Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick (77 page)

BOOK: Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick
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220 Fat lost touch with reality: C 6 of Valis (1981). Telling his therapist: Exegesis 004 (1974-75).
221-222 Not the same person: Exegesis 004 (1974-75).
222 Putting affairs in order: Interview of PKD by Charles Platt in Dream Makers (New York: Berkley, 1980), p. 155. Dogshit Books: Letter, PKD to Lawrence Ashmead, May 7, 1974 (letter may never have been sent).
222 Blood-pressure test: C. 7 of Valis (1981).
223 Minor strokes: Letter, Tessa Dick to author, June 20, 1986.
223 More fun to be with: Letter, Tessa Dick to author, July 21, 1986.
224 In Cleveland: Interview of PKD by Tim Finney, May 1974 (tape of inteniew kindly pro'ided by Finney to the author). Golden rectangle vision: C. 27 of Radio Free Albemuth (1985)
224 Ultimate aesthetic sight: Exegesis 004 (1974-75).
224-225 Pmky's death: Letter, PKD to Claudia Bush, written in late 1974 but not dated, now in Exegesis 004 (1974-75).
225 "Strawberry Fields" and Chrissy Exegesis 050 (1977).
225 "Strawberry Fields" and random trash: Exegesis 001 (1980). Beam of pink light: Exegesis 090 (1981).
226 Great rationalist, talk on dreams: Author's interview with Thomas Disch, June 1986
227 Jean-Pierre Goran interview by D. S. Black, in "Puttering About the Silver Screen," in PKDS Newsletter #11, May 1986.
227 Negotiations with Faucher Author's interview with Hampton Faucher, June 1986.
228 Paranoia and religious belief: Paul Williams, Only Apparently Real (New York. Arbor House, 1986), pp. 155, 162-63.
228 Palm Tree Garden: Exegesis 090 (1981). Walked about like Dr. Abernathy: Letter, PKD to Dorothy Hudner, September 12, 1986, now in Exegesis 005 (1975-76).
228-229 Palm Tree Garden in Deus Irae: C 18 of novel written by PKD and Roger Zelazny, Deus Irae (1976): in the author's interview with Zelazny, August 1986, he confirmed that this passage was written by PKD alone.
229 Walking to post office: Tessa Dick, "Letter from Tessa," in PKDS Newsletter #4, September 1984.
229 Not an evil world: Undated single typed page by PKD found among 1975 correspondence in PKD Estate Archives.
230-231 PKD self-interview: Exegesis 044 (1979).
231 "Psychic" or "experiential" phenomena: Peter Gloor, Andre Olivier, Luis F. Quesney, et al., "The Role of the Limbic System in Experiential Phenomena of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy," Annals of Neurology, Vol. 12, No. 2 (August 1982).
231-232 Temporal lobe seizure symptoms: Harold 1. Kaplan and Benjamin J. Sadock, eds., Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry/IV, 4th ed. (Baltimore: Williams & Williams, 1980), p. 153. 1 am indebted to my friend William R. Dikel, M.D., for suggesting temporal lobe epilepsy as a plausible diagnosis.
232 To pass a spiritual judgment: William James, The Varieties of Religious Experience, quoted in Dom Cuthbert Butler, Western Mysticism (New York: Harper and Row, 1966), p. 146.
232 In no customary sense spiritualized: Exegesis 005 (1975-76).
232 Tessa's perspective: Letter, Tessa Dick to author, July 21, 1986.
233 Warning by John of the Cross: Quoted in Evelyn Underhill, Mysticism (New York: Meridian Books, 1958), p. 280.
233 Pascal's vision: Quoted in Emile Cailliet, Pascal: The Emergence of Genius (New York: Harper and Row, 1961), p. 131.
Chapter 11: As 2-3-74 Ripens Into Valis
Author's interviews: With Kleo Mini, February 1986; with Miriam Knight, February 1986; with Harlan Ellison, March 1986; with Norman Spinrad, March 1986; with Mark Hurst, June 1986; with Russell Galen, June 1986; with Roger Zelazny, August 1986.
235 Fucking dumb and dull: Letter, PKD to Claudia Bush, January 3, 1975.
235 Orthogonal tune: PKD essay, "Man, Android and Machine," in Peter Nicholls, ed., Science Fiction at Large (London: Gollancz, 1976), p. 207.
235 Orthogonal time as real time: Letter, PKD to Ursula Le Guin, March 5, 1975, now in Exegesis 005 (1975-76).
236 PKD on Ellison's story "The Deathbird": Letter, PKD to Norman Spinrad, February 8, 1973.
236 Still having mystical s isions: Letter, PKD to Thomas Disch, July 31, 1975.
237 A great peace now: Exegesis 005 (1975-76). Autographing a book: Tim Powers, "Some Random Memories of Philip K. Dick," in PKDS Newsletter #2, December 1983.
237 Dirty old man: Exegesis 005 (1975-76).
237-238 Tessa's view: Letter, Tessa Dick to author, June 20, 1986.
238 On being alone. Letter, PKD to Carol Carr, July 7, 1975. Venting anger: Exegesis 005 (1975-76).
239 PKD's religious beliefs: Author's interview with Doris Sauter, April 1986.
239 First struggle to breathe: Ibid.
240 Bonding to people in trouble: Ibid
240 Never oversee: From journal of Tim Powers, transcribed by the author during an interview with Powers in March 1986. Technically dead: C. 4 of PKD novel Valis (1981)
240 Tessa as Beth: Letter, Tessa Dick to author, July 21, 1986.
241 Sammy Davis, Jr 's glass eye, seen God too soon or too late: C. 4 of Valis (1981). Doris's visit: Author's interview with Doris Sauter, April 1986.
241 Not roaming off: Letter, PKD to Linda, January 8, 1977.
242 PKD's two switches, swill: Author's interview with Doris Sauter, April 1986.
243 Arrival at hospital: From journal of Tim Powers, transcribed by the author during an inters iew with Powers in March 1986. Powers's visit: Tim Powers, "Some Random Memories of Philip K. Dick," in PKDS Newsletter #2, December 1983.
244 On the Zebra principle- Letter, PKD to Mark Hurst, February 11, 1977.
244 One dozen no%els• Exegesis 029 (1977).
244-245 Writing has been of value. Exegesis 030 (1977).
245 PKD's emotional side: Author's interview with Tim Powers, March 1986.
245 His depth of goodness. Author's interview with James Blaylock, March 1986.
246 "Minimum hypothesis": Interview of K. W. Jeter by Andy Watson in PKDS Newsletter #5, December 1984.
246 Getting inside belief, Jeter's skepticism: Author's interview with K. W. Jeter, May 1986.

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