Do Not Disturb (10 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Do Not Disturb
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“Of course not.”

“Then I’ll meet you in the lobby at seven. Dress casual. Jeans and a t-shirt.”

“O—Yes, that sounds good. I’ll see you then.”

“Bye, Tally.”

He didn’t wait to hear her response. He told himself he’d heard everything he needed to hear, but there was a part of him that was worried she might back out.

Something he’d never worried about before with any woman.

And now he couldn’t put it off any longer.

After a quick glance to make sure his office door was closed, he called up a browser and started to search.

He was good at this and loved the clack of the keys under his fingertips as he began digging. Starting with her public face, he went through her website page by page. Then he went back.

Two hours later, he was squinting at something on his screen when his cell rang. He checked the number, just to be sure it wasn’t Talia, and grimaced when he realized he probably shouldn’t let this go to a message.

“Hey, Greg. What can I do for you?”

“Dane, I need a favor.”

Greg was a good friend of Jed and Ty’s and, by association, of his. Dane liked the guy a lot, even though he had the instincts of a shark. Greg actually reminded Dane of his dad. They had the same type A personality that put most alpha males to shame.

“What’s up?”

“I need a background check on someone I’m considering for a position, but I don’t want anyone to know I’m even considering the person. Tyler told me you could handle this.”

Okay, now he was intrigued. “Give me the details.”

“Nicky Gerhart.”

“Why do I know that name?”

“He’s the lead singer of Sebastian’s band, Baseline Sins. And I lied. I’m not thinking about hiring him. Baz is having some issues with Nick and I think it would help to have some concrete facts.”

“Anything in particular you want me to look for?”

“Yeah, there’s a girl.”

“Have anything more than her gender for me to go on?”

“Not really, but apparently she screwed them both over, so she shouldn’t be that hard to find.”

“You do know they’re rock stars, right? Finding one particular groupie could be like trying to find a needle in a haystack.”

“And here I thought you were good.”

Dane smiled at the friendly jab in Greg’s tone. “I am.”

“Then I trust you to get it done. So everything’s set for Friday? You need help with anything last-minute?”

“No, I got that under control too.”

“Good to hear it. But if you need anything, let me know. If I can’t do it myself, Trudeau will have it handled in seconds.”

Trudeau, Greg’s business partner, was the most efficient person Dane had ever met. And that was saying something considering the level of perfection his sister had attained.

“Thanks, but we’re good.”

“So, you bringing anyone Saturday?”

“Why is everyone so damn interested in my love life lately?”

“Huh. Tyler was right. So who is she?”

“Jesus, what the fuck is up with everyone? Now that you’re all seeing someone that means everyone else has to be in the market. Give me a break.”

“Talia’s a damn pretty girl.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake.”

“Hey, man, just saying.” Greg’s amusement was plain in his voice. “You could do worse. She’s pretty damn smart, too. Trudeau’s meeting with her tomorrow to talk about her handling the party after the premiere.”

Which was why she was staying in town tonight. He should probably thank Greg, but he wasn’t going to give the guy any more ammunition.

“I’m sure you’ll find her to be well-suited for the job.”

Greg laughed and Dane shook his head. Bastard.

“I’m sure I will,” Greg finally said. “See you soon. You have a good day.”

Dane would rather have a good night. With Talia.


“So you’re going out with Dane tonight? Holy shit, that’s like a major life event for you, isn’t it? I mean, you already slept with the guy and now you’re giving him a second chance. That’s unheard-of for you.”

Talia looked over her shoulder toward the bed with raised eyebrows. “Why exactly did I invite you up here to help me pick out something to wear if you’re going to give me the third degree?”

Sabrina laughed, stretched out on Talia’s hotel bed like a pinup. Her long, golden-brown hair fell in waves to the white down comforter, and her ample curves filled out the plain black t-shirt and jeans in ways Talia could never hope to do.

“Because you knew I’d want to talk, which means you want to talk. So talk.”

“There’s not really anything to talk about. Yes, we’re going to dinner. It’s just dinner.”

