Read Double Her Pleasure Online

Authors: Randi Alexander

Tags: #threesome, #menage, #menage a trois, #mfm, #cowboy romance, #movie star romance, #cowboy menage, #malefemalemale, #double her fantasy, #double seduction series

Double Her Pleasure (15 page)

BOOK: Double Her Pleasure
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Megan couldn’t imagine facing their mother
now that Patty knew her secret. Two men. At one time. How could a
mother accept that? Of course, she was judging Patty by her own
mother’s rigid standards.

“Listen.” Trey stood next to Garret. Both men
stared at her. “Give us a week. We’ll do everything we can to catch
this asshole. Then, if you still want to go...”

“We’ll talk about it.” Garret wrapped his big
hand around her arm. “We’ll go week by week after that.” He glanced
at his brother. “I have a feeling we’re going to catch the bastard
in the next few days. There ain’t many places to hide in these

Trey nodded. “If you leave, and he follows
you back to Canada, it could take a lot longer to catch him. He’d
blend in again up there. Here, he’s a stranger, and once the word
gets out to be on the lookout for a stranger...”

“The little shit has no chance.” Garret’s
brows drew downward. “Please stay, Megan. Give us a chance to do
this for you.”

A smile curled her lips and relief took the
edge of her nerves. She really hadn’t been looking forward to
leaving, and they were right. She was safer here than anywhere
else, and the chances of him getting caught were much better in
Texas. “Okay. One week.” One week where she’d still worry about all
of them, but could alleviate some of her apprehension by taking an
active role in catching Hines.

Trey leaned forward, set his hand at the nape
of her neck, and kissed her. “You made the right decision,

“Yeah, we’re not going to let you out of our
sight.” Garret’s palm slid down her arm, he lifted her hand, and
kissed it. “Now, just one more thing to do before we can jump back
into bed for a week.”

Her men exchanged glances.

Some of Megan’s anxiety returned. “What?”
This couldn’t be good.

Trey gestured toward the bathroom. “Quick
showers, then we’ll meet in the kitchen and go talk to Mom and

“Talk to your...?” It took her a moment to
grasp the subject of the talk. “Oh, no.” Stepping back, she shook
her head. “I don’t think so.”

Garret crossed his arms over his chest.
“Maybe we haven’t told you this in a way that would make you
believe it, but we’re serious about you.”

Her heart skipped a beat. “Serious?” Just how

Trey crossed his arms, too. “Serious enough
to let our parents in on our relationship. And let them in on all
of it.”

Megan sucked in a shaky breath and let it out
quickly. “You’re sure about this?” She visualized herself sitting
between her two men, their parents across the table giving her
thunderous glares. “Really sure?”

“Are you sure, baby?” Garret’s eyes narrowed.
“Are you serious enough about Tray and me to face the elder

It would be easy for her to turn tail and run
back to Canada. Not have to deal with Patty and Derrick, bring all
her trouble with her, and never see Garret and Trey again. The
thought nearly made her cry.

Her men stood gloriously naked in front of
her, hers for the taking, all bulky muscles, hard cocks, and
handsome, perfect faces. That much alone would be enough to make
her stay. But add in their intensity, their amazing personalities,
and their constant desire for her... She couldn’t resist them.

“Okay.” She swallowed and set a new direction
for her life. “I’ll go with you to talk to your parents. But if it
goes badly, I may reconsider staying.”

The men both reached for her.

Backing away, she shook her head. “Wait, one

“Name it.” Garret followed her. Stalked her
with the sexiest look in his eyes.

“I get to use the shower first.” She grinned
and skittered around the bed and into the bathroom.

Behind her, male laughter grew closer then
echoed as they joined her in the big tiled room.

“How about this for a deal.” Trey turned on
the water. “You get to come first in the shower.”

Garret stepped under the spray and held out
his hand to her. “First, second, and third?”

She took his hand, grasped Trey’s, and pulled
him into the shower with her. Her lovers pressed their bodies to
each side of hers and she reached for their big, hard cocks.


Nearly an hour later, Megan, Trey and Garret
made it down to the kitchen.

