Downs, Jana - Ravyn's Destiny [Ravyn Warriors 3] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove) (20 page)

BOOK: Downs, Jana - Ravyn's Destiny [Ravyn Warriors 3] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)
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“Is the faery serious?” Druas asked in wonder. “Is he really donating troops to overthrow Desmond?”

“With a significant force, we could convince the demons still loyal to our cause to join the battle. Right now we have the element of surprise. Rumor has already been circulating that you are dead from this world,” Tony added his thoughts. His mind was obviously churning with possibilities.

“Vampires never do anything for free,” Dageus piped up, addressing the fae advisors. “And they never do anything for another species unless their arms are twisted. I could get Alex onboard, but he doesn’t have the clout or the muscle in his line to back it up. He’d have to go to the Vampire Council and ask for assistance. Once they grant him the ability, he can talk to other clans but not until then. It’d take some fancy maneuvering. I’ll talk to him about it when we’re finished here.”

Salvatore held up his hand to silence their excited chatter. “Is this why Destin has been staying away? Because he’s been arranging this? Why didn’t he contact me? Something, anything would’ve done. He knew what I would’ve thought about being left alone. What the hell?”

Quis and Mar shot each other a glance and then glanced at Salvatore in confusion. “Why didn’t you summon him?” Mar wondered. “He’s been waiting for your call for weeks now. To be honest, he’s trying to be patient but he’s been pretty miserable without you.”

Salvatore blinked. “How the hell am I supposed to summon him? I don’t know how!” He twisted the ring on his finger in agitation. As the ring spun into the light, the engraving caught his eye again.
you go. So go I. Call my name. Saoi
. Gods, was it really that simple?

“Saoi, stubborn-ass uncommunicative King of Underhill, I summon you.”

The room flashed white, blinding everyone momentarily. The Ravyns’ powers expanded as their fear leapt to the forefront of thought. They all simultaneously dove in Salvatore’s direction, dog piling on top of him in an effort to shield him from whatever made the light. When the blinding shroud faded, a shorter male stood in the middle of the sitting room with a tight, black, mesh shirt, black pants with neon-green stitches, and a gold crown on his head that was inlaid with black-and-red stone. A single ring adorned his finger. The matching platinum band was the only thing needed to tell the Ravyns what they needed to know. The bartender was Salvatore’s husband and the King of Faeries.

Destin blinked, his brows furrowing. “Did you call me here to watch your wrestling match, Salvatore? I had hoped you’d summon me to a more private setting.” He almost seemed to be pouting. Salvatore let out a frustrated noise and shoved at his Ravyns.

“Get off me, you big louts! For Heaven’s sake. You are crushing me.” The Ravyns shifted ever so slightly, allowing Salvatore to sit up straight but not giving Destin a clear shot of his lover. They all gave identical snarls in his direction. Salvatore’s irritation rose.

“That is my husband you are growling at. Stop it. Now.” The growls quieted, but they remained where they were.

“Well, they certainly are protective,” Destin noted dryly. “Not to mention stubborn,” he added after a moment as Salvatore pushed against Druas’s broad shoulders in vain. “They’re afraid I’m here to steal you away again.” Salvatore glanced at their auras. Yes. Fear was there. Mistrust as well.

“Ravyns,” he warned. “That is my husband, and this is your last chance to show him the proper respect awarded his station.” They remained unmoved. “You have ’til the count of three. One. Two.” One by one the Ravyns dropped to their knees and twined their middle and ring fingers, inclining their heads in a perfect bow. “Better.” He petted Tony’s head, trying to sooth the tension that was rolling off of his Ravyn in waves.

The Demon Prince stepped around them and walked up to his lover. “Next time you drop me off somewhere in the middle of the night, leave a phone number,” he chastised.

“I left instructions.” The Fae King motioned to the ring on his finger.

“Those are not instructions. Those are sweet, sentimental words that you’d find on any other personalized wedding ring.”


“Stubborn faery.” Salvatore growled.

“Pigheaded demon,” Destin snapped back. The annoyance melted out of both of them as the argument progressed. They slowly smiled at one another.

“Missed you, faery boy,” Salvatore admitted. Destin came easily into his arms, resting his head on Salvatore’s strong shoulder.

“Missed you, too.” Destin pressed a kiss to the side of Salvatore’s neck. “Everything is almost ready for your war.” He motioned toward his Ravyns. “You’re going to need more of them as this conflict progresses. Five men are good, but seven men are better. Magick works better with seven.”

“My Ravyns said the same thing before I was taken to Underhill.” The Demon Prince felt the old well of magick rise within him. His wings threatened to take form on his back. “I still don’t think I’ve got the energy to bind them as my father did.” He was exasperated by that. He’d thought with his additional powers that it would be a simple thing, but he now knew the spell that his father had performed, and it required a lot more than he had.

“You have a few picked out?” Destin asked, drawing back slightly so he could look into Salvatore’s face.

“Yes. Two shifters from the Entertainer household that act as bodyguards. They’re well trained and loyal. It doesn’t matter though. I don’t think I can do it.”

“You can’t do it alone. I was looking through our records for the spell that your father used to bind them in reincarnation after you told me about it. The reason it weakened him so severely was because he didn’t perform it correctly. He was lucky he didn’t kill himself trying it. He must’ve been tremendously powerful.”

“He was,” Salvatore agreed. He frowned as what Destin said sank in. “What do you mean incorrectly? What did he do wrong?”

