Do Not Disturb (19 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Do Not Disturb
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“Do you think Annabelle will tell her?”

“No. I think she’d check with me first.”

Cory’s gaze focused on the alcohol on the bar. “This used to be fun.”

Dane’s gaze narrowed at his friend, wondering, for the first time in a very long time, if Cory might be thinking about falling off the wagon.

“What used to be fun?”

“Going out, getting drunk, having sex with anyone I wanted. Now Jed’s getting married. Don’t get me wrong. I think Annabelle’s wonderful. And she’s good for Jed. But . . . maybe we’re just getting too old.”

“For what? Sex? Fun?”

Cory laughed and Dane watched his friend’s expression lighten. “Yeah. Bringing the mood down, huh? Sorry. Not the time or the place.”

“That’s not what I’m saying. Is everything okay?”

Cory’s eyelids lifted. “Are you asking if I want a drink?”

“No. That’s a stupid question, isn’t it?”

Nodding, Cory saluted him with his club soda, the look in his eyes hard. “Absolutely, because yeah, I want a drink. Especially now. And I know I can’t touch the stuff or I’ll be right back where I was nine years ago.”

“No, I’m asking if there’s something bothering you that you want to talk about.”

Cory clapped Dane on the shoulder, his expression easing into a grin. “Yeah, sure. But not tonight. It’s not my night.”

A loud groan from the card table made them turn in time to see Greg toss his cards on the table as Jed threw his head back and laughed.

“I thought Geoff was crazy when he and Mel got married,” Cory said. “Couldn’t imagine being tied to just one person.”

Dane nodded in agreement. Geoff had shocked the hell out of all of them when he’d announced his engagement five years ago to a girl the rest of them had never met. But Mel had fit into their group like the missing piece in a large machine. A few of the female members of the Salon at the beginning hadn’t appreciated her presence, mainly because Geoff had been pretty damn popular. The guy had the stamina of a teenager and the creativity of a world-class artist.

And Mel hadn’t been willing to share. Although she had been more than willing to let them all watch.

On the other hand, Liane enjoyed sharing. She and Cory played together a lot, but she wasn’t averse to spending time with Dane or other single Salon members. Of which there weren’t too many left.

Dane, Cory, Jim Newkirk, Ian Sommerhall, Blake Grantham. And even fewer women . . . Liane, Deirdre Brant, and Chrissy Fennici.

“Now we’re falling like flies. And they look so fucking happy, it’s almost pathetic.”

Dane knew exactly what Cory meant and he laughed like he was supposed to. But . . .

“It’s not all pathetic.”

Cory’s smile settled into a grin. “Apparently you’re going down, too.”

Dane shook his head, unsure about everything and not liking the fact that he didn’t have any answers. “Not sure, but I’ll let you know.”


“You look amazing.”

Despite the nerves making her stomach cramp, Talia smiled. “I really didn’t know what to wear. I’ve never been to a sex party before.”

Dane smiled and those cramps became butterflies that fluttered in a flock. “It’s not a sex party, and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want. We can leave early—”

“No. No, I wasn’t suggesting we don’t go. I want to go. I just don’t want to . . . impede your fun.”

“Haven’t you figured out yet that I am having fun? With you.”

Her smile widened as she joined him in the hall, making sure the door to her suite at Haven closed behind her. She’d arrived only an hour ago, close to nine p.m., and hadn’t seen anyone yet. “So am I. With you.”

“Good. Then you don’t have anything to worry about tonight. Tonight is all about having fun.”

He stuck out his elbow for her to take and she did, walking with him to the elevator.

“I guess I just wonder how this works. I mean, do we all just sit around and talk until someone gives the signal and everyone picks a partner and starts to go at it?”

Dane stopped at the elevator but didn’t push the button. They were alone in the hall, but she couldn’t help herself. She kept her voice pitched low, worried someone might hear her.

She’d been going back and forth in her head all day. She wanted to go. Her curiosity was huge, but she didn’t want to get there and be paralyzed. And ruin Dane’s night.

“There’s no signal since everyone is paired off. We’ll have some food, a few drinks, and let things progress.”

Progress, huh? Sure, she could do that. She wanted to let things progress. It was just going to be weird.

