Do Me Baby (The Beaumont Series) (23 page)

BOOK: Do Me Baby (The Beaumont Series)
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She wiggled her hand free and then pressed it against her stomach. “That can’t be true.”

“It is true,” Rance said quietly. “I was more worried about losing you than I was losing last night’s game.”

Pleasure raced through Debra, making her want to rush into his arms and beg him to hold her, but before that happened she needed some clarification. He was talking in riddles. She searched his eyes, wondering what it all meant.

“Please just tell me what you’re trying to say,” she said impatiently.

He looked as if he was trying to choose his words carefully. “I want you to marry me.”

She frowned. It was the same thing he had asked a week ago. What made him think she had changed her mind?

“I already told you I won’t marry you just because I’m pregnant.”

Debra tried to turn away but before she could make a single step Rance swung her around and drew her into his arms. She gasped and started to pull away, but she would only be depriving herself of what she really wanted.

“I can’t do this, Rance,” she whispered.

“Yes, you can, because we’re going to do it together,” he said in a long drawl. “I love you enough that we can make this work.”

She pulled back, eyes big and round, seconds away from hyperventilating. “You love me?”

“With my every breath. I was just too stupid to realize it until you walked out on me. Now I don’t want to ever let you go,” he said softly, resting his forehead on hers. “That’s if you’ll have me.”

Debra gazed up at him with tears of joy streaming down her cheeks. “I guess since I’m in love with you, too, I don’t have much of a choice.”

It was his turn to look surprised. “Can you repeat that?”

“I said I love you.”

He closed his eyes like he was giving thanks. Then he swooped in and pressed his mouth against hers in a kiss that was so intense it left Debra gasping by the time he’d pulled back.

“How do you feel about me writing a check big enough to cover your sales for the rest of the day and we sneak out the back?”

Her brow rose. “Let’s get one thing straight, Rance Beaumont. You can’t buy my love.”

“But can I buy an entire day with my fiancée?” he said, releasing her and reaching inside the pocket of his jeans, from where he removed a blue box. “If you like, we can step outside and I can do this is front of the entire nation.”

Gasping, Debra glanced from him to the box before she reached over the table to steady herself. “No, I don’t want to share this moment with anyone but you.”

He grinned. “I feel the same way.” He lowered his knee onto the kitchen floor and opened the box. “Debra Anderson… Will you marry me?”

Tears were streaming down her face and she was bawling like a baby. “Yes… Yes, I’ll marry you!”

Rance rose and swept her into his arms and pressed tiny kisses on her face that caused her to giggle. “I’m going to warn you, life as a basketball wife isn’t going to be easy.”

She frowned. “I’ve seen the reality show.”

“That’s television,” he chuckled. “But there will be media, as you already know.”

There was a loud knock at the door. “Speaking of media,” she murmured. Debra reached up, yanked the rubber band from her hair and shook it out. “Come on,” she said and signaled for Rance to follow her through the kitchen and into the bakery.

“What are you doing?” Rance asked, practically at her heels.

“You started this, so we might as well give them what they want.” Debra took a deep breath and turned the lock, swinging the door open. Blake was standing there, looking confused, with a hand propped at his waist.

“Ms. Debbie, what in the world is going on?” he asked, neck rolling.

“You’ll see.” Smiling, Debra grabbed Rance’s hand and dragged him out the front door with her. The crowd immediately grew quiet. Debra made sure she was looking directly into the camera when she held up her diamond engagement ring for the world to see.

The crowd cheered. Rance pulled Debra into his arms, giving her a hard, long kiss that promised life would never be a dull moment.

And she couldn’t wait to get started.




Enjoy a sneak peek of

Claiming What’s Mine

~~The Sexy Simmons~~

Coming in 2014









Chapter 1


Jennifer Simmons and her husband Shaun were heading to the register when she snapped her finger. “Baby, I forgot to get barbecue sauce.”

He smiled down at his wife’s adorable face. “Why don’t you go ahead and get in line while I go get it?”

Nodding, she tilted her chin and met Shaun’s lips as he pressed them against hers in a sweet kiss. Then he grinned. “I’ll be right back.”

He turned and headed down the grocery store aisle. He scanned the shelves for just the right sauce for his wife’s amazing beef ribs that she smoked until they were practically falling off the bones.

He was a lucky man. After he’d lost his first wife to an aneurism, leaving him to raise three small kids on his own, he’d never thought he’d have a second chance at love. And then he’d met Jennifer during a fender bender, and the rest was history. These had been the best seven years of his life.

His children all had lives of their own now. His daughter Sheyna was married to Jace Beaumont and they were the parents of his only grandchild, JJ. Scott had recently married his beautiful fiancé Zanaa. And his son Darnell… Well, he wasn’t quite sure what Darnell was doing besides partying and dating as many women as he could fill on his calendar. Hopefully, he’d be ready to settle down soon.

He grabbed the sauce and was heading down the aisle when he spotted a little kid running in his direction.

“Chance, come back here!”

He noticed a woman pushing a shopping cart, and before the little boy had a chance to rush past him, Shaun reached down and scooped the little boy in his arms.

“Whoa! Slow down, little tyke,” he said causing the boy to start laughing hysterically.

Smiling, Shaun swung the boy around. The second he saw the child’s face the air rushed from his lungs.

Dark mahogany skin, large chocolate eyes and a purple birthmark right behind his left ear. He stared in disbelief. Could it be possible?

“Thank you so much for catching him,” the woman began, drawing his attention. “I knew the second I let him out of the cart he’d start running around the store.”

He looked at the tall, beautiful woman with butter pecan skin, light brown eyes, natural hair and a wide smile.

“Boys are always a handful.”

