Djinn (33 page)

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Authors: Laura Catherine

BOOK: Djinn
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"Your mum's a healer," I said.

"Yeah," Millie said, touching my cheek. It didn't hurt this time; in fact, I felt better than I had all day. "Mum's not a strong healer like some of the other Djinn, but she can handle herself."

"I think she's amazing," I said.

Millie smiled. "So do I. So, what happened? How did you become a scratching post?"

"Mia," I said

"Mia did that to you? Is she crazy? A Guardjinn attacking a Djinn? You should tell someone—"

I shook my head, and cut off Millie's rant. "No. I attacked her just as much as she did me. It was just something between us."

Millie looked like she wanted to keep talking about it, but she kept her mouth shut and smiled.

"I hope she looks worse than you," she finally said, and I laughed.

"The old councilwoman saw us and sent us away, but it was weird, like—"

"Like you couldn't control what you were doing but you weren't sure why?"

"Yeah," I said. "Exactly like that."

Millie nodded. "That's Councilman Violet Faith. Her ability lets her plant ideas into people's minds. Basically she gets them to do what she wants, but they think it's their own idea."

"It was creepy," I said, taking a sip of the drink Millie had brought me from the kitchen.

"I can imagine. Mum says she's pretty powerful. The other council members are a little scared of her, too. So, why did you and Mia get into a fight?"

I knew Millie would want to know why. She was curious, especially when it came to gossip.

"The usual," I said.

"Will?" she guessed.

"Yeah, and Pyke."


I went on to tell Millie all about the last few days: about Pyke's declaration, Will's harshness and Mia's jealousy.

"Wow," Millie said when I was done. "You have a complicated life."

"No kidding," I replied.

Millie wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me in close.

"I'm sorry things are hard for you," she said. "In love with someone who doesn't want you. Loved by someone you see as a friend and hated by a girl who wears way too much eyeliner."

"Sounds like some sort of tragic novel," I said.

"It does, but even tragic novels can have happy endings."

I laughed to hide how desperately sad I was. Nothing seemed to be going right for me, and I wasn't sure it was going to get better anytime soon.












Chapter Thirty-Two


The next few days continued as usual. I trained with Seth and had the occasional appearance from Millie and Nate, though they continued to be busy with plans for the upcoming ball.

I hadn't got anywhere with my telekinesis. It still wouldn't work unless Seth mentioned Will or I saw him, but I was beginning to control that anger. Seth told me that I needed to be able to see him and not lose it, as Will would be at the ball on Friday and it wouldn't be the best if I destroyed the room and psychically threw food at him.

So I practiced. Seth and I would stay back a little after training and watch the Guardjinn train. Will tended to ignore me completely, Pyke showed off and Mia just glared, as usual. By the end of the week I could control my powers around Will, but still couldn't use them at my own will.

Friday's training session was cancelled by Millie, who insisted she come over and spend the whole day getting ready for the party with me. I had no idea how one could spend an entire day getting ready, but Millie insisted.

We negotiated, and she ended up arriving at lunchtime on Friday. I'd spent the morning sleeping in. Beauty sleep, is what Isabelle called it. Still, I wasn't feeling particularly beautiful in my slacks with tousled hair.

"Kyra!" Millie said, giving me a huge hug. "Isn't this just the most exciting thing ever? Wait until you see the ball tonight. I put so much effort into making it perfect. Oh, you'll just love it."

Millie rambled so much I couldn't get a word in at all. I settled for smiling and nodding. That always worked. I led Millie upstairs to my room, helping her drag up the massive suitcase she'd brought with her.

When we finally reached my room, Millie spilled its contents over the floor. Her suitcase contained her dress, make-up and other weird things I didn't recognise or quite understand.

"That's an eyelash curler," Millie said, as I held up something that looked like a torture device.

"And why do my eyelashes need to be curled, exactly?" I imagined it hurt Millie a lot to look as pretty as she was.

"It makes your eyes stand out," she said, doing some kind odd spirit fingers near her face. "Where's your dress?"

"Oh, I just thought I'd pick one from my wardrobe today," I replied, sheepishly. "With your help, of course."

Millie put her hands on her hips and pouted. "You haven't picked a dress. You can't just use one from your wardrobe, you need something new."

"But all these dresses are new," I replied pointing to the rows and rows of gowns in my wardrobe. "I haven't worn any of them."

Millie sighed and smiled at me like I was a poor helpless child who had no clue about the world. She walked into my wardrobe and went through all the dresses one by one.

"No. No. No," she said, one after the other, until she reached the end. "None of these will do. This ball is going to be amazing and you need to be drop dead gorgeous to make Will and every other boy jealous."

"Can we not talk about Will?" I asked.

Though I'd gotten used to seeing him, it was still a touchy subject for me. I sat on the floor next to Millie's suitcase, fiddling with random make-up tools. This ball business was becoming more trouble than it was worth. Millie threw a few dresses she considered 'wearable' on my bed, but none looked all that appealing to me.

"This has a nice waist," she said and threw another dress across the room. "And this one will sit well, but the colour won't go with your skin tone at all."

"Does it really matter?" I asked and instantly wished I hadn't.

Millie poked her head out of the wardrobe with a look of horror on her face. "Does it matter? Of course it does. You need to be noticed and adored. You're beautiful and heartbroken. You need this, trust me. Now, if only we could find the right dress."

"I think I can help with that," Isabelle said, appearing in the doorway, holding a black suit bag.

