Dixie Lynn Dwyer (11 page)

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Authors: Her Double Deputies

Tags: #Romance, #Adult

BOOK: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
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“Baby, talk to us please. We didn’t hurt you did we?” Tommy asked as he laid his hand over her belly. She looked at both of them and smiled as the tears rolled down her cheeks. She touched Vic’s cheek and covered Tommy’s hand with her own.

“That was incredible and so beautiful. I’ve never felt anything like that in my life.”

Both men smiled.

“That’s ’cause you’re our soul mate,” Tommy told her.

“Ours for eternity.” Vic turned his head to kiss her hand.

Tommy tossed the washcloth to the floor then climbed up next to her as Vic adjusted them higher on the bed.

They snuggled close, and she was cocooned in their warmth and their touch, and she knew she would love them forever.

Chapter 8


Vic and Tommy were standing in the kitchen talking and waiting for Elise to finish showering and getting dressed. Her purse was on the kitchen counter and they kept hearing her cell phone going off.

“She was pretty amazing last night,” Tommy said as he sipped on some sweet tea.

“She sure was. I really was embarrassed. I didn’t want her to see me like that.”

“Hey, it wasn’t that bad. Months ago, it would have taken you longer to get out of it.”

“You helped. Like always.”

Tommy sighed as they heard the cell phone make a noise again. It was probably another text message.

“Uhm, in the midst of that situation, I’m not sure if you and Elise realized that you didn’t use any protection.” Vic didn’t need his brother to tell him that. Despite his crazy mind in the heat of the nightmare combined with passion, he thought of it but was too caught up in making love to Elise.

He looked up at Tommy then took a sip of sweet tea as her cell phone began to ring again.

“I take it you don’t give a shit,” Tommy stated.

Vic shook his head and Tommy appeared concerned.

“What about Elise? Don’t you think you should have placed her first? She might not be ready for that.”

The damn cell phone beeped again.

“Damn it, that thing is annoying. Who the hell is trying to contact her?” Vic asked as he stood up and rummaged through her purse. He found the purple-colored cell phone and hit the side button.

“Ten text messages?” He hit the small square smiley-face icon and the message senders’ names and numbers popped up. Instantly he felt his temper flare.

“That fucking piece of shit Tagart is texting and calling.”

“What do the messages say?” Tommy asked.

“Hey, what’s going on?” Elise asked as she entered the room.

She looked so beautiful. She was wearing a pair of snug-fitting, purple hip huggers and a black sweater.

“Is that my phone?” she asked.

“Yeah, it’s been going off forever. Someone is trying to text you and call you,” Tommy stated, but Vic just stared at her.

She walked over toward him and went to take the phone from his hand, but he didn’t release it.

“What’s wrong?” she asked him, and he stared at her a moment. Vic was overwhelmed with feelings of possessiveness and ownership. It was fucking crazy. She was a human being and she had rights and a life. So why was he suddenly wanting to lock her away and keep her for himself? It was so crazy.

He released the phone and stood up.


* * * *


Elise wasn’t sure what was going on. She could tell that Vic was uptight about her cell phone going off and that Tommy appeared angry. She looked down at her phone, hoping to find answers as she located the numerous text messages and missed calls. They were mostly from Tagart.

She hit the initial one and scrolled through the others. All indicated his attempt at getting her to meet him, have lunch with him, and hang out at his hotel room.
What an asshole.

She deleted them then scrolled through her missed calls. He apparently tried that route, too, but there was also a call from two of the guys who were competing in the bull-riding contest.

“I missed some calls from Keith and Corey. They have some questions.”

“Why do they want to talk to you?” Tommy asked.

“I don’t know. They probably have more questions about the bull-riding contest.”

“What’s there to know? You ride the fucking bull, hold on as long as you can, and that’s it,” Vic stated abruptly as he crossed his arms in front of his chest and stared at her.

She looked at Tommy.

“And the text messages?”

She turned away. “Nothing. I deleted them.”

“Who were they from?” Vic asked.

“It’s not important.”

He uncrossed his arms and stared at her.

“Is that right? That asshole Tagart is still trying to get down your pants and you don’t think it’s important to let your boyfriends know about it?” he asked, sounding very angry.

“Boyfriends?” she replied.

Vic looked at Tommy and then they both looked back at her.

“Well, last night wasn’t a one-night fucking stand for me,” Tommy told her.

“I know that and it wasn’t for me either. I don’t understand why you’re angry with me. What did I do from the time I went to take a shower to now?”

Both men looked like they were thinking that over.

Vic ran his fingers through his hair. He looked so sexy with his black button-down cowboy shirt, his dark jeans, and bare feet. Tommy looked just as yummy wearing a deep burgundy button-down shirt with the first few buttons undone and his dark jeans.

Vic walked closer to her, lifted her up, and placed her onto the kitchen counter.

He pressed his thick body between her thighs and then placed his hands on her waist.

“We’re acting like jealous assholes. Sorry, baby. I’m just feeling so possessive of you right now.”

“Possessive and jealous? Where is this coming from?”

Tommy walked over and stood by her side. He brushed her long brown hair away from her face and shoulder.

“Tagart. We know he texted you a bunch of times. We don’t like that asshole.”

She wasn’t sure how she felt about them checking her cell phone, but it did go off a bunch of times. If there were an emergency from one of her friends, it would have made a difference if they had checked sooner than later.

She took Tommy’s hand into hers and squeezed it, and then she placed her hand on Vic’s chest.