Yeah, if that’s true, why are you so excited?

And she was. Absolutely no denying that.


She looked up at Dane, who still hadn’t pushed the button and was staring down at her.

His eyebrows lifted and he stared down at her with a look she was beginning to recognize. The one that questioned without being judgmental. He had that one down to an art.

“Seriously. I’m fine.” She leaned closer, and he bent his head until her lips were only centimeters from his ear. “I’m actually looking forward to seeing you out of those clothes.”

Now his lips curved in a way she’d grown addicted to, and she couldn’t help but smile back.

And that excitement continued to grow.

Now he pressed the elevator button.

“I like the dress.”

She looked down at the pale purple sweaterdress that had a line of functioning buttons up the side from the skirt hem to her waist and another set on the opposite side from the waist to below the raglan sleeve.

It looked good on her and was simple enough that she didn’t look like she was trying too hard.

Looking back up, she returned his smile, letting her excitement seep into it. “Thanks. I figured . . . easy access.”

His grin got a little naughtier. “I appreciate the gesture.”

When the elevator arrived there were already several people in it, so Dane waved it on with a smile and they waited for the next one, which was empty.

When they got on, he swiped his card again and pressed the button for the fourth floor.

As soon as the door closed, he had his arms around her waist and pulled her full against him.

In the next second, his mouth closed over hers, and he kissed her with enough heat to set off the fire alarm.

Breathing in through her nose, she gave as good as she got, kissing him with her fingers digging into his back, kneading the muscles and longing for the moment she could get him naked. If that was in a room full of people . . . well, at the moment, she didn’t care.

When he finally let her up for air, about a millisecond before the elevator stopped on the fourth floor, he was breathing just as hard as she was.

He tugged on the ends of her hair, a short, sharp yank meant to get her attention, and his smile made her long to tug his head back down.

“Hold that thought, babe.”

“I plan to.”

The walk to the Salon was short and silent, but Dane’s arm around her shoulders held her tight against his side. When he opened the door to the Salon, she took a breath, as if she were going underwater.

But the sight that greeted her was so normal, it almost felt anticlimactic.

They were the last to arrive and everyone else had gathered in the main sitting area. Greg and Sabrina sat on one of the chaise lounges, Greg sprawled back with Sabrina between his legs. Sabrina looked animated and happy, talking with Kate, who sat draped over Tyler’s lap on a large, overstuffed wing chair. Tyler’s head was turned to the side so he could talk to Jared.

The soon-to-be-married couple shared a love seat big enough for three as Annabelle talked with the other two couples she’d met at dinner.

But when Annabelle noticed her, she popped off the sofa and came to give her a hug.

“I’m really glad you came.” Annabelle pitched her voice low enough that no one else could hear. “But please don’t feel like you have to stay if you’re at all uncomfortable. I know this scene isn’t for everyone and—”

“Annabelle, seriously.” Talia grinned. “I’m a big girl. If I didn’t want to be here, I wouldn’t be.”

Annabelle’s smile widened and the wicked edge to it made Talia smile in return.

“I knew that. Just had to check. Get a drink, you have some catching up to do.”

For the next hour, the party was no different from any get-together she’d ever been at. They talked, they drank, they laughed.

The jokes got more risqué as the alcohol loosened inhibitions. But Talia didn’t drink enough to make her sloppy. And it did nothing to dull the desire beating through her body.

Every glance she exchanged with Dane fed that desire. Every time his hand brushed against her hip or her back, a shiver ran through her. They shared a small sofa on the other side of Greg and Sabrina and the conversation flowed with an ease she wouldn’t have thought possible.

About an hour into the night, during a brief lull, Annabelle bounced off Jared’s lap and held out her hand to him. “Come dance with me.”

Jared smiled up at her and took her hand. “I thought you’d never ask.”

Kate stood, pulling Tyler with her. “Which means you’re playing the piano. Come on, big guy. You haven’t played for me for a while. I miss it.”

Ty bent to press a kiss against Kate’s temple. “Your wish is my command.” They moved toward the piano in the corner.

Greg snorted out a laugh. “You’re so whipped.”

