Downs, Jana - Ravyn's Destiny [Ravyn Warriors 3] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove) (14 page)

BOOK: Downs, Jana - Ravyn's Destiny [Ravyn Warriors 3] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)
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“Take him out there. I’ll cover the bar.”

* * * *

Destin was shoved rather rudely into the alley. He righted himself quickly and crossed his arms across his narrow chest. His shadows were hissing and growling at the treatment, wanting to do something about the attitudes the Ravyns were exuding.

“Talk, human. Where is our Prince?” The biggest of the bunch growled at him. That was it. He’d had enough of this sort of treatment.

“First of all, I am not a human to be ordered about.” He let his human mask slip away to be replaced by his true faery self. To other fae he just seemed to exude more power. To anyone else he literally glowed. His skin took on an even more golden sheen and power came off of him in waves. The Ravyns gasped in unison. “Second of all, I did not know that he was a Prince when I took him into my bed.”

“We don’t care that you slept with him,” Tony said. He was the first to regain his composure. “What we care about is where he is and if he’s all right.”

“Salvatore is fine,” Destin offered, distancing himself from the warriors. “You have my word.”

“And whose word is that?” Another of the warriors, the one he’d seen with the vampire Damian, asked. Destin let his powers flex, forming a small circlet around his head from the elements in the air.

“I’m Salvatore’s Destiny, King of the Fae Kingdom of Underhill.” He gave a slight incline of his head to each warrior.

“We want our Prince back.” Tony growled. “King or not, you will give him over to us.”

“I’m afraid that’s impossible. He was mortally wounded and had to be taken Underhill to be healed by our magicks. Unfortunately, there were some unintended side effects, and I don’t know when or if he will be able to return to Earth.”

“Then take us to him,” Dageus snapped recklessly.

“That is an impossibility. I don’t know you, and my kingdom is peaceful. We want no part in Demontia’s power struggles.” It wasn’t that they didn’t have warriors, but no King wanted to open his kingdom up to internal attack. Plus, the Ravyns would no doubt become dependent on Underhill’s energies and be trapped there as well.

“I don’t think you get it. We will fuck you up if you don’t bring us to Salvatore
,” the biggest one rumbled. No doubt he was the muscle of the bunch. “So how about it,

“Druas, he has Salvatore. It isn’t wise to threaten him,” the smaller, quick one cautioned.

“And what do you suggest we do, Germany? Ask nicely?”

“Shut up, all of you. He isn’t strong enough to travel yet, but I assure you when he is I will find a way to allow communication between you and he can explain everything that has transpired. Until then, have a little patience,” Destin said firmly. “I will bring you letters from him if you like to assure you he is okay, but that is all I can do.”

“That’s so not fucking good enough.” Dageus lunged at him, and Destin disappeared outside his reach only to reappear several feet away from the Ravyns.

“Too fucking bad!” Destin snapped. With a thought, he disappeared.

* * * *

It took him nearly a week to lose the Ravyns. Their power to travel in the same bolt-holes that Destin used to travel was a bitch. He stopped back at the club and retrieved his things. The warriors had finally collapsed of exhaustion back at the vampire’s mansion, and Destin wasn’t too far from it himself. His hands shook as he grabbed up his things. He just needed a few minutes of sleep and he’d be good to go. As he came around the bar and grabbed his bag, he inhaled the emotions in the room like it was water to a thirsty man. Immediately, he felt better, but he still needed sleep.

He glanced at Naut, who glowered back at him. He’d had to extricate elaborate promises from his shadows to keep them from hurting the Ravyns in their pursuit. As far as the wraiths were concerned, the Ravyns had committed crimes punishable by death.

“It’s stupid to exhaust yourself in such a manner,” Naut complained.

“It’s also stupid to injure or kill my lover’s friends just because they care about him.”

“He’d get over it.”

“If you think that, then you don’t know Salvatore.” Destin’s expression was sour as he spoke.

“My lord,” a demure voice interrupted. Destin glanced up to see his messenger, Jonah, standing on the other side of the bar. His bright-orange hair and crystal-blue eyes contrasted nicely even under the dim beams of the club lights. His messenger shouldn’t be here. It was dangerous for any of his Court to be here without another stronger fae with them. Their energies were greatly reduced by being outside Underhill. They could starve here.

“What’s wrong?” Destin asked immediately.

The other fae shifted from foot to foot uneasily. “It is your would-be Consort, my lord. He’s been refusing to feed since your absence. He has told everyone that he will only feed on you. While the sentiment is romantic and has enchanted the Court with its telling…it has been almost three weeks, and he is…well, my lord, he is dying. The physicians fear he won’t last the night if he doesn’t take in some powerful energy.”

“Stubborn, conceited, arrogant, dirty-playing, no good, obstinate ass demon!” Destin let his curses fly. “That dragon is insane! Absolutely fucking insane!”

“ lord?” poor Jonah stuttered. His Court wasn’t used to seeing Destin in such a temper. He was usually quite calm in their presence.

“Go ahead of me and take Salvatore to my chambers. I’ll be right behind you. Get him prepared for me.”

“So you’ll give him your energy, my lord? Give in to his demands?” Jonah asked, wide-eyed. Destin let out another string of curses before taking a deep breath, holding it for a moment and counting backward from ten before releasing it.

