Do Not Disturb (9 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Romance

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That wasn’t all she was up for. Frankly, she’d skip dinner if it meant they got to the sex faster. And by faster, she meant immediately.

Damn, he was dangerous.

“Let me think about it, Dane. Okay? I’ve got a lot on my plate right now and not enough hours in the day. Why don’t you tell me about this event?”


Dane had seen the flash of panic in Talia’s eyes and realized he’d pushed her too far, too fast.

Which piqued his curiosity. There was a story here, and Dane was amazingly good at ferreting out stories.

Instead of pushing her, though, he gave her the details of the event.

Handing over the file his brother had given him, he spent the next hour going through it with Talia. He’d never given much thought to the retreat, only attending because his father expected him to be there. Dane had been content to let his brother and sister handle the heavy lifting of the family business, because that left him more time for his other endeavors, whether that was using his computer skills in creative ways or thinking up new ways to play at the Salon.

But he didn’t want to screw this up in any way. This event was important for his family.

And Talia had a couple of amazing ideas off the top of her head that gave him an even greater appreciation for her skill as an event planner.

When they finally exhausted talk of the board function, he sat back as she began to pack up her materials.

When she bent to retrieve her bag from the floor, her shirt gaped open the tiniest bit and he caught a flash of creamy breast. Heat flashed through him like lightning as he remembered putting his mouth right there and biting into that soft flesh.

Christ, if he didn’t think about something else and fast, he wouldn’t be able to get up from the table without showing off the throbbing erection behind his zipper.

And he had the feeling that would send her running for the door. Far away from him.

“So, I’ll be in touch Thursday with a preliminary agenda for approval. Then we can finalize the details.”

She looked at him expectantly, and he knew she was waiting for him to get up, shake her hand, and send her on her way.

He should. She didn’t want him to push her for more information, yet he saw the same heat in her eyes that he’d seen that night. Her signals were crossed, crisscrossed and recrossed.

He slid from the booth, reached for her hand to help her out and only held on to her hand long enough to make it clear he wasn’t giving up.

“I look forward to it. And thank you again for fitting this into your schedule.”

“I appreciate the opportunity to work for your family’s company.”

And wow, wasn’t this just way too civilized.

Then she smiled, turned, and headed for the door.

He watched her ass the entire way.

Chapter Seven

“Hey, Dane.” Belle’s welcoming smile Wednesday night made Dane smile in return, and he bent to kiss her on the cheek. “Was Jared expecting you? He didn’t tell me, and he’s not here yet.”

“Actually, no. I wanted to talk to you.”

Her way-too-expressive face had him sucking in a deep breath as he walked into Jed and Belle’s apartment. She had no idea what he wanted to talk to her about, but he knew he’d let this talk go unsaid for way too long.

He knew Jed was still in his office, and Jed knew Dane was here. He felt a little guilty for ambushing her, but they needed to rip the bandage off this situation before any more time had passed. And definitely before the wedding madness kicked into high gear this weekend.

“Okay, sure. Um, do you want a drink?” She closed the door behind her and headed for the bar. “Beer, wine, soda?”

“I’ll take a beer.”

She flashed a smile over her shoulder, auburn curls bouncing. “Sounds good. I think I’ll join you.”

Settling into a chair by the blazing gas fireplace in the wall, he watched Belle.

And realized the lust he’d felt for her from the first moment he’d seen her had tempered. Yes, he still appreciated the fact that she was beautiful and so damn sweet, but he also realized she didn’t do it for him anymore. At least, not like she had.

Holding out the beer bottle to him, she slipped into the chair opposite him, curling her legs beneath her and smiling at him. He wished she didn’t look so damn apprehensive.

“So, I’m guessing you don’t want to coordinate our outfits for the party Saturday night.”

He laughed, glad he hadn’t started to drink yet. “Uh, no. You guess correctly.”

“Then I guess you want to talk about sex.”

He should’ve known she wouldn’t beat around the bush or make this more difficult than it had to be.

“Yeah. I think we should.”

Her nose crinkled. “This shouldn’t be this difficult, should it? I mean, it’s not like we didn’t know it was going to end. I mean, I knew eventually you’d move on.” She shook her head. “I don’t mean move on, like we were in this committed relationship— Oh, wait. This isn’t coming out right, at all.”

Dane’s smile grew at the same rate as her consternation, and finally he just started laughing.

“Oh, sure, laugh at me.” She huffed. “You’re abandoning me, after all.”

“Sweetheart, you know I love you, right? I’m just not in love with you. And damn, when did this become a scene out of a chick flick?”

She pulled a face at him, still shaking her head. “Don’t be sexist. And this isn’t a movie, so none of this is going to be all wrapped up in a neat little bow in ninety minutes. And yeah, I love you, too. And I’d hate to lose you from our lives. You’re Jared’s best friend and he loves you. I don’t know what he’d do without you to talk to sometimes. It’s just . . .”

Uh-oh. “Just what?”

