Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick (80 page)

BOOK: Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick
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Dick, Men Apostolides
(second wife), see Mini,
Kleo Apostolides Dick
Dick, Nancy Hackett (fourth
wife), 143-150, 156-160,
175, 198, 205, 306
divorce of, 199
marital problems of, 164165, 166-167
marriage of, 144, 150, 156
nervous breakdown of,
143, 146
Dick, Philip K.:
agoraphobia of, 26, 49,
50, 58, 62-63, 72, 75,
84, 104, 122, 148,
198, 237
anger of, 3-4, 16, 35,
37, 49-50, 80, 81, 84,
109, 120, 124, 135,
178, 238
animals and, 110, 148,
159, 218, 222, 224225, 274
appearance of, 33, 37,
48, 60, 98, 102, 168,
171, 227, 250, 252,
awards won by, 4, 118,
209, 261
birth of, 11-12
break-ins at homes of,
181-186, 198
charitable giving of, 239,
253, 261, 262, 263,
childhood of, 15-17, 2044
death of, xiii, 279, 282,
depressions of, 140, 147,
159, 165, 179, 181,
198, 206, 237, 238,
243, 248-249, 250,
252-253, 268
dieting of, 273-274
divorces of, 59-60, 99100, 133, 134, 199,
dreams of, 56, 190, 212,
219-220, 224, 226,
driving of, 58, 83, 84,
104, 107-108, 126,
135, 148, 156, 181,
196, 243, 248

drugs used by, 8-9, 23,
25, 84, 102, 119, 123,
127, 128, 140, 141142, 147, 149, 158162, 164-167, 169171, 175-176, 180,
192-194, 210, 211,
250, 264, 268
early jobs of, 32-33, 5055, 58, 69, 71-73
education of, 21, 26-29,
31-32, 37, 41-44, 4649, 62-63
fame of, 81-82, 226-228,
261, 275
family life of, 101, 103,
104, 107, 133, 157,
206, 261-263
FBI's surveillance of, 8384, 90, 96
financial success of, 235,
241-242, 253, 261
financial worries of, 120121, 129, 149, 158,
159, 160, 165, 170,
206-207, 209, 236
germ fears of, 102, 104
guilt of, 12, 16, 25, 102,
173, 216, 217, 241
guns and, 122, 134, 160,
health problems of, 23,
32, 37, 43, 47, 102,
107, 164, 201, 205,
210, 222-223, 225,
241, 262
hospitalizations of, 175176, 179, 222-223,
humor of, 27, 34, 82,
84, 93, 139, 148, 151,
168, 221, 242, 248,
249, 262
impotence of, 248, 255
insecurity of, 25, 26, 39,
111-112, 163
interviews of, 54-55, 57,
63, 79-80, 119, 168,
192, 199, 205, 221,
227-231, 250, 267,
269, 288-289
intolerance of, 101, 157,
introversion of, 37, 39
IRS audit of, 159, 160,

journal entries of, 11, 56,
170, 172-173, 181,
182-183, 185-186,
kindness of, 29, 47, 255,
literary influences on, 3,
4, 39, 40, 113, 295
loneliness of, 27, 28,
142, 179, 186, 285
love affairs and romances
of, 60-62, 84-85, 99100, 133-135, 139-144,
171-175, 178-179,
189-192, 194-200, 239243, 246-249, 252, 285286
mainstream writing of,
57, 62, 69, 70, 73, 86,
87, 92-94, 98, 104107, 118, 202, 205,
marriages of, see Dick,
Anne Williams Rubenstein; Dick, Jeanette
Marlin; Dick, Nancy
Hackett; Dick, Tessa
Busby; Mini, Kleo
Apostolides Dick
name change of, 31-32,
"nervous breakdowns" of,
9, 63, 72, 111-112,
obsessions of, 3, 17-19,
22, 33, 50, 172-173
out-of-body experiences
of, 79
paranoia of, 122, 136,
139, 160, 169-170,
176, 177, 179, 181,
227, 228, 262-263
as philosopher, 5, 6-7,
poetry of, 27-28, 34, 40,
poverty of, 66, 77-78,
165, 166, 239
psychological therapy of,
9, 25, 26, 37, 49-50,
99, 100, 111-112, 121,
122, 123, 160, 206,
238, 253
as reader, 3, 16, 34-35,
57, 79, 82, 86, 163,
235, 244