Inez stood at the stove stirring a pot of
something marvelous-smelling. “Hello, you three. Lunch won’t be
ready for another hour, but I made sweets.” A plate of
double-chocolate chip cookies sat on the table, and the men grabbed
for them. Trey offered one to Megan.

“Oh, Miss Megan.” Inez wiped her hands on her
apron and picked up a slip of paper from the counter. “Your mother
called a half hour ago. I told her you were resting.”

“My mother?” They hadn’t spoken in months.
“How did she find me here?”

“Well, evidently...” Inez read from her
notes. “The parole officer for that stalker man has tried to call
you, but it goes right to the answering machine.”

“Voice mail.” Trey interpreted with smile.
“What’s your cell service provider?”

Megan pulled her phone from her purse and
showed it to him.

“Yeah, you won’t get service around here.”
Trey pointed to her phone. “No bars.”

She hadn’t noticed that when she checked her
phone. Of course, her mind had been occupied with two sexy

“And so,” Inez continued. “Because the parole
officer couldn’t reach you, he’s been calling your parents.”

“I bet they were worried.” She should have
told them where she was going.

worried. They called your
neighbor and she told them you were in Texas, but only had your
cell phone number.” Inez gave Megan a brief reproving glance.

More guilt clenched at her stomach.

Garret fidgeted, looking like he wanted to
grab the paper from Inez and read the words himself. “And

“And then...” Inez shot him a look. “When the
parole officer got a call from our sheriff this morning, he called
your parents with our phone number.” She looked proud that she had
helped resolve that part of the problem.

Damn. Getting calls from the PO and the
sheriff could only make trouble for her with her parents. “I’ll
call her back this afternoon.” Megan reached for the message.

“No need. We had a long talk.” Inez tipped
her head. “She seems very protective of you. When I told her what
was happening here with the stalker, she wanted to help.” Inez
smiled as she handed the paper to Megan. “They’re on their way

“What?” Both Megan and Garret nearly shouted
the word.

“Aw hell.” Trey dropped his head.

Inez’s smile left her as her brow wrinkled.
“Did I do wrong?” She looked at each of their faces. “They only
want to be here for you.”

“No. You did nothing wrong.” Megan took
Inez’s hand. “It’s just a surprise, I guess, that they want to come

“They want to bring you home.” Inez turned
her worried gaze on Trey and Garret. “To keep Miss Megan safe, they
think it’s best.”

Megan’s hand slid from Inez’s and dropped to
her side. Coming to take her home?

The men were silent and unmoving.

Inez clasped her fingers together at her

“That’s wonderful.” Megan forced a smile for
the woman’s benefit. “I can’t wait to see them.” She didn’t know
how she could possibly handle her parents on top of everything else
going on right now.

She turned to Trey. “Should we go? I want to
be back in time to dig into whatever fabulous delicacy Inez is
creating for us.”

Trey gave a somber nod.

Inez visibly relaxed. “Are you going to

Trey took Megan’s elbow. “No, just to see Mom
and Dad.”

She fluttered a hand. “Good. Stay close to
home until everything is safe again.”

Garret opened the door and winked at Inez.
“Yes ma’am.”

The three of them walked outside into the hot
sun. Trey’s truck sat crooked in the driveway from the earlier
aborted trip to Clear Lake. Garret helped Megan into the front seat
as Trey started the engine and cranked the air conditioning to full

Once they were settled, Garret slung his arm
across the back of the seat behind Megan. “How are you doing,

She blinked a couple times. “They’re coming
to take me home?” She gave a half-laugh. “I’m thirty years old.
What are they thinking?”

Trey laced his fingers with hers. “We won’t
let them take you.” He gave her a grin.

“Thanks.” Her laughter was real this time.
“It’s just, the timing is so bad.”

“I don’t know.” Garret rubbed his thumb on
her shoulder. “As long as we’ve got a goddamn circus going on,
might as well bring in the clowns.” He glanced at her. “No

“You’re right.” She squeezed Trey’s hand and
bumped shoulders with Garret. She’d take a leap, and see if she’d
land in paradise. “If we can get through everything that’s
happening right now, we should be able to handle anything in the

“Yeah.” Trey kissed her temple. “I like it
when you talk about the future, sweetheart.”

“We can have one, you know.” Garret kissed
her other temple. “We just have to want it bad enough.”

