Divinely Living (Surviving Series) (18 page)

BOOK: Divinely Living (Surviving Series)
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Oh fuck, I gasped silently, arousal pooling in my groin and my mouth salivating at the prospect.  Showering then dressing quickly, we left the apartment exactly thirty minutes later and jumped into a waiting taxi.  Getting this part of the night over with as soon as possible was paramount. Still painfully aroused, I couldn’t wait to get the hell home and have Jonah make good on what I instinctively knew was not a threat, but a genuine, bona fide promise.

Chapter Fourteen

The aromas emanating from Giovanni’s were as rich and enticing as I remembered them. Their familiarity filled me with a warm glow that ignited in my chest and spread through every vein in my body. Leaving Giovanni’s was justified I know, but stood outside the authentic Italian restaurant with its sumptuous furniture, lighting and rustic atmosphere, I couldn’t help but wish circumstances were different and I was now beginning a shift rather than just eating here.

A hand cradled my lower back, the heat of his palm searing against my skin. The black satin, long sleeved smock dress I wore was cool and practical, while the short hem that rode high on my thighs paired with the ridiculously high and over priced black Louboutin shoes I purchased reluctantly during a recent shopping trip, added sass to the outfit. Jonah’s lustful look when I left the bedroom and joined him in the hallway, told me my choice of clothing was a successful one. After hastily piling my mass of red locks high on my head and adding my customary light make up, I had to admit, a small part of me was actually looking forward to spending the night out now I was ready.

Glancing upwards, Jonah’s face was full of apprehension. Stretching up, I planted a lush kiss on his cheek. “Thank you,” I whispered against his skin.

“Good choice?” He asked.

“A perfect choice,” I replied with a smile.

The hand at my lower back snaked around to my hip and pulled me tighter against his side. “I thought a couple of hours on familiar territory would be a good distraction.”

“You thought right, Mr Jacobson.” I looked through the restaurant window and the sight of Giovanni and my new found friend Scarlett flitting busily from table to table made me smile. “God, I miss this place.”

Jonah nuzzled the back of my ear. “From what I remember of my visit here, you were, by far, the star attraction.”

“You’re biased, so that opinion doesn’t count.” My breath caught in my throat as his tongue tasted my skin with a long lick across my throat.

“My opinion is the only one that counts,” he pressed his nose to my neck and inhaled, “You smell so fucking good.”

Aware of the fact that our presence was drawing attention from customers and staff inside the restaurant, I shifted in his Jonah’s vice like hold, to give myself an inch or two of needed space. My movement earned me a low growl and a sharp pain at my hip as his fingers dug further into my skin.

“You’re here with me tonight, Ava; I want to show the world you belong to me. Don’t even think of moving from my side for one second.”

“I wasn’t leaving your side,” I kept my voice low and smile bright for the benefit of our captive audience, namely Scar and Giovanni who were now waiting impatiently for us at the greeting desk just inside the entrance. “But we both know if you carry that on, food won’t be the only thing you end up eating before we leave here tonight.” I threw him a wink; “you know I have a fetish for you and public restrooms.”

He chuckled loudly. “That has most definitely been noted.”

I began to move towards the glass entrance door but his sharp tug backwards, halted me in my tracks. Leaning into me, he spoke quietly into my hair. “Feel free to indulge in that fetish at any point sweetheart, the taste of your wet pussy is my absolute favourite and makes one hell of a dessert.”

I grimaced and nudged him with my elbow. “I’m not on the menu tonight. Fucking you in Giovanni’s is not going to happen.”

“We’ll see,” he winked back as he guided me through the door, his hand still glued to my side and an annoyingly smug look stamped on his face.


Scarlett’s squeal of delight and bone crushing bear hug made every single person in the restaurant aware of our presence. Only a matter of months ago, such a public and attention drawing show of affection would have been a definite no go for me, probably resulting in my turning on my heels and heading the fuck out of there. But there was something about the gorgeous, self assured, raven haired Scarlett that drew you in. After being mere work buddies through the entirety of my employment at Giovanni’s, a recent shopping trip to Knightsbridge had cemented a real friendship between us. Friends were few and far between for me, so the fact that I considered her as one, meant she was one to hold onto. Returning her hug, the gesture felt right, yet another indicator of the transformation I continued to go through.

