Read Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick Online
Authors: Lawrence Sutin
277 PKD on himself and Le Guin: Exegesis 016 (1978).
277 Inadequate depiction of women: Letter, PKD to Russell Galen, June 29, 1981. Happiest moment: Letter, PKD to Ursula Le Guin, May 13, 1981.
278 Hartwell's memories: Author's interview with David Hartwell, June 1986.
278 Negotiations: Author's interview with Russell Galen, June 1986. Set up for life: John Boonstra, "TZ Interview: Philip K. Dick," in Rod Serling's The Twilight Zone Magazine, June 1982.
279 Spiritual aspirations: Exegesis 079 (1981). Bewitched: Exegesis 080 (1981).
280 Angel Archer on Timothy Archer: C. 12 of PKD novel The Transmigration of Timothy Archer (1982).
280 When God looks at me: Exegesis 081 (1981). Mainstream tragedy: Letter, PKD to Russell Galen, June 29, 1981.
280 Trying to say: Author's interview with Russell Galen, June 1986 (letter referred to is Galen to PKD, July 15, 1981, copy in PKD Estate Archives).
281 Continue to write SF: Letter, PKD to Russell Galen, August 1, 1981. Ditheon: Exegesis 091 (1981).
281 As human is to android: Letter, PKD to Patricia Warrick, July 15, 1981.
281-282 PKD on The Owl in Daylight: Interview of PKD by Gwen Lee, February 1982 (tape of interview kindly provided by Lee to the author, who transcribed quotes therefrom).
282 Bit off more than lie can chew: Letter, PKD to Vincent Evans, September 6, 1981.
282 Ramming the car: Letter, PKD to Victoria Schochet, September 4, 1981.
283 Final statement on hyper-structure: Letter, PKD to Russell Galen, September 11, 1981.
283 The time you've waited for, more than information: Letter, PKD to Russell Galen, September 19, 1981.
283-284 Tagore: Letter, PKD to Edmund Meskys, editor of Niekas, September 23, 1981.
284 Feared I was nuts: Exegesis 090 (1981).
284 Sandow's memories: Author's interview with Greg Sandow, August 1987.
284 What God wants of me: Exegesis 062 (1981).
284-285 Venom review: Letter, PKD to Venom, September 29, 1981.
285 Check for $20,000: Author's interview with James Blaylock, March 1986. Remember that night still: Letter, PKD to "Susan" (fictitious name), November 10, 1981.
285-286 Jeopardizes the package: Letter, PKD to Susan, November 9, 1981.
286 Oceanic dread, searching for mother: PKD typed journal pages, November 13, 1981. Reentered reality: Letter, PKD to "Kate" (fictitious name), December 28, 1981. In love with the writing: Letter, PKD to Sherie, December 26, 1981.
287 Partnership, her reluctance: Author's interview with Mary Wilson, March 1986. Why not all humans are saved: Letter, PKD to Isa Dick, December 26, 1981.
287 PKD convinced her: Letter, Tessa Dick to author, July 21, 1986.
288 Central doctrine: Letter, PKD to Clnldworld, February 12, 1982. PKD's doubts: Gregg Rickman, Philip K. Dick: The Last Testament (Long Beach, Calif.: Fragments West/The Valentine Press, 1985), p. 225.
288 Even if you aren't sure: Author's interview with Mary Wilson, March 1986. Into power: Exegesis 057 (1982).
288-289 Pushing his brain to its limit: Interview of PKD by Gwen Lee, February 1982, supra.
289 Phone call to Spatz: Author's interview with Barry Spatz, March 1986. Found unconscious: Author's interviews with Juan and Su Perez, March 1986.