“I don’t have much choice. He’s holding his own body hostage. That smart-ass demon knows that I love…” He paused.
. He’d all but declared himself now. He glanced at the now-beaming Jonah.
Oh yeah.
The entire Court would know by nightfall that their King was in love with the Demon Prince

He shook his head. He still couldn’t believe Salvatore was a Demon Prince. It made sense now and alleviated some of his deeper fears and concerns about Salvatore’s motivation and desires for him. It also explained why Salvatore had never considered Destin his King or his superior. Most fae of his Court had to obey him if he gave them a direct command. The fact that Salvatore hadn’t had been amazing at the time but now it made perfect sense. He was a Demon Prince, heir to the throne of Demontia. In the eyes of society and hierarchy, they were equals in every way.
a perfect match in the bedroom
, a sly voice that sounded suspiciously like his conscious said in the back of his mind.

Jonah bowed before his King. “I’ll go ahead. Thank you, my King.” In a blink he was gone. Destin sighed and adjusted the strap on his messenger bag before willing himself back to Underhill. It was time he faced Salvatore…and himself.

Chapter Twelve

“Oh Lord and Lady, Salvatore. What have you done to yourself?” Destin asked quietly. The beautiful, crumpled man on his comforter was unconscious and breathing shallowly. Physically, he looked the same as always, but his aura was a sickly, yellow-green color that was paling by the second. His body was already demanding he sleep to make up for the lack of fae energy flowing through him. Eventually, he’d fall into a coma that he would never wake up from. He had hours at most.

Destin closed his eyes and concentrated on his lover, sending energy coiling through the air to wrap around Salvatore’s prone form. “Wake up, love. Wake up for me. I’ve got what you need,” Destin soothed. His body stirred eagerly inside his leather breeches. He’d missed Salvatore in the time he’d been away, but he hadn’t realized quite how much until his body began to ache like he’d never had the touch of another man. Not even work had been the same without Salvatore sitting in his regular seat with his regular drink, his eyes watching Destin as he moved around the bar.

Salvatore’s eyelids flickered before opening. His pupils were dilated, and he licked his lips hungrily. “You…came.” His voice was labored as he spoke.

“Of course I came, you stupid demon. I don’t want to lose you.” Destin unbuttoned his leathers and slowly slid the zipper down. “Why did you do this? Wouldn’t have you had an easier time talking to me instead?” He kicked his shoes off and dropped his pants down to his ankles before kicking them off.

“You wouldn’t…you wouldn’t listen.” Salvatore’s breath was becoming stronger, but it was now coming out in pants as he watched Destin’s striptease. “You never listen.” Destin ran his hand down the center of his chest, across his abdomen, and wrapped it around his long-cut meat. He pumped his fist on the hardening member, paying special attention to the head and the adornment that glistened there.

“Didn’t know you pierced that.” Salvatore struggled to sit up. Destin was proud of his Prince Albert. The last time they’d been together he’d taken it out, but he’d forgotten to this time. The piercing made his prick almost too sensitive, and so he usually left it out, but with Salvatore…with Salvatore he wanted to feel everything as sharply as he could. He tugged on the ring and groaned.

“Like that, Salvatore?” The Demon Prince nodded, licking his lips as if he wanted to explore it with his tongue. “Like my pierced cock?” He panted and tugged a little harder as he watched Salvatore’s length jerk at the sight. The demon nodded again and spread his legs, giving Destin a good view of his high, firm ass. “Lord and Lady, Salvatore, I want to fuck you this time. You mind?”

“Been waiting for you to do it since day one,” Salvatore declared, reaching his hand down and rubbing his turgid length as he watched Destin. His voice sounded firmer as he drank in Destin’s lust. “I want you to have everything. We’re equals.” Destin nodded, not trusting himself to speak. His lover was so giving, and he’d been so selfish…

“Hey.” Salvatore’s voice drew him out of his mental chastisement. He looked up and met Salvatore’s loving gaze. “It’s okay.” He knew then that Salvatore had known from the beginning that they were headed into serious relationship territory. He’d been patient in his wooing. Destin had just wished that he’d acknowledged it sooner.

Destin’s knees hit the mattress, and he knelt there. He had to stop touching himself or else he would come just by looking at Salvatore’s beautiful body spread out for him. “Spread wider, baby,” he encouraged. Salvatore grabbed his legs and spread wide, exposing the tight rosette that would bring them both to ecstasy this time. Destin groaned. “Did they lube you for me like I asked?” Salvatore nodded.

“Yeah,” he panted. “I was in and out, but from the catches of conversation I heard, I’m ready.”

Destin inhaled the musky scent of Salvatore’s ass, bending over to get closer. He nuzzled the tight sac that hung above the object of his fascination and lapped at the tight globes. Salvatore’s legs trembled in anticipation of his ministrations. He tongue slipped down to caress the area of skin between Salvatore’s sac and perineum. He gasped softly, and Destin couldn’t help but groan at the taste. The lube his people had used was vanilla and sugar.
. All fae had a sweet tooth, Destin more than most. Couple that with the natural, musky flavor of Salvatore and Destin had officially decided his drug of choice.

“Oh, damn.” Salvatore’s breath left in a hiss. His hips started rocking against Destin’s mouth. “Oh
.” The demon’s whispered expletives made him chuckle.

“Taking a page out of my book, doll?”

“Huh?” Salvatore blinked. That only made Destin laugh harder and drive his tongue deeper into Salvatore’s stretched ass in search of more sweet treats. The Demon Prince groaned. The sound was beautiful.

“Hmmm, you taste good, Salvatore. Like me licking that tight little pucker?” Salvatore couldn’t do anything but make little noises of need in the back of his throat. “Ever had someone lick you, doll?”

“No. No one but you. Gods! Destin, more!”

Five minutes later Salvatore was rocking his hips in a perfect counterrhythm to Destin’s searching tongue. The Fae King didn’t know how much longer he could hold out. He needed to be buried inside his Demon Prince like he needed air in his lungs.

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