Pulling back, she held me at arms length; her shrewd blue eyes narrow as she took me in. “You look amazing, Ava,” she nodded in Jonah’s direction, “I heard you were back with the suit,” she threw him a scathing look, “decided to drop the fiancée did you, hot stuff?”

Jonah visibly squirmed behind me as Scarlett’s words sank in. Grasping Scarlett’s elbow, I shot Jonah a reassuring smile and inched her out of hearing range. Fixing her with a glare, I kept my voice hushed while I spoke. “You’re my friend, Scar and I appreciate you looking out for me, but Jonah is here to stay. If you can’t give me your support then please at least remain civil while we’re here.”

She nodded and flashed me a small smile. “It’s only because I care, missy. Anyone with half a brain can see how crazy that man is about you.”

Glancing over my shoulder at an uneasy looking Jonah who was been subjected to a Giovanni interrogation, I sighed, before facing Scarlett again. “The craziness is mutual believe me.”

“I’m happy for you, babe, really I am. I think his chasing you to France should act as proof he’s a keeper.”

Curiosity pricked at my nape. No one but Charlotte, Cameron and Thomas knew I’d rekindled my relationship with Jonah after his surprise appearance in St. Tropez. Since returning, I hadn’t spoken to anyone other than those three; in fact apart from my meeting with Cameron and his father I’d barely set foot out of my front door. Arching a brow, I gave her a quizzing look. “How did you know about that?”

She folded her arms, irritation gritting her perfect white teeth. “That rude as shit best friend of yours and her hot brother came in here two nights ago. She took great delight in giving me, and anyone else listening, the full details, about Jonah and the blonde bitch, how deluded she thinks you are and how she believes you’re nothing more than a meal ticket for handsome over there. I’m sorry Ava, I know she’s your best friend and all but that girl was a pain in the arse the entire time she was in here. If it hadn’t been for Cameron being a total sweetheart and constantly apologising for her, she would have been eating pavement as soon as she’d paid her bill.”

I chuckled at Scarlett’s fiery temper but felt anger boil in my stomach for Charlotte. I missed her terribly, more now than ever before. She would know without being told how thoughts of tomorrow were affecting me, what facing up to all things ‘Alex’ was putting me through. Her voice of reason and up until now, unequivocal support, often saw me through the bad times, and believe me there had been many of those during our friendship. I understood her issues, understood her need to show solidarity to her brother. But a growing part of me was beginning to resent her hatred of the man I loved and it pissed me the hell off. My business was mine, personal and private. Indiscretion was not a trait I valued in anyone, least of all those I considered closest to me. To air my dirty linen in public was unforgivable. She was unwittingly forcing my hand at every turn whether she realised it or not. When it came to a choice between the two of them, there would only ever be one outcome. That choice seemed to be approaching with each second that ticked by.

“Things are messy with me, Charlotte and Cameron right now,” I offered with shrug, “they despise Jonah and I love him. I chose him and they’re taking time accepting that.”

Scarlett snorted, “I think there’s more to it than that. She was venomous when she mentioned either one of you by name. Poor Cameron looked as though he wanted the damn floor to swallow him up during their main.”

A hand palmed the middle of my back. Turning my head, the ‘help me’ plea on Jonah’s face told me he was in need of saving from a relentless Gio who remained seated behind the greeting desk with his arms crossed and a clear scowl plastered across his chubby features. My ex boss cut a forbidding figure when he chose to, and boy was he choosing to. Needing to rescue Jonah from further discomfort, I strode across to Giovanni and rounded the antique wooden desk. His thick dark blows rose, but his eyes held a steely gaze.

“Bella,” his prominent Italian accent was rich and deep.

“Giovanni,” I replied quietly.

He nodded in Jonah’s direction. “Is that him Bella; is that the man who broke your heart?”

I shook my head, “No Gio, he’s the man who fixed it.”

Leaning forward he clutched both my small hands in one of his large ones. “You promised me and Maria you would be happy, Savannah. Is that so?”

