Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga) (18 page)

BOOK: Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga)
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He laughed
, “Sensitive too, remind me to never fall in love. Look, now even you can’t turn this down. There’s a show going on here in New York. That magician guy is gonna do the levitation thing again, over the Empire State building in front a hell of a lot of people, and national television. I say we mess with him a bit. I don’t know what he’s been trading Morning Star for that ability among all the other stuff, but whatever it is, it must be good.”

“I’ll pass
. I’m sure the place will be crawling with shadows and voids if there are that many humans there. I’m not in the mood to get into any fights right now. And FYI, I don’t know what the hell it is, or where it came from, but there’s a demon…or a legion of demonic spawned crows posing as a demon. I wouldn’t approach it, he’s pretty damned powerful.”
I answered back.

“Is that so? Interesting.
I wonder if it’s associated with the massacre at Morning Star’s domain. In a fit, he obliterated every being in the streets after what happened. Haven’t seen this crow demon, but I don’t back down against any being. I don’t give a shit, you know that.”
Ry stated.

That jolted my attention.
“Massacre? Were any of ours there at the time?”

“I haven’t taken head count, so I don’t know for sure, and I h
aven’t heard any news.”

I sighed with melancholy. Though I hoped there hadn’t been any in our legion there at the time, I just knew
that there were. I didn’t need one more thing to seek vengeance on, although I needed no other reason to go after Morning Star at this point.

“Put the word out to everyone
else about this crow demon too. It’s just a fair warning is all. I think he may be part of Morning Stars’ liege.”
I told him.

Message received. Alright, so no magician, how about jacking with this Paranormal Examiners crew then? They’re setting up as we speak, to investigate Leap Castle in Ireland for worldwide television. They even have professional demonologists on board for the investigation—gonna be a party. For old times’ sake, come on.”
Ry tried to make sound appealing.

It was true, I did love messing with people in that regard
, but right now, even that didn’t spark my interest.

“Maybe another time.
There’ll be plenty of other opportunities.”
I replied.

Ry was silent for a moment.

“You’ve got it bad. I admit that I do wanna see her too…at least to see how she turned out and maybe test her skills a bit.”
Ry then said, and I could tell he was grinning to himself.

o. Don’t underestimate her Ry. I don’t want anything to happen to you or her, got it? None of us even knows if she truly made it over anyway. I haven’t seen her aura yet, and I’ve been watching each daybreak and night since she died. I should have seen a glimpse of her over there by now.”

But we all saw her consumed. There were three Elite Seraphim that came to retrieve her, why wouldn’t she have crossed over?”
Ry asked.

I paused, not wanting to reveal to Ryziel the reasons why I was beginning to have doubts now

I’ve seen so many new auras parade around in the distance like fireflies from here, obviously being given a tour of the Divine Hall I presumed, and none of those had matched her aura. I flew in as close as I could get three daybreaks ago, which is when I calculated that she should have risen
— I saw no sign of her anywhere.

Were they keeping her hidden from Morning Star? Not that he could cross into the side of light anyway
, but he could see her from his domain just the same as any other of the dark fallen could.

Or were they keeping her from me
, perhaps?

That may have been possible.

A part of me thought that I might have damned her after all. She took that risk for me, unknowingly.

I sighed and bit my lip in anguish.
If she had been shunned, or left to simply be dead in the dimension of souls because of me, I’d find some way to retrieve and redeem her myself.

In my silence, Ry blew out a breath of annoyance

There’s no point in sitting around and waiting for what you already know is going to happen. You need to focus on keeping an eye on Morning Star, you know he’s gunning for you more now than before.”

He was right.
It made sense as to why Morning Star had conveniently shown up when he did. I was positive that he sent those Succubus’s’ to tempt me. It was his MO. I stopped myself from ruminating over all of that again. It may just drive me to do something else that I tried to give up.

I know.”
I replied.

I’ve hit up some of our most favorite spots recently, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard, ‘Where is Cam`ael?’, ‘Has he been smote?’, ‘No incubus can ignite as much orgasmic pleasure as Cam`ael can.’ You are apparently a well-known, inter-dimensional celebrity.”
Ry replied.

ugh my ego had just been pumped, I sighed deeply and pursed my lips, wishing Ry hadn’t mentioned any of that. It only reminded me that I hadn’t been able to satisfy my dark lust recently. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t be certain who was working for Morning Star.

“Guess you’ll just have to take my place Ry.”
I joked.

“Who me? I’m a fighter not a lover, although I never pass up a good piece of ass that’s for sure.
I found one at that University. I may have to pay her another visit soon.”
He laughed.

I curiously smirked.

, barely legal looking chic, with the body of a Night Nymph. She likes to do dirty things on and off camera, especially given the right positions. She lives at the same apartment place that Star did.”
Ry revealed.

I raised a brow and chuckled this time. I knew exactly
whom he was talking about.

on’t impregnate her Ry
.” I warned.

Given her expertise, and how she likes it…no need to worry about that.”
Ry replied.

I smiled and shook my head
, wanting to get the image of any sexual encounter out of my mind. Ry was killing me with this talk, but it did manage to lighten my mood a bit.