"Mrs Greenwood," Millie said. "You look lovely as ever."

"Thank you, Millicent. I suspect you shall be a vision at the ball tonight?" Isabelle replied. I suspected Millie was the kind of daughter Isabelle had always wanted. Not that I thought Isabelle didn't love me; I just think she liked that I had a girlie friend she could talk to.

"I have the perfect dress," Millie said, "but if only Kyra did, too."

"Like I said; I can help with that."

Isabelle strolled into my room and laid the suit bag out on the bed as Millie and I crowded around to see.

"You bought me a dress?" I asked, not completely surprised.

"I remember how lovely you looked in that short gold dress you wore on your first visit to the palace. You looked divine and so I had this one specially made."

Isabelle nudged me forward. She unzipped the bag to reveal the most stunning dress I had ever seen in my entire life. It was a dazzling gold, floor-length dress. It looked like it would hug every curve my body had. It reminded me of Princess Belle's gown in
Beauty and the Beast

"Oh my …"

"Do you like it?" Isabelle asked, clapping her hands together.

"It's beautiful!" I exclaimed. "Thank you." I wrapped Isabelle in a hug and she squeezed me tighter. I realised this was the first hug I'd ever given her.

She held me for a long moment, but I didn't pull away. Her embrace was warm and loving. I'd never felt a hug so good in a long time: a genuine hug.

Isabelle released me, but she held my hands in hers and watched me with adoring eyes. The love I felt from her in that moment almost made me cry. I had a mother who loved me, who never stopped looking for me, who would do anything for me.

"Well, put it on," Isabelle urged, wiping a tear from her eye.

I stripped off and stepped into the dress. It fit like a glove. It made my hips look curvy and it was low cut, so it showed off a bit of breast. I spun around in front of the mirror and couldn't believe it was actually my reflection looking back.

"I want to get in mine now," Millie announced and ran into the bathroom.

Isabelle did my hair while Millie got changed. We sat on the floor in front of the mirror while she fiddled with a curling iron and bobby pins. I was content to just sit there with Isabelle all night, having her play with my hair while we talked about the ball. She pinned my hair up in a bun with curls, falling down my back like a waterfall. I really felt like Princess Belle then.

Millie entered in a gorgeous electric blue dress that would definitely make her stand out from the crowd. It was short at the front and long in the back. She'd even pinned some fake blue hair in with her real locks to complete the ensemble.

"Wow, Millie," I said, and I meant it. She always looked beautiful, but now she looked stunning.

"Wow, yourself," she replied, sliding in next to me. Millie turned my face to hers. "Here; let me do your make up."

I sat as still as possible while Millie plucked, dusted, brushed, and did other weird things to me. Some of it was painful and the instruments were scary, and when she was done I didn't look at all like myself.

My face was as flawless as porcelain, my eyebrows curved and my lips a deep red. I finally understood why girls wore make-up. It was like magic that changed your identity.

"It that me?" I asked, moving around to make sure that was indeed my reflection staring back.

"You look beautiful," Isabelle said, twirling one of my curls around her finger. "My gorgeous daughter."

"Well I think we're ready," Millie announced. "Let's get this party started."


* * *


Ivan drove us to the palace and I felt my chest tighten with anticipation. I'd never been to a ball before and I wasn't sure what to do.

I mean, I'd been to a party once after school, one where everyone was invited, but it had a lot of underage drinking, sex and fighting. I didn't think a royal ball would be quite the same.

I had Millie, though, and my other friends would be there. As Millie looped her arm through mine I actually believed I was going to have a really good time.

Ivan parked the car and we got out. The night was cold and I really wanted to get inside before my exposed skin froze.

"Millicent, would you give us a moment," Ivan asked, in the most fake voice I'd ever heard.

Millie looked to me and I nodded it was okay. She let go of my arm, leaving me feeling quite vulnerable.

"Of course, Mr Greenwood," she replied with a smile and bounded off toward the palace.

Isabelle looped her arm in mine to replace Millie and I instantly felt less afraid. Ivan gave me a stern look and I knew a lecture was coming.

"Tonight is a very important night for me," he said. "You will be on your best behaviour. You will laugh and talk only with the right people."

"You mean not the Guardjinn," I said under my breath.

"You will be the perfect daughter and lady," he instructed. "Do you understand me?"

Isabelle kept quiet, pretending to be interested in the palace gardens. I knew I should just agree; really there was no issue of me talking to Will, which was who he was actually talking about anyway.

"I understand," I replied, but it felt like a betrayal to myself.

Ivan searched my face, as if trying to tell if I was lying. "Good," he said, obviously believing me. "Your Guardjinn tutor, Mia, will be here tonight as protection," he added, and I swore under my breath.

Mia was the last person I wanted to see, or have follow me around all night. Just when I thought I was going to have a good time, Ivan found a way to turn it around on me.

We walked up the palace steps, Isabelle's arm in mine like it was the first time I'd visited here. A Guardjinn opened the big palace doors, and we were greeted by Queen Celeste. Her dress was a shade of metallic silver that looked like liquid mercury flowing all over her body.

"The Greenwoods," she said, with open arms. She kissed Isabelle and me on the cheeks, but stayed clear of Ivan. "Do come in and enjoy yourselves."

"I'd like a word with you," Ivan said. "Kyra, Isabelle, go forward to the party." Isabelle led me off, but I turned around to see Celeste's grin had faded.

"What's all that about?" I asked. Isabelle refused to let go of my arm and continued to march me forward.

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