Ace Books, 4, 73, 86, 88,
89, 121, 132, 222
Ace Doubles, 88, 89-90,
103, 246, 292, 297, 305
Ackerman, Gerald, 46, 47,
48, 56, 57, 59
Acts of Paul, The (projected
novel), 266
Agitator, 239
Aldiss, Brian, 199
Alien Critic, 183-184
A. Lincoln, Simulacrum
(Dick and White), 299
Amazing Stories, 4, 127,
299, 305
American News Company
(ANC), 77
American Weekly, 30
amphetamines (speed), 84,
123, 127, 128, 129, 147,
159, 164-165, 169-170,
175, 194, 250
anamnesis, 211, 264
Anderson, Karen, 66, 136
Anderson, Poul, 82, 136
"Android and the Human,
The" (Dick), 188-189,
Anton, Uwe, 54, 119
Apel, D Scott, 250, 294
Aphrodite, 214
Apostolides, Alexandra, 68
Apostohdes, Emmanuel, 68,
Apostolides, Kleo (second
wife), see Mini, Kleo
Apostolides Dick
Arena, Chris, 245, 274
Arena, Greg, 245
Art Music, 50, 51, 58, 60,
67, 69, 70-72
Ashley, Michael, 73
Ashmead, Lawrence, 161,
163, 202, 205
Asimov, Isaac, 88
As I Remember Them (J. E.
Dick), 13
Astounding, 76
"Aunt Flo," 34, 40-41
"Autofac" (Dick), 294
Bailey, Mike, 188
Ballantine, 88, 117, 242,
Bantam Books, 241, 250,
253, 255
Barbour, Connie, 60
Baynes, Cary, 115
Beatles, 201, 225
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 34,
Bennett, Chuck, 58, 87-88
Berkeley, University of California at, 62-63
Berkeley Gazette, 34, 40
Berkeley High School, 42,
43, 44, 46-49
Berkley Books, 261, 282
Best of Philip K. Dick, The
(Dick), 74, 290-291, 306,
Beyond Fantasy Fiction, 75
"Beyond Lies the Wub"
(Dick), 77, 309
Billion Year Spree (Aldiss),
Binswanger, Ludwig, 300,
"Biographical Material"
(Dick), 145
Bishop, Michael, xiv, 275276
Bishop Timothy Archer, see
Transmigration of
Timothy Archer, The
Black Panthers, 166-167,
183, 185
Blade Runner (Dick), 277,
Blade Runner (film), xiv,
206, 255, 274-275, 277,
278, 281, 283, 286-287,
Blake, William, 146
Blaylock, James, 245, 246,
263, 285
Book of Philip K Dick,
The, 290-291, 294
Borges, Jorge Luis, 5-6, 7
Boucher, Anthony, see
White, William
Bowie, David, 258
Bradley, Marion Zimmer,
136, 141
Brautigan, Richard, 201
Briggs, Kevin, 250, 294
Bring the Jubilee (Moore),
Broken Bubble of Thisbe
Holt, The (Dick), 53, 92,
Brunner, John, 297, 298
Bryan, Elizabeth, 15
Bryan, Harry, 176
Burroughs, William, 5,
153, 204, 246
Busby, Tessa (fifth wife), see
Dick, Tessa Busby
Campbell, John W., Jr ,
76, 296
"Cantata 140" (Dick), 303
Captain Video, 92
Carr, Carol, 119, 139-140,
142, 144, 147, 187
Carr, Terry, 41, 66, 119,
139-140, 142, 306
"Case of Ellen West, The"
(Binswanger), 300
Cavit, Loren, 178, 235
Cecil, Lynne Hudner, 24,
80, 81, 122-123, 157,
172, 176, 254
Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA), 96, 134, 169, 179,
183, 185, 216
"Chains of Air, Webs of
Acther" (Dick), 265-266,
child abuse, sexual, 25-26,
Childworld, 288
Christensen, Bill, 112, 121,
Christianity, 132-133, 239,
see also Episcopal Church
Clans of the Alphane Moon
(Dick), 119-120, 124,
125, 128, 294, 302
Claw (Dick), 286
Collected Letters of Philip
K. Dick, The, xv
Collected Stories of Philip
K Dick, The, xiv, 290
College du Pataphysiyue.
