Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick (75 page)

BOOK: Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick
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164 Dual loss: Paul Williams, Only Apparently Real (New York: Arbor House, 1986), p. 100.
164 Nancy's fears, trying to quit speed: Author's interview with Nancy Hackett, February 1986.
165 PKD on amphetamine use: Williams, Only Apparently Real, pp. 13233.
165 Mescaline: Letter, PKD to Jim, September 17, 1970.
166 Greatest weakness of SF: PKD written response to questionnaire circulated to ninety-four SF writers, all responses published in Bill Mallardi and Bill Bowers, eds., The Double:Bill Symposium (D:B Press, 1969), p. 103.
166 Mystical love: Letter, PKD to Anne Dick, September 18, 1970.
167 Nice guy, a little loony: Author's interview with Honor Jackson, February 1986. Driving away: Author's interview with Isa Dick, March 1986.
Chapter 8: Dark Night Of The Soul
PKD works and letters: "Cadburv, the Beaver who Lacked," 1972 story, MS. in PKD Estate Archives; letters to FBI, October 28, 1972, November 4, 1972; letters to Inspector Shine, November 4, 1972, November 9, 1972; letter to William Wolfson, October 6, 1972; letter to Bank of Marin, April 21, 1973.
Books and articles: C. 6 of Anne Dick, Search for Philip K. Dick, was especially valuable as to the doings of the young crowd who made PKD's Santa Venetia house their hangout.
169 Fear in Phil: Author's interview with Bernie Montbriand, February 1986. Fearful about the police: Author's interview with Mike Hackett, February 1986.
170 Up for three days: Author's interview with Bernie Montbriand, February 1986. Documented the struggle: PKD 1970-71 notepad journal in PKD Estate Archives.
170 Life in Hermit House: Letter, PKD to J'Ann Forgue, November 25, 1970.
170-171 Made you feel involved: Author's interview with Tom Schmidt, February 1986.
171 Fun and difficult: Author's interview with Mike Hackett, February 1986.
171 Troubled women: Author's interview with Tom Schmidt, February 1986.
172 Frustrating to Phil: Author's interview with J'Ann Forgue, February 1986. J'Ann stepped in: PKD 1970-71 notepad journal.
172 His mother, he requires J'Ann to live, turned bitter: PKD 1970-71 notepad journal.
172-173 Look, Dorothy: Journal entry in the form of a letter, PKD to "Cassie" (fictitious name), which PKD never (by his own statement therein) intended to send, December 15, 1970.
173 Like Jane, turned to fear: PKD 1970-71 notepad journal.
174-176 All quotations from holographic diary of Joseph Hudner as transcribed by author (Hudner's daughter, Lynne Cecil, kindly made the diary available).
176 Astute: Stanford University Hospital records as read aloud by Dr. Harry Bryan in an interview with the author, February 1986. People-oriented: Author's interview with Dr. Bryan.
176 Very dramatic, paranoid: Author's interview with Lynne Cecil, February 1986.
177 Guru: Paul Williams, Only Apparently Real (New York: Arbor House, 1986), p. 19.
178 Didn't consider himself old: Author's interview with Loren Cavit, February 1986.
178 Fantasized: Ibid.
179 Donna: Letter, PKD to Claudia Bush, July 14, 1974.
179 In bed for eight days: PKD essay, "The Evolution of a Vital Love," w. 1972, in PKD letter/essay collection, The Dark-Haired Girl (Willimantic, Conn.: Mark V. Zeising, 1988), p. 172. Taco stand experience: Exegesis 039 (1978). FBI or CIA: C. 6 of Anne Dick, Search for Philip K. Dick. All right: Author's interview with William Wolfson, February 1986.
180-182 All "Sheila" quotes are from the author's interview with an anonymous source, February 1986.
180 Militant blacks: Paul Williams, Only Apparently Real, pp. 37, 106.
181 Journal entry: PKD spiral notebook journal, 1971-72, in PKD Estate Archives.
182 Avram Davidson: Paul Williams, Only Apparently Real, p. 168.
182 Locks systematically damaged: Typed journal pages, probably AugustSeptember 1971, in PKD Estate Archives. Maybe Phil did it: Author's interview with Tom Schmidt, February 1986.
182-183 Police sergeant: PKD eleven-page typed journal sequence, October 30, 1972, in PKD Estate Archives.
183 Police report: Paul Williams, Only Apparently Real, p. 119.
184 Secret police: Letter, PKD to editor, June 7, 1973, published in The Alien Critic, August 1973.
184 Everything turned out to be true: Author's interview with Norman Spinrad, March 1986.
185 Most effective forms of sabotage: C. 6 of PKD novel A Scanner Darkly (1977).
185 Listening to Sticky Fingers: Tim Powers, "Some Random Memories of Philip K. Dick," in PKDS Newsletter #2, December 1983.
185-186 Confirmed someone after him: PKD spiral notebook journal, 1971-72.
186 Entropy, isolation- PKD spiral notebook journal, 1971-72.
186 When you lose someone you love: PKD spiral notebook journal, 1971-72.
Chapter 9: Contemplating Suicide In A Foreign Land
PKD works: The PKD letter/essay collection The Dark-Haired Girl (Willimantic, Conn.: Mark V. Zeising, 1988); Exegesis 003 (1978), 042 (1979).
PKD letters: To Edward Ferman, February 15, 1973; to Merry Lou Malone, March 7, 1973; to "Donna," March 9, 1972; to Center Point, March 9, 1972; to Terry and Carol Carr, March 9, 1972; to Willis McNelly, March 9, 1972; to Anne Dick, March 12, 1972; to Goran Bengtson, May 4, 1973, and December 7, 1973; to Patrice Duvic, May 2, 1973; to Laura Coehlo, September 28, 1973; to Meredith Agency, October 26, 1973; to Nancy and Isa, December 5, 1973.
Author's interviews: With Harry and Nita Busby, March 1986; with Tim Powers, March 1986; with K W. Jeter, May 1986; with Norman Spinrad, March 1986; with Harlan Ellison, March 1986; with Art Spiegelman, June 1986; with Doris Sauter, July 1986; with Laura Coehlo, September 1986.
188 Sum up thought: Letter, PKD to Bruce Gillespie, October 31, 1972.
188-189 Quotations from speech: PKD, "The Android and the Human," in Bruce Gillespie, ed., Philip K. Dick: Electric Shepherd (Melbourne, Australia: Nostrilla Press, 1975), pp. 53, 55-58.
189 Title-page description: PKD MS. page, quoted in Paul Williams's "Introduction" to PKD letter/essay collection The Dark-Haired Girl, p. ix. (This collection also contains "The Android and the Human," cited in the previous note.) Trying to find a center: Exegesis 048 (1979). So pretty: The Dark-Haired Girl, p. 32.
190 Horse dream: The Dark-Haired Girl, p. 29.
190 Masculine solar deities: Phrase used by PKD in his speech "The Android and the Human," in Gillespie, Electric Shepherd, p. 66. Andrea has left: The Dark-Haired Girl, p. 43.
190-192 Stay with Michael and Susan Walsh: All quotations are from the author's interview with Michael and Susan Walsh, April 1986.
192 Head in a good place: Letter, PKD to Ursula Le Guin, March 14, 1972.

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