘Oh, no. I’m sunk,’ Shauna groaned.

‘No you’re not. You and Greg and Chloe are coming to stay with us tonight.’ Carrie grinned.

‘And we’re going to Colin and Maria’s for New Year, so we’re covered there in case she tries to muscle in next week. Oh, you’re a lifesaver, Carrie. Thanks.’
Shauna gave Carrie a quick hug. ‘I’m going in to tell Greg we’re off to your house tonight. Are you sure now? We’ll have dinner here before we go.’

‘I’m certain. I’d love it. We’ll have a good night for ourselves and a lazy day tomorrow. Will it be OK with Greg?’

‘If he doesn’t want to come he needn’t bother,’ Shauna retorted. ‘I’m coming with Chloe.’

‘Sounds good to me,’ Greg agreed when she put it to him.

‘Great. You can have a few beers and a drink at dinner and I’ll drive, if you like?’ Shauna offered magnanimously.

‘What a wife!’ He patted her ass as she stood beside him and he pulled her onto his lap. Shauna laughed and kissed him.

‘Ditto for you, Dan.’ Carrie had followed Shauna into the lounge. ‘But it’s only because I’m pregnant.’

‘You’re such a tough nut,’ Dan teased, squeezing her hand.

‘You bet I am.’ Carrie traced a finger down the side of his jaw, thinking how much she loved the way his eyes crinkled up when he smiled.

They spent a lazy afternoon playing card games with the kids, and sprawled in front of the TV. Around three fifteen, Shauna murmured, ‘Oh, gosh, we were supposed to ring Della. Dad said
that she phoned when we were out. Do you want to give her a call, Greg?’

‘You do it,’ he said lazily.

‘OK. I’ll do it in the kitchen; it’s quiet out there.’ She smiled at Davey and Olivia who were playing a rambunctious game of snap with Bobby and Dan.

‘Della, hi!’ she said cheerily when her sister in-law answered the phone. ‘How’s Kathryn?’

‘Kathryn’s fine,’ Della said snootily and Shauna could hear the sharpness in her tone. ‘She never got sick any more. We could have stayed after all.’

‘Oh dear. Pity.’ Shauna made a face as she twirled the cord of the phone between her fingers.

‘I believe Carrie, Dan and the kids stayed afterwards and that you managed to get a pump-up bed,’ Della added acerbically.

‘Would you believe, I remembered that Colin and Maria had one,’ Shauna said smoothly.

‘Great. Well, now that Kathryn’s OK again we were thinking we’d drive down this evening and stay the night. It was such a shame to cut our visit short yesterday. She could
sleep on that bed; she’d love it,’ Della said airily.

‘Oh dear, we’re actually going to Carrie’s in an hour or so. We might even stay a couple of nights there,’ Shauna said, covering herself for the next night as well.

‘Oh!’ Her sister-in-law’s disappointment was palpable. ‘Well, how about New Year?’

‘We’re going to a party for New Year. We won’t be here,’ Shauna explained cheerfully.

‘Well then, we’ll have to come and stay for your going-away bash,’ Della snapped.

‘I’m trying to get over Christmas first. That’s another day’s work, Della. I’m delighted Kathryn’s on the mend. We’ll talk soon. Have to go –
we’re heading off to Whiteshells Bay shortly and I need to get organized. See you.’

She didn’t even give Della time to answer but hung up, flipping her sister-in-law a triumphant two fingers as she did so. That girl had such a neck, she thought, feeling she’d been
dragged through the wringer. She simply couldn’t take no for an answer. Now she was making plans for the going-away do. Shauna shook her head wearily. There was only so much she could deal
with. That argument was for another day. Pity she was driving, she could have done with a drink, she thought longingly as she went back to the others. She’d have to be patient and wait until
they were in Carrie’s.

Around four, she and Bobby prepared a cold meat and salads buffet that everyone helped themselves to. ‘King crisps and Branston pickle are the perfect accompaniment to cold turkey and
ham,’ Bobby said dreamily, licking his fingers after stuffing a handful of crisps into his mouth.

‘I love chutney,’ Carrie confessed. ‘I’ve gone mad on tomato chutney. It’s one of my cravings.’