"Colons'' (Dick), 74-75,
292, 309
comic books, 30, 235-236
Confessions of a Crap Artist
(Dick), 9-10, 98, 100,
103-107, 110, 205, 236,
244, 2 57, 298
Cook, Will, 299
"Cookie Lady, The" (Dick),
Coppola, Francis Ford,
Cosmic Puppets, The (Dick).
85, 90, 261, 292, 293
"Cosmogony and Cosmology" (Dick), 253
Counter-Clock World
(Dick), 151, 156, 165,
205, 219, 305-306
Countryside School, 26, 27,
Crack in Space, The (Dick),
120, 128, 292, 296, 303
Crawdaddy, 236
Creme, Benjamin, 287-288
Crumb, R , xiv
Daily Dick, 33
Daisley, George, 150
Dangerous Visions (SF anthology), 161, 236
Daniels, Dick, 43, 46, 4748
Dark-Haired Girl, The.
(Dick), 189-190, 195196, 198, 310-311
Davidson, Avram, 134,
136, 182
Davidson (Davis), Grama,
134-136, 139, 141, 158
DAW Books, 88, 118, 222,
294, 299
"Day Mr Computer Fell
Out of Its Tree, The"
(Dick), 249
"Days of Perky Pat, The"
(Dick), 127-128
Dead Grow Young, The
(The Dead Are Young),
see Counter-Clock World
"Deathbird, The" (Ellison),
Deelev, Michael, 274
Delany, Samuel R., 184
"deliberate anachronism"
method, 6, 7
Del Rey, Judy-Lynn, 242
Denver Clarion, 269
Deus lrae (Dick and Zelazny), 120, 136, 163, 228,
236, 240, 309-310
"Diable, Le" (Dick), 40
Dick, Anne Williams
Rubenstein (third w'ifc),
36, 85, 97-113, 118-128,
132-135, 139, 147, 157,
186, 262, 299
abortion of, 108, 109,
in Dick's books, 105-106,
109, 124-126, 306
on Dick's childhood, 12,
Dick's correspondence
with, 97, 100-101
on Dick's teen years, 50,
divorce of, 133, 134
domestic violence and,
105-106, 120, 121
involuntary commitment
of, 123-126
jewelry business of, I11,
112, 120, 121, 124,
marital problems of, 2526, 102, 105-106, 108,
118-127, 133
pregnancies of, 99-100,
104, 108
Dick, Bessie (grandmother),
Dick, Christopher (son),
206, 218-219, 238, 240,
245, 261, 286
child support for, 263
hernia of, 225, 230
Dick, Dorothy Kindred, see
Hudner, Dorothy Kindred
Dick, Edgar (Joseph Edgar)
(father), Il, 13-15, 17,
20-35, 59, 127, 289
custody of Dick sought
by, 25, 26, 31
Dick abandoned by, 24,
25, 33-34, 241
Dick influenced by, 2223
Dick's relationship with,
14, 17, 22-24, 29, 3334, 81
overprotectiveness of, 15,
remarriage of, 26, 33
in World War 1, 14-15
Dick, Isolde Freya (daughter), 156-160, 166, 167,
199, 235, 242, 261-263,
birth of, 156-157
Dick's correspondence
with, 43, 205, 287
Dick, Jane Charlotte (sister),
11-13, 15-20, 142, 157,
214, 231, 289
death of, 12-13, 15-17,
20, 22, 28, 50, 61, 80,
99, 173, 198, 238
Dick's obsession with,
17-19, 22, 50, 172173
Dick, Jeanette Marlin (first
wife), 59-60, 64
Dick, Laura Archer (daughter), 104, 110, 133,
134, 157, 186, 261-263,
Dick's correspondence
with, 36, 42-43, 4647, 78, 262, 263