Megan’s chest expanded in a warm, achy
feeling that told her she was already in deep. She loved these
guys, even after such a short time. She’d do anything for a chance
at a future with them. But with the threat of the stalker, Patty
and Derrick’s reaction to their unique relationship, and her own
parents on the way here...

She couldn’t make promises yet. “Let’s take
it one week at a time.”

Trey and Garret looked at each other over her

“Whatever you want, Megan.” Trey put the
truck in gear.

“But you gotta know, we’re gonna fight for
more.” Garret lifted a brow.

“I’d be heartbroken if you didn’t.” One step
at a time. “Can I use one of your phones? I should call the hotel
in town and make a reservation for my parents.”

Trey shifted the truck into gear. “I got a
better idea.”

He didn’t want to settle her parents in the
ranch house, did he? In the guest room right down the hall from

“You don’t mean...” Garret laughed. “Oh,
they’re gonna shit bricks.”

She looked between them. “Who? Why?”

Trey winked at her. “After we talk to Mom and
Dad and explain the situation between the three of us, we’ll inform
them that they’re going to have company in the old homestead.”

“Oh, Trey, you wouldn’t.” Megan couldn’t
imagine doing that to his parents. “They might kill each other.” A
giggle escaped her lips. “Or worse, they might become best friends
and never leave.”

Garret laughed. “Megan, baby, as long as we
have you between us, there ain’t nothing else in the world that

A sweet burst of emotion choked her. She set
her palms on her men’s thighs and drew strength from them. “That’s
perfect then, because there’s nowhere in the world I’d rather


Are you ready for the final book in the Double
Seduction Series? Double Her Temptation is coming soon! Here’s a
sneak preview.

Double Her Temptation
Chapter One

Megan Shore couldn’t think of anywhere she’d
rather be than right here, between her two men on the front seat of
the ranch’s pickup truck. If only they weren’t heading toward the
last place she’d ever imagined going.

Behind the wheel, her cowboy, Trey McGatlin,
pulled the truck out of the ranch house’s driveway and onto the
road. On her right, Trey’s brother, Garret McGatlin, bumped her
shoulder. “It’s not gonna be that bad.” His smile didn’t reach his
blue eyes, and he ran a hand through his wavy blond hair. He slid
on his dark sunglasses against the noonday sun.

“For you. They can’t kill you.” She unknotted
her hands from their death link in her lap. “They could easily kill
me and hide the body where no one would ever find it.”

Trey laughed and rubbed her leg. Beneath his
white straw cowboy hat, his dark blue eyes sparkled. “You’ve met
our parents. They’re good people.” He steered the big, white truck
over the bridge leading to the ranch’s buildings. Barns, sheds,
huts, houses. All the important features of a western Texas cattle

“Once they hear what you have to tell
them...” She glanced at herself in the rearview mirror. Her green
eyes were wide. Her heart beat a little faster when she saw her own
fear. Megan smoothed her long, wind-tangled black hair, wishing
she’d brought a brush. She hated to talk to Patty and Derrick
McGatlin looking like she’d just spent an hour tussling in bed with
their two sons. Which she just had.

Did one of her men have a comb? Garret was a
movie star. He had to have one on him.

Before she could ask, he pointed out his
window at a big, square one-level building. “That’s the dining hall
and rec building for the ranch hands.”

Trey pointed out his window. “The foreman’s
house and the bunkhouse are right on the river.”

Megan leaned around him to see. “A pool?”
She’d been on the ranch a few days, but hadn’t had time to see this
section of the spread. Most of her hours had been spent with Garret
and Trey in the big main bedroom of the ranch house.

Garret laid his arm across the seat back and
rubbed her shoulder. “The ranch hands live here year round. Gotta
keep them happy.”

“For some of them, this is their only home.”
Trey looked at her for a few long seconds.

She smiled. Her men were trying to take her
mind off the upcoming confrontation. She loved them for that, but
she’d rather talk about what was ahead of them at the guesthouse
three miles downriver. Trey and Garret’s parents were staying there
while visiting from their retirement home on the Gulf of Mexico.
The three of them were driving to the guesthouse now, to reveal
something Megan had believed would always be a secret.

BOOK: Double Her Pleasure
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