Read Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick Online
Authors: Lawrence Sutin
139 Goulart on PKD: Author's interview with Ron Goulart, May 1986. Glancing at him: Interview source wishes to remain anonymous.
139-140 Con Flirtation: Author's interviews with Terry and Carol Carr, February 1986.
140 Changing belief systems and three-piece suit: Author's interview with Dick Ellington, February 1986.
140-141 Communion: Letter, PKD to Carol Carr, jokingly dated "Nov. 12, 1902 (the day President Gump was done in by a rotting, poisoned carrot, right between the eyes)"; real date almost certainly November 12, 1964.
141 Monogamous sex: Author's interview with Crania Davis, February 1986. Insurance policy: Letter, J. G. Newkom to author, January 20, 1987.
141 Acid trip in A Maze of Death Letter, PKD to Claudia Bush, July 15, 1974.
142 Acid vision: Letter, PKD to Rich Brown, August 21, 1967.
142 On hallucinations: PKD essay, "Drugs, Hallucinations, and the Quest for Reality," Lighthouse, November 1964.
143 Kirstcn and PKD: Author's interview with Kirsten Nelson, March 1986.
143 Poem "To Nancy": MS in PKD Estate Archives. I love you for what you are- Letter, PKD to Nancy Hackett, December 16, 1964.
143-144 Move in for my sake: Letter, PKD to Nancy Hackett, December 19, 1964.
144 She will break me- Letter, PKD to Carol Carr, December 25, 1964.
Chapter 7: A New Start
PKD's works: Exegesis 003 (1977-78), 010 (1977-78), 018 (1978), 019 (1978), 021 (1978), 029 (1978), 032 (1977).
Author's interviews: With Anne Montbriand, February 1964; with Anne Dick, April 1984 and February 1986; with Kirsten Nelson, March 1986; with Terry and Carol Can, February 1986
146 More and more out of it: Author's interview with Nancy Hackett, February 1986
147 Nancy on PKD: Ibid Rhapsodizing: Letter, PKD to Carol Carr, December 25, 1964.
147 Latest doings: Letter, PKD to Carol Carr, February 28, 1965. Nancy's consort: C. 5 of Anne Dick, Search.
148 Experiences without LSD- Author's interview with Nancy Hackett, February 1986. Humorous, Snug and Fuzzy: Author's interview with Nancy Hackett, February 1986.
148 How they talked: Interview of Nancy Hackett by Jeff Wagner c. 1985 (author's transcription of tape kindly supplied by Wagner). Crisis junkie: Author's interview with Miriam Lloyd, February 1986
149 On the I Ching: PKD essay, "Schizophrenia and the Book of Changes," Niekas, No. 11, March 1965 Party pooper and acid colors: Letter, PKD to Jack Newkom, November 17, 1965.
150 Seance notes: PKD, "Transcript of a Seance," PKDS Newsletter #12, October 1986, p. 5.
150 Instant after death: Letter, PKD to James A. Pike and Maren Hackett, February 17, 1966 (extant in two different drafts). Giving communion: Exegesis 020 (1978).
151 Jim tried for heresy: Letter, PKD to Claudia Bush, July 15, 1974 (letter included in Exegesis 004 [1974] file, indicating that PKD kept it with his Exegesis papers, as he did several other of his letters written in 1974-76 that dealt in some detailed way with his 2-3-74 experiences). PKD's speculations on his possible cross-bonding with Pike in 1974 are included in Exegesis 004, as well as other Exegesis sections. Nothing to say: Exegesis 054 (1981).
152-153 Joe Chip and the door: C. 3 of PKD novel Ubik (1969).
153-154 Runciter commercials: C. 10 of Ubik.
154 Ubik on Ubik: Epigram to C. 17 of Ubik. Book of John: Peter Fitting, "Ubik: The Deconstruction of Bourgeois SF," included in Joseph D. Olander and Martin Harry Greenberg, eds., Writers of the 21st Century Series: Philip K. Dick (New York: Taplinger, 1983), p. 152. Though Fitting notes the resemblance to John, he does not suggest that Ubik is a Christian work; rather, he attempts to draw from the narrative a Marxist view of decomposing bourgeois realities and (Fitting's language) "new collective possibilities." Be it noted that PKD, in the Exegesis, many times considered the true meaning of Ubik-he would do this with his novels, as though someone else had written them-and never approached anything like a Marxist formulation of Ubik or, for that matter, of any other of his novels of the sixties and after. The nature of ultimate reality, as PKD came to conceive of it, was not subject to fundamental change on the basis of economic reorderings. Particularly in the seventies, in the aftermath of the November 1971 break-in, PKD would become quite uncomfortable with Marxist interpretations of his work, though he did acknowledge, in the Exegesis, elements of Marxist sociological critique (drawn in part from his reading of C. Wright Mills) in certain of his fifties novels. See my Chapter 4 and notes thereto.
154 Ubik and Palmer Eldritch, salvific information: Exegesis 032 (1977).
154 1 don't write beautifully: Exegesis 039 (1978).
154-155 Attracted to trash. Exegesis 014 (1978)
155 On Galactic Pot-Healer. Exegesis 054 (1981).
156 Didn't believe in marriage: Author's interview with Nancy Hackett, February 1986. Well people: Letter, PKD to Cynthia Goldstone, February 27, 1967.
156 File case: Letter, PKD to Cynthia Goldstone, February 27, 1967. Trip to hospital: Author's interview with Mike Hackett, February 1986.
157 Sensitive person, rescuer, wanted her at home: Author's interview with Nancy Hackett, February 1986. Focus on Nancy, weren't mature: Author's interview with Lynne Cecil, February 1986.
157 Relationship changed after Isa: Author's interview with Mike Hackett, February 1986.
157 Breast-feeding contest: Author's interview with Nancy Hackett, February 1986.
158 Unwelcome Wagon: Author's interview with Crania Davis, February 1986. PKD and Dorothy, medicating himself, money: Author's interview with Nancy Hackett, February 1986.
159 Depressions, writing Androids: Ibid. Clever dope fiends: Author's interview with Miriam Lloyd, February 1986. Terrible fear of being crazy: Author's interview with Nancy Hackett, February 1986.
159 PKD's house a known locale: Author's interview with Hatte Blejer, January 1986.
160 1967 nervous breakdown: Letter, PKD to Carol Carr, July 7, 1967 (see also letter, PKD to Rich Brown, July 18, 1967).
160 How can it go on?: Letter, PKD to Mr. Wardlaw (IRS agent), September 2, 1967. Tax protest petition: Ramparts, February 1968.
161 PKD reflects on petition: Exegesis 040 (1979).
161 Ellison's introduction: Harlan Ellison, ed., Dangerous Visions (New York: Berkley, 1967), pp. 213-14.
161-162 Ellison on PKD: Author's interview with Harlan Ellison, March 1986.
162 Throwing away her stash: Author's interview with Miriam Lloyd, February 1986.
162 Drug scene: Author's interview with Miriam Lloyd, February 1986.
163 Status had climbed: Letter, PKD to Lawrence Ashmead, September 7, 1968.
163 No important book since 1964: Letter, PKD to stepdaughter Tandy, May 7, 1969. Carson Poole: PKD story The Electric Ant" (1969) Writing slump: Letter, PKD to Lynne Cecil, March 21, 1969.
163-164 Plot and writing method: Letter, PKD to Ray Browne, March 21, 1969.