“You need two members of royal lines to perform it. It takes only partial power from each. Usually, it is the King and Queen who perform it so that they have equal burdens.”

Salvatore shook his head. “My mother wouldn’t have survived it.”

“Perhaps not. But I would.” Destin’s beautiful eyes were filled with steely determination. “With our combined strengths, we could open and draw more people into the binding.”

“You would do this for me?” Salvatore was oddly touched by his persistence on his behalf. It was nice to be so thoroughly taken care of and, at the same time, made to feel the power of his station.

“I want you as protected as I can possibly get moving forward. I would die for you, Salvatore. Of course I will do this for you.” Destin sounded downright annoyed that he’d even asked. His southern drawl got thicker whenever he got annoyed. The demon traced Destin’s jaw with the tip of his finger.

“I’m glad you’re not running from us anymore.”

“Gag. If you put anymore sentimental crap into this conversation, I am seriously going to puke,” Allasandro’s voice piped up from behind them. They turned in unison and saw the Ravyn still on his knees, head bowed, but the expression on his face was unmistakable. Destin burst out laughing.

“Is he always like that?” he asked after a moment of being lost in his fit of giggles.

“Yes,” Salvatore said sadly. “Always.”


One Week Later

The two monarchs lay side by side in opposite directions on Salvatore’s bed. Destin’s mouth surrounded the thick length of Salvatore’s cock while Salvatore’s own mouth worked the pierced head of Destin’s. The feeling of the two sensations of being sucked and getting sucked was one that Salvatore was thoroughly enjoying.

He reached his hand up and fondled his partner’s tight sac as he neared the peak of his pleasure. There was nothing the Demon Prince loved more than making his lover spurt helplessly into his willing mouth. Destin’s mouth popped off his arousal as he drew closer.

“Salvatore. Stop,” he panted. “Goin’ to come.” His mouth immediately went back to Salvatore’s aching length, working it hard with a desperate edge to the movement.

Salvatore drew his mouth back, using his hand instead to work Destin’s body as his hips started pumping instinctually. “Come for me then,” he mumbled. “Shoot down my throat like a good faery boy.” Destin cried out around the member in his mouth and convulsed hard. He gave forth his seed in mighty gushes of fluid, the most of which Salvatore caught as he sealed his mouth over the rosy head in anticipation. Salvatore swallowed easily, the familiar salty-sweet taste a welcome flavor to him.

Destin had to back off Salvatore’s body for a second to pant. “I didn’t want to come yet, you merciless bastard.” His words sounded out of breath and full of pleasure despite the name calling.

“I love you, too, asshole,” Salvatore returned, placing a kiss on his lover’s spit-shined tip. He glanced down his body and saw Destin give him a smirk, his brown eyes shining.

Before he could ask what he was up to, Destin’s power filled the room with the sweet, heady smell of flowers. It was an aphrodisiac pheromone that members of the royal faery family possessed. Destin had told him about it before but had refused to demonstrate. Until now.

Salvatore throbbed and a moan of want worked itself out of his throat. “
merciless?” he gasped.

“Going to ride you so good, dragon boy.” Destin smirked. “Payback is a bitch, huh?”

Salvatore couldn’t do much but gasp for breath as Destin climbed up his body, flipping his leg over the demon’s hip so that he was astride Salvatore. Without preamble, he took Salvatore’s cock and pushed himself down onto the weeping tip. The demon howled his pleasure to the ceiling as his lover began a fast and furious pace designed to put him over the moon in no time.

Within five minutes, Salvatore was begging for mercy. He never got tired of his lover’s body joined with his.

“Come for me, Salvatore,” Destin panted, giving him his most wicked look of pleasure. “Come for me.” Salvatore did. He gave one last lunge upward into the sanctuary of his lover’s body before going off like a shot within the tight depths.

As they lay together panting afterward, a hesitant knock sounded on the door.

“My Princes,” Tony’s unsure voice said through the thick oak. “The ceremony space is all prepared. We’re just, uh, waiting on the two of you.” Destin started laughing at that, and Salvatore put a hand to his mouth to smother the sound. He tried exceedingly hard not to sound like he’d just had the time of his life.

“I’ll, um, be out in a just a minute, Tony. Thank you.” They heard his retreating footsteps, and then Destin did burst out laughing.

“I told you getting dressed together would never work.” The Faery King tsked.

“I didn’t want you in another room,” Salvatore muttered, blushing lightly. Destin grinned knowingly.

“Yeah, I know.” The King gave Salvatore a sweet kiss before rolling over and retrieving the clothing that they’d thrown off the bed in an effort to get to each other. He pulled his shirt over his head and met the eyes of his lover. “What’s wrong, Salvatore?” The Demon Prince hesitated. “Tell me. No more secrets. Remember?”

Salvatore nodded. “I know it’s silly, but”—he paused—“after this ceremony everything is going to change. It won’t be just me and my Ravyns versus all the worlds and mercenaries in them. We’ll have a legitimate fighting force. A full-scale war will begin.”

“Isn’t that what you wanted, dragon boy? To be able to go home and claim your throne?”

“Of course, but I never imagined it would happen.” Salvatore grabbed his pair of loose pants off the floor. They were fae wear, but he’d developed a penchant for the flowy material. He let his magick out, and the wings at his back sprang to full form, fluttering gently. He pulled his pants on and opened his arms for Destin, knowing that he wouldn’t have to wait long. His fae didn’t disappoint. The Fae King pressed kisses to the muscle of his chest, his hands tracing Salvatore’s spine as he returned the embrace.

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