She spoke to both of them. “Okay. I’m only going to tell this to you guys one time.” She waited to make sure they were listening.

“I do not like Tagart. I will not entertain any of his invitations, and as crazy as this all is, I’ve never been anyone’s possession, but if it means that you’re saying you’re committed to me and that there won’t be any other women, then possess me all you want. Especially, if you two make love to me all the time just like you did last night.”

Vic pulled her by her hips closer to him and kissed her. When he released her lips, Tommy was there to take his place.

“I’ll never get enough of you, Elise. We’re going to keep you in our bed all day,” Vic stated.

“And I’ll never get enough of either of you. Now, how about you feed your woman? I’ll need some refueling if we’re going to spend the day in bed,” she stated. Vic chuckled as he moved out of her way so she could hop down off the counter. Tommy grabbed her around the waist. She immediately felt his hand over her ass as she locked gazes with him. No words were said, but she read it in his eyes. He was feeling as strong about their connection as she was. This was the beginning of the rest of her life. She just knew it.

So why was there a tiny little sting of concern in her belly, like a warning?


* * * *


“So how is it looking?” Tysler Cobbs asked Tagart over the phone. Tagart was sitting in his hotel room looking out across the city of Dallas.

“It is looking pretty good. There are two right now I think will be perfect. Carver is getting some info on them and whether or not they have families or girlfriends. He knows the deal.”

“Good. And how about this sexy woman you mentioned? Did the photo shoot go well? When can I expect some pictures?”

“You should get them within the hour.”

“Excellent. Keep me posted. In the meantime, the event we’re hosting is set for two weeks from now.”

“How am I supposed to get them there for that? This event just started and in two weeks there’ll be the final round.”

“You said it was on Saturday night right?”


“Well this is Sunday night in Tennessee. You’ll get them there in time. I snagged a great location in a huge warehouse. The guys are setting everything up and the invites are going out. This is huge, Tagart. I’m talking millions. I got the bulls heading there next week. So do what you need to. Get close to the woman and the two riders you think will make me some money.”


“Good. I’ll be in touch.”

Tagart hung up the phone and couldn’t help the annoyed feeling he had. Elise should be here with him right now. He wanted to fuck her six ways to Sunday. He couldn’t get her off of his mind, and it pissed him off knowing that she was probably with those two savages. So she liked it rough? Well, rough he would give her, once he had her in Tennessee. He walked over toward the bar in the room and made himself another martini. The bitch wouldn’t know what hit her and neither would those two asshole deputies.


* * * *


Vic was making dinner since they had basically made love all afternoon. Right now she was cuddling with Tommy underneath a soft Indian blanket they’d had for many years.

Tommy’s back was against the couch, and she lay curled in front of him on the edge of the couch. His large hand cupped her breast while he drew tiny circles on her skin under the blanket with the other hand.

He kissed her temple as she closed her eyes and absorbed the feeling of closeness.

“You’re so pretty, Elise. You’re the prettiest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” She smiled at the endearment. He and Vic had told her over a thousand times how beautiful, sexy, gorgeous, and pretty she was. Funny thing was that she was beginning to believe them.

She turned her head to look at him.

“The prettiest woman you’ve ever seen, huh? So how many pretty women have you said this to?” she asked. Then the thought of them with another woman made her heart instantly ache. She shouldn’t have brought this up.

He scrunched his eyebrows together.

“None, angel. Vic and I have only been in Delite for a year. We spent most of our life in the service. Never really dated much and never brought anyone home before.”

She swallowed hard. She also found it hard to believe that they didn’t date. Maybe he was telling the truth, but that didn’t mean that he or Vic never had sex with any of those women she saw hanging all over them at Dixie Chix. She could recall some leaving with them.

“Hey, you know I’m telling the truth. You’re the first woman we ever brought home. This was our uncle’s place. He left it to us when he passed over a year ago.”


She still wondered about the women.

“Hey, Vic. Come here,” Tommy yelled toward the kitchen, and Vic came out wearing only his jeans and no shirt. She felt her pussy clench and knew she had it really bad.

“What’s going on?”

“Elise thinks we’ve brought other women home and told them how pretty they are. Tell her she’s the first.”

Vic walked over and bent down beside the couch. He touched her cheek and caressed it. “Honey, he isn’t lying. You’re the first and the last.” He leaned forward and kissed her. “What brought this on anyway?” Vic asked once he released her lips.

“I guess I’m feeling kind of possessive of the two of you as well.”

He smiled.

“That’s a good thing.”

“How about you? We’ve never seen you date anyone or heard any stories around Dixie Chix about you dating. Any old boyfriends who might come looking for you?” Tommy teased, and she immediately froze. She knew she looked like a deer caught in headlights, but she didn’t want to tell them about Devlon. Not now. Not when she worried about starting this relationship with Tommy and Vic, and not when she knew that Vic had his own personal struggles after serving in the military. She snuggled deeper against Tommy.

“Hey, are you all right?” Tommy asked.

“I’m fine.” She turned toward him. She placed her hand against his cheek as she looked into his hazel eyes before she kissed him. Thoughts of Devlon soon disappeared but not that nagging feeling in her belly.


* * * *


By Monday morning, Tommy and Vic wanted to call into work sick. They wanted to spend the day with Elise, but she knew they couldn’t. She kissed them good-bye as they dropped her off at her house before heading into town. Driving with them in full deputy uniforms made her feel pretty damn horny. The way the tight blue shirts accentuated their chests and all their gear, guns, and handcuffs would make for some pretty fabulous fantasies as she got through the day without them.

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