“I know this is going to sound stupid, but I’m going to be jealous. I’m sorry, but I have to be honest. I don’t think I want to know about whoever it is that’s got your attention now.”

Yeah, that was the sticky part, wasn’t it? “I never meant to hurt you.”

She rolled her eyes. “Of course you didn’t. I get that. You’re not the villain of the piece here. It’s just an odd situation, isn’t it? I mean, who else do we really have to talk to about working out the end of a threeway?”

But it’d never been a true threeway relationship, because she’d never been his as equally as she was Jed’s.

And he’d known that, right from the start.

“True. They don’t write articles on this subject for magazines. Hell, I don’t think even
would touch this one.”

They sat in silence for a second, smiling at each other, but awkwardness was starting to creep in and he didn’t want that.

“So,” Belle finally spoke, “are we having this talk because you’re planning to bring someone to the Salon party Saturday night?”

“Will it make you uncomfortable if I do?”

Her grimace held notes of apology. “Will you be really pissed if I say yes?”

“No way. Honey, I wasn’t kidding when I told you how I feel. These next few weeks are all about you. I refuse to do anything to make you unhappy. Not only would I have to deal with Jed, but if anyone else hurt you, I’d have to kick their ass. So it’d be pretty damn stupid of me to have to kick my own ass.”

“And will you think I’m a total nutcase if I tell you that I want you to bring whoever you want?”

“You’re too smart to be a nutcase.”

“Ugh!” She dropped her head back onto the seat cushion and huffed out a sigh. “This is hard!”

“Then let me make it easy on you. I’m not going to bring anyone—”

“No.” Her head popped up and she stared straight into his eyes. “Oh, no. I refuse to be the woman who doesn’t want her ex to move on and have a happy life. Even though you’re not my ex. But— Ooh, see what I mean?”

He was laughing again and, by the time she’d stopped talking, so was she.

“So. Who’s the lucky girl?”

His gaze narrowed at the tone he heard in her question. “You already know, don’t you?”

She shrugged and took a sip of her beer, closing her eyes for a few seconds. “Maybe I kind of noticed how much attention you were paying to a certain wedding planner.”

“Does Talia know about our relationship?”

Belle shook her head sharply. “No, not at all. We haven’t told her anything about the Salon either. I feel bad keeping secrets from her. She’s one of my best friends, but . . .”

She paused long enough that he had to prompt her. “But what?”

“Talia’s got issues.”

“Don’t we all?”

Her nose crinkled. “That does sound pretty stupid coming from me, doesn’t it? What I mean is, she’s still dealing with hers. Mine are old. I think hers are still fresh. And before you ask, no, I have no idea what they are.”

“How long have you known her?”

“Since high school. She moved to the district around the same time I did. I think we became friends because we realized neither of us was going to pry into the other’s life. We got closer after college, when she started working on some of the same weddings with Kate but . . . she doesn’t really let anyone get

“So you’re telling me I should be prepared to get shot down if I pursue her?”

“There’s no way in
I’m going to tell you not to pursue her. I love Talia and I want her to be happy, but you’ve got to realize that a relationship with her might be out of the question. Then again, you’re probably not talking about a relationship, are you?”

That one stung a little, but he maintained his façade. “I just met the woman. I’m pretty sure I’m not going to declare my undying love tomorrow.”

Belle lifted her eyebrows. “See? That’s what I’m talking about. You deflect better than anyone I’ve ever met.”

He shrugged. “Years of practice.”

“Talia’s got years of practice, too. But if you’re just looking for sex . . . well, then I guess it doesn’t matter.”

A cell phone beeped somewhere in the room and though it must have been hers, she didn’t leap up to get it. She sat there staring at him.

“Aren’t you going to get that?”

She shook her head. “I’m guessing that’s Jared. He probably wants to know if he can come back. I assume he’s waiting for you and me to settle this.”

“And have we?”

Sighing, she propped her elbow on the seat cushion and her head on her hand. “I guess if you have to ask . . . So, you want to stay for dinner?”

“Are you cooking?”

She sneered. Adorably. “Are you crazy? Why should I cook when there’s a four-star chef a few floors below?”

“Then, yeah. I’d like to stay. If we’re okay?”

Nodding, she hopped up but stopped at the side of his chair to smile down. “We’re good. Just . . .” She made a face. “We’re good. I’ll let Jared know you’ll be here for dinner.” She paused. “But no dessert.”

He burst out laughing.


“I definitely think you should get an office in Philly. If you’re going to take your business to the next level, that’s where you need to be. Not that there’s not a market for your business in this area, but there are most definitely more opportunities to capitalize on in a bigger city.”

“I know. It just seems like such a huge step. I mean I’ve only been in business a few years, and to take this kind of a step seems almost foolhardy. Rent is going to be so much more expensive, and there’s travel expenses—”

Talia’s mother frowned at her. “Wait, travel expenses? Why? I thought you’d be moving down to Philly.”

