Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick (81 page)

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103, 113, 117-118, 299300
Marxist critics, 210, 224
Mary and the Giant (Dick),
85, 92-93, 291, 294-295,
Mask of Medusa, The, 244
May, David, 248
May, Joan, 248
Maze of Death, A (Dick),
141, 151, 155, 172, 241,
Mental Test Report, 21-22
Meredith, Scott, 73
mescaline, 165, 166
Messner, Julian, 92-93
Metz Festival, 250-251,
Milarepa, 233
Mills, Robert, 222
Milton Lumky Territory
(Dick), 297
Mini, Kleo Apostolides Dick
(second wife), 28, 33-34,
51, 60, 66-73, 77-86,
88, 92, 102, 254
on marital poverty, 66,
77, 78
marital problems and divorce of, 96-100
marriages of, 68, 71
Mini, Norman, 71-72, 99
Modern Electrics, 4
Montbnand, Bernie, 169,
Moore, Ward, 113
More, Sir Thomas, 2
"Most Brilliant SF Mind on
Any Planet, The" (Powers), 237
"multiple narrative viewpoint" technique, 114
music, xn, 201, 225
Dick's interest in, 34, 38,
43, 47, 56, 58, 60, 61,
148, 252
Myskys, Edmund, 283
Name of the Game Is
Death, see Maze of
Death, A
Nazis, 35-36, 46, 113-117,
134, 169
Nelson, Kirsten, 140, 142143, 306, 307

Nelson, Ray, 120, 136,
140, 141, 151, 305, 306,
Ncwkom, Jack, 136, 140,
141, 143, 147
Ncwkom, Margo, 141
Now Wait for Last Year
(Dick), 28, 94, 124, 125126, 128, 261, 302
New Yorker, 227-228, 277
New York Times, 118
Nicholas and the Higs
(Dick), 92, 93, 296-297
Nicholls, Eldon, 51, 72
Nick and the Gumming, see
Glimmung of Plowman's
Planet, The
Niekas, 283-284
Nixon, Richard, 311
"Nixon Crowd, The"
(Dick), 217
"Notes Made Late at Night
by a Weary SF Writer"
(Dick), 145
novel construction, 136-139
"Novelty Act" (Dick), 301
Now Wait for Last Year
(Dick), 28, 94, 124, 125126, 128, 261, 302
O'Bannon, Dan, 294
Oblique, 82
Omni, 261
Only Apparently Real (Williams), 118, 291
Orange County Medical
Center, 253, 267
orthogonal time, 235
"Orthomolccular Psychiatry"
(Ross), 212
Other Side, The (Pike),
Our Friends from Frolix 8
(Dick), 163, 165, 309
Owl in Daylight, The (projected novel), 102, 281282, 288, 312
Oxford School, 31-32, 34
Palm Tree Garden vision,
Pantcr, Gary, 267
Panter, Nicole, 267-268
paranoia, 122, 136, 139,
160, 169-170, 176, 177,

179, 181, 227, 228, 262263
Pascal, Blaise, 233
PCP (angel dust), 162
Penultimate Truth, The
(Dick), 128-129, 161,
297, 301, 303, 304
Peoples, David, 275
Perez, Juan, 274, 289
Perez, Su, 274, 289
"Pessimism in Science Fiction" (Dick), 82
Phenomenon of Man, The
(Teilhard de Chardin),
Philip K. Dick (Apel), 250,
Philip K. Dick (Rickman),
Philip K Dick Society
Newsletter (PKDS Newsletter), xiv
"phosphene graphics," 214
"Pierre Menard, Author of
Don Quixote" (Borges),
Pike, James A., 149-151,
159, 160, 163, 164, 183,
185, 220, 221-222, 279,
Pike, Jim, 149-150, 279
Pilgrim on the Hill (Dick),
92, 291, 296
pink light information, 218219, 225-226
Planet Stones, 77
Plato, 211, 264, 281
Platt, Charles, 229-230
Playboy, 261
Pocket Book of Science Fiction, The, 89
Poe, Edgar Allan, 2, 40
poetry, 27-28, 30, 34, 40,
142, 143
Pohl, Frederik, 77, 88
Poland, 200
Powers, Serena, 245, 266267
Powers, Tim, 185, 194195, 197, 237, 240, 241,
243, 245, 263, 264, 266267, 285
"Precious Artifact" (Dick),
"Pre-Persons, The" (Dick),