I smiled widely, my eyes lingering on Jonah’s suited frame. “He makes me happy, so very happy.”

Squeezing my hands, the tension eased from his face and the legendary Giovanni smile replaced it. “That’s all I needed to know.” winking, he motioned to Scarlett with his free hand. “We reserved the best table in the house for you both. Tonight is my treat.”

Jonah’s hand slid into mine as Scarlett gestured for us to follow her to the rear of the restaurant where Gio’s ‘exclusive’ diners were always seated. I pressed a kiss to the fleshy cheek of the man who had injected a fatherly influence in my life during my time working for him. Mouthing a ‘thank you’ to the blushing owner, we headed to our table and took our seats. Sunday nights at the restaurant in the height of the summer season were as busy as the other two weekend nights. Rosemary and garlic scented the air and enthusiastic diners packed out the large dining space, all desperate, for the traditional, mouth watering, Italian food that Gio’s wife Maria and some of the finest kitchen staff in the area produced. Seated in a secluded corner at the rear of the main dining area, our table was private enough to shield us from prying eyes but didn’t prevent us soaking up the vibrant atmosphere and authentic Italian ambience.

Taking our drink order, Scarlett lit the candles on our table, offered us both a smile then left us to place our food order. The candlelight and warm main lighting, cast a honey glow across Jonah’s tanned face, giving him a godlike appearance. I admired the divine man before me unashamedly and openly. His sapphire eyes oozed warmth, his posture relaxed. His suit jacket was unbuttoned allowing the outline of his impressive body to become visible. Knowing how good that body felt pressed against mine, how the weight of him lying atop of me felt right, aroused me.
Get a fucking grip Ava,
I chastised myself. I was quickly becoming a woman obsessed with her man, the kind of woman I had always hated back when I was single, emotionally crippled and internally dormant. Catching my lustful gaze, a smirk upturned his delicious lips and his eyes sparkled with knowledge. “Something caught your eye sweetheart?”

“Have I ever told you how hot you are?” I asked with a tilt of my head.

“Frequently,” he replied, “usually when I’m about to make you come around my cock.”

I shuddered, my sex awakening and moistening instantly. Grinning, Jonah noticed my involuntary reaction to the pleasurable visions of coming violently around his erect cock running through my mind. Sitting further back in his chair, he reached for a glass of water from the table and sipped it provocatively, barely wetting his lips, and then wiping away the droplets with his tongue. My thighs clenched, my breath caught and arousal slammed through my body.

“Jesus, you’re such a tease,” I mumbled while grasping a glass of water for myself with a slightly shaky hand.

“Then stop looking at me with that damn
fuck me
face,” he shifted himself in his trouser pants. “As much as I love the way you look at me, it makes my cock hard and my body aroused and if I remember correctly you said restroom visits are strictly off the menu tonight.”

Biting my bottom lip in feigned innocence, I gave him my most innocent look. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Mr Jacobson.”

Shaking his head, his smirk turned into a sly smile. “Oh baby, we both know you get off on making me hard as steel in public places. It seems my girl enjoys the thrill of being fucked when the possibility of being caught is ever present.”

A flush of pink heated my cheeks, my words of reply almost a stammer. “You turn me on, so what? I’ve never heard you complaining.”

Jonah’s eyes levelled above my head and hardened. His jaw tightened, his lips thinned and his body froze. His reply was halted by whatever caught his line of sight behind me. Turning to look over my shoulder, a tall, impeccably dressed older man in an expensively tailored suit stalked towards us. As he came into full view beside me, I recognised him immediately. The greying hair, shrewd and calculating eyes were unmistakable. His resemblance to Jonah was clearly visible, although I knew the similarities were only physical. A fake smile broke on his ageing face, his contempt for me undeniable as his eyes raked over me, their intensity profound as he brazenly found my appearance an agreeable one. Hatred rushed my veins, a red mist descending over me. I despised the man on an equal par with my dead stepfather, my reaction to his presence the same as I always felt in Alex’s company. Shakes of anger stepped up, my fists clenched in a defensive reaction. If the bastard said one wrong word, made one remark I disliked, I truthfully didn’t give a shit about the consequences I would undoubtedly unleash on him.

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