as rescuer, 157, 174,
177-178, 243-244
ROTC training of, 62,
sex education of, 36, 38
sexuality of, 36, 48, 5859, 61, 248, 255
speeches of, 188-189,
250-251, 311
spiritual crises of, 126127, 140-141
sports activities and, 23,
31, 34, 37
suicide attempts of, 17,
25, 135, 160, 174,
175, 192, 243
swallowing problems of,
25, 26, 27
travels of, 84, 102, 108,
250-252, 287, 288
2-3-74 experiences of, 67, 8, 19, 151, 208211, 219, 222, 223,
226, 229-234, 236237, 239, 246, 251,
255-257, 269, 281,
typing of, 58, 87, 107
vertigo of, 42, 49, 52,
violence of, 105-106,
120, 121, 197, 199,
visions of, 126-127, 141142, 166, 208-214,
221, 223-226, 228234, 236-237, 264
writer's block and problems of, 136, 143,
151, 155, 163-164,
writing method of, 154155, 163-164
Dick, Tessa Busby (fifth
wife), 60, 184, 187, 197200, 209, 213, 218, 232,
235, 263
on Dick's childhood, 17,
22, 25, 26
on Dick's health problems, 222-223
on Dick's nightmares,
Dick's revelations to, 198
in Dick's works, 240, 258
divorce of, 245

domestic violence and,
199, 225
Heinlein and, 236
on "killing letter," 215216
marital problems of, 237241
marriage of, 206
remarriage considered by,
286, 287
Dick, William (grandfather),
Didion, Joan, 279
Dimoff, Eleanor, 103-104,
Disch, Thomas, 199, 200,
226, 236, 294, 304
"Ditheon," 281
Divine Invasion, The (Dick),
7, 18, 195, 226, 239,
243, 261, 266, 269, 284285, 292, 311, 312
Do Androids Dream of
Electric Sheep? (Dick),
151, 155, 159, 165, 293,
306-307, 309
film option for, 163, 226,
film version of, xiv, 206,
255, 274-275, 277,
278, 281, 283, 286287, 307
Dr. Adder (Deter), 246
Dr. Bloodmoney (Dick), 18,
53, 59, 72, 93, 119, 128,
152, 291, 292, 300, 303,
Dr. Futurity (Dick), 102103, 118, 261, 297-298
Dostoevsky, Fedor M., 232
Doubleday, 132, 161, 166,
174, 222, 236, 310
Dream Makers (Platt), 229
drugs, 145-146, 183, 201204
Dick's use of, 8-9, 23,
25, 84, 102, 119, 123,
127, 128, 140, 141142, 147, 149, 158-162,
164-167, 169-171,
175-176, 180, 192-194,
210, 211, 250, 264,
"Drugs, Hallucinations, and
the Quest for Reality"
(Dick), 142

Duncan, Robert, 56-57,
Duvic, Patrice, 199
Earth's Diurnal Course, see
Dr Bloodmoney
Earthshaker, The (Dick),
63-64, 255, 291, 300
Editions Opta, 199
Einstein, Albert, 96
"Electric Ant, The" (Dick),
163, 309
Ellington, Dick, 140
Ellison, Harlan, 82, 122,
161-162, 163, 196, 236,
Engel, George, 17
Eno, Brian, 252
Entwhistle Books, 105, 205,
epilepsy, temporal lobe,
231-232, 248
Episcopal Church, 126127, 128, 149, 150, 243244
ESP experiments, 213, 216
"Evolution of a Vital Love,
The" (Dick), 179, 310
Exegesis (Dick), xv, 17, 19,
38, 45, 53, 91, 95-96,
102, 110, 117, 133, 150,
154-155, 160-161, 185,
205, 217, 220-221, 235,
244-245, 252-259, 261,
263-266, 279, 280, 283,
284, 288, 291
novel outlined in, 269273
visions and auditions in,
6-7, 49, 50, 151, 208212, 225-226, 228232, 234, 237, 238,
Xerox missive in, 215,
"Exit Door Leads In, The"
(Dick), 261
Exploring Tomorrow, 92
Eye in the Sky (Dick), 910, 86, 90-93, 95-96,
153, 295, 308
Eye in the Sky (punk band),
"Eye of the Sibyl, The"
(Dick), 235-236