Preserving Machine, The
(Dick), 286, 290-291,
Principal, Victoria, 206,
"Program Notes On A Great
Composer" (Dick), 41
"Project Plowshare," see Zap
Gun, The
"Psi Man" (Dick), 76
psionics (psi power), 76,
psychic phenomena, 149150
Psychology Today, 212
Putnam, 112, 118
Puttering About in a Small
Land (Dick), 28, 85, 92,
93-94, 296
Pyramid Books, 303
Quizmaster Take All, see
Solar Lottery
Radio Free Albemuth
(Dick), xiii-xiv, 23, 6869, 211-212, 214, 215,
217, 218, 219, 224, 225,
244, 256, 311
Ralph 124C41+. Novel of
the Year 1966 (Gernsback), 4
Ramparts, 160-161, 209
Rand, Sally, 31
"Rautavaara's Case" (Dick),
261, 311
Reflections of the Future
(Dick), 178
religion, 13, 22-23, 39,
126-127, 128, 149-151,
239, 244
"Religious Experience of
Philip K. Dick, The"
(Crumb), xrv
"Retreat Syndrome" (Dick),
Return to Lilliput (Dick),
39-40, 291, 295
Reynolds, J. B., 218, 267
Rich, Alan, 58
Rich & Cowan, 73, 292
Rickman, Gregg, 79, 288,
289, 294-295
Rimov, Leon, 36, 39
Ritalin, 162

Rivers, Betty Jo, 61-62, 64,
Rocky Creek Club, 39
Roeg, Nicholas, 258
Rolling Stone, 182, 227,
237, 241
Rolling Stone College Papers, 261
Rolling Stones, 201
Ronstadt, Linda, 195, 245,
"Roog" (Dick), 70-71, 178,
Rorschach test, 50
Ross, Harvey, 212
Rubenstein, Anne Williams
(third wife), see Dick,
Anne Williams Rubenstein
Rubenstein, Hatte, 101102, 121, 123-124, 133,
159, 186
Rubenstein, Jayne, 101102, 104, 121, 133, 186
Rubenstein, Richard, 98,
100, 101, 121
Rubenstein, Tandy, 101102, 121, 133, 163, 186
Ruins of Earth, The
(Disch), 199
Sadat, Anwar, 282
Sanders, Jacquin, 83
Sandow, Greg, 284
Sarill, William, 308
Sauter, Doris, 184, 239243, 253, 258, 265, 274
Savio, Mario, 51
Scanner Darkly, A (Dick),
8-11, 18, 129, 170, 184,
188, 199, 201-205, 261,
292, 295, 309
antidrug theme in, 8-9,
"Author's Note" to, 168
autobiographical elements
in, 177, 178, 181,
183, 185, 194, 202203, 214
revisions of, 236, 242
as science fiction, 2, 5
schizophrenia, 9, 50, 124,
136, 212, 300
"Schizophrenia & The Book
of Changes" (Dick), 20,
43, 48, 149