“I didn’t say I was going to move.”

Her mom lifted perfectly shaped eyebrows at her. “Why wouldn’t you? Do you want to live in Berks County the rest of your life?”

“There’s nothing wrong with Berks County, Mom.”

“That’s true. If you’re in hiding.”


Amelia raised delicate brunette brows at her daughter. Though Talia had her father’s coloring, she looked much more like her mom. Her brother was an almost carbon copy of their notorious father but, so far, no one had noticed the resemblance.

“I know I did my job a little too well when you were younger, honey. But it’s been years, and I don’t believe, after all this time, that anyone would so much as blink an eye at who your father was.”

Talia gritted her teeth against the words that wanted to escape. Her mom always used the past tense when talking about Talia’s dad. It made her want to scream.

“And I keep telling you. In my field, I’m supposed to be invisible. That’s what makes a good event planner. When everything runs perfectly, no one is supposed to know I’m there.”

“Yes, yes. I understand the concept.” Her mom waved away her argument as if it were cobwebs in front of her face. “But you’ve been in hiding so long, I’m not sure you want to come out. And that’s not good either. So what brought all this on?”

Talia blinked, swallowing hard, which made her mother’s eyebrows rise again. Damn it.

“Nothing. Not really. I got a new contract today for a board retreat.” She paused. “For Connelly Media.”


“Yeah. Ah.”

“For Pete’s sake, Talia. It’s not like they’re going to investigate the background of everyone who works for them. I mean, I understand why you might be a little leery, but this goes beyond that. What’s really the problem here?”

Talia grimaced. “Dane Connelly is Annabelle’s fiancé’s best friend.”


“Who I might possibly have had an encounter with.”

Amelia set down the spoon she’d been using to stir tomato sauce. “And by encounter you mean . . .”

Talia glanced at the door, though she knew her mom was pretty fast on her feet and would probably catch her if she made a run for it.

Talia sighed. “A one-night encounter.”

Amelia rolled her eyes as she picked up her spoon again. “Now why was that so hard? It’s not like I think you’re still a virgin. You’re almost twenty-seven, not seventeen. I know you have sex, dear. Although, I’m thinking maybe you don’t have enough. You never talk about guys. But you mentioned this one, so now I’m intrigued.”

So was Talia. And that could lead to huge melodrama, which she
didn’t want.

“Like I said, he’s Jared’s best friend. And he has the reputation for being a huge playboy.”

And there it was. The one word guaranteed to set off her mom.


But instead of the pinched, angry look her mom’s mouth usually got when any reference, even one this slight, to Talia’s dad was made, right now, she just looked sad.

Maybe the years had finally softened the pain of her father’s massive betrayal. It’d probably been a few years since they’d even talked about her dad, so maybe her mom had finally softened. And it wasn’t like Amelia hadn’t dated. She’d been seeing a local guy for years.

“So that’s what you’re afraid of,” Amelia continued. “He really did a number on all of us, didn’t he?”

“I didn’t bring up Dane to talk about Dad. I’m sorry. Just—”

“No, sweetheart.” Amelia put down the spoon again and rounded the kitchen island to put her arms around Talia. “Don’t be sorry. He’s your father. And even though what he did was reprehensible, he loved you and your brother. And me, as much as he could, anyway.”

“I really don’t want to talk about Dad.”

“Someday we need to. We’ve let this talk go too long.” Then her mom smiled. “But for now, let’s talk about this guy who seems to have you all tied up in knots.”


“Talia, it’s Dane. I was wondering if you were free tonight. I’d like to take you to dinner.”

Dane had decided the best way to approach Talia was head-on.

Especially after his talk with Belle yesterday, he figured the only way he was going to get Talia to go out with him was to steamroll her with charm and determination. While his charm skills were highly evolved, his determination skills could probably use a little work.

Honestly, he hadn’t really had to work too hard at anything to make most things happen.

“Hello, Dane. Nice to hear from you.”

He heard droll amusement in her tone and determined that to be a good thing. “I’m glad you think so. I’m actually thrilled to hear your voice.”

“I do believe we had a meeting yesterday where you heard my voice.”

“True, but it’s been a good twenty-four hours since then.”

Now, she laughed, low and sexy and, damn, if that didn’t make his cock twitch. “Wow, you just say all the right things, don’t you?”

“I try. It helps if you’re honest. And I’m honest when I say I’d like to see you again. Tonight, if possible. For dinner. I’ll come to you if that makes the decision easier.”

She paused and he wondered if she was biting her bottom lip. She did that when she thought things through. She also did it when he squeezed her nipples between his fingers.

And now he really had a raging hard-on.

“Okay. I think . . . Sorry. Let me start over. Yes, Dane, I’d love to go out with you tonight. I actually plan to spend tonight in the city. I have a meeting tomorrow morning and didn’t want to drive down during rush hour.”

“Are you staying at Haven?”


“Do you mind if I take you somewhere other than Haven for dinner?”

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