"Faith of Our Fathers"
(Dick), 161
fan clubs, 81-82, 88
Fantastic, 301, 305
fantasy, 292
science fiction compared
with, 75-76
"Father-thing, The" (Dick),
24, 309
Fawn, Look Back (projected
novel), 269
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 83-84, 90,
134, 139, 169, 179, 183,
185, 216-217, 227
Ferman, Edward, 236
Finnegans Wake (Joyce), 3,
Finney, Tim, 223
Firebright (spiritual force/
entity), 211
First in Your Family, The,
see We Can Build You
First Lady of Earth, The,
see Simulacra, The
Fitting, Peter, 154
Flannery, Pat, 32, 37, 39
Flores, Jose, 58
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said (Dick), xiv, 10,
18, 99, 159, 165-166,
173, 179, 200, 203, 209210, 217, 220, 295, 309
Ford, Harrison, 274
Forgue, J'Ann, 172
"Foster, You're Dead"
(Dick), 26, 309
France, xiv, 199, 250-252,
Franchcr, Hampton, 227,
228, 275
"Frozen Journey," see "I
Hope I Shall Arrive
Galactic Pot-Healer (Dick),
152, 155, 165, 308
Galaxy, 74, 75
Galen, Russell, 234, 255,
265, 277-281, 283, 284
Game-Players of Titan, The
(Dick), 128, 295, 300301
Ganymede Takeover, The
(Dick and Nelson), 120,
136, 151, 306, 309

Garfield Junior High, 37,
42, 43
Gather Yourselves Together
(Dick), 38-39, 59-60,
63-64, 69, 91, 255, 291,
Gcrnsback, Hugo, 4
Gildersleeve, John, 87
Glass Hammer, The (Jeter),
Glass of Darkness, A, see
Cosmic Puppets, The
Glimmung of Plowman's
Planet, The (Dick), 151152, 307-308
Gnosticism, 24, 49, 128,
133, 210, 211, 251, 285
Goebbels, Joseph, 36, 115
Gold, Herb, 83
Gold, Horace, 74, 75
golden fish sign, 210-211,
Golden Man, The (Dick),
66, 78, 290-291, 306,
"Golden Rectangle" visions,
Goodmember Arnie Kott of
Mars, see Martian TimeSlip
Gorin, Jean-Pierre, 226-227
Goulart, Ron, 70, 136-139
Graham, Bill, 247
Guide for the Perplexed
(Maimonides), 79
Gulhvers Travels (Swift), 39
Guy, Iskandar, 62-63, 81,
84, 86-87, 109, 122, 299
Hackett, Ann, 143, 146,
147, 148, 169
Hackett, Maren, 143, 146,
147, 149, 150, 159, 160,
Hackett, Michael, 146, 147,
156, 157, 167, 169, 171
Hackett, Nancy, we Dick,
Nancy Hackett
hallucinations, 142
Handful of Darkness, A
(Dick), 73-74, 290-91,
292, 309
Harcourt Brace, 93, 103104, 298-299
Harlow, )can, 28

Hartwell, David, 277-278,
Hcims, Lora, 36
Heinlein, Robert, 88, 236
Hell's Angels (film), 28
"Hermit House," 170-171
Hershey, Barbara, 227
"He's Dead" (Dick), 34, 40
Hillside School, 31-32
Himmler, Heinrich, 16-17
Hiss, Tony, 228
Hollis, Herb, 45, 50-55,
71-72, 132, 282
Hollis, Pat, 51, 52, 72
"homoplasmate," 211
homosexuality, 26, 36, 38,
48, 55-58, 60, 173
House of Hospitality soup
kitchen, 239
Hovel, the, 112-113
"How to Build a Universe
That Doesn't Fall Apart
Two Days Later" (Dick),
253-254, 311
Hudner, Dorothy Kindred
Dick (mother), 11-17,
20-33, 35-38, 87, 104,
133, 170
child-rearing methods of,
20-21, 23, 28-29, 31
courtship of, 14
death of, 254
Dick compared with, 16,
Dick's correspondence
with, 11-12, 20, 33,
41-42, 80-81, 206-207
Dick's marriages and, 59,
60, 68, 110-111, 121122, 158
Dick's relationship with,
12, 13, 16, 17, 28-29,
32, 37-38, 45-46, 5556, 80, 84, 111, 121123, 126, 158, 172176, 254
divorce of, 13, 22-25,
27, 174
health problems of, 15,
37, 111
journal of, 15-16
maternal incompetence
of, 11-12, 13, 16, 17,
psychiatrists consulted by,
24, 25