“I’m starting to figure that out.” She held out her arms and the little boy practically dove into her embrace. Even as he released him Shaun couldn’t stop looking at the little boy. “I’m Liberty, and this here is Chance.”

Reaching up, Shaun ruffled the little boy’s curls. “It’s a pleasure meeting you both.” He dropped his hand and let out a nervous laugh. “Forgive me for saying this, but can I asked who his father is?”

Her eyes widened. “Excuse me?”

I’m sorry but—”

“Shaun! There you are…” his wife said, interrupting. He swung around to see Jennifer coming down the aisle, pushing the cart. “I forgot to get cheese and lettuce for tacos tonight.” She stopped in front of him and must have noticed the disturbed look on his face, because her eyes traveled from him to Liberty.

“Hello,” she said, and held out her hand. “I’m Jennifer. And you are…?”

The woman forced a smile. “I’m Liberty Roth, and this here is Chance.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet…” Shaun noticed the exact moment she looked at the little boy and when the realization sank in. “Oh, my goodness! He looks just like Darnell.”

Shaun nodded, relieved that his wife agreed. “I was getting ready to say the same thing.”

Liberty looked confused. “Who’s Darnell?”

“My son. That’s his son, isn’t it?”

She shook her head. “I don’t know anyone named Darnell.” She lowered Chance back into the cart, then glanced down at her watch. “I’d better get going. Thanks again for catching him for me. It was a pleasure meeting both of you. Chance, say goodbye.”

“Bye!” the little boy cried out, then gave a goofy laugh, with a familiar smile that caused Shaun’s stomach to clench. He knew that look anywhere. It had once belonged to his wife.

Liberty gave a quick wave, turned, and moved quickly up the aisle.

“You know she’s lying, right?” Jennifer said.

“Yep. I don’t care what she says. That little boy is my grandson.”


* * *

“I’ll also have a slice of peach pie,” Sheyna said, completing her order and handing the waitress the menu.

“Sounds good. I’ll be back shortly with your iced tea.”

As soon as the perky young waitress left to help customers sitting at another table, Sheyna gazed across at her sister-in-law Danica and grinned as she said, “You think Jaden suspects anything?”

Danica gave her a saucy grin as she pushed her reddish brown curls from her face. “He doesn’t have a clue. I want our anniversary to be a weekend he’ll never forget.”

“A weekend in Bermuda? Trust me, he’ll never suspect a thing.”

Smiling, she released a heavy sigh. “I Just hope so, although I feel a little guilty planning a romantic weekend just to try and get my way.”

She wiggled her eyebrows. “Why not? There’s nothing wrong with a woman using what she’s got to get what she wants,” Sheyna told her, shaking her head with an amused grin.

“We’re being bad.” Danica tilted her head to one side, considering the possibility with a nervous smile. “You and I both know I gave up modeling to move here. I don’t think Jaden is going to like that I’ve decided to model again.”

Sheyna ignored the uncertainty in her voice “But it’s not like you’re going back to hitting the runway. You’re just promoting your swimsuit design. Just tell him you’re on your way to being the next Kimora Lee Simmons.”

Danica folded her arms across her breasts. She didn’t look convinced.

Their waitress returned with their drinks. Sheyna heard her cellphone ringing. She scooped up her purple Dooney bag and dug in the side pocket. She glanced down at the number across the screen. It was her father. She signaled to Danica she was stepping out, then rose from her chair. “Hey, Daddy,” she said merrily as she sauntered out the restaurant and into the hall.

“Hello, sweetheart. How’s everyone doing?”

“We’re good. JJ has a soccer game on Wednesday.”

“Don’t worry. You tell him his grandpa wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Sheyna adored her father. He had been an amazing provider and doted on his only grandson. She moved over to the window and stared out at Sheraton Beach. Boats were docked all along the harbor. “What’s going on, Daddy?” They usually talked at least once or twice a week, but they had just talked last night.

“I was trying to find Darnell, and I was wondering if you knew where he was.”

She gave a rude snort. “Probably with some chick.” Her youngest brother had a reputation of being a heartbreaker. She wasn’t sure if he’d ever settle down, despite several attempts at fixing him up. “Have you tried Scott?”

“He wasn’t home when I called.” She didn’t miss the frustration in his voice.

“Daddy, what’s wrong?”

There was a slight hesitation. “This may sound crazy, but I just ran into a woman at Walmart with a little boy who was the spitting image of Darnell.”

“What?” she gasped.

“It’s true!” she heard Jennifer yelling in the background.

“How… what…?” She took a deep breath and started again. “Is it one of his exes?” And if so, which one? There had been so many she’d given up trying to keep up years ago.

“She denies even knowing him, but a father knows his genes, and that boy is my grandson. I’d bet my entire pension check on it.”

“Wow! You are serious.” Sheyna racked her brain trying to remember if there was anyone who stood out. “How old’s the little boy? Do you know the woman’s name?”

“The little boy… his name is Chance. He looks to be around four, and his mother’s name is Liberty Roth.”

“Liberty Roth,” she mumbled repeatedly under her breath, hoping it sounded familiar, but it didn’t ring a bell. “The name doesn’t sound familiar.”

“Darnell has a lot of explaining to do. You know how I feel about my sons taking care of their responsibilities,” he said and there was no mistaking the disappointment.

“Daddy, I’m sure Darnell has a good explanation. In fact, maybe he doesn’t even know he has a child.” Until she knew otherwise she was going to try and give him the benefit of the doubt.

“I sure hope so. Well, if you get in touch with your brother, have him call me.”

“I will, Daddy. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

Sheyna ended the call. Her brain was racing with possibilities. Was it possible? She had a nephew to spoil. Jace had several nieces and nephews whom he adored, but this little boy was possibly a Simmons.

And that made it worth finding out.

BOOK: Do Me Baby (The Beaumont Series)
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