“Well, it’s too bad we can’t enter the Divine Hall
grounds. What you need is an ally on the inside, so at least you’d know that she was okay.”
Ry then suggested.

I instantly perked up. A
literal light bulb winked on in my head. Why hadn’t I thought of it before myself?

“Ry, I owe you one, you’re a genius. Alright
, let’s go fuck with this paranormal crew.”
I replied with a wicked smile.

This was the pe
rfect way for me to release this storming, dark lust




presence was an addition to the already foreboding gloom that the castle was notorious for. I’d wait until all was silent to crack a flash of lightning, and turn up the volume on the thunder. I don’t remember if I’d ever been at this location before. I probably have but it must have been a long time ago.

There were actually many other nameless dark shadows slinking around
already, by the time I joined Ry, Nay, and Mac. They were watching the crew of five males and four females set up their high tech equipment. I kept my eye out for the robed, walking murder of crows though.

camera operators were marking so called ‘hot spots’, centered on the chapel area. Upon hearing their conversations, they had apparently determined that the chapel was the most haunted area of the castle.

woman who spoke with an Australian accent, was one of the ‘so-called’ professional demonologists, and the other one was an older male. They both slowly walked around the dusty stone room with their hands out in front of them, and eyes closed in a trance-like gait to feel the air around them. They lingered the longest near a square hole in the wall that they called, the ‘

“Victim number one?

Ry nodded at me with a raised brow and a devious grin. He moved to hover above the female demonologist.

She was a young,
redheaded, petite woman. I could already sense that she was completely consumed with a deep belief in our existences…and an apparent false idea of how to rid us from this realm.

“Go for it.

I grinned.

“That blonde one over there is kind of cute. I bet she’s a screamer.”
Ry commented with a nod towards the young journalist with a loose perm.

I already knew why R
y had picked the redhead to toy with. I gazed around to size up the others in the crew.

“I’m feeling a dark, pressing ene
rgy here. It’s strong…” the red haired woman began to speak. Her voice echoed against the stone walls and the others paused to listen to her. They all panned their eyes around the pitch-dark room, using only the lights of their night vision cameras and lighted equipment.

“I’m feeling it too. It’s a negative force, definitely sinister in nature. Many of them are here tonight
so we need to be cautious.” Her male colleague added.

We were all cloaked
, among the other unnamed shadows hanging around.

definitely got something for her to feel.”
Ry smirked, as his form descended down behind her. I saw him reach for his jean zipper.

I shook my head no,
“Not yet, we just got here.”
I smirked, knowing exactly what he planned to do. Nothing violent or violating…it was all in good fun— for us anyway. We had already taken stock, and knew which ones would be the most vulnerable.

Nay began stomping up
and down the stone steps in a steady cadence, dust gritting beneath his boots, to add audible realism. The rhythm echoed loudly. Immediately, everyone in the crew jumped with excited whispers, and the camera operator began to film.

The mix
ture of fear, the rapid pounding of hearts, and the variant levels of sweat amid the stench of old stones and earth, was beyond palpable. It was continually attracting more shadows and other demons, like bugs to a bug light.

These poor
damned fools, I thought.

“Are we rolling? Did you guys get that? It sounds like someone is walking up the steps here
.” The brunette whispered ecstatically in a thick Irish accent. She waved frantically for one of the camera operators to follow her to the bottom of the steps.

“Hello? Is anyone there? We’re not here to cause disrespect or harm. Who are you?” She called out.

“Is anyone here? Is she for real? Does she really want a response?”
Mac replied.

e all chuckled.

So answer her.”
Nay encouraged with a grin.

Your demon lover, baby.” Ry rumbled, throwing his voice to add a chilling effect.

“What? What was that? What did it sound like?” The male leader of the crew hissed excitedly.

“I’ve got it on the EVP, hang on.” A male crewmember holding a parabolic device answered. He kneeled to reach for the small, blinking device that they had placed on the floor in the center of the room.

“No, don’t touch it yet! We’re getting a lot of activity all of a sudden. Keep it going and k
eep filming, we’ll listen later. Candace, can you sense anything now? Keep the cameras going!” The brunette woman urged.

The blonde haired journalist
remained silent and rooted to her spot against the wall. Her eyes were as wide as full moons. She was already terrified.

I’m getting…demon lover in that.” One of the camera operators, wearing a pair of headphones offered with fearful intrigue.

We all laughed.

“Funny, Chris. This is both a delicate and dangerous venture.” The brunette scowled at him and they both bickered briefly over the translation.

Shhh! There are many spirits in here with us right now.” The red head named Candace cut in to shut them up. “I’m going to light some incense to ward off the evil I can feel.” She whispered.

“No, don’t. We don’t want
to give them reason to become aggressive.” Her male demonologist partner stopped her.

Mac repeated, pretending to be offended.

e moved in behind the redhead, and raked his fingers through her tousled, layered hair, followed up by a firm yank.

screeched and leapt at least a foot into the air. Screaming, she spun around, nearly tripping, and backed up into her partner while frantically smoothing down her hair.

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