‘She’s eating all our profits. I can’t keep her in tomatoes,’ Dan moaned. They all laughed, enjoying the banter. By the time they had tidied up and packed some night
clothes it was almost seven and within five minutes of starting their journey Chloe and Olivia were asleep. It had got bitterly cold again and sleety snow showers swirled around the cars as they
drove north.

Shauna dropped Noel home; he wanted to go to bed early, he said. He was tired. The house was cold and she insisted on putting the heating on for him, knowing that he’d probably turn it off
after an hour.

‘Do you need anything?’ she asked kindly.

‘Just a good night’s sleep.’ He yawned. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’

She felt almost sorry for him as she let herself out of the house. It must be lonely living on his own, even if he was an interfering old busybody. Still, it was a relief to close his front door
behind her. She hated visiting her childhood home. Most of her memories were unhappy. The only joy in their house had been of their mother’s making and now that Anna was no longer there, it
wouldn’t bother her if she never saw the place again. Sad but true, she thought dolefully as she got into the car and tried to shrug off the vague mantle of depression that always descended
on her when she went home. The house was getting shabby. It needed doing up. Maybe she would say something to Carrie about getting it painted. She and Greg would pay for it, their contribution to
Noel’s quality of life since they were going to be away for a couple of years. Suddenly the thought of lazing on the beach, warmed by the sun, far, far away from this cold, grey place seemed
delightful and she wished that the move had all been sorted and that she was there.

Carrie had put the kids to bed by the time she got back and the fire was roaring up the chimney, the flames dancing, yellow and orange, casting flickering shadows in the lamplight. The Christmas
tree lights twinkled like multicoloured stars, a beautiful sight that never lost its magic. The family room that opened off the kitchen was such a cosy, welcoming room, she thought as she sank into
one of the comfortable armchairs and took the gin and tonic Dan handed her.

‘Gorgeous,’ she murmured as the tart, refreshing cold liquid slid down her throat. ‘You make the best G and T of anyone I know.’

‘One of my many attributes,’ Dan said smugly. ‘Carrie’s a lucky woman.’

‘Huh! No-one else would put up with you and your glasshouses.’ Carrie threw a cushion at him.

‘I see Davey got Monopoly. I haven’t played that in years. Anyone fancy a game?’ Bobby invited.

‘Will we, for a bit of a laugh?’ Shauna said eagerly. She loved board games.

‘First out makes supper,’ Carrie decreed.

‘You’re on,’ Dan agreed.

They played an uproarious game of Monopoly, cursing roundly as they landed in jail or had to pay a fortune in utilities. Dan was the first out and he busied himself in the kitchen making a feast
of crackers, pâté, cheeses and savoury vol-au-vents.

‘How can we be hungry?’ Shauna wondered, inhaling the aromas that were wafting out of the kitchen.

‘I don’t know, but I’m really peckish.’ Carrie stretched luxuriously, thoroughly enjoying her evening.

‘It was all that naked aggression you were displaying. I never played such a vicious game of Monopoly in my life, and I know a bit about the property business. You’re a
barracuda,’ Greg slagged, feeling totally laid back.

‘OK, you lot, do you want me to set the table posh, or do you want it in on your knees?’ the chef demanded.

‘Knees,’ everyone chorused as Bobby went to help Dan carry the food in.

They ate and chatted and laughed, sprawled around the fire, comfortable in each other’s company.

‘Thanks for this, Dan, Carrie, I’m really enjoying it. It’s been a lovely day and night,’ Shauna said as she snuggled into Greg and he kissed the top of her head. She had
a rare feeling of well-being and she was looking forward to Chloe’s waking up in the morning to have fun with her cousins.

‘I’m glad I came home,’ Bobby confessed. ‘I was having second thoughts once I’d booked the flight, but now that I’m here, I’m having a great time.
It’s very relaxing. Much more than I thought it would be. I can’t say Dad hasn’t got to me; he’s as bad as ever he was, and it was hard at the grave yesterday, but I can
deal with it better. Maybe it’s because I’m older.’

‘He’s himself,’ Carrie murmured.

‘Indeed he is. At least your marriage is living up to the requirements of the Church!’ Shauna smiled at her husband. ‘We’re failing dismally.’

‘He went a step too far, Shauna.’ Greg frowned.

‘Yes he did, I agree. You were right. I’d no problem with what you said.’ She bit into a Tuc cracker smothered with duck pâté.