“And you didn’t deny the fact that you already slept with him, so obviously you did.”

“There’s no obviously about it.”

“Yeah, actually, there is, when you’re as pale as you are.”

With a huff, Talia tossed the shirt in her hands on the bed and turned to face Sabrina. She had already pulled on her favorite jeans that made her ass look like it actually had some curves to it, and she knew she looked damn good in her favorite cream, lace-and-silk bra and panties.

But the shirt was giving her fits.

“He said casual. How casual is casual in Philly? I mean, should I be wearing a silk shirt or a t-shirt?”

“You are thinking way too hard about this. And where’s Kate when we need her? She’s the one who handles the clothes questions. I’m just here for moral support.”

“I don’t need moral support.”

“Moral support, emotional support, whatever.”

“What I need is for someone to tell me what shirt to wear.”

“Oh, for— That one.”

Talia held out both hands, each holding a different shirt. Plain, conservative. Boring.

God, she was totally boring.

“No, not those.” Sabrina pointed at the weekend bag Talia had packed. “

Frowning, Talia pulled out her old Roller Derby team shirt. “This? I brought this to wear home in the car tomorrow.”

“That’s perfect.” Sabrina sounded resolute. “It’s a great color on you, it’s tight in all the right places, and it’s fun. Seriously. That’s the one.”


“No buts. You wanted my opinion. I say wear that.”

With a disgruntled huff, Talia pulled the shirt over her head, tucking it into her jeans before turning to look at herself in the mirror.

“Damn, you’re right.”

“And, bonus, you actually look like you have some fun in your life. Why’d you give up your team, anyway?”

Brushing her fingers down the silky soft, dark green cotton, Talia sighed. “Not enough time in the day. I kept missing practices because of work.”

Her team had been sorry to lose her and she’d been even sorrier to leave. The rush she got from skating and the speed and the comradery with her teammates had been amazing. Those few hours a week in the rink had sometimes felt like the only time she could completely let herself go.

“That’s too bad,” Sabrina said. “I know how much you enjoyed it.”

Talia smiled, letting her fingers trail over the emblem of the dragon wearing quads and a helmet, his tail swiping out at a rival player.

And on the back, her nickname, BlondieBombs. If she kept her hair down, maybe he wouldn’t notice. Then again, Dane pretty much noticed everything.

“Yeah, I did. But we all have to grow up and be responsible sometime.”

In the mirror, Talia smiled as Sabrina fell back on the bed, arms outstretched.

“Oh, the horror.” Sabrina’s overly melodramatic tone made Talia laugh. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun anymore. You just have to remember how. Oh, wow. Look at the time. You better get a move on. I know how you hate to be late.” Sitting up again, Sabrina bounced off the bed. “And I’ve got a date, too. As long as he doesn’t cancel again.”

“Hey, Bree, is everything okay?”

“Yes, yes, everything’s fine. I’m just feeling a little sorry for myself. I knew when I started this relationship that Greg was always going to be busy. It’s just taking me a little longer to adjust to his schedule. I thought it would get better when he moved here full-time. Sometimes I feel like he has even less time for me now. But . . .” she drew out the word to several syllables, “I don’t doubt that he loves me. We’ll work the rest out. Ooh, wear that black leather jacket.”

Talia was still laughing when she stepped out of the elevator into the lobby but didn’t see Dane right away. She swept her gaze around the lobby and finally spotted Dane hidden halfway behind a column near the atrium entrance.

She could tell from his body language that he was talking to someone. Laughing with someone.

As she drew closer, she realized that other person was a woman.

A beautiful brunette who had her hand on Dane’s arm as she laughed with him.

Talia’s smile died an immediate death, and Dane chose that moment to turn and find her.

His gaze narrowed and she immediately pulled another smile.

Dane bent toward the other woman, kissing her on the cheek before making his way to her. If she wasn’t positive she couldn’t be, Talia would be worried that what she was feeling was jealousy.

And that would be awful, wouldn’t it?


God, that voice made her smile more real. And that was so not good.


Bending down, he brushed a kiss against her cheek as if he knew she wouldn’t let him kiss her full on the mouth. Not even after the night they’d spent together.