second marriage of, 81
sister's death and, 80-81
writing efforts of, 16, 27,
29, 70
Hudner, Joseph, 80-81,
104, 110-111, 121, 133,
158, 170
diary of, 173-177
Hudner, Lynne, see Cecil,
Lynne Hudner
Hudner, Marion Kindred
(aunt), 14, 21, 30, 80-81
Hudner, Neil, 80, 81
Hugo Awards, 4, 118
"Human Is" (Dick), 76
Hume, David, 62, 90
Humpty Dumpty in Oakland (Dick), 104, 295,
Hurst, Mark, 241, 244,
309, 311
I Ching, 4, 109-110, 112,
113, 116, 134, 148-149,
idios kosmos, 48, 80, 127,
149, 308
"If You Find This World
Bad, You Should See
Some of the Others"
(Dick), 250-251
1 Hope I Shall Arrive Soon
(Dick), 261, 265, 290291, 311
"I Hope I Shall Arrive
Soon" (Dick), 261, 311
"Impostor" (Dick), 76, 292,
In Milton Lumky Territory
(Dick), 92
Internal Revenue Service
(IRS), 159, 160, 179180, 184, 209
In the Mold of Yancy, see
Penultimate Truth, The
Invaders, The, 156
Jackson, Honor, 166-167,
Jaffe, Herb, 227
Jaffe, Robert, 227
James, William, 7, 61, 232
Jam, Alfred, 152, 307
Jeter, K. W., 7, 245, 246,
252-253, 258, 263, 268,

JJ-180 (punk band), 261
John Eaton School, 28
John of the Cross, Saint,
John W. Campbell Memorial Award, 209
Joyce, James, 3, 79
Julian of Norwich, 233
Jung, Carl Gustav, 60, 90,
128, 208
Jungian archetypes, 64, 7576, 190
Kant, Immanuel, 90
Kennedy, Robert, 220
KGB, 216, 285
Kindred, Dorothy, see Hud-
ncr, Dorothy Kindred
Kindred, Earl Grant (grandfather), 14, 25, 26
Kindred, Edna Matilda
Archer (Meemaw) (grandmother), 12, 21, 25, 26,
30, 80, 96
Kindred, Harold (uncle), 14
Kindred, Marion (aunt), 14,
21, 30, 80-81
King, Martin Luther, Jr.,
"King of the Elves, The"
(Gold), 75, 309
Kneeling Legless Man, The,
see Deus Irae
Knight, Damon, 86
Kohler, George, 35-38, 43,
47, 49
koinos kosmos (shared social
consciousness), 48, 56,
61, 80, 127, 149, 308
Kornbluth, Cyril, 88
Kresy, Jerry, 111
KSMO radio, 53
Ladd Company, 274
Langley Porter Clinic, 4950
language fragments, 219220
Leary, Timothy, 158
Lee, Gwen, 281, 288-289
Lc Guin, Ursula K , 191192, 235, 275-277
Lem, Stanislaw, 1, 200,
Lennon, John, 129

Lenz, Kay, 245
Levv, Linda, 194-197, 199
Lies, Inc., see Unteleported
Man, The
Lighthouse, 142
Lindy, Kay, 60
lithium, 211
"Little Black Box, The"
(Dick), 307, 309
"Little Something for Us
Tempunanuts, A" (Dick),
Lloyd, Miriam, 148-149,
159, 162, 307
London Daily Telegraph,
LSD, 127, 141-142, 148,
149, 161
Lupoff, Richard, 248
Lusby, Vincent, 58-61, 64,
82-83, 87
Lusby, Virginia, 83
Mabou Mines, xiv
McComas, J Francis, 69
Machover, Tod, xiv
McNelly, Willis, 191, 194,
Magazine of Fantasy and
Science Fiction (F&SF),
67, 69, 205, 236, 303
Maimonides, Moses, 79
Malk, Steve, 245
Malone, Merry Lou, 195
"Man, Android and Machine" (Dick), 235, 311
Man in the High Castle,
The (Dick), 2, 4, 9-10,
46, 109-118, 141, 209,
Man Who Fell to Earth,
The (film), 258
Man Who Japed, The
(Dick), 46, 86, 87, 90,
91, 295
Man Whose Teeth Were All
Exactly Alike, The (Dick),
104, 121, 298
marijuana, 56, 146, 162,
Marin County Sheriff's
Office, 182-183
Marlin, Jeanette (first wife),
59-60, 64
Martian Time-Slip (Dick),
2, 10, 43-44, 76, 83, 88,

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