Read Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick Online
Authors: Lawrence Sutin
32 Jim's behavior: Report cards in PKD Estate Archives. Bored in school: Letter, Dorothy Hudner to Tessa Dick, August 10, 1977.
32 Concord: C 9 of Anne Dick, Search.
33 "Daily Dick": In PKD Estate Archives.
33 Visit to father: Letter, PKD to Dorothy Hudner, May 1940 (undated).
34 Phil and father: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.
34 "He's Dead": Poem in PKD Estate Archives.
34 Oz books: PKD "Self Portrait" (1968).
35 Lure of SF: PKD, "Notes Made Late at Night by a Weary SF Writer" (w. 1968), in Eternity Science Fiction, July 1972.
35 Pearl Harbor: Letter, PKD to Laura Coehlo, April 2, 1979.
36 Girls: Author's interview with Leon Rimov, February 1986. Condoms and homosexuals: Author's interview with George Kohler, March 1986.
36 First girlfriend: Letter, PKD to Laura Coehlo, October 29, 1974.
37 "The Truth": In PKD Estate Archives.
38-39 Gather Yourselves Together: C. 15 of unpublished PKD novel in PKD Estate Archives.
39 Introvert: Author's interview with Leon Rimov.
39-40 Return to Lilliput: Interview of PKD by Mike Hodel for the Los Angeles- based Hour 25 radio program, June 13, 1976. Tape transcribed by Janice Jacobson for PKD Estate Archives.
40-41 All quotations from PKD's writings (1942-44) for the "Young Authors' Club" column of the Berkeley Gazette come from articles pasted in a softbound composition notebook (presumably by PKD, given that they are accompanied by his youthful written comments, such as the one quoted on page 41) in the PKD Estate Archives.
Gregg Rickman, in correspondence with the author, has suggested that several other poems and prose pieces published in the same column in 1944 under the pseudonym "Teddy"-some of which deal with Christian themes in a devout, traditional manner, and one of which examines the Faust legend-may be the work of PKD. Rickman's hypothesis is that "Teddy" enabled PKD to express religious sentiments that otherwise would have been awkward for him in the irreligious Berkeley climate; Rickman sees the name "Teddy" as a clue, given that PKD's father's familiar name was "Ted" and that "Teddy" was (according to Tessa Dick) the name given by PKD to an imaginary playmate (perhaps inspired by Jane). Rickman deserves credit for his research efforts here, but I am skeptical of the hypothesis for the following reasons: (1) PKD consistently described his childhood and adolescence as lacking in Christian (or other religious) convictions-see, for example, the Exegesis quote serving as an epigram for my Chapter 10, where that period of his life is described as "cultural." (2) PKD tried to start a Bible Club in junior high school-he was not afraid to show an interest in religious matters, though his friends saw him as an agnostic, not a believer. (3) Why, in the privacy of his own notebook, did he not paste in the "Teddy" contributions as well? (4) In the Exegesis, PKD sometimes looked back on his life in hopes of finding spiritual events precursing (and thus somehow confirming) those of 2-3-74. He recalled the old, bearded beggar, the beetle saton, and the voice that gave him answers to the physics test (see my Chapters 2 and 3 for descriptions of these events) Why would he have omitted mention of the devout "Teddy" poems? (5) Finally, the "Teddy" poems don't read like PKD to me.
41 Ojai catalogue: In PKD Estate Archives.
42 Life at Ojai: Letters, PKD to Dorothy Hudner, October 1942 and May 1943 (undated).
42-43 PKD on schools: Letter, PKD to Laura Coehlo, March 17, 1974.
43 Vertigo: C. 10 of Anne Dick, Search. Seventh-grade anxieties: Letter, PKD to Isa Dick, December 26, 1981.
44 Little Jackie: C 5 of Martian Time-Slip (1964).
Chapter 3: Forward Into The "Real" World
PKD's works: "Stability," unpublished short story from high school days, in PKD Estate Archives. Gather Yourselves Together, unpublished novel written c. 1949-50, in PKD Estate Archives.
46 House and Dorothy: Gerald Ackerman, "Remembrances of Philip K. Dick," October 1983, eight-page typed memoir in PKD Estate Archives.
46 Disembarrassed state: Interview of Dick Daniels by Anne Dick, 1982 or 1983 (tape transcribed by author). On Margaret Wolfson: PKD handwritten notepad journal, 1970, in PKD Estate Archives. PKD in high school: author's interview with Margaret Wolfson, February 1986.
46-47 Super hard in high school: Letter, PKD to Laura Coehlo, October 29, 1974.
47 Polio: Author's interview with George Kohler, March 1986. Musical interests: PKD "Self Portrait" (1968). Devising tricks and amour propre: Interview of Dick Daniels by Anne Dick, 1982 or 1983 (tape transcribed by author). Concert hall fears: Author's interview with Dick Daniels, February 1986.
47-48 Complaints against others: Interview of Dick Daniels by Anne Dick, 1982 or 1983 (tape transcribed by author)
48 Idios kosmos: PKD essay, "Schizophrenia & The Book of Changes," Niekas, No. 11, March 1965.
48 Hand-holding: Gerald Ackerman, "Reminiscences of Philip K. Dick," October 1983.
49 Physics test voice. Exegesis 001 (1980).
49 Not confused: Author's interview with George Kohler, March 1986. Over worked intuitive processes: Author's interview with Barry Spatz, March 1986.
50 Teen experience with psychiatrist: D. Scott Apel, ed., Philip K. Dick: The Dream Connection (San Diego: Permanent Press, 1987), p. 63.
50 Rorschach test: Letter, PKD to J'Ann Forgue, November 23, 1970. Diagnosis of agoraphobia: Author's interview with Barry Spatz, March 1986. PKD's use of schizophrenia and his "hypochondriacal" tendencies: Author's interview with Anne Dick, February 1986.
51 Admired control of outside world: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.
52 Twenty-first birthday: Letter, PKD to Herb Hollis, December 16, 1949, in PKDS Newsletter #11, May 1986.
52 War over: Letter, PKD to Laura Coehlo, February 20, 1975.
52-53 Phil not loose around Hollis: Author's interview with Dick Daniels, February 1986.
53 KSMO copy: Typed MS. page in PKD Estate Archives. Much of PKD's work "palpably autobiographical": Exegesis 014 (1978).
54 Fergesson opens shop: Part 1, "Morning," in Voices from the Street, unpublished PKD mainstream novel written c. 1952-53, MS. in PKD Estate Archives.
54 Bulero memo: Opening epigram for The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (1965).
54-55 Anti-hero and ultimate surrealism: Interview of PKD by Uwe Anton in Metz, France, August 1977 (transcript in PKD Estate Archives).
55 Radio speakers and traffic lights: Gregg Rickman, Philip K. Dick: The Last Testament (Long Beach, Calif.: Fragments West/The Valentine Press, 1985) pp. 3-4.
55 No bill for labor: Interview of PKD by Uwe Anton in Metz, France, August 1977. Moving out of house: Letter, PKD to Laura Coehlo, October 29, 1974.
55-56 Dorothy's version of move: Letter, Dorothy Hudner to Tessa Dick, August 10, 1977.
56 Oedipal conquest: C. 1 of Anne Dick, Search. 1981 journal entry: From typed thirteen-page MS. written on November 13, 1981, in PKD Estate Archives.