Or maybe he just wasn’t into public displays of affection.

“You look great.” He took a step back and let his gaze slide down then back up. “Are you ready to leave?”

“Of course.”

As they headed for the door, Dane put his hand on her lower back, just below the hem of her short jacket, letting her feel the heat of his fingertips.

A melting warmth began low in her body. She really needed to get a handle on this lust or she was going to do something she’d regret. Maybe not at the time she was doing it, but probably later.

“Would you like to know who I was talking to?”

She flushed, hating that he’d read her so easily.

“I really don’t need—”

“She’s one of the board members. I didn’t introduce you because she would’ve grilled you about the retreat and I didn’t want to waste our time together fending off her questions. Trust me, you’ll be happy I did when you meet her at the retreat. The woman hasn’t met a moment of silence she hasn’t tried to fill.”

“I’m sure I’ll be able to handle her,” Talia said as he opened the door to his car, a sleek black Dodge Challenger. “I’ve dealt with several brides and their mothers, all of whom have an opinion about how their wedding should be handled.”

“I’m sure Belle hasn’t been difficult to work with,” Dane said after he’d slid into the driver’s seat and got them onto the street.

“I don’t think Annabelle could be annoying if she tried. Kate . . . She’s a whole other story. Don’t get me wrong, I love her, but she and I have some pretty strong opposing opinions. So, where are we going?”

“I’d like it to be a surprise, unless you absolutely have to know.”

A surprise? She typically didn’t like surprises unless she was the one in charge of them. They made her twitchy. But Dane looked happy and she didn’t want to ruin this for him.

“Nope, I’m fine.”

“Then I hope you’ll enjoy it.”

She was pretty sure she’d enjoy any time she spent with him.

They kept the conversation light as Dane drove out of downtown and into one of the suburban neighborhoods. The buildings were brick, older but not run down. Several showed signs of fresh renovation, and there were a few small children running up and down the sidewalks even though it was dark and cold.

It didn’t take long to get where they were going and when Dane finally parked in a guarded lot in an area of the city she’d never been in, she had to admit to being extremely curious.

After getting out of the car, Dane led her to a building that looked like a warehouse. Built of the same brick as the surrounding neighborhood, the building was about two stories tall with no windows.

Music pounded through the walls and she started to smile.

She recognized this place. Even though she’d never been here, she knew exactly what lay inside those walls.

She turned to Dane, who smiled at her. On another man, that smile might have been cocky or smarmy. Dane managed to make it look sweet and sexy at the same time.

The fact that he knew this part of her background wasn’t a surprise. In fact, it should be a little frightening. He’d dug into her background, at least far enough to know this about her.

The insane need to smile warred with the fear to run away. Far away. And fast.

“How did you know?”

He shook his head. “A journalist never reveals his sources.”

“So you admit to poking into my life?”

His eyebrows lifted. “I don’t consider it poking. I call it getting to know you.”

She really wanted to be upset. Really should be worried about what else he’d found. But she couldn’t be when he so obviously had gone out of his way to find something to do on their first date that she loved.

“Do you skate?”

He looked a little sheepish. “I can, but, I’ll tell you right now, it’s not gonna be pretty.”

She laughed, as he’d meant her to, and he got out of the car to open her door and help her out.

And even though she should be angry, should feel somewhat violated, she couldn’t help but be a little thrilled by the fact that he liked her enough to want to know something about her.

That he’d picked a skating rink as a first date . . .

Dangerous. The man is dangerous.

But for the first time in a very long time, she didn’t
to care about someone finding out about her past. Didn’t want to worry about another person she thought was a friend turning her back on her or treating her like a leper. Like she’d committed a crime . . . when the crime had been her father’s.

Smiling up at Dane, she let herself look at him.

Under a black pea coat, his long-sleeved t-shirt was for a band she’d only vaguely heard of. His jeans were comfortably worn and not because he’d bought them that way. This man didn’t always live in suits and ties. But no matter what he wore, he looked good. And he looked particularly good naked.

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