‘At least there’s
for you pair. I’m a lost cause.’ Bobby grinned.

The phone rang and Carrie stretched out to answer it, wondering who was ringing at that hour of the night.

‘Oh, oh, OK. I’ll be over,’ they heard her say.

‘What’s up?’ Dan asked.

‘It’s Dad. He’s sick, he thinks he’s got that bloody tummy bug.’ She stood up wearily. ‘I’d better go over.’

Dan stood up and put a hand on her shoulder. ‘Sit down, Carrie. You don’t have to go tonight. It would be different if he was on his own, but Bobby’s here. You’ll take
care of him, Bobby, won’t you? Carrie could do with a little break,’ he said firmly, eyes fixed on his brother-in-law.

‘Oh, yeah, sure, of course,’ Bobby said hastily, hauling himself off the floor. ‘Stay where you are, Carrie. It won’t take me five minutes to get home. Thanks for a great

‘Are you sure?’ Carrie felt bad.

‘No problem. Dan’s right. You and Shauna do it all the time. My turn.’

‘I feel mean.’ Carrie turned to Dan after Bobby had left.

‘Don’t,’ Dan retorted. ‘Bobby’s perfectly capable of looking after your dad for a night. There’ll be plenty of nights when you’ll be on call, so make
the most of it.’

Carrie knew he was right but her evening was spoilt. She knew Noel would be disappointed that she hadn’t gone to take care of him and she knew, too, that Bobby was only going because Dan
had made it impossible to refuse.

Shauna chewed her lower lip; Dan’s remark had been a little pointed. Was he letting her and Greg know, subtly, that he felt they were leaving Carrie in the lurch?

Bloody Della and her selfishness. If it wasn’t for her and that damned bug they would have been sitting happily getting quietly tipsy, relaxed with the world. Now the evening was ruined.
She hadn’t offered to go, she thought guiltily. Irritation swamped her. Why couldn’t they be like a normal family instead of having all this angst and stress? It was at times like this
that she felt she couldn’t get to the Gulf soon enough.


Bobby pulled up the hood of his parka, shivering against the biting wind that sliced in off the sea. What a pain in the ass! He’d been enjoying the relaxed, easy fun
they’d been having and he’d felt pleasantly woozy after the wine and beer he’d drunk. Carrie’s house was warm and comfortable. He could have gone asleep sitting beside the
fire. Now he had to go home and look after his dad and the house would probably be bloody freezing.

Dan had given him no option. He supposed he would have been perfectly happy to let Carrie go. Which wasn’t very fair, he acknowledged dolefully. Dan had certainly thought so. Bobby
respected the way he’d looked out for Carrie. Dan was a real man. Strong and solid. Greg was much more mercurial and selfish. Carrie was far happier in her marriage than Shauna was. Just
watching the two couples it was obvious that Carrie and Dan were a team who pulled together, whereas Shauna and Greg sometimes had an edge about them that hinted at strain.

He hadn’t realized how much Shauna wanted another baby. But when he’d seen Chloe playing with her cousins, he knew his sister was right to try for one. He would have hated to be an
only child. He had a great bond with the girls. He was lucky, he knew that. They had been his protectors and supporters when he was a child and that had carried on into adulthood. The two of them
mothered him faithfully and he had to admit he enjoyed it.

An empty beer can skittered across the street as a gust of wind swirled down Fisherman’s Lane, the smell of the salty, sandy seaweed and the creaking of the boats bringing back childhood
memories. The air was fresh and rich after the fume-laden fug that he’d grown used to. He’d slept like a log on Shauna’s sofa; he wasn’t too sure how he’d fare

The village was deserted. Glimmers of light, fizzing from the Christmas trees that decorated cottage windows, shone out onto the quiet street. Splashes of orange from the sodium street lamps
illuminated his way home. He hurried past the butcher’s shop and remembered how as a child he’d hated having to go to the butcher with his mother. The smell of blood and sawdust and the
sound of Jim Ryan chopping meat with his big carver had frightened him. He’d been a real little wimp, he thought wryly as he passed the church and the graveyard. The wind whistled through the
stripped branches of the swaying trees, lamenting and keening, the old gates rattling in the breeze. He tried not to think of his mother in that dark cold place. The cemetery was peaceful and
restful in daylight, but at night it was lonely and sad.

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