A second later, Sabrina’s hand smacked him in the chest. “Hey. Just because he gives her what she wants doesn’t mean he’s whipped. If I ask you to—”

Her words cut off with a short, girly laugh as Greg grabbed Sabrina by the hips and hauled her around to face him. Her knees spread on either side of his hips and she smiled as she dropped her head to seal their mouths together.

Talia blinked as Greg’s hands immediately molded to Sabrina’s ass and he pulled her down until Sabrina’s groin was pressed directly over his. If they weren’t wearing clothes, they could easily be having sex.

Talia’s breath caught in her throat at the blast of lust that swept through her. It felt like a heat wave and made every part of her tingle and ache.

As she watched, Greg’s hands began to move down her thighs, still on top of her loose skirt, but she knew that was just the beginning.

When Greg did reach the hem of Sabrina’s skirt, Talia sucked in a deep breath as his hands slid beneath. Though she couldn’t see, she knew when he reached his destination because Sabrina moaned. Not loud but the sound still made Talia want to cross her legs against the pulsing in her own pussy.

Blinking, Talia glanced away . . . and found Cory and Liane blatantly watching the other couple. Cory’s hand had found its way to Liane’s neck, where he had a strong grip on her. Commanding. Liane’s hand lay on Cory’s thigh, her fingers slowly flexing.

“Do you want to dance?”

Swallowing hard, Talia turned away from the other couples and locked her gaze with Dane’s. So dark. So intense. And so very hot.

Not trusting her voice, she nodded. Tyler’s piano-playing hadn’t registered, but now the sexy, sultry tune heightened her response.

Dane stood with a smile and held out his hand to her. She took it and let him pull her to her feet. He led her to the space that’d been cleared out in the center of the room.

She hadn’t noticed before that the game table was missing. Or that someone had lowered the lights.

As she stepped into Dane’s arms and let him lead her around the floor, she pressed herself against his hard chest and sucked in a deep breath.

Just his scent made her thighs clench again, and she nearly made a fool of herself by tripping over her own feet. Dane steadied her with his hand spread across her back and she turned her face into his neck.

Damn, he smelled good. And felt good. And he even danced well.

“You’re very good at this. Dancing, I mean.”

“Too many years of formals where I quickly learned I got laid a hell of a lot more often if I actually danced with a girl before trying to get her in bed.”

She laughed, shaking her head. “At least you’re honest.”

“I try. I find it helps when you don’t have to remember a lie.”

Yes, she absolutely knew that for a fact but wasn’t going to open herself up to more questions at this moment. “I knew Tyler played, but I didn’t realize how well.”

She caught sight of Tyler now, though the lights had been dimmed so much, she couldn’t make out more than his form at the piano. And Kate sitting behind him on the bench, her arms wrapped around his waist and her head nestled against his back.

Talia could just imagine where her friend’s hands were and what she was doing with them.

Dancing in a tight circle several feet away, Annabelle and Jared had their lips sealed together as they swayed. Jared’s hands cupped Annabelle’s ass and pressed her into his hips. Though she couldn’t see, Talia was pretty damn sure Jared had an erection and was going to use it sooner rather than later.

And the way Annabelle moved against him, she wanted him to speed up his plans.

“Tyler could’ve been a concert pianist. He chose not to.”

Dane’s voice drew her attention back to him, although he’d never really lost it. She’d been completely aware of his every move, even as she looked around.

“What about you?” She pulled away enough that she could smile up at him, watching his gaze drop to her mouth then back up to meet her eyes. “Do you have hidden talents you haven’t told me about?”

“Like my ability to juggle while riding a unicycle?”

The amusement in his eyes made her realize he wasn’t kidding. “Seriously?”

“What can I say? I’m good with my hands.”

Yes, he was. One of which was stroking up and down her back at the moment, spreading liquid heat. It seeped through her body, from her back through to her chest and into her nipples, which tightened into painful little points that rubbed against the lace of her bra.

Lust burned through her body. Her breasts ached, her lungs felt compressed and lacking air. Her thighs clenched involuntarily and her underwear dampened and clung.

Her fingers cramped with the need to brush along his naked skin, to spread open the button-down shirt he wore, a silky, gray-black cotton that molded to his chest and matched his eyes.

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