Schmidt, Tom, 169-171,
Schwarzenegger, Arnold,
xs, 306
science fiction, 1-5, 30, 57
Dick's discovery of, 3,
fantasy compared with,
as genre, 1-3, 5
growth of, 66-67, 73
"hard"-science approach
to, 88
naming of, 4
"New Wave" writing in,
"Science Fiction" (Lem),
Science Fiction Baycon
("Drug Con") (1968),
Science Fiction Book Club,
Science Fiction Review
(SFR), 275-277
Science Fiction Westercon
(1974), 223
Science Fiction Worldcon
(1954), 82
Science Fiction Worldcon
(1964), 139-140
Science Fiction Worldcon
(1972), 199
Science Fiction Writers
Association, 200
Scott, Ridley, xiv, 274, 287
Scott Meredith Literary
Agency (SMLA), 73, 86,
92, 93, 104, 118, 128,
189, 205, 222, 228, 235,
255, 261, 265, 304, 305
index-card synopses of,
291, 295, 296, 297
Scruggs, George, 83-84
seances, 149-150
Search for Philip K. Dick
(Anne Dick), 98-99, 106
"Second Variety" (Dick),
294, 309
Second Ascension, The
(Philip K. Dick Is Dead,
Alas) (Bishop), xiv, 275
Second Variety (Dick), 286
SelecTV Guide, 275
"Self Portrait" (Dick), 27,
57, 70, 85-86, 97, 119

sexuality, 64, 255
of Dick, 36, 48, 58-59,
61, 248, 255
"Shell Game" (Dick), 294
Silverberg, Robert, 162,
Simon and Schuster, 266,
Simon Magus, 211
Simpson, Joan, 246-250,
252, 255, 259
Simulacra, The (Dick), 119,
128, 301-302
Sladek, John, 205, 222
Slash, 267
"Slave Race, The" (Dick), 40
Smith, George, 83-84
snuff, 148, 194, 245, 287
Snyder, Gary, 101
Sott Machine, The (Burroughs), 204
Solar Lottery (Dick), 86,
88, 90, 91, 153, 292293, 300, 309
"Solar Shoe Salesman"
(Sladck), 205
"Song of Philip-Five years
old" (Dick), 27-28
Spatz, Barry, 25, 26, 258,
speed, see amphetamines
Spicer, lack, 56
Spiegelman, Art, 235-236
Spinrad, Norman, 162,
184, 194, 196, 199, 205,
208, 302
Sprague, Nit, 248
Squires, Roy, 245
"Stability" (Dick), 46, 293
Starck, Philippe, xiv
Startling Stories, 76
Stein, Joel, 194
Stephens, James, 30, 61
Stirring Science Stories, 3,
34, 88-89
Stones Rejected, The, see
Ganymede Takeover, The
"Strange Memories of
Death" (Dick), 265
Sturgeon, Theodore, 86,
suicide, 149-150, 159, 160,
Dick's attempts at, 17,
25, 135, 160, 174,
175, 192, 243

Sullivan, William, 217
Susan (girlfriend), 285-286
Swift, Jonathan, 39, 295
tachyons, 219
Tagore vision, 283-284,
Bruce Tatlock School, 21
Teilhard de Chardin,
Pierre, 284
telephone calls, 139, 173175
Teller, Edward, 300
Temko, Allan, 83
Terran Odyssey, A, see Dr.
Thaon, Marcel, 207
theophany (divine encounter), 269-273
Th@rbse (Dick's friend), 255,
Thespian, Homer, 51
Third World, 288
Thomas (first-century Christian), 211, 214, 216, 256
Thrasher Bashers, The (projected novel), 307
Three Stigmata of Palmer
Eldritch, The (Dick), 2,
10, 53, 54, 120, 127133, 139, 154, 161, 163,
226, 241, 302, 303
autobiographical elements
in, 124-125
plot in, 129-132
psi powers in, 76
Time for George Stavros, A
(Dick), 92, 93, 104, 295296, 299
Time Out of Joint (Dick),
9-10, 94-96, 226, 297
"Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius" (Borges), 5
Topchiev, Alexander, 96
Torrence, Ray, 246-247,
248, 269
Total Recall (film), xv, 286,
"Transformation Symbolism
in the Mass" (Jung), 128
Transmigration of Timothy
Archer, The (Dick), 10,
150, 178, 277-280, 282,
Trout Fishing in America
(Brautigan), 201

Truth, 37
Tupper & Reed, 72
"twinning" motif, 17-19
"two-source cosmogony,"
Ubik (Dick), xiv, 2, 10, 53,
76, 95-96, 129, 152-154,
163, 164, 199, 200, 210,
219, 224, 226, 241, 275,
302, 306, 308
University Radio, 50, 51,
53, 56, 59, 67
Unteleported Man, The
(Dick), 129, 136, 148,
261, 304-305
"Upon the Dull Earth"
(Dick), 292
Utopia (More), 2
Valis (Dick), xiv, 10, 129,
209, 214-220, 225, 249,
266, 291, 292, 311
autobiographical elements
in, 178, 214-216, 218220, 239, 240-241,
252, 258
Galen and, 255
Le Guin's criticism of,
as science fiction, 2, 5
"twinning" motif in, 18,
2-3-74 experiences in,
219, 226, 233, 255257
Valis (Vast Active Living
Intelligence System), 219
Valis Regained, see Divine
Invasion, The
Valisystem A, see Radio
Free Albemuth
Vance, Jack, 303
Vancouver Provence, 188,
Vancouver Science Fiction
Con (1972), 186-189
Van Vogt, A. E., 82, 85,
86, 88, 113, 293
Variable Man, The (Dick),
73-74, 290-291, 294
Varieties of Religious Experience, The (James), 7, 61
Venom, 284-285
Verhoeven, Paul, xv, 306
Vertex, 192, 205

Vietnam War, 160, 191
"Visitation, The" (Dick),
vitamins, 212
Voices from the Street
(Dick), 53-54, 58, 85,
91, 92, 93, 291-292
Vulcan's Hammer (Dick),
90, 103, 118, 298
Walsh, Michael, 190
Walsh, Susan, 190-191,
"Waterspider" (Dick), 82
Watson, Andy, 246, 267
Watts, Alan, 279
We Can Build You (Dick),
108-109, 118, 135, 299
"We Can Remember It for
You Wholesale" (Dick),
xv, 286, 306
Wells, H. G., 70
"What Is Human?" theme,
3, 235
"What Is Reality?" theme,
3, 41, 90, 155, 235
White, Ted, 136, 299, 310
White, William (Anthony
Boucher; H H Holmes),

67, 69-71, 86, 92, 93,
159, 164
White Album, The (Didion),
Wild Boys, The (Burroughs),
Williams, Paul, 63, 111112, 118, 177, 180, 182184, 227, 228, 248, 279,
291, 310, 311
Wilson, Mary, 195, 237,
260, 286-287, 289
Wilson, Robert Anton, 252
With Opened Mind, see Eve
in the Sky
Wolfson, Margaret, 46
Wolfson, William, 179, 182
Wollheim, Don, 3, 88-91,
93, 118, 139, 163, 293,
294, 300, 305
Womb for Another, see
World Jones Made, The
Woolf, Virginia, 276
World According to hones,
The (Dick), 46
World Jones Made, The
(Dick), 86, 90, 91, 293294
World of Chance (Dick),

World of Null-A, The (Van
Vogt), 82, 85
"World of Talent, A"
(Dick), 76
World War 1, 14-15
World War 11, 33, 35-36,
52, 113-117
"Writers and Editors War
Tax Protest" petition,
Wyn, A A., 89, 90, 92
Xerox missive, 215-217,
230, 233
X-Kalav, 192-194
yin and yang, 109-110
Young, Sean, 206
"Your Appointment Will Be
Yesterday" (Dick), 305
Zap Gun, The (Dick), 36,
128, 301, 303-304,
Zebra Principle, 244
Zelaznv, Roger, 120, 136,
163, 200, 228, 236, 250,
251, 309-310

As Phil himself utilized the form 2-3-74 to refer to the experiences of February-March 1974, it shall be followed here.

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